Marketing your story

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Marketing your story

Allow 21 of the Brightest

Minds in Marketing To


Why tell a story?

Brian Eisenberg

“Effective content marketing is about mastering the art of storytelling. Facts tell, but stories sell”

Chris Brogan

“Stories are how we learn best. We absorb numbers and facts and details, but we keep them all glued into our heads with stories”

Mitch Joel

“The brands that win are the brands that tell a great story. When it comes to transmedia storytelling, the brands that win are the brands that tell many great stories and are able to connect them all together.”

Robert McKee

“Stories are how we remember; we tend to forget lists and bullet points.”

Robert Rose

“Your story will be unique to you, your brand, and the experience you are trying to create.”


Gottschall“A story is a trick for sneaking a message into the fortified citadel of the human mind.”

Ardath Albee

“If marketing is more like storytelling, we can count on more engagement from potential customers.”

Jay Baer

“Every business has a story to tell”

Christopher S.

Penn“Great storytelling can make the difference between someone paying attention to you and someone just tuning you out.”

John Michael Morgan

“People are looking for a connection. Tell a good enough story about your brand and people will not only get invested, they’ll want to buy from you.”

Arianna Huffington

“People think in stories, not statistics, and marketers need to be master storytellers.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

“Storytelling is by far the most underrated skill when it comes to business.”

C.C. Chapman

“It is something that comes from inside of you and I firmly believe everyone can tell a story about anything they are passionate about.”

Andrew Davis

“There’s a big difference between creating branded content and building a content brand. Branded content is egocentric brand marketing. Developing a content brand takes an audience-first approach to business storytelling that builds a loyal audience”

Jonah Sachs

“In order to tell better stories, brands must actually be better stories. Our brave new media world hasn’t just put audiences in charge; it has also given them the tools to instantly peel back the curtain on marketing campaigns and look at the substance behind them.”

Jim Blasingame

“In a time of rapidly compounding technology generations, the most successful businesses will consistently deliver high touch to customers with one of our oldest traits – the telling of a story.”

Bernadette Jiwa

“Marketing is the art of telling a story that moves people to act. Marketing is no longer a tactic used to sell stuff. It’s about finding ways to create meaning and make people feel something, rather than making them do what you want them to do in the short term.”

David Meerman

Scott“I think of the story as a movie or novel and cast the people from around the world whose success I showcase as my hero and traditional offline advertising and the PR pitching approach as the villains.”

Ann Handley

“It’s about how your business (or its products or services) exist in the real world: how people use your products—how they add value to people’s lives, ease their troubles, help shoulder their burdens, and meet their needs. Think in those terms when producing customer stories, case studies, or client narratives—so that people can relate to them. In that way, your content is not about “storytelling,” it’s about telling a true story well.”

Marcus Sheridan

“I simply see life as one great story after another, and that’s the way I’ve always communicated. People remember stories. It allows them to create pictures, which is a big deal.Plus, it helps them know me, trust me, like me and support me in some way – maybe directly as a customer or indirectly as an advocate.”

Seth Godin

“Marketing is storytelling.”

And finally…

How would you tell your story?

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