Marketing Internship Report - · Antoine Teillon! 1 Marketing Internship Report...

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Transcript of Marketing Internship Report - · Antoine Teillon! 1 Marketing Internship Report...

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Marketing Internship


Antoine TEILLON BIB 1st year

E.Leclerc Bourgoin-Jallieu Distribution

Marketing manager assistant

Company’s tutor : Mr Sylvain FRANCOU

20th of May/ 30th of June 2013


First of all I would like to thank Mr Pierre MARMONIER (President of E.Leclerc Bourgoin jallieu distribution) who allow me to do my internship in his organization.

Second, Mrs Marie Paule LAUT (Human Resources Manager) and my tutor for this internship Mr Sylvain FRANCOU (Sales Manager) for their time, explanations and their professionalism.

I also want to thank the three managers of each area of the company where I stayed for some weeks, Mrs Hillaire (IT service), Mr Rossini (Drive) and Mr Ferrer (Espace culturel), they allows me a tremendous amount of time to talk and explain me so many things and sharing their experiences.

And of course the entire team of the different area where I worked for their reception, help, explanations, and advices.

Finally, I really appreciate to be in this company as a learner, and not as a student here to do free work. Thanks to this philosophy, I learnt so much form each person I met there and I want to thanks them once more for their time and availability!

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Execu&ve  summary  of  the  internship  

Skills developed or acquired during the internship

During this internship I developed mainly my customers contact (Drive, Espace culturel, IT department) in different ways — and my ability to work more quickly and properly.

Summary of the Internship

For this internship, my tutor made me work in three different departments to allow me to see as many aspects of the company as possible. During the first week I worked in the IT service, which is basically an office job, to update the website. During the next 3-4 weeks I worked at the “Drive” where customers order what they need on Internet and can remove it two hours later with their car, and my mission was to do a satisfaction survey on some precise points. And finally a week in the “Espace culturel” which is a part (concept) of E.Leclerc brand which is included in E.Leclerc Bourgoin Distribution and brand new by the way. This is a department where you can find all the cultural products (books, video, video games, office supplies, creative arts...). My mission here was to determine how to improve the affluence of customers and by the way increase the turnover.

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Presentation of the company

Detailed presentation of my missions




Recommendations to the company

Learning experience! 14

Relationships within the company & personal development during the internship

Challenges to face, dealing with problems and personal improvement axes for other missions

Links with my training at GGSB, differences between academic learning and the real life experience in the company

Conclusion! 16

Sources! 17



Appendices ! 18

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Presentation of the company

In 1948, Edouard Leclerc opens the first supermarket in Landerneau, Brittany

Today E.Leclerc is composed by more than 560 stores in France and more than 120 in the rest of the EU, 94 900 employees and a turnover of 32,3 million euros without fuel.And in May 2013, E.Leclerc is the leader in France in terms of market share of supermarket.

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The first Landerneau supermarket

Supermarket market shares in France in percentage

E.Leclerc is actually a brand more than anything else, it is not a supermarket chain in the way there is almost no directives from the head of E.Leclerc to the different supermarkets, except some terms and conditions to respect the image and the philosophy of the brand. This is the purpose of the GALEC (Groupement d'achat des Centres E. Leclerc). It coordinates and implements the trade policy of the brand to the supermarkets.In other words, each supermarket is independent in its management and different choices. In this way the supermarket can, for instance choose itself the “concept(s)” it will set up. “Concepts” are services under the name E.Leclerc. They are branches to separate quite distinctively all you can find in a supermarket (food, general store, clothes...) and services, so, there is for instance a concept for renting vehicles, another for fuel, or even clothes, cultural products... This philosophy of E.Leclerc, this way to operate between the head of E.Leclerc and the different supermarket is called “Le Mouvement E.Leclerc”.Finally, to be part of “Le Mouvement E.Leclerc” means for each supermarket to pay fees to the brand. Besides that, this payment allows them to use the different purchasing centers, there are 16 of it in the whole France and each of these deals with several supermarkets, and provide them everything is ordered by the supermarket by means of a software, even if each supermarket can also deal with one or several local suppliers without using the purchasing center.In the case of E.Leclerc Bourgoin distribution, the software used is called VBO (once again, every supermarket is independent, so it can choose the software it wants for example) and the purchasing center is called SOCARA situated in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (Isère) (Appendix 3).The concepts chosen by the head of Bourgoin Distribution are for example, Leclerc Drive, Espace Culturel, Leclerc Optique... (8 in total).

 Detailed presentation of my missions

I had 3 different missions in 3 different areas of E.Leclerc Bourgoin Distribution. For the first one, at the IT service, my mission was to update the website, which means that I had to put “news” on it. The news aim to promote the different main concepts of E.Leclerc with attractive pictures ; a descriptive, concise, and clear text. I also had to change some others informations like new photos of the supermarket itself, for the shops into the supermarket,

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create new sections for new shops, re-organize them to be clearer and more attractive, create new logos.The other part in the IT service was to create a brand new layout for customer mailing using the ones provided by the GALEC and which wi l l be more appropr iate to E.Leclerc Bourgoin Distribution. According to the requirement of the president (Mr Marmonier), it has to be modern and attractive.

My Drive mission was to do a satisfaction survey. After more than a year of existence it was time for a recap’ of the customers satisfaction regarding critical point such as the choice, the quality of products, the quality of preparation... With the possibility for them, beside the ratings (they could choose from “very satisfied” to “poor”) to express themselves if they had a comment on one specific point or in general. The idea was to improve it, even if the Drive is one of the most efficient in France (4th one out of almost 400).

And finally I was supposed for my third mission to re-implement the fruits and vegetable section with a brand new Bio section, but the person in charge of it and by the way, the one I was supposed to help, declined the project at the last minute so I stayed at the Drive until my tutor sets up a new mission. So the new mission was at the “Espace culturel”. Its purpose was to suggest Antoine Teillon! 7

solutions to attract more customers in it. Actually, the “Espace Culturel” is brand new and it doesn’t attract as much as customers the head of Bourgoin Jallieu Distribution expected. So they asked me to keep my outside view and observe, ask questions to customers, and to be objective.

In total I stayed at the IT service for a few more than a week as well as at the “Espace culturel” and I stayed approximately 3 weeks at the drive.



For my first mission, the first thing I did was to take a booklet where everything regarding the softwares I will use was explained. I red it and I opened my computer and see concretely how it worked. Most of my work was to create something attractive for the customer so I took myself pictures to get exactly what I wanted, then I enhanced them with some softwares, resized them... I also wrote the description by inspiring me of the numerous descriptions already existing to stay in the way of thinking of E.Leclerc. I also visited some shops in the supermarket to discuss with the managers what they wanted to appear on their page. And regarding the mailing I made 3 different layouts, in this way, the president will choose the one he prefers.

Regarding the Drive, I proceeded initially by working as an employee to see concretely how it worked, I prepared the orders, I delivered them, I had a first contact with clients (they often express themselves about what they think of the service without asking them any question), then I started to ask them some questions about what they think precisely and not only “Are you satisfied by E.Leclerc Drive ? Y/N”, I tried as much as possible to examine in depth their answers by asking them specific questions — about the quality of products, the delivery speed... And then I agreed with Mr Rossini about the questions to put in the survey, after the questionnaire was ready to be used, I took some gifts (water bottles, iceboxes) to open the discussion with clients. After I questioned the sample group, I made a report with answers

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and multiple comments and suggestions of the respondents. I also add my own opinion and commentary about what I saw, my feelings and experience as close to the customer.

And for the last one at the “Espace culturel”, to keep my outside view, I took almost a complete day to explore, see how employees worked, who they are, who the customers are, eventually discuss with them, and the arrangement of the store in general, and compare it with the customers behavior and their reaction towards it.Then my goal was to integrate myself into the team, which I did. I spoke for quite a long time with every one of them, I met sales representatives with them... And finally, I developed a questionnaire with different criteria (age, loyal customer of E.Leclerc or not, their impressions about the “Espace culturel”, if they already bought something there...) and then I asked my questions to customers in 3 different places in the supermarket : inside the “Espace culturel”, at the checkout, and inside the supermarket. My data collected I made an Excel sheet with my results, I also wrote the comments of the respondents and my report.

I also have to mention that, because I was supposed to do my third mission in fruits and vegetables, as an introduction, I went at the beginning of my internship for a day with my tutor, the person who was supposed to realize the project with my help, the manager of fresh department and the president to visit another E.Leclerc supermarket (Andrézieux) which already renovated their fruits and vegetables department.

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So I did in total 6 new banners for different concepts of E.Leclerc Bourgoin distribution

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The home page of the website with a banner about the “Espace Culturel”

surrounded by red.

A brand new layout for client’s mailing

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A part of the new layout. The image in yellow are the news Bourgoin Distribution wants to send to clients.

There is also numerous other changes, for instance the new photos of the Supermarket :

The aim was to make the website more informative, more appealing, and I think it is. Attract the consumer through a website is something recent and expanding more and more and nowadays it has to be effective, it is a sign of confidence for consumers.

Regarding the Drive, I questioned 50 clients, their responses were quite clear, in the majority they are really satisfied on the different points, except one or two. The clients are for the majority quite involved and happy to be involved in the enhancement of this Antoine Teillon! 12



service, and even if I had a contact with clients and I wasn’t doing the survey (sometimes there is a lot of work we do not have enough time to discuss so much with clients), they are really curious and ask you questions anyway, about how the Drive works, how much we are to run it... On the one hand, with this survey the head is now able to focus their efforts on weaknesses according to clients, and on the other way the client feels concerned and is pleased not to be only considered as a cash cow. (Appendix 1)

And finally, for my mission at the “Espace culturel”, which was to bring more clients, thanks to my multiple observations and discussions with staff or customers, I noticed some improvements to do, or some problems for which I cannot propose a simple solution, that is to say without destroy and rebuild. As my mission was just for a approximately week, I didn’t have enought time to start changing things, but I report everything I noticed. In this way, when the time will come, they will be eventually able to organize themselves to modify if it is needed. Or simply, for the simplest points, if they agree with my suggestions, they can set up changes when they want (see “Recommendations to the company”). In a way, my work offers them a basis to work with, and to eventually improve it in the future. Moreover it gives an overview of clients opinion about the “Espace culturel”. (Appendix 4)

Recommendations to the company

I would recommend to the company regarding the Drive (which is currently doing renovations and extensions) to anticipate the future. As my tutor said to me, the drive is the future of mass marketing, the danger is to be exceeded by the number of customers quickly. Moreover, as this concept is expanding more and more, the competition would invest the market : it is important to set up a kind of monopoly before their arrival. The drive must offer more references, more parking space etc. Finally, the Drive is a kind of mixture between the Amazon system — Internet ordering, logistic, quality — and the MacDrive (McDonald’s) — speed of delivering, kind of delivering — and according to their respective success we can easily imagine that my tutor was right.

And concerning the “Espace culturel”, there is issues with the organization of products, best-sellers are poorly located compared to where clients are going instinctively, I would also suggest to promote inside the supermarket itself, with signs, people often forget the existence of the “Espace culturel” once they are doing their shopping. They also should

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highlight their ticketing, most clients do not see it at all. Also to direct more clients to it by indications/promotions, etc.Also, I find the massive advertising campaign quite vapid, not highly illustrated, not very detached from the very conventional image of conventional advertising of E.Leclerc. Finally, I would recommend to keep the actual management policy which is really efficient and contribute to the well being of this company.

Learning experience

Relationships within the company & personal development during the internship

During my internship I tried to integrate myself as much as possible. I knew that it was the only way to open a dialogue with plenty of people, and by the way, make the most of my internship by learning as much as I could. What I did first was to show I was really involved and motivated, to earn the trust and respect. In this way, it is easier for people to allow you a part of their time because they know it will not be wasted. So, these people taught me how the mass marketing works, what will be the future, how “Le système E.Leclerc” works, we talk about their future, my own... (Appendix 2)I also had the chance to work in all kind of job, of different area (office job, the present of the mass marketing: supermarket, and the future of it : Drive). And it helped me in my choice of my future orientation, because I saw what I liked the most.

Challenges to face, dealing with problems and personal improvement axes for other missions

For example, my mission at the “Espace culturel“ was quite tough for one simply reason, there is a lot of competition in Bourgoin-jallieu, such as a big Cultura, very popular. And because my mission was to bring clients, it is difficult to change people habits. Yet, the advertising is the best way to change them, and its efficiency is crucial.Moreover, the “Espace culturel“ already implanted the Cultura concepts which made them famous. Plus, it is not so simple to turn everything upside down, my suggestions had to be without considering big changes. Another issue I had to face was eventually the refusal even the rudeness of some clients when I asked them if they had a few time for a little survey.And finally, the axe I would improve for my future missions, could be to find ones with an international vision more important.

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Links with my training at GGSB, differences between academic learning and the real life experience in the company

There was obviously several links between my training at GGSB and the real life experience, first, for this report I am constantly using what I learnt in communication, about clutters...I also used for example my skills in charts and Excel form “Quantitative methods”. And beside all of this, my skills in marketing, management, management of information system, psychology, etc. gave me some answers and helped me to understand what happened around me during these 6 weeks. The differences are mainly that at GGSB we learn by courses, personal and group work, the theory and in some case simulations, but in the professional world, the every single thing you do has a direct impact in many ways you can’t always control. Compared to the school, we do not only have to pay attention to what people says but also to all the consequences of any act or decision.

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To sum up, I would say that I discovered so many aspect of the working world with this internship, thanks to the three missions, which were very different. This allows me to have a more precise idea of what I want to do later, indeed, for example, when we went to Andrézieux to see the other E.Leclerc supermarket : I was in the car, full of managers and when I was able to see and heard how they talk together, to share issues they faces, find solutions... When I spend time with managers themselves, to talk about their jobs, what they are doing for what reason, how they are doing it, the challenges to face, the difficulties in general, but besides that what they learn from it, how they are learning it, rewarding sometimes. Today, I am quite sure of what I want to do later in my life and by the way my future orientation for my studies, I would like to study the management.

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Pictures- 437px-Les_Parts_De_Marché_Des_Hyper_En_France.svg.png- http://


Content- http:/ / le-consommateur-la-preuve-par-les-chiffres-

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Appendix 1 : Report of the satisfaction survey at the Drive.

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Appendix 2 : Explanations by Mr Rossini about the Drive and the success of this Drive in particular.

The average shopping basket at the supermarket is 45€ whereas it is 90€ at the Drive.The Bourgoin-Jallieu Drive is the only one were clients can call and send emails if they have questions or anything else.1% of breakage in the all Drive (out-of-date products, breakage by manipulating products...)It is very important to choose correctly your staff, and by the way to have demanding managers.Not that much competition in Bourgoin-jallieu.And the most important is the implementation, it is crucial for customers to have an easy access to the drive,a,d to compared to big cities, there is not as much as traffic in Bourgoin-jallieu than in Lyon. The Bourgoin-Jallieu Drive is implanted next to the second road in terms of cars a day.With all these elements combined the Bourgoin-Jallieu Drive is the fourth one in the entire France.

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Appendix 3 : Diagram showing the way the “Systeme E.Leclerc” works.

IBTLEC : Purchasing center for technical products (TVs, computers, phones...)SOCARA : purchasing center for non-technical poductsGALEC : Coordinator between the head of E.Leclerc and supermarketsVBO : Software to transmit orders from supermarkets to purchasing centers

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Supermarket Supermarket Exchange equipment, informations..



Independant supplier




Software (VBO)

Appendix 4 : Report of my mission and survey at the “Espace culturel”

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