Marlpit 2013...2. Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head was an Oscar winner from which movie with Robert...

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Transcript of Marlpit 2013...2. Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head was an Oscar winner from which movie with Robert...

April 2013

CommunityNews forColtishall,Horstead withStanninghallGreat & LittleHautbois andBadersfield

Lambs and Lambs tailsHeralds Spring


Horstead with Stanninghall Parish

1st Buxton Lamas Sea Scout Group: Vereen Marcer 279457

1st Hoveton & Wroxham Sea Scout Group:T Hughes 01962 630699Badminton Club: Carl Tipple 738399Broadland Chess Club: Paul Badger 737572Broadland Tots2Teens Club: Maria Alborough 430538Coltishall & Horstead Youth Forum: Mike Warren 738332Coltishall & Horsted Womens Institiute: Lesley Vaughan 720629Coltishall Activities & Sports Trust [CAST]: [Chairman] JohnHarding Tel: 737721, [Vice Chairman] Doreen Snelling Tel: 737955Coltishall Allotments Association: Chairman 737644Coltishall Bridge Club: Peter Cobb 7376001st Coltishall Brownies & Guides: Emma Davey 403396Coltishall Church Bell Ringers: Tony Weston 737269Coltishall Commons Management Committee: [Clerk] Barbara ElvyTel: 01508 558761Coltishall Cricket Club: Mark Scott 624561Coltishall Jags Running Club: Alan Groves 737262Coltishall Jags Football Club:[Chairman] Steve Frost Tel: 07540 303313[Secretary] Sarah Nice Tel: 07771 545771Coltishall PF Bowls Club: [Captain] Barry Simper Tel: 783087,Secretary Linda James Tel: 890905Coltishall Tree Warden: Peter Croot 737427Community Lunch Club: Joan Milligan 737270Friends of Coltishall & Spixworth Surgeries: June Grey 890877Friends of Coltishall Church: Henry Bradshaw 738009

Hautbois Rangers: Emma Brown 898983Horning Amateur Theatrical Society: Pauline Gedge 01692 630554Horstead Bowls Club: [Secretary] Peter Cobb Tel: 737600Horstead Tree Warden: Barry Benton Tel:737279,

Tony Codling Tel: 737093Horstead Trust: [Clerk] Brian Lloyd 737632Horstead Tithe Barn Community Assoc.’n:Chairman Luke Blackburn: 078170 61324; Ian Hall Sec. 736097Hoveton Wroxham & District Gardening Club: Pam Culley: 782041Jubilee Players: Ros Chamberlin 736287Lions Club, Wroxham & Hoveton Lions Club: David Barnett 782002Mardler [North Norfolk Talking Newspaper]: Daphne Davy Tel:01263 732933Rotary Club of Broadlands: Richard Mayer 715796Rotary Club of Wroxham & Bure Valley : Stewart Kemp 738555Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes [Llamas KC Lodge]: BobJennings Tel: 738335Royal British Legion: Mr B Jordan 738325Spirit of Coltishall Association: Secretary Jeff Aylingsecretary@spiritofcoltishall.comWellington Dance [Ballroom Dancing]: Dave Cox 737907Wroxham Flower Club: Pat Barnes 720466Wroxham Folk Dance Club: Mick Wade 01692 404447Wroxham, Hoveton & Belaugh Twinning Association: Jane MonksTel: 782496Wroxham United Reform Church: Rev Matt Stone 781623Secretary: Mrs Liz Haines 736081

Directory of Clubs and Associations

[Chairman] Mrs M Gurney, Heggatt Hall, Horstead, NR127AY[Vice Chairman] Kate Lawrance, Mancroft, Church Close, Horstead, NR12 7ET Tel: 737562[Parish Clerk] Philippa Weightman, 1 Stanninghall Cottages, Horstead, NR12 7LY Tel: 736725Barry Benton, Beverley Farm, Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EH Tel: 737279Michael Blackburn, Sunny Croft, 24 Rectory Road, Horstead, NR12 7EP Tel: 737495Caroline Fleming, Horstead House, Mill Road, Horstead, NR12 7AU Tel 737686Paul Skippings, 112 Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EQ Tel: 736054Dr. Bernard Watts, Thatch Cottage, Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EF Tel: 737245Diane Williams, 5 Robert Norgate Close, Horstead, NR12 7BT Tel: 737719Robert Jennings, 3 Rectory Road, Horstead, NR12 7EP Tel: 738335

‘All correspondence and queries should be sent to the Parish Clerk’

Coltishall Parish

[Chairman] Robert Watson, 12 Westbourne Road, Coltishall, NR12 7HT Tel: 738857[Vice Chairman] Mike Warren, 39 College Close, Coltishall, NR12 7DT Tel: 738332[Parish Clerk] Barbara Elvy, 1 Drovers Rest, Kirstead Green, Brooke, NR15 1EW Tel: 01508 558761John Harding, 2 Church Street, Coltishall, NR12 7DJ Tel: 737721Doreen Snelling, Red House, Church Street, Coltishall, NR12 7DJ Tel: 737955Michael Spinks, Alan’s View, 11 Frogge Lane, Great Hautbois, NR12 7JT Tel: 737332Mark Rischmiller, 36 Ling Way, Coltishall, NR12 7HX Tel: 737748Keith Childerhouse, 9 Kings Road, Coltishall, NR12 7DX Tel: 737797Sue Brodie, 15 Kings Road, Coltishall, NR12 7DX Tel: 738561Mike Kirkham, 20 College Close, Coltishall, NR12 7DT Tel: 739117Penny Loiez, 19 White Lion Road, Coltishall, NR12 7AS Tel: 926428

[Member of Parliament ] Keith Simpson, The Stable, Church Farm, Attlebridge, NR9 5ST Tel: 865763

[Member of Parliament ] Norman Lamb, Unit 4, The Garden Center, Nursery Drive, Nth Walsham, NR28 0DR Tel: 01692 403752

[Norfolk County Councillor] James Carswell,

[Broadland District Councillor] Alan S Mallett, The Cabinet, High Street, Coltishall, NR12 7AA Tel: 738577

Our local Representatives

Please inform the editor if any of the above is incorrect, out of date , no longer valid and for the inclusionof a new club, society or association





April 2013Community News Letter for Coltishall,Horstead with Stanninghall, Great &

Little Hautbois and Badersfield.

Volunteer Editorial Staff

Editor &Advertising:Mel Douglass

01603 736

Secretary: Philippa Weightman01603 737 962

Treasurer: Anne Gilbert01603 737 577

Advert/Copy: Derek Allday01603 738 032

Distribution: Eric Johnson01603 738 683

Sub Editor: Susan Bunn01603 739 215

[At present now under ourmanagement and still under

construction]Front Cover Picture from:

Susan Bunn“Ewe & Lamb”

Your photos can be sent for

consideration as a future front page

Printed by ECO Colour Print01603 633 804

The Editor


Village gamesYou may remember that Coltishall were very successful inlast year’s Active Norfolk Village Games, winning thetrophy for the top team in the District Final at Aylsham andcompeting well, but not quite so successfully in the Countyfinal at the UEA Sports Parc.Well it is time to start doing something about the 2013Village Games and we are looking for a new ColtishallVillage Games Coordinator to organise the team. It isprobably best suited to somebody who has previouslytaken part in the Games as they will know the proceduresbut it is not that onerous even if you have never takenpart. Help will be provided by the retiring coordinator andActive Norfolk. Please contact Julie Douglass (01603737637)

Coltishall Parish CouncilYour editor attended the March meeting of the CPC (seetheir report in the Marlpit) and it was noted by theChairman that for once the number of Parishionersattending the meeting outnumbered the ParishCounsellors. Well done Parishioners, keep up the goodwork and see local democracy in action.

Youth ClubYou will see from the article within this issue that unlessfurther volunteers come forward, the Coltishall andHorstead Youth Club will close on Friday 25th July this year.Given that the parents of 20-40 children have considered itworthwhile to send their offspring to this Youth Club itshould be possible to find just 6 of those 40-80 parentswilling to give up some time to help to run it. Let’s hopeso!

Compilation EditorHelp! ….The Marlpit is looking to recruit a new member ofthe Voluntary Marlpit Team to assist with compilation ofthe Marlpit. You have seen what we produce and if this issomething that you would like to be doing then pleasecontact us (736016 or


“All correct answers submitted before the Email submissiondates for the next month with be put in a hat at the Editors MonthlyMeeting - first names drawn will be offered FREE seats to a film

performance at the Wroxham Cinema” Thank you for the supportwe now look forward to having a hat full of potential winners nextmonth. Either Email your answers to,telephone Editor and Quiz compiler Derek on 738032 or leave a notein our mail boxes to be found in The Post Office &The Pharmacy inColtishall, Farm to Fork and Fish in Horstead.

nb - What’s On is a snapshot of more details to be found in the magazine[The editors will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this summary or the printed article, everything is processed in good faith by volunteers andas in the Telegraph mistakes may occur] Church Service details can be found with Church reports - too many to list here!. A full programme of Library events isalso featured .

What’s on in April


1. In which country was Marlene Dietrich Born?2. Which actor starred with Bing Crosby in the road

films?3. Which dancer , the stare of Singing in the Rain,

never won an Oscar


1. Germany 2. Bob Hope and question 3. GeneKelley


1. In which country did The Sound of Music takeplace?

2. Raindrops Keep Fall ing on My Head was anOscar winner from which movie with RobertRedford & Paul Newman?

3. Where was the Fiddler in the Musical's title?

Answers to the editors by 12th April to go in the hat towin 2 tickets to the Wroxham Cinema

Date Time Event

Tue 2nd 7-8 pm Zumba with Becky, Tunstead School Hall, £5

Fri 5th 6:30-8 pm Dance Workshop, Tunstead School Hall, £5

Sun 7th 10am Charity Furniture Sale, Wroxham & Hoveton Lions Club, Broadland Youth &Community Centre

Tue 9th 7-8pm Zumba with Becky, Tunstead School Hall, £5

Wed 10th 7:30pm Horstead Parish Council Meeting, All Saints Church

Thu 11th 6pm Friends of Coltishall & Spixworth Surgeries General meeting, ColtishallSurgery

Fri 12th 6pm Spring Show, Wroxham & Hoveton Garden Club

Mon 15th 7pm SNAP Meeting, Jubilee Family Centre, Aylsham

7:30pm Coltishall Parish Council Annual Meeting, Village Hall

Tue 16th 7-8pm Zumba with Becky, Tunstead School Hall, £5

Wed 17th 10-11:30am Tiddlers Baby & Toddler Group, Horstead Tithe Barn, £2/Family

Sat 20th 2:30 & 7:30pm Anna Karenina, Church Hall Cinema, Wroxham

7pm for 7:30pm Charity Concert, Inner Wheel of Broadlands, St Mary’s Church, £10 a ticket

7pm for 7:30pm Colt PF Bowls Club Quiz Evening with Ploughman’s Supper

Various Bure Valley Railway Charity Walk, Macmillan Cancer Support

Sun 21st 10:15am Bowls on Sundays Horstead Bowls Club, across from The RecruitingSergeant

7:30pm Squadronaires Band Concert, Broadland High School Rotary Club

Various Bure Valley Railway Charity Walk, Macmillan Cancer Support

Tue 23rd 7-8pm Zumba with Becky, Tunstead School Hall, £5

Sun 28th Noon WHB Twinning Society, Lunch & Wine Tasting, Bijou Bottles, £11


YOUR LETTERS;The editors publish but donot necessarily share anyviews raised in thecorrespondence. Alladdresses are withheld

replies can be forwarded via theEditor

Dear friends in Coltishall andHorstead,

Please note my grateful thanks for thelove and kindness afforded our family andmyself during my Wendy’s period inhospital and final days at home.People knock our NHS services and indeed

I found it wanting at times, however,there are many dedicated and caring staffwithin its boundaries and we werefortunate to have been mostly in the careof many kind and understanding ones,both in the assessment unit and the GuistWard.I cannot speak too highly of the palliativecare that was organised and put in placeso quickly to help Wendy spend her lastdays with views of the village she loved somuch.Our doctor, district nurses and the allnight carers, Joe, Sheila and Donna gaveus much TLC and support that was trulypriceless in this age of cost cutting; ourfamilies heartfelt thanks go out to them.To all those who attended the celebrationService conducted so well by The RevdEnglesen – thank you again and for the

generous donations which at going topress are as follows;The Marie Cure Cancer Care £135Macmillan Palliative Care Team £ 240Coltishall Clock Restoration Fund £150Finally a big thank you to the Directors ofCast and The Parish Council for giving mespace during the last 3 months.

John Harding

May I just say a big thank you on behalfof all my family for the kind wishes andlovely cards we received after the death ofmy father Ernest Hewitt.We are most grateful.

Robin Hewitt & Famliy

Extract from the Minutes ofColtishall Parish Council’s

meeting heldat the Village Hall on 4 March


New CouncillorWe are pleased to welcome Mrs PennyLoiez’ to the Council.Parish PreceptCouncillors had received from the Clerk abriefing note explaining that theGovernment will reduce its grant to DistrictCouncils this year and in future years.Broadland DC will subsidise the shortfallthis year, but householders’ bills willincrease in future years. It is importantthat the Parish Council is prudent in itsfinancial dealings and ensures that itretains adequate reserves to meet theneeds of the Village. The Chairmanexpressed the view that Broadland DC’shandling of this matter was not helpful.Future Development ProposalsNo further contact had been maderegarding the Rectory Road proposal.The developers may be awaiting the newSite Allocations document from BroadlandDC due in the summer.A letter had been received from Savills,acting on behalf of the owners of landadjacent to St John’s Close , requestingthe Council’s views on the possibledevelopment of some 45 houses there. Ithad not been possible to arrange a meeting

with Savills prior to the Council meeting,but Councillors are to meet with Savills anda representative of the landowners on 14March. Broadland DC had received noformal approach from them, nor had anyapplication been received. Several localresidents expressed their concerns over theproposed development regarding location,access and the impact. It was pointed outthat the Parish Council had no prior noticeof this potential development, and willmake every effort to represent the views ofparishioners to the agents. As soon asinformation is available on any formalapplication a public meeting will bearranged.PlanningThere was no objection to Application20130043, 14 Kings Road, rearconservatory.In circulation :-Application 20130175, 7 Westbourne Road,two storey extension, single rear extensionApplication 20130136, Hernes Farm,Frogge Lane, Gt Hautbois, conversion ofagricultural buildings to one residentialdwellingApplication 20121688, Frogge Lane, GtHautbois, conversion of agricultural barn toresidential dwelling, erection of cartshedgarage with storage above. Subsequentamended plans taking the form of revisedelevations, omission of cartshed, andreduction in curtilage.Application 20130210, Railway Tavern, 7Station Road, change of use from publichouse to 2 semi-detached dwellingsAlso application to North Norfolk DistrictCouncil for two wind turbines each withmaximum blade tip height of 126.5 metreshigh together with substation and controlbuilding, access tracks and otherinfrastructure, Scottow Estate, land offPotspoon Hole, North Walsham Road.Broadland DC was consulted as aneighbouring District Council. Localresidents were angered that they had notbeen informed by either District Council ofthe application, despite the proximity of

their homes to the proposed turbines.They considered the turbines to beunsuitable for this location on grounds ofsafety to aircraft and birdlife, theenvironmental impact, and the adverseeffect on wildlife. The turbines will betransported through the village centre,causing great disruption to parishionersand through traffic, and the long-termeffect on nearby residents and to a localeconomy highly dependent on tourism islikely to be great. The Parish Council haslodged its objection to the application ongrounds of size, visual and ecologicalimpact, and safety to aircraft.R A F ColtishallCouncil representatives had attended abriefing where it was confirmed thatNorfolk County Council has completed thepurchase of the remainder of the base. Abusiness plan will be available in May/June.A project manager has been appointed,there are plans to conserve the heritage ofthe site, and £1m has been allocated forinfrastructure. It is hoped that part of thisfund will be used to improve highways inColtishall. As soon as the business plan isavailable, the Council will insist on a publicconsultation and full engagement with thevillage to ensure that local views are heardand taken into consideration. Our MP ,County and District Councillors will berequested to attend to answer localconcerns. Highways will also be asked fora full and frank engagement with the publicto ensure that the poor handling of theprison development is not repeated.

APMNext meeting is the Annual ParishMeeting on Monday 15 April 2013 inthe Village Hall at 7.30pm. This is anopportunity for parishioners to havetheir say and local groups to updatethe Council on their activities in a lessformal, plenary session.




Notes from Horstead with StanninghallParish Council February – March 2013

Horstead MillThis has been the centre of activity overthe last two months. Following a treeassessment, some of the ashes near thecar park have had to be felled and otherscut back. One of the limes has been felledand another, near the road, has beencoppiced. The work has been necessary,not only for the health of the trees but alsofor the safety of those using the site.During this time the Clerk andrepresentatives of the Broads Authorityand the Environment Agency have beenlooking at further work needed at the site.A damaged barrier on the bridge over thesluices has been replaced, but the state ofthe concrete ledges below the bridge isnow causing concern and will need to beinvestigated more thoroughly.The Playing FieldBy the time you read this, weatherpermitting, the gate to the field in MillRoad will have been re-hung and thepedestrian gate adjusted so that it closesproperly. It will then be possible to replacethe damaged apparatus without having thegate collapse on the contractor and withluck this will have been completed too.It seems that for the time being the moleshave left the site, but if this spring andsummer are as wet as the last, they will beback. The problem is that the field is veryfertile and full of worms, which the moleslove!Community ResilienceThe Clerk went to a meeting on thissubject at Thorpe Lodge during February.It is about how the community would copeto help itself after an incident or naturaldisaster, such as severe weather (Weshould be expert on this by now), powerfailure, loss of water or gas supplies,flooding, etc. Depending on the scale and

type of event, it could be some time beforeoutside help arrives, but a CommunityEmergency Plan which combines localknowledge with effective forward planningcould help the community work effectivelywith emergency responders and keepdisruption to a minimum, therebybenefiting everyone. There is moreinformation about it on the NorfolkResilience Parish council would be delighted tohear from anyone who is interested inhelping to take the plan forward, or whohas useful skills or equipment they wouldbe prepared to tell us about.Police ReportThere have been two crimes in the parishrecorded for February: one commonassault and one theft from a motorvehicle.The post box in Heggatt Road which wasstolen in January has now been replaced.The parish council are grateful to acommunity spirited member of the publicwho reported the theft both to the policeand to the Royal Mail. Apparently the localpost office was not prepared to do so.The next SNAP meeting will be onMonday 15th April at 7pm. It will takeplace at The Jubilee Family Centre,Norwich Road, Aylsham. Please go alongand share your issues with the team. Ifyou are unable to attend, you can discussthem beforehand by orcalling 101 and asking to speak toAylsham SNT.The Next Parish Council MeetingWill be on Wednesday 10 April at 7.30 pm.

APMThe Annual Parish MeetingWill be on Tuesday 21 May at 6.15 pm inthe Parish Church of All Saints’, Horstead.Please make a note in your diary. Thistime we hope to have an outside speaker.More details in the next Marlpit.

Philippa Weightman,Parish Clerk



Allotments solar flare-up!Surely all hell will break loose whenthe current trend towards greenenergy comes much closer to homefor Coltishall residents. Carefulinvestigation has shed light on a plan beingconceived to cover an area of Coltishall withsolar panels.The area has been carefully selected takinginto consideration the low existing financialyield from this particular site. By now you

may have guessed that the target area isthe Coltishall allotments. It is not an area

that can be built upon and neither does ithave the status of “grade 1 agriculturaluse” because of its previous multipurposeuse, thereby removing the usual objection

to such schemes. Such a scheme wouldtherefore have full government support as,albeit small, it would be very much part oftheir “green initiative”.It would seem that no longer will this be thepreserve of the red and black currants butwill be home to a current of a muchdifferent nature.However , it is not all bad news, as some ofthe electricity anticipated to be producedwill be put to good use in providing longneeded street lighting for Coltishall.

ECO Worrier

WHB Twinning AssociationA happy Easter to all or “JoyeusesPâques” for our Francophiles: ourFrench Conversation group discussedEaster customs and spring time ingeneral at their monthly meeting on13th March at Angela’s in Hoveton. Wehave a few new members attendingthese friendly sessions which isencouraging, the beginners Frenchclasses are going well at Ruth andKevin’s on Thursday evenings and Janeis still keen to restart intermediateclasses if enough people are interestedso do contact her on 01603 782496 if you are. The bookclub also had a good turnout at Ruth’sin Wroxham to discuss “The littleHouse” by Philippa Gregory and meetnext at Maggie’s in Belaugh for “APerfectly Good Man” by Patrick Gayle.Our next main event is our Sundaylunch and wine tasting at Bijou Bottleson Sunday 28th April at 12.00 whenDamien will carefully select some winesfor us to try and provide a selection ofcheeses and charcuterie, all for £11 perhead. If you would like to book yourplace at this please contact Jane againon the above contact details, places arelimited so do phone or email soonerrather than later. Our annual flotilla is

still scheduled for 13th July, hopefullymeeting up in Black Horse Broad, andour quiz and supper evening for 12th

October. The trip to our FrenchTwinning villages of La Pommeraye andMont-Jean-sur-Loire is still on courseand deposits have been paid to secureour coach trip with our overnight stopto visit the chateau of Fontainebleauand tickets booked for the eveningspectacular performance at Puy du Fouin the Vendée. There are still someplaces available on the coach, 14th -20th

August, a wonderful French holiday inthe lovely Loire region of France,excellent French hospitality, food andwine, interesting excursions, so, if you’dlike to join our friendly group, pleasecontact Gill Hood on 01603 270397


Re; Planning ApplicationPF/13/0033. Large Scale Development,2 Wind Turbines 126.5 metres each,Scottow Estate, Scottow, Coltishall, Norfolk(certificated owners Simon D Shaw,Scottow Hall and Jennifer J Shaw, GrangeFarm, Scottow)I strongly object to the above planningapplication and ask that this letter isformally registered as such.There are a number of issues noted belowof which some you may wish toinvestigate further as the decidingauthority.

The applicants state they haveconsulted widely. I live adjacent to theRAF Coltishall Airfield, in the Broadland DCarea but alongside the boundary of NorthNorfolk DC, the deciding authority andonly a very short distance to theapplication site, approximately 1000m. Asfar as can be calculated from the variousmaps and information available I am aboutthe fourth or fifth closest property to thesite, as indeed is also my immediateneighbour, well within the so call RAS 2kmstudy area. We have not been consulted atall by the applicants, or in indeed evenapproached by them. There has not evenbeen the courtesy of a letter. How manyother people locally have been treated inthis cavalier way.Visual and Landscape EffectAlthough I live in very close proximity toapplication site and have strong objectionsbecause of this, my concern is also for theeffect to the wider area and even Norwichitself. I wonder how many people reallyappreciate the gigantic height of these twostructures. They are 126.5mtrs, THAT’S415 FEET. THAT’S 100 feet TALLER THANNORWICH CATHEDRAL. And for a localperspective it is 20 TIMES, YES TWENTYTIMES, the height of my 2 storey pitchedroof cottage. It’s a disgrace that theapplicants should have such disregard anddisrespect for the area, for the peopleliving in it and for its community. Thephotographic impression they include intheir application bears no resemblance towhat will be the actual and hugelydetrimental visual and landscape effectthis monstrosity will have not just locallybut for many miles around and from alldirections.Noise Disturbance and PollutionThe often referred to and muchdiscredited ETSU-R-97 (the main guideused by the Wind Turbine industry in theUK) leaves a lot to be desired if used forthis application. It is generally consideredto be outdated and does not reflectcurrent scientific research and knowledge.There is substantial evidence to supportthis view, much of it from well-respected

scientific and research organisations andgroups. This is a huge and complexsubject. However with just a cursoryappraisal it is obvious there is going to besubstantially more intrusive noise,detrimental to health and particularly atnight, affecting a much larger area andmany more people than the applicationshows, this certainly includes myself. It isincumbent on the deciding authority(North Norfolk DC) to seriously and fullyexamine the latest evidence in this regard.WildlifeIt would appear there is a risk to birds andbats at the very least, contrary to theimpression the applicants give that theserisks are small, insignificant or non-existent. I quote an extract from just oneresearch report "Wind turbines can killbirds and bats. Birds are sometimes killedin collisions with turbines, meteorologicaltowers, and power transmission lines atland-based wind facilities; turbine-relatedbat deaths have been reported at eachwind facility studied to date". Theapplicants Ornithology report is misleadingin at least one aspect - owls. There areowls both protected and unprotected invery close proximity. I have seen them,photographed them and even saved one ashort while ago.

We are so lucky in this part of Norfolkfor our wonderful wildlife, both at groundlevel and in the air. Why gamble with it inthis totally unnecessary way!

Aviation SafetyThere are real concerns about aviationsafety. Since RAF Coltishall formally closedthere has been a substantial increase inlow flying commercial and private flightsover and around the proposed site by lightaircraft, helicopters and micro lights. Thisis particularly so with helicopters as this isa now well used air corridor for them. Alsothe adjacent airfield (RAF Coltishall) isused on a regular basis by model airplanesflying very close to the proposed site.

In the Civil Aviation Authorities latestreport ‘CAP764 Policy and Guidelines onWind Turbines’ they express some veryserious concerns about safety relating tothis kind of large structure. In particulartwo sections of this report are extremelyworrying. 1- Detrimental effects to Radar(chapters; 2. 3. 4.) 2-Turbulence causedby turbine wake (chapter 8.) I quote justone small extract from this section, "Incertain circumstances turbulence cancause loss of control that is impossible torecover from"

In bad weather things get even worse! Iquote three comments extracted from arecent BBC report covering the recenthelicopter tragedy in London. "Pilots areexpected to navigate with reference toground features, with only limited ATCRadar assistance" "But weather conditionsremain the one unpredictable factorbeyond any pilot's control" "Mr Slater said:Flying in fog is one of the worst things in ahelicopter, unfortunately". We all know fog

does happen in Norfolk day and night andoccasionally quite badly. There is alsoanecdotal evidence suggesting that pilotssometimes misjudge altitude (by reasonsof inaccurate equipment or human error)which further increases the risk factor.

Would we really be sensible to allowthese huge structures, 415ft high, in lineor so close to an extremely busy helicopterair corridor, to be erected!Commerce and TourismAlthough it is accepted that manycommercial aspects cannot be part of aplanning application consideration I feelthere are some that should have aninfluence on this one. There is no doubtthat property prices will be adverselyaffected and I suspect for quite some fewmiles around including many properties.Owners are very likely to be applying fordownward revaluations of their communitycharge (rates). Also tourism, a major partof the local economy and will be adverselyeffected. A recent local start-up businessin tourism has already voiced concernsthat many of their hard won customerssuggested to them they will be veryreluctant to return to the area if thesemonstrous structures ever come in tobeing. There is no doubt that tourism inthis beautiful part of Norfolk is gong to bevery badly effected.

Taking just these two aspects intoaccount will result in a financial loss forthe two most effected district councils,North Norfolk DC and Broadland DC. Whowill end up footing the bill? Yes thats right,us the taxpayers. Somewhere in theapplication there is mention of a £12,000donation to the local community. This is apittance when compared with likely loss tothe economy in this part of Norfolk.Electromagnetic interferenceIt is very likely a large number of people,including myself will be effected byinterference and signal problems to TV,Radio, Mobile phones and otherequipment.

I am personally not against WindTurbines and even positively supportOffshore installations but not in such asensitive and unsuitable position as thisapplication. It can only be described as aludicrous and cruel example of wastingtaxpayers money by way of subsidising theintentional damage to a very attractiveand much loved part of the rural Norfolkcountryside.

Internet links are available if requiredrelating to information included above.

Yours faithfully

R A G BaileyPlanning SectionNorfolk District Council,Council Offices,Holt Road,Cromer, NR27


The Norfolk Keel was the predecessor of the Norfolk Wherry as a trading boat

on the Broadland waterways, seen mainly during the 17th & 18th centuries. There were still afew trading in the 1870’s whilst being replaced by the Wherry. The last Norfolk Keel, thought tobe called “DEE DAR”, was in regular trade from Norwich, survived until the 1890’s. Then derelictshe was sunk in the river Yare, between Brundall Gardens and Whitlingham, to mark thechannel.

She was rescued in 1912, for a short period bystaff of the Science Museum, SouthKensington, who recorded details anddimensions for the construction of an accuratedisplay model. This sole survivor appears tohave had a small transom stern although latertypes were double-ended. The cabin was in thefore part of the craft rather than the stern,while the cargo space was without coveringhatches. The single mast, carrying a large sail,was amidships, stepped in a tabernacle but alsosecured by crosswise deck beams. Most Norfolkkeels were much stronger but far less elegant

than the Norfolk Wherries and were likely to have been much slower under sail. The hull was ofclinker build and had an average length of 54 feet with a 14 foot beam. The depth was 4 feet,drawing slightly less than 4 feet of water. Cargocapacity was between 30 and 40 tons"

Having been laid to rest the valuablewreck was relocated in 1984 The Norfolk KeelTrust, led by marine archaeologists, began thetask of cleaning the remains. In September1984 she was moved to Corporation Wharf inNorwich. Following several moves andcomplications within the trust, plans forconservation and a possible rebuild or displayfell through. Fortunately, “Dee Dar” wasrecorded for posterity and models have beenmade of her. The Museum of the Broads tried tosecure a token piece of the keel, but was unsuccessful.

Although decayed and incomplete, the surviving remains were thought to be laidout safely and stored at Whitlingham Hall Barns, near Norwich. In 2012 Whitlingham Barnsunderwent major redevelopment and the irreplaceable remains of the keel were piled into a

heap and set fire to. It was sad that someoneshort-sightedly, deliberately burnt the remainsof the keel, not recognising her historic value.

“Dee Dar” now no longer exists but positivemoves are being made to launch a new keelproject.

Derek Allday

A Norfolk Keel involved in collecting Reed by Harry Clow


Useful ContactsNorfolk Police – Non-emergency 101 Emergency 999 sntaylsham@norfolk.pnn.police.ukCrimestoppers 0800 111 555 NC Council 0844 800 8020 BD Council 01603 431133

The following is a local policing update forthe Aylsham neighbourhoodWeekly crime summary 16-22February 2013

District overviewPolice are continuing to urge residents tobe vigilant and make sure homes are leftlocked and secure. Earlier in the month thearea suffered a series of burglaries, north-east of Norwich, and while reports havefallen officers continue to urgehouseholders to be vigilant and keepsecurity tight.Meanwhile, two men, aged 28 and fromGreat Yarmouth, have been charged withburglary and motoring offences followingan incident in Hainford on Tuesday 19February. Police attended the area near thevillage hall in the early hours afterreceiving a call about suspicious activity.Officers stopped a van and found sixcatalytic converters, tools and fuel in theback.Both men have been charged with offencesand released on conditional bail to appearbefore Norwich Magistrates Court on 5March.

7752/13 Theft If Not Classified ElsewhereSHORT THORN ROAD FELTHORPE Around450 litres of oil was removed from the oiltank.7747/13 Theft Of Pedal Cycle MILEHAMDRIVE AYLSHAM During the above times,person(s) unknown have removed victim'sbike from the side of house. The bike wasbehind a bolted gate.

23 February – 1 March 2013

Overview from Broadland PolicingCommanderA couple of weeks ago I told you that wewill always follow up information relating todrugs. Well, on Wednesday eveningofficers from Sprowston Police Stationraided a light industrial unit at Allston Roadin Hellesdon. There they found a cannabisfactory containing tens of thousands ofpounds worth of drugs ready to beharvested. A further address in Bowthorpewas also searched and another cannabisfactory was discovered. Two men havebeen arrested and have been bailed whilethe investigation continues.The impact of drug use in society shouldnot be underestimated. Our experience is

that drugs are intrinsically linked to othercriminal activity and fuel the commission ofother offences such as theft and burglary.They often lead to physical and mentalhealth problems for those who use themand bring misery to the individuals andtheir families. For those reasons wewelcome any information that you haveconcerning drug dealing and supply. Youcan either contact us directly or throughCrimestoppers anonymously.Meanwhile, there have been two cases oftheft from cars near Low Road in Hellesdonthis week. Both cars were unlocked and nosecured vehicles were touched. Justlocking up is enough to deter a lot ofwould be thieves so please make sure youdo.Superintendent Carl Edwards

Please note the information containedwithin the crime summary is informationsuitable for public distribution and does notinclude certain categories which may havepersonal privacy or data protectionimplications.

9008/13 Other Criminal Damage to ADwelling MILL ROAD AYLSHAM Personsunknown have pulled a window wide openat the property and this has causeddamage to the hinges.8220/13 Theft Of Pedal Cycle SAPWELLCLOSE AYLSHAM Person(s) unknown havestolen a pedal cycle that was left next to acar port besides the bungalow beforemaking good their escape with the cycle.

2-8 MarchOverview from Broadland PolicingCommander

This week saw the launch of the BroadlandCommunity Safety Strategy, a statement ofthe ongoing work taking place betweendistrict and county councils, the police andother agencies to look at long termsolutions to crime and disorder.

One of the planks of this strategy is thedevelopment of restorative justice. Thisapproach is based on the idea thatwrongdoers should be made to understandthe effect of their actions on other peopleand the local community, and makeamends for what they have done. It isn’tsuitable for all cases – serious offences areruled out, as are serial offenders, and inevery case the full agreement of the victimis a pre-requisite.

The idea is proving really effective andimportantly allows a victim to have theirsay in the outcome. In a couple of recentexamples some shoplifters came back tothe store where they offended in Broadlandand worked there packing customers bagsfor free – making amends to the shop andproviding a service to the public.

With our partners we are hopeful thatcontinuing to develop community basedanswers to crime and anti social behaviourwill not only provide more relevant‘punishments’ , but even more importantlyalter the mindset and behaviour of theoffenders and encourage them to steerclear of crime in the future.

Superintendent Carl Edwards

9291/13 Theft From A Motor Vehicle –HANCOCK CLOSE, COLTISHALL - Unknownperson/s have taken disabled blue badgefrom parked vehicle.

10142/13 Theft If Not Classified Elsewhere– MARKET PLACE, AYLSHAM Unknownperson/s have taken the store advertisingboard from a location remote from thestore

9334/13 Theft If Not Classified Elsewhere -MILEHAM DRIVE, AYLSHAMUnknown person/s have removed letterbox from outside front door

The next SNAP will be on Monday 15th April2013 at 7pm.

It will take place at The Jubilee FamilyCentre, Norwich Road, Aylsham.

Please come along and share your issueswith us. If you are unable to attend, youcan do so beforehand by orcalling 101 and asking to speak to AylshamSNT.[Safe Neighbourhood Team]

PCSO 8281 Laura Munro-OakleyAylsham Safer Neighbourhood Team(0845) 456 4567


The Easter Egg Hunt eggs were placed on pages 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 36 and inside the Back Cover we hopeyou found them all. Last month the last in series of MARLYGRAM’s 9 letter word was HOMICIDAL. The MATEYGRAM9 letter port of call was JAMESTOWN. The date query on page 26 is the date on the old river bridge, the plaquewas moved to the red brick wall downstream on the Horstead side following the 2012 flood. Blast from the Past onpage 20 caused some discussion in the Pharmacy the top picture [L to R] Mr. Hudson, Geoff Hudson, Charlie Youngs,

Lenny Yudell, Billy Daniels, AN Other, ? Childs, The Bottom picture involves most of the above so hear goes [L to R] Billy Daniels, Mr Hudson,Horace Hilling, Charlie Youngs, AN Other, AN Other, Teresa Biggs, and on the far right Geoff Hudson the two behind Teresay Biggs and GeoffHudson and the dog are unnamed. The picture was of course taken during the “bad winter” of 1947. Thank you for your support in thesefeatures, we hope you have enjoyed taking part, only the MATEYGRAM is featured this month perhaps the others will return soon.

Wroxham BureValley Rotary Club

May we firstly wish a Happy Easter to all our readers.

Our next event is nearly upon us – the combinedsponsored walk with Macmillan Cancer support alongthe Bure Valley Railway on the week-end of 20th /21st

April. The arrangement is for all registration fees togo to Macmillan and then for the sponsorship moneyraised to be shared So if you would like to take partand raise money both for Macmillan and forWroxham Bure Valley Rotary Club’s selected localand international charities, go to the special web . When you register be sure toput Wroxham Bure Valley Rotary Club on the webform in the appropriate place, choose your preferredday and walk direction, and that’s all there is to it –apart from getting sponsors and completing theactual walk! We look forward to seeing as many aspossible over the week-end, and if you want tosupport us but don’t want to walk we are alsorunning a barbeque at Hoveton and Wroxhamstation on the Bure Valley Railway both days, socome and see us there.

The tractor for the Faith project in Zambia has nowarrived at its destination and has already started tobe put to use helping cultivate the 600 acres at theFaith project centre – a massive thank you to all whomade this wonderful project possible.

The Schools Technology tournament took place atBroadland School, Hoveton on 15th March withalmost 100 young people from various local schoolscompeting to complete a technical task of differingdifficulty depending upon age from a range ofsupplied materials. Full results next time.

Looking further ahead we will be running our popularsummer dance again, date has now been confirmedas 29th June, so make a diary note now and we willhave more information next time.

As ever there is a lot going on as we continue toimplement the Rotary motto of “service aboveself”, and if our lively social group sounds good toyou we are looking to build our membership for 2013.We welcome both men and women from all walks oflife, so if you are interested in joining us please comealong to one of our meetings where guests are alwayswelcome, we meet Monday evenings from 7pm. OurMeetings are currently taking place at Wroxham Barnsrestaurant. Visit our “new look” web-site for more information, orcontact our president, David Prichard on 01692631544.

Weekly crime summary 9-15 March 2013

Overview from Broadland Policing CommanderLast week 32-year-old Sheringham man Gary Moore, of Cromer Road,was sentenced to 21 months imprisonment after pleading guilty toburglaries in Hellesdon and Holt last year.In the short term that’s good news for the police… we’ve locked up aburglar which is what we are here to do. It’s also good news for are even less likely to have your house broken into, anexperience which rates high in my list of ‘horrible things that couldhappen to me’.Prison however can only be a short term solutions for many offenderssuch as Moore and what happens once they are released from prison?The best case scenario is that prison will have rehabilitated them andthey go on to be a productive member of society. But rates of re-offending teach us that this is not by any means always the case withmany entering into a cycle of re-offending, more victims, police effortsto catch and convict and so on.Part of the success in Norfolk in reducing crime levels in recent years isthe effort put into managing offenders whilst in prison and on theirrelease back into society. Traditionally this was solely the remit of theProbation Service but now there are more agencies involved, including ateam of officers in Norfolk known as the ‘180 Team’ whose challenge, asthe name suggests, is to turn people’s lives around.The team is made up of experienced cops who understand criminalsand work with other agencies including Probation, the Benefits Agency,drugs and alcohol workers, and many others to catch our most prolificoffenders at a time when they have an opportunity to change theirways. It’s a fact that if a person released from prison is able to gainemployment, have a place to live, stay clear of drugs and alcohol andface up to the consequences of falling back into crime, they are muchless likely to re offend.Of course it doesn’t work every time, but there are many successstories which inevitable means fewer crimes and fewer victims.If individuals do not co-operate or show signs of considering re-offending, the team will take enforcement action to negate this,reducing the risk of re offending.There is a considerable amount of behind-the-scenes work whichhappens daily to reduce crime and keep Norfolk a safe place and I hopethis has been an interesting insight into just one aspect of that work.Superintendent Carl Edwards

Please note the information contained within the crime summary isinformation suitable for public distribution and does not include certaincategories which may have personal privacy or data protectionimplications.

10457/13 Arson Not Endangering Life WHITE HART STREET AYLSHAMUnknown person(s) have entered shed at the rear of Methodist Church.A worship kneeling mat has been damaged by fire.

11052/13 Theft From Vehicle Other Than Motor Vehicle NORWICHROAD WROXHAM Overnight person(s) unknown have siphoned approx50 litres of diesel fuel from his boat.


Neatishead Community GymWe are pleased to announce that we have justbeen awarded a grant from North Norfolk’s BigSociety Fund, administered by the NorfolkCommunity Foundation. This has beenused to buy a brand new cross trainerwhich will extend our range ofequipment and improve the service weoffer to our members.If you are looking for a small, friendlygym which offers professionalinstruction and supervision then give usa try. Louise, our instructor, will planwith you a suitable exercise routinewhich will take into account yourpersonal goals and/ or any healthconcerns or injuries you may have.We are open Sun, Mon and Wedsmornings between 8.30 and 12.30at the New Victory Hall,Neatishead. Our prices areaffordable (from £15 per month).Unlike larger gyms there is no contract

to sign. Save time and money by keeping it local!Come along for a FREE TASTER SESSION by

emailing us on or ring01692 535342. No special clothing isneeded; wear something loose with trainersor soft-soled shoes.

NEW FOR 2013 : GYM and JUNIORIf you have a baby or toddler who will sitpeacefully in a buggy, pram or car seatwhile you exercise, then come along toour Gym and Junior sessions. Your childwill be within sight and yourresponsibility at all times while youexercise in the gym. Louise, ourinstructor, is qualified to offer adviceon post-natal exercise. Mums, dadsand anyone looking after a babyor toddler are welcome.

To find out more about thesesessions and the times they are

available email us or ring

01692 535342


TuesdayApril 16th


BUXTONBure Valley Railway

Car Park,Stracey Road

Map OL40: TG233228NR10 5ET

Lovely rural walkalong the Bure Valley

Railway and viaOxnead Church and


4 miles 40% softone stile

Peter Neave, Broadland & South Norfolk Coordinator 01603 897193




NWACTA changes its name .It was in 1999 that the community transport operationbased in North Walsham to serve sections of North EastNorfolk was created, and its full title was North WalshamArea Community Transport Association (NWACTA). In thecourse of the last dozen years our operations have extendedinto a much wider area. It was in 2004 that our sisterorganization, based in Holt, had to cease operations andNWACTA took on the provision of their services. Insubsequent years, we have also taken over the communitytransport provided by other organizations that were unableto continue. We are currently exploring how to furtherextend the area we serve, particularly in a westerlydirection. It means that for some time we could moreaccurately have been described as the North NorfolkCommunity Transport Association, which is the title that theTrustees have now adopted.

One reason for informing you about the change of namenow is that Waitrose have very kindly agreed that in Aprilwe will be one of the 3 charities that it will support.(Waitrose is a popular destination for some of ourpassengers.) We would be delighted and grateful if yourreaders would put their green discs in the container labelledNorth Norfolk Community Transport Association.

We are in the process of improving our fleet. We have justtaken on 2 new vehicles, a Mercedes 16 seater mini-bus anda Kia Seconda mpv (generously financed by Victory Housingsome of whose tenants travel with us) which we can usewhen a small vehicle is more suitable than a mini-bus. Bothare fully accessible. We would like to remind readers thatwe provide a range of services – our dial-a-bus services aredoor-to-door and take people to the various market towns;we provide group transport for charity and communityorganisations to take their members to meetings or onexcursions; we have a car service to take people to medicalappointments both to hospitals and to doctors’ surgeries andfor other medical purposes. To learn more, access our newweb-site at, onwhich you can also make bookings if you wish.

Most people still prefer to email us or phone uson either 01263 839009 or 01692500840. We are keen to know of newpassengers and places in North Norfolkwhich are currently without transportservices that we might be able to supply.We are able to help all age-groups whoare without public transport at the timesor to the destinations they need so ifreaders know of gaps please let us knowso that we can look for ways of fillingthem. We look forward to serving manymore of North Norfolk’s residents.

Friday 26Friday 26Friday 26Friday 26thtthhth AprilAprilAprilApril

The HobbitAn Unexpected Journey




Matey set sail from Dartmouth on the samejourney as the Pilgrim fathers to JAMESTOWN. Theship is now showing the flag in her next port of call. TheMATEYGRAM depicts the place the ship is headed.. NoPrizes its just for fun, don’ t forget his bell bottoms arean ‘ M’.From the latest Ganges Gazette: “Training for‘boys’ for all three services ceased in 1972 whenthe school leaving age was raised from 15 to 16 ,Ganges then changed to a kind of annexe for theR.N. Carrying out basic training before moving onafter a few weeks”

HMS Ganges Website


Wroxham &Hoveton Lions Club

Firstly, may I wish you all anenjoyable Easter and by the

time you read this Spring should be welland truly on the way.

This is the time of year when we are a littlebit in limbo, preparing such things as thePrecinct Tombola and the Mobile Tombola,but not quite at the point where we can getgoing. However there is a lot going onbehind the scenes organising this yearsMotor Show on 10th & 11th August at itsnew venue of the Norfolk Show Ground.

After the inclement weather and the quieterwinter period, the Charity Shop trade isnow beginning to pick up and our recentsale has been very successful.

The Craft fair in March was well attendedand our ladies in the catering were keptbusy. Even yours truly donned a pinny andwas chief washer-up for the day!

As you may recall the bad weather resulted

in the cancellation of our January FurnitureSale. This means our sale on Sunday April7th, will be the first of the year . As usual wehave a good selection of items at veryreasonable prices, but make sure you getthere early to grab a bargain. Doors openat 10am sharp.

Weather permitting, we are hoping to openthe precinct tombola for the Spring Bankholiday.

On the social front, members attended theLions Clubs District 105EA Convention atthe Holiday Inn Norwich (North) between15th & 17th March and had great fun on theFriday, when 10 of us took part in the fancydress evening, themed "In the Court of KingJames 1st. Suitably dressed and with theaid of a mock-up of their ship 'Mayflower',the group performed a 'rap' version of thePilgrim Father's story. We all looked veryfetching in our costumes but they weredefinitely not the sort of thing you wouldwear walking down Prince of Wales Roadon a Saturday night!!For anyone wishing to see the spectacle,

we hope to place photographs on ourwebsite wwwwroxhamandhovetonlions.orgas soon as we can prise them (with thenegatives!!) off the Conventionphotographer.

This months £100 Charity Shop Draw Prizegoes to the Norfolk Zipper Club, nominatedby W. Paisley, who donated items to ourshop.

We will always welcome new members,so if you have a few hours to spareoccasionally and would like to makea difference in your local community,whist having some fun, why not give ourPresident, Lion Mike Clipston a ring on01603429380, or alternatively contact ourMembership Chairperson Lion SuzanneBarnett on 01603 782002. If you prefer ,come along to one of our meetings, whichare held in the Broadland Youth andCommunity Centre,at 8pm on 2nd & 4th Tuesday ofeach month. We are a friendly bunch andyou will be made very welcome.

Mike Clipston

Then & Now The editors are creating a gallery of pictures of the Marlpit area.Here we have two pictures kindly given for our archives by Geoff Williams of Coltishall.

We would be pleased to receive your pictures of “Then and Now” of your own homes or local area - Notjust views but people around the area too. It would be helpful if you could include a date and a little detailof were the picture was taken. Please send your photographs to Alternativelypost ( with return address) in the Marlpit boxes at the Post Office, Chemist or Farm to Fork and Fish.

The picture on the left shows The Wesleyan ChapelBand, relatives and friends about to depart on their

annual Sunday School outing to Mundesley in 1913.

The picture on the right shows the premises of RobertHook who was a general Horticultural builder,

Carpenter, Wheelwright and hot-water engineer, a realjack-of-all-trades. Dated 1905.

Report of the Meeting ofColtishall & District Branch

Royal British Legion

Held on Monday 11th MarchAt the Coltishall Social Club

The Chairman, Mr Bob Jennings, took theopening and Exaltation. There were 6members in attendance and we thenmourned the passing of Mr JackCampbell, our past President.

The Chairman informed the members thatthe Branch had been awarded the‘Cromer’ cup at County Conference. Thiscup is awarded for ‘Recruitment andRetention’ within the County.A discussion was held about the proposalfor a new standard. With the fund startedat the November meeting with £250 fromthe Village Fete, the Chairman was able toannounce a further donation of £200 fromthe licensee of the Rising Sun, Mr MikeHigginson. Our grateful thanks go to Mr

Higginson for his generosity.The Branch Annual Dinner will take placethis year, venue to be agreed, on Monday10th June at 7.30pm. Any members orvisitors are very welcome, please contactBob Jennings on 01603 738335 for amenu.The next meeting of the Branch will

be the Annual Dinner, in June, allmembers or potential members will

be most welcomed.


Sportivate courses for 18-25 year olds

Places are limited and will be offered on a first come firstserved basis to anyone aged 18 – 25 years old

Sportivate ClimbingWhere OPEN, 20 Bank Plain, Norwich, NR2 4SFWhen Thursdays 6-7pm on 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and30th May and 6th June.Cost £5 for 6 sessions if booked before 18th April,£10 thereafter (normally £30)Sportivate ZumbaWhere OPEN, 20 Bank Plain, Norwich, NR2 4SFWhen Thursdays 7-8pm on 30th May, 6th, 13th, 20thand 27th June and 4th July.Cost £5 for 6 sessions if booked before 16th May,£10 thereafter (normally £30)

Sportivate GolfWhere Royal Norwich Golf Club, Drayton High Road,Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 5AHWhen Tuesdays, 6-7pm, 14th, 21st and 28th May,4th, 11th and 18th JuneCost £10 for 6 sessions if booked before 30th April,£15 thereafter (Group coaching normally £40 per hour)

Sportivate KayakingWhere Broadland Paddlesport, Girlings Lane, ThorpeSt Andrew, Norwich, NR7 0HEWhen Tuesdays, 6.30 to 8.30pm on 30th April, 7th,14th, 21st and 28th May and 4th June.Cost £15 for 6 sessions if booked before 16th April,£20 thereafter (normally £67.50)

Sportivate TrampoliningWhere Chermond Gymnastics Club, 10 Delta Close,Norwich, NR6 6BGWhen Thursdays 7:30-9pm on 25th April, 2nd, 9th,16th, 23rd and 30th May.Cost £10 for 6 sessions if booked before 11th April,£15 thereafter (normally £50).Sportivate SkiingWhere Norfolk Snowsports Club, Whitlingham Lane,Trowse, Norwich, NR14 8TWWhen Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm, 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rdand 30th April and 7th MayCost £15 for 6 sessions if booked before 19thMarch, £20 thereafter (normally £50)

Sportivate KarateWhere Sports Hall, Sprowston Community HighSchool, Cannerby Lane, Sprowston, Norwich,NR7 8NE.When Mondays 8-9pm on 13th and 20th May, 3rd,10th, 17th and 24th June.Cost £10 for 6 sessions if booked before 29th April,£15 thereafter (normally £39.75)

To book and for more information contact Maria Alborough01603 430570, or go


PASTOn 30 April this year the completeColtishall diary of Mary Hardy isbeing published, as featured in theEDP on 11 January, and in theJanuary and February Marlpits.

This unique picture of daily life in18th-century Coltishall, Horstead andthe neighbouring villages was writtenat what is now Holly Lodge, south of Coltishall Church.

Details: The Diary of Mary Hardy 1773-1809: Diary 1, Publichouse and waterway, edited by Margaret Bird (pub. byBurnham Press, 2013); 606 pages, hardback; 282 black-and-white illustrations; 8 maps and family trees.

Available in certain Norfolk bookshops, price £33.50; or fromthe publishers at £31.50 including UK postage (

For those of you who follow Facebook The NorfolkWherry Trust have referenced Mary Hardy on their pageat

Rotary Club of Broad landsApril 2013 Newsletter.

Royal Air Force “Squadronaires”Charity Concert

There are still a few tickets left for the Broadlands Rotary Clubforth coming charity concert. The famous Royal Air Force

“Squadronaires” Band will be performing for one night only onSunday, 21st April 2013 at Broadland High School,Tunstead Road, Hoveton commencing at 7:30pm.

Tickets are £15 each.Net proceeds from the concert are going to the Royal Air ForceAssociation, Broadlands 222 Air Cadet Squadron (ATC) and theRotary Charity. Tickets are available from Richard Mayer on01603 715796 or Diane Harber on 01692 630746.

Inner Wheel Club of BroadlandsInner Wheel is one of the largest women’s servicevoluntary organisations in the world.

The local Broadlands Club has organised a concert which is:

Geoff Davidson and Songbyrd in ConcertSaturday 20th April at 7.00 for 7.30pm,

St Mary’s Church Wroxham.Tickets £10.00,

to include refreshments, can be obtained from:Rosalie Howard Tel. 01603 782067Sandra Hurrell Tel. 01263 734605)

“Proceeds to Sparks for Hearts and Priscilla Bacon Hospice”


Panasonic DVD Home Theatre Sound System£80.00.0N0

Telephone 01603 737637


Coltishall And HorsteadGood Neighbour Scheme

The Good Neighbour Scheme volunteers would like to welcometwo new volunteers, Lena and Anne who have already startedto assist residents in Horstead and Coltishall. If you are inter-ested and would like to know more about The Good NeighbourScheme Tel: Julie on 01603 737637.Did you know there are several businesses in Coltishall that areable to offer a free delivery service to local residents.

Coltishall Pharmacy 01603 736384

Hewitt’s Butchers 01603 737239

Top-Of-The-Crop (after 5pm) 01603 736736

Coltishall Post Office 01603 737277

Cold WeatherWith this period of cold weather the Good Neighbour Schemehave two convector heaters we can lend you if you need extraheating or have problems with your heating.

Good Neighbour Telephone number07799 277455



Because of the very wet season last year itwas not possible for the Commons to becut as many times as they normally wouldhave been. The Trust have come to asatisfactory arrangement with thecontractors.Lower CommonNotice board advertising adjacent to thefoot bridge is up and running now. Thenew map is in place and the adverts havebeen arranged in order around it. There isstill space for another one or two advertsand if no local businesses take them theyby May they will be offered to otherinterested parties.The Broads Authority had contacted theTrust to inform them of a five year planthey had devised for their 24 hourmoorings. This involved the installation ofsafety equipment along the quay heading,

comprising of chains and ladders. Thechains would be fitted to the river face ofthe quay heading and the ladders would beplaced every 100 metres. Consent hasbeen given for the chains to be fitted butTrustees are unhappy about the visualimpact of the unsightly metal ladders. Itwas also felt that they would create moreproblems than they would solve.Upper CommonMuch of the improvement work planned forthe Marsh area in line with the HLS schemeis weather dependant. As we know thathas not been good for some while now.The RSPB seemed to have difficultydelivering what they had promised, but theTrust will persevere. However, if anothercontractor has machinery that can get onthe Marsh earlier and is able to carry outthe work for a similar price then they willget the job.There are some trees from the river bankthat have fallen across the ditch onto theMarsh. The Trust will ask those responsiblefor their maintenance to put this work inhand.

The author of the last tree report on thelarge poplar tree in the centre of thecommon is to meet the Broads Authorityrepresentative to discuss the limb whichthey refused permission to reduce. Thismeeting was scheduled to take placebefore the Trust meeting but had to bere-scheduled. Post meeting news; theBroads Authority have agreed to thereduction of the limb in question. Thiswork will be carried out ASAP but the Trustmust wait for the Broads Authority to givewritten consent. It was also noted thatthere is a mistletoe forming at the top ofthe tree.Ling CommonA lot of work has been done on thisCommon to tidy it up but severalblackthorn bushes remain. The Trusteeswill arrange a meeting on site to asses thearea and work out a long term strategy forthis area.THIS ARTICLE CAN ALSO BE SEEN ONTHE PARISH COUNCIL WEB SITE ANDIN OUR NOTICE BOARD ON THELOWER COMMON CAR PARK

Do you know?Would you like to?

Perhaps you have seen ahypnotist on stage during ashow, and think thathypnotherapy is the same.It isn't. A stage hypnotist isthere to entertain, but ahypnotherapist is there tohelp with common problemsthat occur in daily life. Forinstance, phobias. Anothername for fears. Most peoplehave a phobia and if it doesnot affect their life it is notgetting in the way.But for some people aphobia, like agoraphobia(which is a fear of openspaces), can mean that theyare confined to their ownhome and cannot go out.Just imagine what that islike.Hypnotherapy can also helppeople to stop smoking andto lose weight. All that isrequired is a desire forchange.Stress and constanttiredness can also be helped.How? Easy.Hypnosis is a normal state ofmind and we are in this statemany times a day. It ishalfway between wake andsleep and it is the feeling ofrelaxation you get on wakingin the morning when youcan hear the birds singingbut you know you are not yetcompletely awake. It is a

lovely relaxed feeling . Sonow you know that hypnosisis a normal state of mind. Ahypnotherapist encouragesyou to go into this relaxedstate and then talks to youabout your problem helpingyou to let it go.Sounds amazing doesn't it?It is. And it works. If it wascalled Total Deep Relaxation,people would not be soconcerned abouthypnotherapy. But as younow know, that is what it is.It is very important that ifyou were considering havinghypnotherapy that youchoose someone who is wellqualified as, (like some othertherapies), it is quitepossible to call themselves ahypnotherapist aftercompleting just a weekendcourse.I have worked at the NorfolkClinic in Norwich for 10 yearsand also for 6 years at theHumbleyard Centre inMulbarton.

I really would like to showyou how comfortable andeffective hypnotherapy isand if you would like somemore information just giveme a ring on 07880862568.I live in the village ofColtishall and would be ableto visit you in your ownhome for your convenience.

Hoping I can help you,Linda




Tunstead What's on guide1. Zumba with Becky, every Tuesday, 7-8pm at TunsteadSchool Hall. £5. Contact Abi on 07979 693601

2.Friday April 5th: Dance Workshop with Stephen Knightsof Knightshift Dance School. Tunstead School Hall, 6.30-8pm. £5. Limited spaces. Contact Abi on 07979 693601.

3.Sunday May 5th: Yard Sale in Tunstead. At least 20 sites.Contact john on 01603 738221

Sue Badger, 01603 737572Secretary of Tunstead Action Group







PLEASE NOTEThis tour i s the first operated by theSheringham and Cromer Lions Club, buthas been organised and arranged by LionArthur Bailey who has over 40 Years ofexperience in coach travel and has justretired as a coach operator running dayexcursions and coach holidays.This particular itinerary has been usedsuccessfully by his own company and isusing hotels either used or checked by MrBailey himself and can therefore assure thecustomer that only the best qualityaccommodation has been chosen. Thecoach used on this tour will be supplied byMarett's Chariots of Cromer who are notconnected to Sheringham & Cromer LionsClub and cannot supply any informationregarding the Information supplied in thisitinerary.

THE LAKELAND STEAMER is a 6 daycoach holiday which visit's thewonderful City of YORK. Followed by asteam train trip from York to CARLISLEVia the scenic wonderland known as theSETTLE AND CARLISLE RAILWAY.We are then based at GRETNA GREENfor 3 days during which time we willvisit THE LAKE DISTRICT andHADRIANS WALL & VINDOLANDA.


Friday 31st August 2013Our luxury coach will collect U5 at variouspoints and take us to our first hotel

MERCURE YORK FAIRFIELD HOTEL.(Details available on this hotel websitelThis 4 star plus hotel was originally an 18th

Century Manor House, and hassubsequently been updated andextended. It stands in 6 acres of privategrounds_

Saturdav 31st AugustOur coach will transport us into the centreof the wonderful City of York where we willbe free to see all the sights of this historicwalled City. Returning us In time for ourevening dinner.An optional return to the City Centrewill be offered or you may wish tostay and enjoy the delights of ourhotelSunday 1st SeptemberAfter an early breakfast (Approx 07:30) wedepart our hotel where our drivers willtake us to York Railway Station. There wewill board the WAVERLEY STEAM TRAINfor a journey of four and three quarterhours through Yorkshire and along theworld famous SETTLE & CARLISLERAILWAY .

We are due to arrive at CARLISLE at approx2.00pmWe will then have approx 2 hours to visitthe Centre of this ancient City as ourcoach catches us up with our luggage.Don't worry, the railway station is right Inthe city centre.

Will then travel the short distance toGRETNA GREEN and to our final hotel,THE GRETNA HALL HOTEL. (This hoteldetails available on their webslte) This isanother 18th Century hotel, which is highlyrecommended by myself having stayedthere previously

Monday 2nd SeptemberAfter our hearty Scottish breakfast, wejoin our coach for a tour of the lakedistrict, down to BO'NESS. where wewill have some time to enjoy this verypretty town before we again jointogether for a trip on a Lake steamer.We will then return to our hotel for ourevening meal after which our time isour own.

Tuesday 3rd SeptemberWe are going to have an easy day today,as we rejoin our coach and travel back tofind HADRIANS WALL & VINDOLANDA.we will be able to view this 2000 year old

wall whi ch tried to keep the Scots outof England. W e wil l also vi si t theroman remains of Vindolanda. This is thefinest of the Roman forts which were builtalong the wall to house the soldiers. Ithas a museum of artefacts which are sointeresting that the last time I visitedthere our party members asked to staylonger. There is also a very good cafe forlunch on site.

Wednesday 4th SeptemberAgain after breakfast, we return to ourcoach for our journey home.W e w il l retu rn v ia th e Y orkshi reDales w ith a stop at th e he art of thedales SKIPTON where we will have timefor lunch and finally arriving back home inthe evening. (NOTE: This choice of returnroute will be subject to traffic conditionson the day. An alternative may be offereddue to time constraints.)PRICE £460.00 (plus single supplement of£95.00)Your price includes:- all coachtravel. (Coach fitted with saloon toilet)(With 2 highly experienced tour drivers/couriers) Dinner Bed & breakfast at bothhotels. The steam train fare. The boattrip. Entrance to V indolanda. Does NOTInclude:- LunchesCoffee stops

NOTESThe above itinery may have to bechanged IF necessary due tocircumstances beyond our control, Allattempts will be made to ensure thatreplacement items will be supplied withequal quality.Travel Insurance is not included but it isrecommended that each passenger doesprovide insurance cover for their ownsafety,

For further details and a booking form,please contact:-

Arthur Bailey3 The Meadows Gresham,NorwichNR11 8RZ07717

Please note: All Profit raised from this tourwill be used by the Sheringham & Cromerlions Club to support local charities. NOprofits will be used for any other purpose


DID YOU KNOW Coltishall people were given special privileges in an extraordinary charter authorised in 1231by Henry III. It granted "to all men, women and children born, or to be born,- in this village of Couteshall, freedomfrom all villenage of body and blood; and from toll, stallage, picage and pannage, in all fairs and markets throughoutEngland." Extract from ‘Coltishall’ by Richard Bond published in 1986 by Poppyland Publishing


C o m p u t e rORNEr

Please send your Questions by Email and we willpass you on to our experts, and publishQuestion and Answer next month.

No Grandma, Listen,No Grandma, Listen,No Grandma, Listen,No Grandma, Listen,Double-click the InternetDouble-click the InternetDouble-click the InternetDouble-click the InternetExplorer Icon.Explorer Icon.Explorer Icon.Explorer Icon.

Silver SurfersCourses

Once again, we at Computers in Crisis, had the privilege ofTutoring the 3 day Silver Surfers Course at Hautbois(Girlguiding Anglia HQ ). The setting at Hautbois is ideal andthe Hospitality second to none.

Some of the participants, 13 in total, came from the localVillages, others from as far as Oxford and Birm ingham.Ages ranging from Forties to m id Eighties. (So a glint of Goldamongst the Silver).With four Operating systems covered, Windows XP, WindowsVista, Windows 7 & 8 it was quite some challenge. Tailored toeach individual’s requirements.

The main Subjects covered were:

The Internet, Browser selection, Search engines,Safety in Downloading & Shopping online.

Emails: Setting up Accounts, Sending, Receiving,Replying & Forwarding. Sending Attachments (i.eDocuments and Photos). Downloading and savingattachments.

Importing Photos from Digital Cameras, Filing andediting same.

Skype, for video calls to Family & Friends far andwide. (Windows Messenger ceased on March 15)

Backing up Data to External devices.

For the more adventurous, creating a Movie withbackground dialogue and music, exporting to a DVDfor use on DVD Players.

Should anyone like to register interest in attending a futureCourse contact or call HautboisBookings on 01603737357

The Probus Club ofBroadlandsThe Probus Club of Broadlands meets on thelast Wednesday of the month. The nextmeeting will be held on the 27th March at theMasonic Hall in Wroxham commencing at

noon.At the March meeting we had a presentation by Chris Greenon the subject of Roys of Wroxham. Chris has been in retailall of his working life and has worked for Tesco and Waitrosebefore moving to Roys in 1995.The Company is now managed by the third generation of theRoy family with Ed Roy currently the Managing Director andPeter Roy its Chairman. They are supported by 17 seniormanagers with 850 staff in total. Their turnover is £50 millionp.a.The Company began trading in 1895 as grocers and drapersin Coltishall before moving to Hoveton where its head officeremains. It was on a visit to the States in the 60’s that FredRoy saw Wal-Mart’s operation and decided to bring theconcept of out-of-town shopping to Norfolk.The first Roys branch was opened in North Walsham in 1990and in the early 90’s a store was opened in Eaton. The Eatonstore was sold in 1995 to Waitrose and the proceeds wereused to develop the variety store in Hoveton. Stores weresubsequently opened in Magdalen Street and in Beccles. Thelatest acquisitions are the petrol station in Wroxham andHighway Nurseries, both of which are doing well.In the mid-90’s Roys suffered trying times with theoccurrence of two dramatic fires in their Hoveton varietystore and the death of Fred Roy.The nature of Roys operation has changed dramatically overrecent years. It is no longer a just a discount store.Customers’ expectations have changed; they now want amore sophisticated retail experience.Significant improvements have been in the management oflogistics and back-of-house. The warehousing at Pinefieldsadopts a fast track system where, following delivery, goodsare picked and despatched in the shortest possible time withthe objective that there be no residue of stock left to bestored. IT systems run the warehouses and the tills andprovide sales information to the buyers based in Hoveton.Roys are looking to expand their multi-channel retail. Theyare developing their Internet sales via their own web-site, ane-bay shop and Amazon.The Company has a policy of slow evolution where flexibilitytakes precedence over bureaucracy. Their reputation is moreimportant to them than profit. There is a high degree of bothcustomer satisfaction and staff loyalty. Roys seem to havefound a recipe for success and despite the changing nature ofretail they are likely to part of the Norfolk scene for manyyears to come.The Club is actively seeking new members and thoseinterested should contact either Richard Williams on 01603720184 or Ian Anderson on 01603 737298. We hope to seeyou at our next meeting.

Deep within the woods alittle hedgehog began to climb a tree. Afterhours of effort, he reached the top, jumpedinto the air waving his front legs andcrashed to the ground.

After recovering, he slowly climbed the tree again, jumped,and fell to the ground. The little hedgehog tried again andagain while a couple of birds sitting on a branch watched hissad efforts.Finally, the female bird turned to her mate."Dear," she chirped, "I think it's time to tell him he'sadopted."


Issue 6. March 2013. Patient Participation Group NewsWelcome to:April Glendinning who has recently joined the dispensary staff.Patient SurveyA big thank you to the 428 patients who returned the AnnualPatient Survey for 2012; this was a whopping 140% increase on2011, however it still represents only 5% of the patientsregistered with the practice. Next year we will try to can get it upstill higher by looking at ways of improving the distribution of thesurvey.

Summary results:Appointment Preference.

82% preferred to book by phone or in person.9% preferred to book on line (5% increase on 2011)9% did not give a preference.

On the day appointments (Urgent )57% of Patients surveyed stated that they had wanted tosee a doctor on the day, of these, 27% did not get anappointment for one of the following reasons:9% declined an appointment when their first choice ofDoctor was not available.6% declined as the appointment time did not suit.5% declined as the appointment was not at the surgeryof their choice.1% declined an appointment with a nurse.6% declined for an unspecified reason

Advanced appointment requests88% of patients surveyed were able to make anadvancedappointment.14% within a week.34% within 2 weeks11% within 3 weeks9% within 4 weeks20% did not give any information.

Surgery Improvements .62% of patients surveyed had noticed improvementswithin the surgery and its operation.

Patient CommentsA number of written comments and suggestions were stated onthe survey. These will be studied by all the relevant departmentsand where practicable will be implemented. We are very gratefulto all those Patients who took the time to complete the survey,the information is of great value to the PPG and the Practicemanagement who constantly look into practical ways ofenhancing services.

One question that is frequently asked is: “When I ask to see aDoctor why does the receptionist need to ask what’s wrong withme?” Well its is certainly not the case that the receptionist isbeing nosey. Reception staff are trained to ask certain questionsin order to ensure you receive the most appropriate medicalcare, from the most appropriate health professional, at the mostappropriate time. You can be reassured that any informationgiven by you is treated in the strictest confidence. You can ask tospeak to a receptionist in private, away from reception if youwish. However should you feel that an issue is very private andyou do not wish to disclose it then your wish will be respected.

The NHS telephone help line number 111 is now operational.This service replaces the old NHS Direct Service. 111 is a free

telephone service which makes it easier for you to access localNHS healthcare services. You should call 111 when you needmedical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. A trained adviserwill take your call and be able to give you medical advice andguidance as to the most effective course of action for you totake.Prescription changes .It seems that there has been a little confusion over the changesthat the surgery recently announced with regard to the issuing ofprescriptions. In short the changes mean that the maximumsupply of a medication will be for a 28 day period only. There area few exceptions to this and for more information on theseplease ask at the dispensary or pharmacy.Prescription chargesFrom April 1st prescription charges rise by 20p to £7.85.A prescription pre-payment certificate (PPC) costs from April 1st£104.00 and covers unlim ited prescription for one year.Alternatively, a 3 month PPC costs £29.10.PPC’s are sold by the NHS Business Services Authority. You canobtain an application form from the surgery, local pharmacy,online, apply by telephone 0845 8500030 For more informationplease contact the surgeries dispensary or Coltishall andSpixworth Pharmacies.

More effective use of the Coltishall waiting rooms.When you use the booking in screen on arrival at the surgery(Coltishall only) whether it is for an appointment with a Nurse orDoctor you will be advised which waiting room to go to, WaitingRoom 1 is the main waiting room by reception or Waiting Room2 which is the waiting room down by the Nurses clinic. Whenyou are ready to be seen your name will appear on the rollinginformation screen. However if you are to see the Phlebotomistor the Health Care Assistant then you will be asked to go straightto the Nurses waiting room (2) after you have booked in.

Colin Prentice

THE COLTISHALL & HORSTEADYOUTH CLUB WILL CLOSE UNLESS....The Youth Club has been running since 2007 and has proved tobe very successful, with attendances ranging from 20 to 40children in the age range of 9 to 14 years. Each year we havebeen able to provide a FREE half day out during the SummerBreak and a FREE Xmas D isco. This has been made possiblefrom the weekly subscription from each child. There is also aTuck shop which helps bolster the funds.

HOWEVER, the Coltishall & Horstead Youth C lub team havereached a stage where up to 6 of the adult volunteers havedecided that it is time for them to fully retire and take up otherinterests. That will leave only 5 adults to run the club whichthey are reluctant to do without additional help, this would alsomean that, given the number of helpers, weekly opening of theclub would not be possible.

As it stands at themoment the club will not

re-open after Friday25th July

which is when the Schools start their summer break. If youbelieve in the club and the benefit it provides to your childrenplease come forward and save it. The general administrationand running of the club is not that difficult, and help andguidance would be available from existing helpers during thetransitional period

Please contact Mike Warren (Club Chairman) on 01603 738332

Mike Warren


Coltishall PF Bowls Club Qu i z Even i ngQu i z Even i ngQu i z Even i ngQu i z Even i ng with Ploughman’s Supper - Saturday April 20 th in ColtishallVillage Hall at 7 for 7:30 Tables max 8 people. Tickets £6 from Ray Thomson 737336

1st HOVETON & WROXHAM SCOUTSApril is the month for the Annual St Georges Day Parade.North East Norfolk District is made up with 14 groupswho organise the event in turn. This year it is beingorganised by Mundesley Air Scouts. On averagesome 600 beaver, cub, scout and explorer scouts plustheir families attend this much loved event. With somany attending it is fun arranging a venue to holdso many - there are few churches in the districtbig enough so ingenuity is the name of thegame. Last year Holt Scouts were able tosecure an auspicious venue at GreshamSchool. Mundesley have a found a largebarn which will be the place where all Scouts can jointogether and renew the promise they make when becominga member of the Scout Association. Members fromAylsham, Blakeney, Buxton, Cromer, Hainford &Frettenham, Holt, Hoveton & Wroxham, North Walsham,

Rural [Roughton Mill], Salhouse,Sheringham & Beeston Regis, Stalham,West Runton, Explorer Scouts, Scout

Network and the District Active Support Unit will joinMundesley to parade through the town on Sunday28 th April. This mimics similar events through outthe world. Her Majesty the Queen is honouringScouts at the parade at Winsor Castle, also attendedby the Chief Scout [Bear Grylis].The Scout Association is a tremendous

environment for our youth to enjoy a balancedand fun programme of personal development.

To contact our group ring the Group ScoutLeader Terry Hughes on 01692 630688

Once a Scout always a Scout.

Wroxham LibraryCoffee Mornings every Monday,

10.00am-12.00pmAll welcome

Afternoon Tea on Thursday3.00pm-4.00pm

All welcome to join us at the libraryfor afternoon tea and coffee

Get online with Go-On

The Go-On website is designed tohelp people take their first stepswith computers and the Internet.

Free 1 hour sessions- book yoursnow for help with getting startedand online.

Happy Hours 2 for 1 on DVDs and CDs.

Monday 10am-1pm

Wednesday 2pm-5pm

Friday 4.30pm-7.30pm

Jigsaw Swap

Swap your jigsaws at Wroxham Library- bring in a completeone that you have finished and swap it with one of the jigsawswe have here. Available whenever we are open.

Look out for 'Summer Reads' an exciting collection of new titlescoming from 1st May - being launched in association with theWriter's Centre.

Wroxham Library, Norwich Road, Wroxham,NR12 8RX

01603 782560

Hoveton,Wroxham andDistrict

Gardening ClubFriday April 12th

Hoveton Village Hall

Entries accepted 6.00 - 7.15p.m.

Please bring as many entries as you can to help make this asuccessful event.

Talk whilst judging taking place by Ben Potterton a nurseryowner on Spring Woodlanders.

New members always welcome £10.00 annual subscriptionwith discounts at local nurseries.

More details? Pam 01603782041


Kevin Gardner swapped his role as publandlord for that of deep sea angler and hauled ina 1320lb A tlantic blue marlin, the fourth biggest ever caughton rod and line and the best captured by a B ritish angler. Itmeasured 6.2 metres long and was caught off AscensionIsland, in the Atlantic Ocean between Brazil and Africa. It tookKevin 3 hours in the blazing heat of the afternoon to completethe catch and it left him exhausted, dehydrated, sunburnedand with hands covered in blisters. Kevin is now consideringhow to follow that catch but meanwhile he should find it mucheasier to reel in customers to the Kings Head and a lso the RedLion, which he recently reopened with his business partnerBrian Getley in Coltishall.

Heather Boulter has retired from working atColtishall Post Office after 23 years continuousservice.Heather, who lives in Horstead, started working here in 1990when Sandy Rose was Sub postmistress and was ourlongest serving employee. Having paid out pensions tothousands of people over the years, she has now decided tovisit us from the other side of the counter to collect her ownpension.

We shall miss Heather greatly, not least because she seemsto know everyone in the village on first name terms!However we have been very lucky to secure the services ofKen Bacon to take over in the Post Office. Ken was formerlysub postmaster at his own village shop in Felminghambefore moving to Coltishall two years ago. For the last yearhe has been working at the Post Office in Roys at MagdalenStreet, so is well up to date with all the latest Post Officeservices.

Heather has been a tremendous asset to the Coltishall andHorstead community and I'm sure will be missed by our staffand customers alike.

Steve Haines.

Photo Supplied with article

Photo Supplied with article

...and from next door!


March 2013On the 26thFebruary at St .JohnThe Baptist Church,Coltishall, we wereasked to ring thebells for aCelebration of Life

for Wendy Ann Harding. The church wasfilled to capacity and at one time a queueformed going right outside the church tothe entrance gates, because friends andrelatives wanted to sign the Memorial Book,and say a few personal words of their fondmemories of Wendy.

The congregation listened to the entry music“Once Twice Three Time a Lady” ByLionel Ritchie, followed by the Welcome andPrayers from the Rev. Christopher Engelsen.A lovely hymn “Morning Has Broken” wassung and a bible reading “The GoodSamaritan” was given. Gill Honess gave atribute “For Wendy with Love” and thiswas followed by another very popular hymn,“Oh Jesus I Have Promised”. This verypersonal and moving service ended withReflection and Prayers, and a song called“Who Wants to Live Forever “ sung bySarah Brightman, and so with the beautifulvoice of Sarah Brightman singing, thecongregation made their way out of thechurch with their own personal memories ofWendy, and then we rang the bells for her,which she had said she loved to listen to.

This year the Northern Branch of the NDAheld their quarterly meeting at St. John's onMarch 9th. This included a practice,followed by tea, then a meeting after whicha quiz was held . I was unable to attend butTony went along, and said it was very wellattended, and great to meet up again withcouples who had met whilst bell r inging,having since married and now have babies.Namely Richard and Laura Turk, with babyJacob, and Naomi and David Sm ith with a

little baby girl. It was great to see thebabies crawling on the carpet and beingthoroughly spoilt by the variousgrandparents there. A good practice ringwas held, and they made good use of thekitchen facilities for their tea, which we arefortunate to have at St .John's, thanks to theefforts of fund ra ising in the past. After anenjoyable tea, a good meeting and asuccessful quiz, everyone made their wayhome about 8 p.m. And it had all been veryworth while

Yet another successful Quarter Peel wasrung at St .John's on the 10th March, whichwas of course Mothering Sunday, so if youheard the bells ringing out loud and clear itwas to a method called “Beverley” and thededicated ringers came from near and far,and were off to Buxton next to try yetanother Quarter Peel.

Having had quite a busy month duringMarch, we have three weddings in thepipeline for April, so where ever you areenjoy your ringing.

Audrey Weston (Sec.)


Coltishall ChurchSat 27th April

3:00pmCome and hear our local musiciansincluding Revd Chris playing piano

£5:00For Church Funds

A COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE Q & A courtesy of Able Community Care

News from The Bell Tower

Question - As a pensioner I have been told that I can registerwith my gas and electrical company for free services. What arethey please?

Answer - Gas and electricity suppliers should have a PriorityService Register which gives certain groups of people freeservices. The group includes pensioners, disabled people, blindand visually impaired people, people with hearing impairmentsor people who are chronically s ick.

The free services available are a free safety check of your gasappliances including fitting special controls and adaptations tohelp make your gas and electricity appliances easier to useand a Password Scheme that can protect you against boguscallers who pretend to be from your energy suppliers.Membership of the scheme also entitles you to extra advancewarning if your e lectricity supply has to be cut off for planned

work and you can have your bills or a copy of them sent to afriend or relatives if you feel this would be helpful.There are also other benefits in that if everyone who is livingin your home is eligible to become a Member and there arecircumstances when your gas supply has been disrupted orturned off for safety reasons, then your gas transporter willprovide you with alternative cooking and heating facilities. Billscan a lso be sent in Braille, large print or via a tape.

To become a Member look on the back of your gas orelectricity bill for the phone number and address of yoursupplier and contact them to join.

[This is the last of our Q&A’s from Able Community Care - TheMarlpit trusts they have been of some use]

Wroxham & Hoveton Lions ClubCharity Furniture Sale

Broadland Youth & Community Centre,Stalham Road, Hoveton

Sunday 7th April from 10am.

Delivery service available.

Tel: Dave on 01603 782002 orMike on 01603 783108

WOW! -WOW! -WOW! -WOW! - thethethethesnowdrop daysnowdrop daysnowdrop daysnowdrop daymade £426made £426made £426made £426for Horsteadfor Horsteadfor Horsteadfor Horstead



MONEY MATTERS…A regular report for Marlpit readers

WEALTH PRESERVATIONyour invitation to receive some free advice.

In last month’s report I highlighted what I hoped would be a fewhandy things to know about CARE COSTS. This promoted one or tworeaders to call me asking for advice on their own situation. My mindbegan ticking. Is this an area of interest to others ?

I am wondering if readers within out villages would like to meet up ata local venue where I will be happy to give an informal presentationon the topic of WEALTH PRESERVATION. I would see the meetingcovering issues such as :

* Care Costs – the rules and how to plan ahead.

* Inheritance Tax – who it affects, how the rules work and whatplanning options are available.

* Avoiding Investment Risk – what types of investments areavailable that offer capita l protection.

* Wills & Power of Attorneys – are they necessary and ifso, how to ensure they meet your wishes.

* Trusts – why do some people use them and why.

Is this something that would be of interest to you ? If thereis sufficient interest, then I will set about making thearrangements, perhaps at Tithe Barn.

If you would like to be invited, please register your interestby either telephoning 01263 732720 or or feel free to pop into my office at1 Burgh Road, Aylsham.

This short article in no way should be taken by readers asadvice. Unless you feel at ease in making your owndecisions, independent advice is always recommended.Martin Smith IFA can be contacted on 01263 732720 or07584 030071

Martin Smith Independent Financial AdviserLimited is an appointed representative ofFinancial Limited which is authorised andregulated by the Financial Services AuthorityFSA Number 552843

Dog Listening

The last subject I'd like to talk about isplay. Play is a really good way ofexercising your dog. It's socially bondingand by deciding when - and for howlong - it takes place, youconsistently reconfirm yourse lfas Pack Leader.Many of the dogs that I amasked out to help peoplewith, will either be initiatingand controlling playthemselves or refusing to play at all.Both of these behaviours reconfirm thedog's primacy. By taking control of playtime we can show our dogs that we arethe decision-makers in this area too andby gaining their cooperation we can havefun - and exercise them - in a positive andrewarding way.Molly - a beautiful Border Collie that Ivisited - was obsessed with bringing hertoys to her owners. She expected them tothrow them for her and they usually did. Ithad reached a stage where Molly's liferevolved around her toys and not muchelse.Many dogs, particularly young dogs, reallylove to play. Often they will practice theirhunting skills; jumping on toys, throwingthem in the air and parading around with

them in their mouths, as they would aprey animal. However, some dogsbecome obsessed with initiating play andwill bring their toys repeatedly to bethrown. Well-meaning owners, who thinktheir dog is just being playful, feed into

the obsession by obliging and some willspend whole evenings dutifully throwing aball!

Molly had a lot of toys. By removing thevast majority of them and leaving her withjust a few favourites her owners beganthe process of taking control of play-time.The rest of the toys were put away in atoy-box which they would bring out toinitiate play, once it was appropriate to doso. If Molly came to them with one of hertoys and tried to initiate play they would

quietly move away, removing the toy ifshe persisted.As the weeks went by Molly becameless obsessive about initiating playand gradually - over time - her

owners were able to reintroduceoccasional and calm play - on their terms!The principles I've touched on over theyear, form the foundations for developinga deeper, mutually- beneficia l and life-long understanding of your dog. Byimproving communication and workingwith a dog's innate programming, we aremuch better placed to manage the highsand the lows of pack life and ensure thatthey - as well as us - find the peace, joyand harmony that we all seek.I wish you all the greatest success in livingand working with your dogs.Lucy Parkes01603 881626Recommended Dog ListenerDogs in Translation







New baby and toddler group startingin Horstead.

‘Tiddlers’ baby and toddler group will bemeeting at Horstead Tithe Barn on the 3rd

Wednesday of each month from 10-11.30.There will be lots of lovely toys andactivities for children, and a good cuppa

and a chat for parents/carers! The firstsession will be on Wednesday 17 th April.Cost £2 per family. Contact Ali or M ichelleat or justcome along!


GOLD(Guidance for the Older Driver)

In our family, the older generation are generallyreferred to as The Wobblies. An affectionateterm I think and as one of the current WobbliesI felt that I should take the advice of CarolBundock and sample the GOLD scheme beingpromoted by Norfolk County Council. Thescheme is designed to help and advise olderdrivers wishing to refresh their driving skills andif necessary to improve driver confidence. As Igained my full Driving Licence in 1957 itseemed to me that it might be a good opportunityto refresh my skills. Having paid £29 for a onehour assessment session, a very pleasant chapcalled Steve duly arrived on my doorstep andwithout more ado, away we went.However, before we started, the inevitablequestion – “Can you read the number plate ofthe car parked across the road?” Oh dammitwhere are the driving glasses, without them,don’t worry about the number plate, where’s thecar? Glasses found, number plate duly read wewere off. Wroxham and turn right towardsNorwich and over the lights at Roy’s. Queuefrom the Norwich direction at a standstill andobstructed by a car waiting to turn across the lineof traffic. I slowed up to leave a gap to turn,which he did. Don’t beckon on other road users– it might cause an accident. First error. Thefact that it would have resulted in an increasingqueue of traffic in the opposite directionappeared to be irrelevant. However, onwards toRackheath, Thorpe End, right on the Ring Roadto the Sprowston Road and back via Wroxham.Back at Coltishall I was presented with a DriverDevelopment Form divided into five sections.Vehicle Control, Observation, Planning,Attitude and Special Manoeuvres and eachsection was marked in 5 categories betweenVery Good, Good, Average, Poor and VeryPoor. I was awarded Very Good in 4categories, Good in 12 and Average in 4. Notbad. One comment I didn’t notice until Stevehad left –“ Mirrors – Use in Pairs.” Not evensure what it means. I tend to use the offsidemirror and internal mirror most of the time andthe nearside mirror when parking. I evenshowed it to my 17 year old grandson who didn’tunderstand it and he has very recently passed hisDriving Test with “No minors”. (If you knowwhat “No minors” means you certainly aren’t anolder driver.)So, as a Wobbly was it worthwhile? Stevewasn’t ashen faced when he left and wasn’tsitting with white knuckles during the drive, soon balance yes, even if only to have anindependent view of my driving.If you are an older driver, give it a go. Younever know what you might learn and you mightstrike GOLD. If Carol Bundock can do it, socan you. By the way, “minors” are minor faultsrecorded against learner drivers when taking aDriving Test. If 15 minors are recorded theTest is failed. There you are, you have learnedsomething today!!

Eric Johnson (Wobbly )


The meeting in January was cancelled due to icyweather so our February meeting lived up to theprom ise of being very busy. There was a largeattendance and we were so pleased to be joined by newand also prospective members. After the welcome byour President, Mrs. Sylvia Coward, we got to grips with

the busy agenda.There was a report on the visit to `Sweeny Todd` at the Theatre Royal which

was voted to be a really exciting production. The costumes were beautiful and thecast gave their all. Some members have offered help and cakes for Horstead HouseAnnual Snowdrop Day and others are looking forward to attending a Valentinelunch at Martham WI. We hope to see some of you at the table-top sale inColtishall village hall where we shall be selling cakes, preserves and books.

Our speaker this month was Mr . Mark Wilson-North, a volunteer with `RAPID-UK`. This is a charity, based in Gloucester, which was formed in 1996 to help meetgrowing international needs in times of disaster. He gave a thrilling, illustrated talkand our members gave a generous donation collected in appreciation of thedangerous work undertaken by the charity at home and abroad.

EASY FRUIT CAKE.8oz soft margarine 8oz soft brown sugar3 eggs 12 oz S.R. F lour1 teasp mixed spice l lb dried fruit¼ pint milk

Grease & line a 7 or 8 inch cake tin. Prepare pre-heated oven 150 C, gas mark 2.Place all ingredients, except fruit, into mixer & mix together on max speed for 1minute.

Add fruit & stir well ( mix for at least 5 minutes by hand )

Pour mixture into tin & smooth top. Bake for approximately 2 hours. Test withskewer, if it comes out clean the cake is cooked. (This slow cooking method keepsthe cake from becoming too dry ).

When ready, remove from oven and leave in tin for ½ an hour, then turn out ontowire rack to cool thoroughly. Store in airtight tin.[Or Eat!]

Create and ShareBig C Heart Cushion Challenge

Monday April 18th

Coltishall Church Room2-5pm

We have set ourselves the challenge again this year to make 50+ heart cushionsfor breast cancer patients to be distributed to local hospitals.

We would welcome your support, pop in to encourage us or make a donation.

Last year we made well over 100 cushions.

‘Create and Share’ is a local craft group which meets monthly on the secondMonday of the month, in the afternoon at The Church Room Coltishall to share skills,friendship and tea. Our members have a wide range of skills and interests includingsewing, quilting, card making, scrap booking, painting, knitting and crochet.

“Create and Share Club”Sylvia Coward 01603 737915

WANTEDWANTEDWANTEDWANTEDI am knitting hats and scarves for the next Samaritan Purse shoe-box Appeal.If you have any odd wool I would be most grateful for it and I will collect.Please call 01603 736586 Thank you Sue Edmondson

Sc rum my or what!


9th Annual Bure Valley Railway WalkMacmillan - Cancer Support

Saturday 20th April/ Sunday 21st AprilAndrew Hadley is organising the event for the first time with the help of the NorwichCommittee rather than directly by Macmillan from London.The aim is to be more inclusive so teams have been invited from all the local HighSchools; so far Reepham, Aylsham, Broadland, Stalham and Paston are participatingusing students studying for their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. They are competing forthe prestigious Macmillan Schools Trophy to be presented to the school raising themost money. Local clubs are entering teams; Rotary Clubs, Lions and others areagain competing for a trophy. Plus over 600 regular walkers are also taking part in 3and 9 mile walks from Aylsham to Hoveton, Hoveton to Wroxham and stations / haltsin between.

Andrew said “So far over £270,000 has been raised and we hope to top the£300k barrier this year.

Andrew Hadley, Macmillan Ambassador, PO Box 55, Coltishall Norwich - 07810450758

Thursday July 4th 2013.Non members very welcome to join the club for our outsidemeeting to the Royal Horticultural Societies garden at Hyde Hall nrChelmsford. This is a truly beautiful garden especially in July withgorgeous roses, clematis, herbaceous borders etc. Do come andjoin us for the day only £15.00 inclusive, normally admission is£6.50 but only other expenditure to cover.

Julian Abbott on 01603782883.


BOWLS ONSUNDAYScome andhave a tryEver thought youmight enjoy a gameof bowls? Well here'syour chance. Youwon't believe howmany people do andit's not just the old folk.Horstead Bowls Club is anxious to welcomenew players for the 2013 season — why notcome and have a go?Whether you've already played or neverthought of it before we'd love to see you atone of our Sunday morning Bowl and TrySessions. We'll put you with a partner who'llhelp you if you wish and who knows, youmay find you enjoy the gently game for acouple of hours in the dappled, springsunshine.Our Green and Clubhouse are opposite theRecruiting Sergeant in Horstead (Norwich Rd)so just turn up to one of our sessions anySunday beginning 21 April at 10. l5am. Allyou need is a pair of flat-bottomed shoes(not flip-flops).

Or call for more information on01603 737600

Peter CobbSecretary

NBYCWe are hoping spring is well and trulyon its way now… just in time for thestart of the season, lovely! What anexciting season we have coming up,Norfolk Broads Yacht Club is delightedto welcome Lightfoot Catering toNBYC. Roger and his team have beenappointed as the Clubs new caterersand we are very excited for him toshowcase his culinary magicthroughout the season.We have an Open Day in conjunctionwith the RYA 'Push the Boat OutScheme’ on Saturday May 18 th startingat 10am when non-members arewelcome to visit the club. Visitorsarriving before 12.30pm will even beoffered the opportunity to go for a shortsail! If you intend on joining us or toregister your interest please use thecontact details below.Our Bistro evenings are returning bypopular demand, the first of these highquality, private dining experiences isbeing held on the evening of Friday 3rd

May. Having just celebrated MothersDay at the Club with a deliciousluncheon (and flowers for the mum’s ofcourse!) we look forward to our FittingOut Supper, this marks the beginningof our sailing season... and what aspecial season it is for Norfolk BroadsYacht Club.

Our very popular Easter Sailing Schoolis filling up. On Monday 8th April theClub will be inundated with juniorsfrom 8 years and older, some justbeginning their sailing journey, othersmore advanced and hoping to honetheir racing skills. The Club comes aliveas up to 100 juniors take to the water tolearn from our fantastic team ofvolunteers. On and off the water skillsare taught throughout the week untilFriday 12th when adults and children(both often dressed as pirates!)celebrate with fun games and a BBQ.We celebrate our 75th anniversary thisyear over the bank holiday of 25th 26th

and 27th May 2013. We have great plansfor a day of family friendly fun on theSaturday for members and their guests,with an informal social in the evening.A formal anniversary Club dinner willtake place on the Sunday evening alongwith a full racing card for membersSaturday to Monday, a weekend thatinvolves the whole family and promisesto be great fun.For more information on how tobecome a member of Norfolk BroadsYacht Club please visit our if you wish to speakwith our friendly staff please contactthe Office on 01603 782808 or you canemail us on


Dear friends,

Ther e i s one hymn tha t i s sung byver y near ly ever yone: The Lord' sm y Shepherd. Whether at a major li fe-event, such as a wedding or a funeral,or as one of our favorite Songs ofPraise, this hymn says it all . Likesheep, we need to be safely gatheredand led to green pastures and quietwaters where we can flourish as thepeople God has made us to be. Our soul(indeed the whole of us) is in need ofbeing restored again ( and again). Weneed to walk the right path that leadsus and those around us to life andpeace. When we walk through the darkvalley (whether of death andbereavement, illness, or whateveroppresses us) we need to be freed fromfear and find comfort. "Your rod andstaff, they comfort me" Rods and staffscome in many forms: being listened to,prayed for, accompanied and supported.Do let me know if you would like a

visit at home or in hosp ital . Even inthe mids t of our chall enging l ives,God s preads a table before us so thatwe may richly feast together with him.We will always be part of his family – inGod's House for evermore.Faith-and coming to Church-is not onlyfor special times of celebration or need,but for every day. Everyday we needthe green pastures of being fed ,energized, of living fu lfi lled andpeaceful lives. Christ, our GoodShepherd, offers us this as he gathers usas his people.Come to him-join us around his table-atany of our services. Please see Worshipin the Benefice. Why not bring thechildren to Family Fun Church on May19th at the Horstead Tithe Barn 3pm,orto Sunday School at the Church Room,Colt ishall on Sundays 10-11am andFamily Service 10am on the fi rstSunday Apri l 7 th, May 5th?Come to him and feed on the basics of the

bible and prayer at Bible Meeting onTuesday 23rd April 7.30pm at the Rectory,Rectory Road Coltishall.Our bishops remind us o f the GoodShepherd (hence their crozier or crook)and we welcome the Bishop of Lynn,Jonathan,on 5th May at Family Service atCo ltishall , and at Stratton StrawlessChurch Songs of Praise at 6pm on thesame day.-come and meet him!We pray for our new Archbishop Justin,who came to Norwich last month , andfor our bro thers and sisters in the RCChurch and their new Pope-Franc is.All good wishes and prayers.


From the Reverend Christopher Engelsen

UNITED REFORMED CHURCHMinister: Rev Matt Stone, tel: 01603 781623.

Wroxham & Hoveton United Reformed Church is an informal and friendly church meeting in differentvenues around the village whilst our own church building is constructed on the Norwich Road oppositeThe Avenue in Wroxham. We love to welcome new members – why not come along and give us a try?

Services & Events in MarchDate Preacher / Event Time & VenueThurs 4th Apr Fresh Ground: Did Jesus really rise from the dead? 7.30pm, St. Helen’sSat 6th Retreat Day (contact Matt for more information) 10am-2.30pm, Dilham

Sun 7th Worship led by Mr Bruno Boldrini 11.15am, St. Mary’sSun 14th Songs of Praise Service led by Rev Matt Stone 4.30pm, Church Hall

Sat 20th Spring Sale 2pm, Hoveton Village HallSun 21st Family Service led by Rev Matt Stone 11.15am, Church HallSun 28th Worship led by Mrs Jenni Stone 11.15am, St. Mary’s

Sun 28th JAM (Our Sunday Kids Club) 10.30am-12.15pm, Church HallThurs 2nd May Fresh Ground: How can God be three-in-one? 7.30pm, St. Helen’sSun 5th Communion led by Rev Matt Stone 11.15am, St. Mary’s

Coffee is served after each service. Please do join us!


All Saints' Church Horstead Thursday 25th April 7.30pm in ChurchSt. John the Baptist Coltishall Tuesday 30th April 7.30pm in Church.

Matt’s MusingsJAM, our Sunday kids club, is open to allchildren aged 4-14. We have fun, play games,make crafts and sing songs. Please contactChris Billing (01603 783992) for more details.Our monthly Family Service is suitable for allages and includes activities for children.

‘Fresh Ground’, our monthly cafe-discussionevening is looking at difficult questions offaith. This month’s, on Thursday 4 April willbe asking ‘Did Jesus really rise from thedead?’ and we will be unpacking the evidencefor the resurrection. We also have regular

Bible Study and Prayer groups, which gladlywelcome new members.Our new building is now well under way, andwe look forward to it being completed byearly July!


St John theBaptist,Coltishall

All SaintsHorstead


Wednesday 3rd April10.00am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist ColtishallReadings Acts 3:1-10, Luke 24:13-35Sunday 7th April The Second Sunday of Easter8.00am Holy Communion at All Saints' Horstead9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints' Hainford10.00am Family Service at St. John the Baptist Coltishall11.00am Holy Communion at St Swithins FrettenhamReadings Revelation 1:4-8, John 20:19-31

Thursday 11th April10.00am Holy Communion at Mereworth Parish Road, Stratton Strawless

Sunday 14th April The Third Sunday of Easter8.00am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Gt Hautbois9.30am Holy Communion at All Sa ints' Hainford9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints' Horstead11.00am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist Coltishall11.00am Morning Prayer at St Swithins FrettenhamReadings Revelation 5: 11-14, John 21:1-19

Sunday 21st April The Fourth Sunday of Easter9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints' Hainford9.30am Holy Communion at All Saints' Horstead11.00am Morning Prayer at St John the Baptist Coltishall11.00am Holy Communion at St Swithins Frettenham followed by Annual Meeting4.00pm Songs of Pra ise at All Saints' HainfordReadings Revelation 7: 9-end, John 10:22-30

Sunday 28th April The Fifth Sunday of Easter9.30am Annual Meeting and Holy Communion at All Saints' Hainford9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints' Horstead11.00am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist Coltishall11.00am Morning Prayer at St Swithins Frettenham

No Service at St Margarets Stratton StrawlessReadings Revelation 21: 1-6, John 13:31-35

Sunday 5th May The Sixth Sunday of Easter (Rogation Sunday)8.00am Holy Communion at All Saints' Horstead9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints' Hainford10.00am Family Service at St. John the Baptist Coltishall with the Bishop of Lynn11.00am Holy Communion at St Swithins Frettenham the Bishop of Lynn6.00pm Songs of Praise with the Bishop of Lynn at St Margarets Stratton StrawlessReadings Revelation 21:1, 22 -22:5, John 14:23-29


Sundays at 4pm Broadland Community Centre,Stalham Road, Hoveton

BroadGrace is a friendly, informal church for those living in the towns and villages ofBroadlands and North Norfolk. Whether you’re new to church or looking for a newchurch, we’d love you to come along this Sunday.

We normally meet in the Broadland Community Centre, Stalham Road, Hoveton at 4pm.On Sunday 7 April we will be meeting at 40 Mill Road, Frettenham instead at 4pm.

Find out more at or call 01603 737974

Family Friendly Church

Sponsored FloodlightingSt John the Baptist Church Coltishall

Parish Priest: Father David Bagstaff, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham Tel: 01692 403258Parish Website:

Sacred Heart Church, Kings Arms Street, North Walsham Sunday Mass 11.00 a.m.St John of the Cross Church, White Hart Street, Aylsham Sunday Mass 9.00 a.m.St Helen's Church, Horning Road West, Hoveton Saturday 5.30 p.m. (Anticipatory Mass)

Holy Day Mass Times

St John of the Cross 9.00 a.m.Sacred Heart 10.30 a.m.St Helen's 6.00 p.m.

Roman Catholic Parish

Floodlighting entries and enquiries to JillBlackburn Tel: 737 442

W/C Apr 21st by Bill & Sue Toomer remembering theirson Lee [April 26th - 20 Years]

We would be pleased to receive entries for Births, “Big”birth days and anniversaries as well as in memoriamremembering loved ones. Ring Jill for help with this.

Letters photos and press cuttings etc can be posted in our mail drops in the Post Office, Farm to Fork and F ish and the Highstreet pharmacy, the boxes will be emptied on Saturday 13th. Everything will be digitally scanned and returned if the contributorwishes, all articles must have a contact telephone number and return address. Copy can also be sent to mel@themarlpit.comby Monday the 15th

Copy for May 2013


CONTACT01603 737 016


The MarlpitAdvertising, Reporter Mel Douglass, Blacksmith Yard, High Street, Coltishall, NR127DH 736016Distribution Eric Johnson, 8 White Lion Road, Coltishall, NR12 7AR 738683Secretary Philippa Weightman, 1 Stanninghall Cottages, Horstead, NR12 7LY 737962Treasurer Anne Gilbert, 12 Patricia Avenue, Horstead, NR12 7EW 737577Sub Editor Susie Bunn, 9 Hancock Close, Coltishall, NR12 7HS 739215Advertising Copy Derek Allday, 13 Patricia Avenue, Horstead, NR12 7EW 738032Hon.Ind. Accountant Alan S Mallett, The Cabinet, High Street, Coltishall, NR127AA 738577The Marlpit

Please contact The Marlpit Editors between 10.00am & 9.00pm

Coltishall Church RoomMondays Sure Start [Term Time] 12.30 - 3.30pm

2nd Monday Create and Share Craft 2.00 - 5.00pm

Tuesday Art Class [Term Time] 11.00am - 2-00pmWednesday Community Lunch Club 12.30 - 1.45pmWednesday 1st Coltishall Rainbows 5.15 - 6.15pm

3rd Wednesday Coltishall and Horstead WI 7.30 - 10.00pm

Thursday Sure Start Music [Term Time] 1.30 - 2.30pmThe Church Room is currently available for hire at the following charges: £5 per hour or £12.50 per 3 hour session, casual users £8.00.For Bookings and Enquiries: Joan M illigan Tel: 737270

The LoungeMonday [2nd in month] Royal British Legion 7.30 - 8.00pmTuesday [April - September] Coltishall Jaguars Running C lub 6.00 - 8.00pmThursday [April - September] Coltishall Jaguars Running C lub 6.45 - 7.45pmThursday Coltishall & Horstead Youth Forum 7.30 - 9.30pmSunday Coltishall Jaguars Running C lub 8.30 - 9.30am

The village Hall and the Lounge are available for booking. Regular users £5.00 per hour. Casual users £10.00 per hour. Saturday£150 per day. Friday & Saturday evening 6.00pm - midnight £75. Hall and Lounge booked together £100.Bar by request. For Booking & Enquiries: Doreen Snelling Tel: 737955

Coltishall Village HallMonday - Friday [Term Time] Coltishall & Horstead Pre-School 8.30am - 12.30pmMonday [Twice monthly] Coltishall Parish Council 7.00 - 9.00pmTuesday Vibes Health & Fitness 6.00 - 8.00pmThursday Coltishall Brownies 6.00 - 7.30pmSaturday Zumba 10.30 - 11.30pm

Horstead Tithe BarnMonday 7.00 - 10. 00pm Badminton Carl Tipple 738399Tuesday 10.00 - 11.00am Zumba Debby 736492Tuesday 7.00 - 9.00pm Line Dancing Glenda/Shelia 890708 / 279294Wednesday 7.30 - 10.30pm Jubilee Players Ros Chamberlin 736287Wednesday 6.00 - 7.00pm Zumba Debby 736492Thursday 7.30 - 10.30pm Ballroom Dancing Dave Cox 737907Thursday 1.30 - 2.30pm Baby Yoga Natalie Fiske 01692 598465Friday 10.00 -11.30am Yoga Kerry Radley 784705Friday 7.30 - 10.30pm Short Mat Bowls Jill Bunn 737516

The Hayloft is available for hire for £12.50 per 3 hour session or £5.25 per hour for shorter periods. The Main Barn is available for hirefor full or part day sessions on Saturday or Sunday at a full day rate of £168, 9.00am - Midnight [15hrs]. Part day sessions £11.50 perhour. Saturday evening session 6pm - Midnight £90. The Main Barn is available for hiring mornings or afternoons on weekdays at£11.50 per hour with a minimum of two hours. Bar by Request. Charge to regular [annual] hirers £19.50 per 3 hour session. £78.00per month. £963.00 per year. For booking & enquiries: Sue Blackburn Tel: 737495

Useful Telephone Numbers

Police [non Emergency] Aylsham 101 Coltishall Pharmacy 736784Crimestoppers 0800 111 8555 Coltishall Post Office 737277Coltishall Primary School 737481 Coltishall Surgery 737593Broadland High School 782715 Coltishall Community Centre 738435Citizens Advice Bureau [North Walsham] 01692 402570 Priest in Charge, Coltishall Rector 737255Citizens Advice Bureau [Appointments] 01692 405847 Good Neighbour Scheme (Horstead & Coltishall) 07799 277455Citizens Advice Bureau [Norwich] 626145 Recruiting Sergeant (Defibrillator) 737077Dial-A-Ride Community Transport 01692 500840