March 4, 2012 Bulletin -...

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Transcript of March 4, 2012 Bulletin -...


2nd Sunday in Lent

March 4, 2012 - 11:00 AM

�All who are able are invited to stand Chiming of the Trinity The three bells rung at the beginning of the service represent the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As the bells ring, let us gather quietly, prayerfully reflecting on the majesty of God in our lives.

Prelude Madrigal Louis Vierne Welcome

To Praise the Living God Introit Holy, Holy, Holy Franz Schubert �Call to Worship from Call to Worship In the presence of God whose amazing love surrounds us, We give thanks for the love and grace of God.

In the presence of Christ whose teaching, healing, serving and dying revealed the amazing grace of God, We give thanks for the love and grace of God.

In the presence of the Spirit who stirs within us and among us to make God's love and grace real to us, We give thanks for the love and grace of God.

We humbly receive God's love and grace, and seek to return to God our love and our lives. Together let us worship God. �Hymn 457 I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art TOULON

To Confess Our Sins and Receive Forgiveness Call to Confession Prayer of Confession from Call to Worship Merciful God, if we are honest, we must confess our lack of gentleness. We are like the

bull in the china shop. Our words hurt those who we are called upon to love. Forgive

our lack of restraint. Train us to show the world the gentleness which your Son, Jesus,

showed. In His name, we pray. Amen. Silent Reflection and Personal Confession Response Hymn 30l, stanza 1 Lord, Jesus, Think on Me SOUTHWELL

Lord Jesus, think on me, And purge away my sin; From earth-born passions set me free, And make me pure within.

Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.

Assurance of Pardon Friends, believe the Good News. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Amen.

To Experience God's Word

Anthem As Longs the Deer Mark Schweizer Scripture Reading (Page 180) Galatians 5:22-23

The Word of Our Lord, Thanks be to God!

Sermon "Gentleness" Dr. R. Shane Owens

To Respond in Faith �Hymn 126 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove ST. AGNES �Affirmation of Faith The Apostles' Creed (Traditional) I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ

his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell;

the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the

right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick

and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of

saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting.


�Response, Hymn 251, stanza 4 Your Faithfulness, O Lord, Is Sure WINCHESTER NEW

My mouth shall speak Your praise, O Lord, My soul shall bless Your Holy name; Let all things living join the song of praise, from age to age the same.

The Prayers of the People and the Lord's Prayer (The Presbyterian Hymnal, Page 16) Presentation of Tithes and Offerings Offertory Reverie Louis Vierne �Response, Hymn 255, stanza 6 Now Praise the Lord ST. ANNE

No other people are so graced, No nation is so blest, As those who know God's living Word And this one name confess..

�Prayer of Dedication �Hymn 260 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God EIN' FESTE BURG

To Go Forth to Serve as God's People in the World �Charge and Benediction �Closing Response Hymn 80, stanza 1 Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley

Jesus walked this lonesome valley, He had to walk it by Himself; O, nobody else could walk it for Him, He had to walk it by Himself..

Postlude Improvisation on EIN' FESTE BURG


Dr. R. Shane Owens - Pastor Jim Glass - Director of Music and Organist Sara B. Hancock, CAP - Administrative Assistant Marlene Sperry - CDP Director

Rev. Samuel N. Thomas - Pastor Emeritus


Dr. R. Shane Owens, Moderator Robert K. Folks, Clerk

Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2014

Donna C. Connors Holly C. Furr Robert K. Folks Vickie L. Jewell Carolyn C. Hardin Elizabeth W. Gregory Robert F. Stephenson Paul E Smith Jr. William K. Williams


Caregivers Christian Formation Congregational Care

Carolyn C. Hardin Vickie L. Jewell Robert F. Stephenson Paul E. Smith Jr. Donna C. Connors Holly C. Furr Columbarium & Fellowship Hospitality & Memorial Garden Donna C. Connors Outreach Kim M. Moredock Carolyn C. Hardin Vickie L. Jewell Paul E. Smith Jr. Nominating Committee Worship Child Dev. Program Donna C. Connors Holly C. Furr Vickie L. Jewell Holly C. Furr Elizabeth W. Gregory Paul E. Smith Jr.


Pastoral and Property Management Stewardship and Staff Relations Robert F. Stephenson Operational Support

William K. Williams Committee of Whole William K. Williams Elizabeth W. Gregory Robert K. Folks

First Presbyterian Church 700 North Main Street/PO Box 990

Lancaster, South Carolina 29721


A Place to Belong, A Place to Serve

"Now you are the Body of Christ , and Individually members of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27


We, the members

of First Presbyterian Church, are disciples of the risen Christ

and members of his universal Body, who are empowered by God’s Spirit to

WORSHIP God with joy and thanksgiving; PROCLAIM the Gospel through word and deed;

TEACH the message of God’s love in Christ; SHARE God’s love for all people by reaching out

in hospitality, ministry and mission; WORK together in harmonious unity

as a loving and caring people; and to SERVE one another and others beyond our fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ


The values we cherish to enable us to accomplish our vision and mission are the fruit of God’s Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)


WEE WORSHIP BAGS are available in the narthex. Please return the bags to the basket after service.

TAKE UP SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR LENT. The Spirit/Passage Class invites all to join with them during

the Sunday School hour for lessons devoted to the season of Lent. Each lesson is scripturally based and

designed to make more meaningful the days in preparation for Holy Week and Easter.

CONFIRMATION CLASS will meet today from 3-5PM.

FREE WEBINAR. "Turnaround Strategies for the Church: Rethinking Stewardship" scheduled for March 13

has been cancelled. The next webinar will be April 10; the topic is "Turnaround Strategies for your Church:

21st Century Communicating."

There will be a SPRING CONCERT at Unity Presbyterian Church in Fort Mill next Sunday (March 11)

beginning at 3PM. Ken and Carol Edmonds, musicians from Faith Presbyterian Church, will be joined by The

Charlotte Brass, a wonderful brass quintet. The program includes pieces by Chopin, Mozart, Gershwin, Eric

Ewazen and Oskar Boehme. The concert is free; a love offering will be taken for Faith's building fund.

The next PRESBYTERY MEETING will be March 15 at First Presbyterian Church, York. Bob Stephenson

will be the church representative.

If you would like to place an EASTER LILY in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday (April 8) in memory or honor

of a loved one, please return the completed form with payment no later than March 25, 2012. Forms may be

placed in the offering plate. Forms are provided in today's bulletin; extras are located in the narthex and outside

the church office.

SPRING BREAK DAY CAMP will be held April 2-6, 2012. Children can spend their days with well-trained

counselors playing outside, making crafts and hearing from guest speakers in the community. Breakfast, lunch

and snacks provided. Camp begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. Children ages 5-12 years welcome.

Cost: $90 for the full week or $24/day. Register online at or by calling 803-366-3722.


Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill. The theme is "Sharing God's Love - Making A Difference." Registration

begins at 9AM and the cost of lunch is $7. If interested in attending, see Robin Byrd.

FAMILY PROMISE'S 3rd ANNUAL GIANT YARD SALE & BAKE SALE is scheduled for April 20-21

at the American Legion Fairgrounds. Items may be dropped off at the American Legion Exhibition Building on

Fridays (3/16; 3/23; 3/30; 4/13) from 2-6PM and Saturdays (3/17; 3/24; 3/31; 4/14) from 9-Noon.

FROM THE KIRKIN COMMITTEE. I am pleased to announce that Casey Ballard will replace me as

chairman of the Kirkin' of the Tartan committee. Casey and I will work together this year and then he will take

over. Amy Saylors will become director of the Kirkin' service, replacing Deborah Rowell, who has left our

church. Locketta will assist Amy this year. Our next Kirkin' of the Tartan' service will be November 4. - Bob


NOTICE: The Property Management Committee is planning to prune severely the shrubbery in the courtyard

outside of the Fellowship Hall. The shrubbery has gotten too large and looks bad. Cutting it back is better and

cheaper than trying to replace it. It may look bad for 2 or 3 months, but the new growth will be much prettier.

We will have a work day at the church soon. This type of work needs to be done now so that we can take

advantage of the growing season. If any questions or comments, call Dave Houk or Robert Lee Steele.


ATTENDANCE for February 26, 2012 SS - 33 MW - 60


Last Week Year To Date

Amount Needed $3,621.14 $32,590.26

Amount Received 2,708.00 30,296.14

Over/(Under) ($913.14) ($2,294.12)

Count Team: Jim Morton; Jennifer Bryan

Ushers: Mark Jewell; Holly Furr; Casey Ballard; Steve Williams III

Church Opening: Paul Lloret

Front Door Greeter: Linda Hutchinson/Cindy Ruh

Back Door Greeter: Robin Byrd/Betsy Folks

Alternate Greeter: Jennifer Bryan

Chancel: Casey Ballard

Register of Friendship Pad:



Teresa & Nicole Anderson

Casey Ballard

Louie Belk

Darrell & Peggy Bell

PASTORAL NEEDS: The Session desires to be informed when members and friends of the church are in

need of pastoral care. During office hours, please call the church office (803-283-3329), in order that the elder

under whose care the person or family is assigned may be notified.


Please come by the Prayer Ministry Table before or after our services and give the name of your

prayer request to our prayer ministry representatives. Their name will be given to our pastor

before the pastoral prayer to be raised to God in corporate prayer. At the Prayer Table cards are

available to express our corporate love and concern to those remembered in prayer. Please stop

by each Sunday on your way into church to sign these cards. Help us in this way to further our

church's ministry of sympathy, witness, and service to others in the name of our Lord Jesus


Please pray for our members: Wilma Williamson; Darrell and Peggy Bell; Tom and Betty Syfan; Barbara

Paul; Ned and Bobbi Funderburk; Nell Perry; Nell Carter; Locketta Stephenson; Teny Kerr; Marie Dixon; Ann

Powers; Vickie Jewell; Cameron Ratkovic; Mary Jo Yarborough; Betsy Clyburn; Linda Boling

Friends of the church (recently brought forward for prayer: Dean Williamson; Judy Craig; Randy Craig;

Brenda Robinson; Sean Squires; Tiffany Boatwright; Megan Haupt; Crystal Baker; Peggy Stansell; Kathy

Hayes; Debbie Todd; Mary Leigh Gregory Ryan; Bobby Parker; Abby Bunkley; Stephen Clyburn; Kathy

Harrington; Vance Goodman; Beth Mobley; Bobby Patterson; Cynda Cooper; David Ogburn; Joan Hinson;

Mike Williams; Kim West; Pearleanne Sanders; Justin Johnson; Mac McMackin; Ken Head and family; Brooke

Sullivan; Jeanne Catoe; Pat Dudley

Please pray for those serving in our military: Angela Armour, Heath Foster, Ramon McCullough, Gary

Hogan, Vicky Taylor, Cameron Ratkovic Jr., Mitch Maybray


Today: Wesley Owens/Anne L. Howey

Next Week: Jane Mahaffey/Vickie Jewell

WE INVITE EVERYONE TO ATTEND one of our Sunday School classes: Nursery/Preschool Class; K-5th

grade; 6th-7th grade; 8th-12th grade. Adult Classes: Men's Bible Class; Elizabeth Tennant Bible Class;

Friendship Class; Spirit Class and Passage Class. Come join us as we explore God's Word together as a church


A SPECIAL INVITATION! You are invited to become a member of our church by making your profession

of faith in Jesus Christ, by making your reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ, or by transferring your

membership from the church where you have been active. If you are interested in becoming a member of First

Presbyterian, please speak to the pastor, indicate this on the Friendship Register, or call the church office at


CHURCH ACITIVITES: March 4, 2012 - March 10, 2012

Sunday 9:45 AM Sunday School

11:00 AM Worship

3:00 PM Confirmation Class

5:00 PM PWCT

Monday 7:00 AM Men's Prayer Breakfast

Tuesday 9:00 AM St. Fiacre

Wednesday 12:00 PM Bulletin Deadline

6:00 PM Bells

7:15 PM Adult Choir

Thursday 10:00 AM Magic Needle Quilt Guild

5:30 PM CDP Board Meeting

8:00 PM Al-Anon

BULLETIN DEADLINE: Please submit all announcements to the church office by 12:00 noon on Wednesday

of each week unless noted otherwise in the bulletin. You may also send them via email to


May you feel God's presence, may the message be a blessing in your life and may the grace of God go with you and strengthen you for the

week ahead. Please come again soon!