Marcus Whitman Presbyterian Church...

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Transcript of Marcus Whitman Presbyterian Church...

A Note from the Pastor 2


Sermons & Scripture March Birthdays March Anniversaries Daylight Savings Reminder


Lenten Season

Easter Traditions

Food Bank

Donations Needed


March Calendar 6

Financial Report

What is Evangelical


MWPC’s Easter Egg Hunt 8

Marcus Whitman Presbyterian Church



Inside this issue:


Beginning with Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), through Jesus’ resurrection (Easter Sunday), these eight days mark the greatest events in human history. Join us at MWPC as we celebrate:

• Palm Sunday Service on March 20th at 10:00 A.M.: Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem

* Celebration of the Lord’s Supper * Choral Music: “Sing Jazz Hosanna!” * Praise Singing * Message: “Making An Entrance” (John 12:12-19)

• Good Friday Service, March 25th at 7:00 P.M.

This is a service which will focus on Jesus’ last day and His suffering and death as we remember, reflect and listen to scriptural readings. The Christ Candle will be present as a central reminder of Jesus’ being the “Light of the World”.

• Community Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 26th, 9:00-

12:00 P.M. The morning begins with a delicious Continental Breakfast at 9:00 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall. This is followed by the children finding all those fun and delicious Easter Eggs hidden around the church! We hope you’ll join us for the fun!

• Easter Sunday Service on March 27th at 10:00 A.M.

Our Easter Worship Service will include praise singing, special choral music, a children’s story, and selected scriptural readings as we gather to celebrate the good news—”Jesus has Risen! He has Risen Indeed!” The mornings message is entitled, “The Surprises of Easter” (Luke 24:1-12). Following the worship service, there will be some special refreshments during the Fellowship time.

Pastor Rob

I love Easter! And, what’s not to love or like about Easter. There is the correc�on for the acts of injus�ce,

sunrise and a new day instead of dark clouds and night, a happy ending to the drama of Holy Week. One

has to love the good news of Easter, especially over and against the suffering, hatred, violence and

harshness of Good Friday. The songs associated with Easter and the good news that “Jesus has Risen! He

has Risen Indeed” are so upli,ing and filled with high notes, exalta�on and life (in comparison to Good

Friday music). Plus, there is the WOW of Easter - that awe surrounding the first Easter morning as

described in the Gospel accounts. How weeping, mourning, fear, hiding, weakness were turned into

relieve, tears of joy, courage, power, proclaiming - a new day, a new age. So, again, what is not to love

about Easter?

As I prepare to par�cipate in and to celebrate my 42nd

Easter, I am looking forward to the morning’s

worship service, the sanctuary adorn with spring flowers, the resurrec�on songs that will be sung, all the

feeling, hugs and smiles created by Easter’s message for Jesus’ followers. Then, as I realize this is number

42 for me, I catch myself asking, “Is there any more WOW, wonder or surprises le, for Easter - anything

new to expect, find and be surprised by this Easter morning? You and I will hear the same biblical texts

and story about Jesus’ resurrec�on. It is not like we come to see if this Easter, Jesus is raised or not.

There isn’t the ques�on or wondering like with Punxsutawney Phil and if he will see his shadow or not. I

wonder if the wonder or excitement has faded. How many �mes can you get excited or surprised by a

drama scene in a rerun movie or TV program? Do you and I experience the same thrill, awe, surprise or

tension seeing a re-play of a fantas�c play, stroke, catch or throw?

Maybe the renewed awe, thrill, surprise and tension of Easter is to be found in not what happened on

Easter morning, rather what the truth and reality of Easter - Jesus’ resurrec�on and new life - means to

you and me as Christ’s followers. How is the risen Savior alive in each of our lives? How and what does

believing that Jesus is alive make in our daily lives, our service in God’s Kingdom work, our discipleship on

Easter morning and beyond? Maybe for me and for you, no ma@er what number this Easter will be, that

the WOW of Easter is in understanding fully, proclaiming faithfully, and living obediently, “Jesus has

Risen! He Has Risen indeed!”.

Easter Blessings and Peace,


Pastor Rob

A Note from the Pastor

Emily ChantEmily ChantEmily ChantEmily Chant

Children and Family CoordinatorChildren and Family CoordinatorChildren and Family CoordinatorChildren and Family Coordinator

There are times in our lives that are hectic, exhausting, exhilarating and full of change. Like the changing of the seasons, these transitions in our lives transform us a bit more into the people God desires us to be. Transitions can foster hope while we are pushed out of our comfort zones, with our faith demanding to trust God all the more. These seasons are exciting. And these seasons are exhausting.

I sense that as I continue to transition to a new city, a new apartment and two new jobs — MWPC is going through

a transition of its’ own. I am growing more and more comfortable with my jobs in Seattle, I am growing more

comfortable with the idea of taking the train as my main mode of transportation and I’m learning what it is like to not have a backyard. Though these are changes, they are the easy transitions compared to the growing pains that can happen with transition. Transitions breed growing pains that challenge us in our weaknesses. In times of change (think of a newborn baby), self-care is of utmost importance. Change means growth, which means that to flourish into this new stage of life we have to remain healthy, rested and well-fed. It seems simple, right? God is transforming me in this new role at MWPC and in my new life in Seattle. In times of uncertainty, God has provided children for KidREACH. In times of lack of volunteers, God has provided enough hands to get the job

done, and get it done well. In times of exhaustion, I’ve been helped by others and reminded to simply, get some sleep.

And as God is transforming me, he is transforming MWPC. MWPC is being asked to step out of its’ comfort zone; to

serve the community in humility. We serve six children and four families through KidREACH tutoring, and this is only the beginning. It may not be comfortable to eat dinner with new families and friends in our community, but we will do it. It may not be easy to give two hours each week to tutor a child, but we choose to serve others. I am committed daily to asking God how He desires to shape this program and my life here in Seattle. I invite you along this journey with me, with MWPC and with God. God wants to do more than we could ever ask or imagine. Let us believe that He will use us in weakness and transition to love Him and love others.

Page 4 Whitmanews March, 2016


Glen & Gerri Burnett 18


Adair Hendrickson 4

David Martin 7

Gary Kennedy 10

Nancy Blaisdell 19

Jessica Lonsdale 22

Lynell Caudillo 29

Glen Burnett 31



March 6th Lord’s Supper The Cross of Christ “Diagnosis: Human” Psalm 8 March 13th The Cross of Christ “The Change Matters” 1 Corinthians 2:1-4 March 20th Palm Sunday Lord’s Supper “Making an Entrance” John 12:12-19 March 25th Good Friday Service at 7:00 P.M. March 27th “The Surprises of Easter” Luke 24:1-12

Daylight Savings

Begins Sunday,

March 13, 2016

Page 5 Whitmanews March, 2016

Lenten Season...

As we continue through the Lenten season, MWPC congregation celebrates the Sunday morning Lord’s Supper TWICE in March. The first and third Sundays of the month (3/6 & 3/20). The Lenten Season’s final week has us offering a Good Friday Service (March 25th) at 7:00 p.m., an annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 26th at 9:00 a.m. and an Easter Service (March 28th) at 10:00 a.m. followed by Easter Sunday refreshments combined with fellowship. We hope you’ll join us for these worship events.

The Des Moines Food Bank needs your donations! Some needed items for March for our school backpack program are: EasyMac, individual apple sauce or fruit cups, oatmeal packets and small 100% fruit juices). Baby food is also needed. Please place your donations directly into the blue Food Bank receptacle in the Hallway. Thank you.


For 130 years, the White House has hosted the Easter Egg Roll on its South Lawn. The main activity involves rolling a colored hard-boiled egg with a large serving spoon, but now the event boasts many more amusements, like musical groups, an egg hunt, sports and crafts. This year's theme is "Ready, Set, Go!" and will promote health and wellness, featuring activities that encourage children to lead healthy and active lives.

Thursday, March 17th


~ ~ ~ ~

MWPC needs wrapped candy to fill Easter

Eggs and Food donations for the

Continental Breakfast which follows the

Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 26th.

A sign up sheet is located in the

Fellowship Hall. See Diana Camp with



1 2 Work Crew 9:00 A.M.

KidREACH 3:45 P.M.


Women’s Group 10:00 A.M.

Choir Rehearsal

7:00 P.M.

4 World Day of Prayer


Work Party 9:00 - 12:00 P.M.


Worship & Lord’s Supper

10:00 A.M.



8 Gathering for

Prayer 6:30 p.m.

Council Meeting

7:00 P.M.

9 Work Crew 9:00 A.M.

KidREACH 3:45 P.M.


Women’s Group 10:00 A.M.

Choir Rehearsal

7:00 P.M.

11 12


Worship 10:00 A.M.





Work Crew 9:00 A.M.

KidREACH 3:45 P.M.


Women’s Group 10:00 A.M.

Saltair Hills HOA 6:30 P.M.

Choir Rehearsal 7:00 P.M.




Palm Sunday Worship &

Lord’s Supper

10:00 A.M.





Work Crew 9:00 A.M.

KidREACH 3:45 P.M.


Women’s Group 10:00 A.M.

Choir Rehearsal

7:00 P.M.

25 Good Friday

Service 7:00 P.M.


Easter Egg Hunt and

Continental Breakfast 9:00 A.M.


Easter Sunday Worship

10:00 A.M.



29 30 Work Crew 9:00 A.M.

KidREACH 3:45 P.M.

KidREACH Family Dinner

5:15 P.M.

31 Women’s Group

10:00 A.M.

March 2016

Page 6 Whitmanews March, 2016

Page 7 Whitmanews March, 2016


Offerings $20,146.00 $10,984.31 Pastors Pkg $6,590.41 $7,001.75

Salaries/Taxes 3,253.17 3,087.82

Rental 350.00 356.71 Admin/Bldg 559.28 1,401.38

Bldg/Gnds 24.07 212.34

Int. Income 1.84 0.93 Office Mgmt 440.52 390.67

Christian Ed 31.43 110.41

Total Income $20,497.84 $11,341.95 32.29 101.92

Deacon 0.00 27.60

Fellowship 0.00 140.14

Mission 0.00 297.27

Worship 0.00 178.37

Total Expenses $10,931.17 $12,949.67

To Date: $9,566.67


Children & Fam

Income Minus Expenses


In the news recently has been the term “evangelical”. To help understand this term and its meaning,

here some informa�onal points:

It is defined as: 1). Pertaining to or to keep with the Gospel and its teachings, 2). Belonging to or

designa�ng the Chris�an churches that emphasize the teachings and authority of the Scriptures,

especially of the New Testament, in opposi�on to the ins�tu�onal authority of the church itself, and

that stress as paramount the tenet that salva�on is achieved by personal conversion to faith in the

atonement of Christ, 3). Pertaining to certain movement in the Protestant church in the 18th

and 19th

centuries, that stresses the importance of personal experience of guilt for sin and reconcilia�on to

God through Jesus Christ.

In Rod James’ ar�cle, “What is an evangelical?” (Chris�anity Today – April 17, 2014): “…a workable

summary of evangelical characteris�cs are:

• Evangelicals are known for their recogni�on that Scripture should guide and shape everything

they believe and do;

• They are iden�fiable by their confession that Jesus and Jesus alone can put us right with God

through his death on the cross;

• They are sold out on conversion, recognizing the need for people to make a personal

commitment to Christ;

• All these fundamental truths provide the mo�va�on for social ac�on.”

2130 S. 248th Street Des Moines, WA 98198

Marcus Whitman Presbyterian Church

Phone: 206-878-2013 Fax: 206-878-2013 E-mail:

Know, Grow and Serve!

We’re on the web!

Marcus Whitman Presbyterian Church’s

Continental Breakfast Saturday, March 26th @ 8:00 A.M.

followed by our

Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt Starting @ 9:00 a.m.

Pre-School through Sixth Grade

~ Free of Charge ~ ~ Bring Your Easter Basket or Bag ~