March 15, 2012 edition of The Coastline

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Check out the March 15, 2012 edition of The Coastline.

Transcript of March 15, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 15, 2012 1C L March 15, 2012 Volume 22 Issue 10 U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

The Coastline

U.S. Ambassador to Spain and Andorra Visits NAVSTA RotaPage 6

Marines Hold Post and Relief CeremonyPage 4

DGF Students Inducted into National Honor SocietiesPage 4

2 March 15, 2012 C LCOMMAND

DUI CounterLast DUI: Nov. 20, 2011 Unit: NAVFACDays Since Last DUI: 115DUIs in CY 2012: 0DUIs in CY 2011: 9

COMNAVACTS Spain Command OmbudsmanLeah Andino DSN: 727-2997 Commercial: 956-82-2997 La Pora Linsey DSN: 727-4323 Commercial: 956-82-4323 Cell: 659-90-0862Email: navalstationrota.ombudsman@gmail.comFacebook: NAVSTA Rota Ombudsman

It is everyone’s responsibility to report fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in Navy activities to: OFFICEOFTHEINSPECTORGENERAL Phone: 081-568-2983–Fax:081-568-6354 Email: Website: can choose to remain anonymous.


JOINTHECONVERSATIONONLINEJoin the conversation with Naval Activities Spain leaders, service members, community members, and friends from around the world. Here you will also find more photos, see videos and hear radio news reports from AFN Rota. So check it out.


Naval IG Survey and VisitTeam Rota,

If you didn’t know already, the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of the Navy will be in Rota to look at how we do business and check on our quality of life.

Some other commands begin to tremble when they hear of an impending IG visit to their base or command: We see the IG visit this spring as another opportunity for Team Rota to demonstrate that we truly are the best base in the U.S. Navy with the best people!

Some of us have large roles in ensuring a successful visit, while others might not see much direct

relationship between their efforts and the visit. I can assure you that you have an important part in the visit.

One thing we need Sailors, Marines, Department of the Navy civilians and Navy spouses to do, if you have not already done so, is to complete the pre-visit survey at The last day to complete the voluntary survey is Friday. Your responses are anonymous and kept confidential. Only group data will be reported. Your inputs will be represented in the overall results put forward from the survey. The Naval Inspector General will evaluate command climate, quality of work life, quality of home life, health services, safety, NEX and the commissary among other areas covered by the survey to further guide the area visit in April.

I’ve taken the survey, and I completed it in the same

manner I ask all of you to. Answer honestly and to the best of your ability. The survey also covers school services, child care services, our ombudsman program, equal opportunity, fleet and family support services, Morale, Welfare and Recreation services and facilities and more.

In most of the categories, the survey will ask for top positive and negative factors that contributed to your answers. And at the end of the survey, you’ll have an opportunity to add some individual comments.

So again, please take some time today or tomorrow and participate in this survey. If you’ve got some good, great or not so great comments to make about these topics, this survey provides you a chance to tell the IG team what we’re doing right and what we could improve upon here aboard Naval Station Rota. Over the years when we have done these surveys and people chose not to complete them, I have asked, “Why not?” The number one answer was, “Well, I have nothing to com-plain about.” Each and every one of you contribute to making this the best base in the Navy, and we need you to go on and tell big Navy what you and your team are doing well. The survey is not just to highlight problem areas but point out best practices.

One of our Guiding Principles is PRIDE. Be proud! We are doing great things here. Stand up and be rec-ognized for the work you and your team do, and don’t be afraid to let your pride show on this survey and during the IG visit this spring.


Sexual Assault Prevention and ResponseSexual assault victim advocates can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling:

24/7 Contact Cell : 34-646-40-7871SAFEHELP LINE Click:www.SafeHelpline.orgLive-1-on-1 Help C a l l : 8 7 7 - 9 9 5 - 5 2 4 7 Te x t : 5 5 - 2 4 7 ( U . S . ) 202-470-5546 (outside U.S.)

E-mail to place your classified advertisement or community announcement.

The Coastline is an authorized publication for members of the military services and families stationed overseas. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. Editorial content of Rota Coastline is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office of U.S. Naval Station, Rota, Spain.

Commander U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

Capt. Scott Kraverathco/

Chief Staff Officer U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

Cmdr. Patrick Moran

Public Affairs OfficerLt. j.g. Jason Fischer


Deputy Public Affairs OfficerMCC (SW/AW) Mikel Bookwalter


Writer/PhotographerMC2 (SW/AW) Travis Alston


Community Relations AdvisorManuel Alba Jaime


Writer/EditorJan Hammond


Volunteer Writer/PhotographerClaudia Drake


Contact the Coastline editorial staff for announcements/classifieds:

Tel: 956-82-3786

The appearance of advertising in this newspaper does not constitute endorsement of products and services by the Department of Defense, the Navy, U.S. Naval Station, Rota, Spain, or its publisher. All ads in this paper shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical disability, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Coastline is published weekly, with a circulation of 2,500, by a private individual in no way connected with the Department of Defense or directly with the U.S. Navy, but who is under contract with the Navy. Depósito Legal S-1848-04.

Publisher and Commercial Advertising Contact:Karen Lucas • Fax: 956-54-2997 • Mobile: 607-56-4132 •




Community News . . . . . 8FFSC . . . . . . . . . . . 9Rel ig ion . . . . . . .10 Vis ta . . . . . . . . 11 Activities . . . . . . . . .16 MWR . . . . . . . . .16 Publisher's Corner . . . 19Movies . . . . . . . . . . 21 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . 22 Sports . . . . . . . . .13

U.S. AmbASSAdor to SpAin And AndorrA AlAn Solomont viSitS nAvStA rotA mArch 8. reAd All AboUt it on pAge 6 of thiS edition of the coAStline. photo by mcc(SW/AW) mikel bookWAlter




cmdcm (SW/AW/SS) dAvid tWiford

March 15, 2012 3C L NEWS

Navy EURAFSWA Installations to Participate in Reliant Defense 2012by lt. tim hAWkinS, nAvy region eUrope, AfricA, SoUthWeSt ASiA pUblic AffAirS

NAPLES, Italy – Installations in Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia (EURAFSWA) will participate in Exercise Reliant Defense 2012 (RD-12) Monday - March 21, one of several annual Navy security training exercises taking place worldwide.

The exerc ise stresses areas of the Navy’s anti-terrorism program to train Navy security forces and refine force protec-tion responses to po-tential threats to in-stallations and units.

“We’re testing our ability to respond, coordinate, and man-age events that ef-fect base security, personnel, and other assets ashore,” said Navy Region EURAFSWA Operations Of-ficer Capt. Rodney DeWalt.

All six Navy installations throughout Eu-rope, Africa and Southwest Asia will execute the exercise in collaboration with Region headquarters in Naples, Italy.

“The focus is really at the installation level, the fundamental building block for Navy security ashore,” said DeWalt.

Participants will include Navy Region EURAFSWA; Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples, Italy; Naval Air Station Sigonella, It-aly; NSA Bahrain; NSA Souda Bay, Greece; Naval Station Rota, Spain; and Camp Lem-onnier, Djibouti.

“RD-12 is an excellent opportunity for all programs to practice teamwork for a coor-dinated response,” said Tracey Murdock, Region’s acting program director for Training and Readiness.

During the exercise, installation and Region personnel will rehearse reporting

and tactical proce-dures. Personnel will practice relaying data to decision makers in order to improve coordination.

Local communi-ties around the bases may be affected due to the exercise, but the Navy is commit-ted to minimizing traf-fic congestion and any other problems that may result.

“The exercise fo-cuses on force pro-

tection from which we all benefit,” said Murdock. “Practicing communications and working through ‘what if’ scenarios to develop response plans help us fulfill our mission and keep our people safe.”

Navy Region EURAFSWA delivers ef-ficient and effective shore service support to U.S. and allied forces operating in the Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia area of responsibility.

To receive more news and information from Navy Region EURAFSWA, ‘like’ us at or visit

U.S. Naval Hospital Rota Announces Heightened Force Protection Conditions During Exercise by the U. S. nAvAl hoSpitAl rotA, pUblic AffAirS officer

From Monday - March 23 U.S. Naval Hospital Rota, Spain will participate in the Navy-wide Exercise Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield/Reliant Defense 2012. This annual exercise will test Navy Medicine’s ability to operate in support of U.S. Navy and U.S. Naval Station Rota’s security forces to ensure a high level of readiness and response to threats.

During this period there will be no impact on U.S. Naval Hospital Rota’s emergency room services, and all hos-pital clinics will remain open. Patients could, however, experience alternative entrance processes to the hospital grounds, including parking and pedes-

trian access. As always, patients use civilian medical facilities for care in the event of a medical emergency where time is of the essence. Emergency room visits are a Tricare-covered benefit.

Safeguarding our U.S. Navy per-sonnel, contractors, families, veterans, retirees, and equipment at home and abroad is the first step in mission ac-complishment. The ability to safeguard our naval installations allows us to keep our homeland safe and protect U.S. interests overseas.

Please call the appropriate clinic or the Hospital Quarterdeck at DSN 727-3305/3560 for further information.

The State Primary Elections are well underway, but we have a lot farther to go. The final goal is 100 percent participation in the general election Nov. 6. If you have

already registered as an absentee voter, expect to receive your ballot soon. If you have not yet registered absentee, you can do so by going to

By completing your absentee registration at the Federal Voting Assistance Program webpage, you can easily submit your absentee registration. The final product is a print-able web-form. Per state regulations, you can mail, fax, scan or e-mail your registration to your voting district.

Remember, voting is a freedom that we protect by serving in the military. Exercise your right to vote and help make our country the place you want it to be.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, contact your Command Voting Assistance Representative or one of the NAVSTA Rota Installation Voting Assistant Officers, Lt. Graham MacDonald, 727-2830 or MAC Kevin Oney, 727-2907. They can also be reached by e-mail at

Serve Your CountryRegister to Voteby lt. Graham MacDonald, NAVSTA Rota IVAO

4 March 15, 2012 C LNEWS

Next Leader, Same High StandardsMarines assigned to Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team

(FAST), Company Europe participated in a post and relief ceremony aboard Naval Station Rota, Spain March 8.

During the ceremony, 1st Sgt. David Amaya was re-lieved by 1st Sgt. Max Garcia as company first sergeant. Amaya took the job in June 2009.

“We have 14 leadership traits that we go by. Follow them and you will succeed,” said Amaya. “Don’t let

First Sergeant Max Garcia addresses Marines assigned to Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST), Company Europe after relieving 1st Sgt. David Amaya, March 8.

anyone tell you that you can’t accomplish something, because together as a team, this group of Marines can do anything.”

After relieving Amaya, Garcia addressed the company and conveyed how impressed he is by the their reputation and professionalism.

“It is an honor to be the company’s first sergeant,” said Garcia. “I will demand that each and every one of my

Story And photo by mcc(SW/AW) mikel bookWAlter

Marines maintain the highest standards on and off duty. I will go out of my way to do whatever I can do to assist them. The success of this company, the members as-signed to it and their family members are my top priorities.”

Garcia added that he will work to set his Marines up for success, including increased promotions.

First Sergeant Amaya’s next duty station will be at 1st Battalion, 5th Marines based out of Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Thursday, March 15th 7 p.m. The Devil Inside ☻ (R), 87’ 9:30 p.m. Girl With The Dragon Tattoo ☻ (R), 158’

Friday, March 16th 2:30 p.m. Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (PG), 96’ 5 p.m. Haywire (R), 93’ 7:30 p.m. Act of Valor (R), 101’ 10 p.m. The Grey (R), 117’

Saturday, March 17th 2:30 p.m. Joyful Noise (PG13), 118’ 5 p.m. The Darkest Hour ☻ (PG13), 89’ 7:30 p.m. Man on a Ledge (PG13), 102’ 10 p.m. The Commitments ☺ (R), 118’ DRIVE-IN 8 p.m. One for the Money (PG13), 91’

Sunday, March 18th 2:30 p.m. One for the Money (PG13), 91’ 5 p.m. Contraband ☻ (R), 110’ 7:30 p.m. Red Tails (PG13), 125’

Monday, March 19th CLOSED

Tuesday, March 20th CLOSED

Wednesday, March 21st 7 p.m. G.I. Jane ☺ (R), 125’

Thursday, March 22nd 7 p.m. Underworld Awakening (R), 89’ 9:30 p.m. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (PG13), 129’

Friday, March 23rd 5 p.m. Man on a Ledge (PG13), 102’ 7:30 p.m. Chronicle (PG13), 84’ 10 p.m. Haywire ☻ (R), 93’

Man on a Ledge (PG-13) 102’. Action, Adventure, Romance, Thriller. Starring: Sam Worthing-ton, Elizabeth Banks, Anthony Mackie. Nick Cassidy makes a desperate and life-threatening move to prove his innocence after he is framed for the theft of a rare, prized diamond. Recently escaped from prison and with nowhere else to go, Nick climbs onto the ledge of a towering skyscraper, inviting the eyes of New York City to anxiously watch as one wrong step could mean plunging to his death.

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (PG) 96’. Action, Adventure, Animated, Family. Starring: Danny DeVito, Ed Helms, Zac Efron. A boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.

Underworld Awakening (R) 89’. Action, Adventure, Hor-ror. Starring: Kate Beckensale, Stephen Rea, Michael Ealy. The vampire warrioress Selene, es-capes imprisonment to find herself in a world where humans have discovered the existence of both Vampire and Lycan clans and are conducting an all-out war to eradicate both immortal species.



As a reminder to all movie patrons, COMNAVACTSPAINST 1754.3 requires that all minors must have supervised transportation from the theater movies that end after sunset. Minors are prohibited from walking home from the Drive-In after dark.

MWR’s Movie Info Line: 727-2624. Theater Phone Number: 727-2328Check for full listing.

G – General Audiences.PG – Parental Guidance Suggested.PG-13 – Parents Strongly Cautioned.R – Restricted.


If no patrons arrive within 30 minutes after showtime, movies will be cancelled. Movies are subject to change without notice.

The GreyGateway Theater,March 16th, 10 p.m.

One for the MoneyDrive-In,March 17th, 8 p.m.Gateway Theater,March 18th, 2:30 p.m..

☺Free Showing // ☻Last Showing // Adult Movie

The GreyStarring: Liam Neeson, Dallas Roberts, James Dale, Dermot Mulroney, Frank Grillo(R) Action, Adventure, Thriller, 117’

A group of oil-rig roughnecks are left stranded on the sub-arctic tundra after their plane experiences a complete mechanical failure and crashes into the remote Alaskan wilderness. The survivors, bat-tling mortal injuries, biting cold and ravenous hunger, are relentlessly hunted and pursued by a vicious pack of rogue wolves.

One for the MoneyStarring: Katherine Heigel, Jason O’Mara, Daniel Sunjata, John Leguizamo, Sherri Shepherd(PG13) Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, 91’

A proud, born-and-bred Jersey girl, Stephanie Plum’s got plenty of attitude, even if she’s been out of work for the last six months and just lost her car to a debt collector. Desperate for some fast cash, Stephanie turns to her last resort: convincing her sleazy cousin to give her a job at his bail bonding company as a recovery agent. Suddenly Stephanie’s new job isn’t nearly as easy as she thought.

St. Patrick’s Day Free Movie Special

March 17th, 10 p.m. At the Gateway Theater.Join Gateway Theater as we celebrate St.

Patrick’s Day with a FREE showing of the Irish classic, The Commitments. This movie is show-ing during our normal 18 and older time slot, but we have lifted that restriction to allow for parents

to bring in those under 18 years. The movie is rated R, for language.

6 March 15, 2012 C LNEWS

U.S. Ambassador to Spain and Andorra Visits RotaStory by mc2(SW/AW) trAviS AlSton

As part of a regional tour, U.S. Ambassador to Spain and Andorra Alan Solomont toured Naval Station Rota, Spain, March 8.

The purpose of his visit was to receive updates from base leadership concerning key issues that are impacting personnel and families stationed at Naval Station Rota. He also spoke with several service members to reiterate his appreciation for their service and sacrifice and that of their families.

“I deeply appreciate the efforts that members assigned to the Base give in order to project a positive image of the United States,” said Solomont. “As the U.S. presence expands in Spain, so do your responsibilities as neighbors."

During his visit, Solomont also met with the Mayor of Cadiz Teofila Mar-tinez and presented a ceremonial copy of the U.S. Constitution, recogniz-ing Cadiz's bicentennial celebration of the Spanish Constitution of 1812.

Solomont also discussed the potential impact forward deployed naval forces will have on Rota with the Mayor of Rota Eva Maria Corrales.

"To their Spanish neighbors, the service members and their families at Naval Station Rota are the face of America,” said Solomont. “Everyone here is an Ambassador.”

Solomont added that the highlight of his tour was a session at David G. Farragut High School where he was given the opportunity to speak with students concerning their future goals. He was also presented a signed photo by senior Tre'von Owens. The photo was from an earlier visit to the base in which Solomont crowned the homecoming king and queen during a homecoming football game.

Solomont said that he feels privileged to be able to participant in events held at the school. He is scheduled to return to the base later this year to serve as the guest speaker for the high school's graduation.

"The U.S. is grateful for Spain's strong partnership on our common security issues,” said Solomont. "Rota is one of the most important bases in NATO, and the fact that the U.S. is investing in Rota at a time of limited resources tells you how important this base is to the security of Europe and the United States."

Marines assigned to Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST), Company Europe brief U.S. Ambassador to Spain and Andorra Alan Solomont, March 8, on weapons they use while deployed. The purpose of his visit to Naval Station Rota was to receive updates from base leadership concerning key issues that are impacting personnel and families stationed here.

Tre'Von Owens shares a photo with U.S. Ambassador to Spain and Andorra Alan Solomont during a visit with students at David G. Farragut High School.


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March 15, 2012 7C L NEWS

Tips on Reducing Power with Home Electronics

Many people work from home at least one day per week. Working from home saves energy and time by cutting out the commute, but it may increase your home energy bills. You can help offset the additional costs by using energy-saving office equipment. EN-ERGY STAR-labeled office equipment is widely avail-able. It can provide dramatic energy savings - as much as 90 percent savings for some products. Overall, ENERGY STAR-labeled office products use about half the electricity of standard equipment.Home Office Tips

Selecting energy-efficient office equipment and turning off machines when they are not in use can result in significant energy savings.

Using an ENERGY STAR-labeled computer can save 30 - 65 percent of the energy used compared to computers without this designation, depending on usage.

Spending a large portion of time in low power mode not only saves energy but helps equipment run cooler and last longer.

Putting your laptop AC adapter on a power strip that can be turned off (or will turn off automatically) can maximize savings; the transformer in the AC adapter draws power continuously, even when the laptop is not plugged into the adapter.

Using the power management settings on comput-ers and monitors can create significant savings.

It is a common misperception that screen savers reduce a monitor's energy use. Use automatic switch-ing to sleep mode or simply turn it off.

Another misperception, carried over from the days of older mainframe computers, is that equipment lasts

longer if it is never turned off.Home Electronics Tips

Look for energy-saving ENERGY STAR home electronics.

Unplug appliances or use a power strip, and use the switch on the power strip to cut all power to the appliance to avoid "vampire" loads. Many appliances continue to draw a small amount of power when they are switched off. These vampire loads occur in most appliances that use electricity, such as DVD players, TVs, stereos, computers and kitchen appliances. Unplug battery chargers when the batteries are fully charged or the chargers are not in use.

Use rechargeable batteries for products like cord-less phones and digital cameras. Studies have shown they are more cost effective than disposable batteries. If you must use disposables, check with your trash removal company about safe disposal options.Long-Term Savings Tip

Consider buying a laptop for your next computer upgrade; laptops use much less energy than desktop computers.

For more information, please contact your Energy

Storyby ce2(ScW) denniS AlWArdt, nAvfAc eUrAfSWA

The Naval Inspector General requests your as-sistance in completing the following survey regarding job satisfaction, health and safety, and overall quality of life. Completion of this survey is voluntary; your re-sponses are anonymous and kept strictly confidential. Only group data will be reported.

If you choose to participate, your input will be represented in the overall results. The input will be used by the Naval Inspector General to evaluate com-mand climate, quality of work life, and further guide the inspection/area visit to Rota in April. The survey is for DoN service members, civilians and spouses, and closes Friday.

Go to

Inspector General Survey

8 March 15, 2012 C L

Breast-feeding ClassThe Navy-Marine Corps visiting nurses are scheduled to hold a breast-feeding class Wednesday. Call NMCRS at 727-1614 for more information.

Red Cross CPR/AED TrainingThe Rota American Cross is offering adult, child and infant Cardiopulmonary Re-suscitation and Automated External Defibrillator training March 23, 2 - 5 p.m. The $50 fee includes book, course materials and certification. Call 727-2333 for more information or to register.

Red Cross Babysitting CertificationThe Rota American Cross is offering a Babysitter’s Training and Infant/Child Car-diopulmonary Resuscitation Certification March 31, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. A $40 fee includes a two-year CPR certification, first aid kit, backpack, course materials and babysitter's training certification. Class is limited to six students. Call 727-2333 for more information or to register.

Volunteer Boy Scout Troop 73 Looking for VolunteersSupport the youth of our community by volunteering with the Boy Scouts. Troop 73 is looking for assistant Scoutmasters and volunteers. The Scouts meet every Thursday, 7 - 8:30 p.m., at building 134 in housing. Contact Troop Scoutmaster Dave Myers,at for more information.

WIC Overseas Women, Infants and Children Overseas is a nutrition, education and supplemental food program for qualified members of the uniformed services, civilian employees, DoD contractors living overseas and their family members. Eligible participants in-clude pregnant, post-partum and breast-feeding women, infants and children up to age 5. WIC provides important benefits including: one-on-one nutrition counseling, nutrition and health screenings, breast-feeding education, breast pump loan program, infant and child feeding tips and drafts redeemable for nutritious foods at the com-missary and Nexmart. For eligibility screening and more information, call 727-2921.

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings AA meetings are scheduled for every Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. at the base chapel. Call DAPA at 727-2876 for more information.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University RegistrationThe leaders of tomorrow are studying with ERAU today. Sign-up for Rota’s term four classes in aviation safety, management, airframe and math. Contact or 727-2984 to register or for more information.

STAPThe Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society offers an interest-free loan program for up to $3,000 per year for undergraduate or graduate tuition. This is an overseas only pro-gram, so take advantage while you’re here. Call 727-1614 to make an appointment today. For more information, contact the NMCRS at 727-1614.

Navy College GraduationThe Rota Navy College Office will be holding its annual graduation and recognition ceremony June 22. This ceremony is open to all adult members of the Rota com-munity who have been or will be awarded a degree from an accredited institution between Aug. 1, 2011 and Aug. 31, 2012. If you are interested in participating, contact the Navy College at 727-2785/2798 or e-mail The deadline to sign up is May 15.

Prepare for the SAT or ACT NowEKnowledge is donating SAT/ACT Test Prep Programs worth $200 to all active duty, retired, veterans, Guard, Reserve, their family members, DoD employees and civil-ians performing military support, as well as their family members. Materials may be ordered online at or by calling 951-25-64076.

OU Offers Human Relations Certificates University of Oklahoma now offers individuals with a bachelor's degree or OU gradu-ate students certificates in Helping Skills in Human Relations and Human Resource Diversity and Development. All certificate course work can be applied to a Master of Human Relations.

Community News

Navy College

Preschool Services for Children with DisabilitiesChild Find for children 3 - 5 years of age is an ongoing outreach program that locates and identifies children who may have developmental delays or educational disabilities and need special services. If you have concerns regarding your child's development, please contact Linda Hill at 727-4185 or 727-4435.


March 15, 2012 9C L COMMUNITY

DGF Talent ShowThe Rota community is invited to the annual David Glasgow Farragut Talent Show Wednesday, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m., in the DGF multi-purpose room. Come support your singer, dancer or musician.

No School for DGF StudentsThere will be no school for DGF students April 6 for a teacher’s work day.

Raise Funds for DGF with Box TopsDid you know that David Glasgow Farragut elementary school earns 10 cents for every Box Top they receive? Help DGF raise funds by clipping your Box Tops and returning them to school or one of the MWR donation boxes. You can also save money on your next trip to the commissary by joining the community. Just log on, select David Glasgow Farragut Elementary School PTSA as your home school and begin to receive coupons on items you buy all the time.

NEX A-OK Student Reward Program Students with a B-grade point average or better may enter a drawing for U.S. Sav-ings Bonds given each quarter. Stop by the NEX with a current report card, fill out an entry card and obtain an A-OK ID, which entitles the student to discount coupons for NEX products and services.

DGF Schools

OU Offers Master in Human Relations Program University of Oklahoma’s Rota site offers a Master of Human Relations with professors from the main campus in Oklahoma holding face-to-face classes right here in Rota. Ten classes are taught in six-day increments with six semester hours of internship completing the required 36 hours for the program. No prerequisites, except for a bachelor's degree and no GRE. Sign up today by visiting the OU office located in the Navy College and speak to Trevor Sloan, OU’s Rota site director.

Ten Steps to Federal EmploymentFriday, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. The federal government is the largest employer in the U.S. This class will cover the steps you need to make the challenging process of landing a federal job an achievable goal.

Saving and InvestingTuesday, 9 - 10 a.m. Retirement? Kids college? TSP? 401K? This workshop gives you information you need to make an informed decision about your future.

Single Parents Support Planning Session Tuesday, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Single parents don’t need to go through this alone - we can support each other. Learn from the ones who are really doing the single parenting. Come help the group get organized.

Federal Resumé FormatTuesday, 1 - 2 p.m. Target your federal resumé to highlight your qualifications to HRO and hiring managers. Learn about keywords, the certificate of eligibility and the special requirements of a federal resumé.

Lunch and Learn: The Art of BullfightingWednesday, 11.30a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Bullfighting season is around the corner. Witness at least one of these Corridas de Toros while in Spain. Learn all about this ancient tradition that dates as far back as the Roman times during this seminar.

Smooth MoveMarch 22, 9 - 11 a.m. If you have orders or are getting ready to PCS, you should consider signing up for this course. It is designed for all military personnel, civilian personnel and family members departing the local area. Even if it is your umpteenth PCS, you might get some new and useful information about the PCS process, as well as information about your new duty station. Pre-registration is required.

Business Resumés March 22, 1 - 2 p.m. Ten seconds! That is the average time your resumé will receive. Discover the key elements on a resumé and how to catch the employer’s eye. Learn how to market yourself for your dream job.

Fleet & Family Support CenterCall 727-3232 to pre-register for all FFSC functions.

Did You Know That . . . The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society is proud to partner with

the Military Saves Campaign? The society is part of a network that shares a commitment to helping and supporting military members and their loved ones build personal savings that will provide for their immediate and long term financial needs. Military Saves Week may be the last week of February, but the campaign is a year round effort.

10 March 15, 2012 C LRELIGION

What comes to your mind when you think of St. Patrick’s Day? Many imagine dressing in outra-geous, over-the-top green outfits, the Blarney Stone,

Boston’s famous parade, lep-rechauns, shamrocks, getting pinched as a little kid in school (even if found wearing green) and drinking themselves into oblivion.

The holiday has become so popular that roughly one million visitors enjoy Ireland’s five-day

festival promoting all things Irish. To sum it all up, people across the globe celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as a day to let loose and have a good time. And chances are, some of you have worn amusing T-shirts declar-ing “Kiss me, I’m Irish” or indulged in some strange green grog that you would never drink at any other

St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of IrelandCHAPLINES

chAplAin robert JohnSon

time of the year (and suffered the intense side effects the next morning to prove it).

Partying aside, what is St. Patrick’s Day all about? Where do we trace its roots? Well, by the ninth and 10th centuries AD, the day was being celebrated as a commemoration of the life and work of a man named of all things, Patrick. Born in 415 AD in Scotland, Patrick grew up a Roman Briton. However, accord-ing to his autobiography, "Confessions," Patrick was kidnapped when he was roughly 16 years old by Irish raiders, and he was made their slave for about seven years. Escaping their grasp, he was educated and ultimately ordained.

Coming back to Ireland years later, he sought to reach out to those who once treated him so harshly, bringing his message of Jesus Christ to the inhabit-ants. As a result, many converted to Christianity in the years that followed. As time passed, legends

about Patrick’s exploits grew, with one being how he drove all the snakes out of Ireland, and another being his use of the shamrock to teach the mystery of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Regardless of the accuracy of the later legends, Patrick clearly was quite a man.

So as you have fun on St. Patrick’s Day this upcom-ing weekend, remember that there is much more to this day than many people realize. Patrick was a man of incredible faith and vision who helped shape Irish, and to some extent, Western culture. He overcame tremendous personal obstacles and affronts to care genuinely for the people around him, regardless of how they viewed and treated him. He was a man who “practiced what he preached.”

If you would like to speak to me or another chaplain regarding this discussion or any other issue, please call the Religious Ministries Department at 727-2161.

Trusting God Bible StudyThis Bible study by Jerry Bridges addresses the

question, “Can we trust God?” Join us every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the NAVSTA Rota Chapel Fellowship Hall. The study begins with a meal, followed with a discussion from 7 - 8 p.m.

Amos Bible StudyA Bible study on Amos meets Wednesday, 6 p.m. at

the Chapel Fellowship Hall.

AnnouncementsCall 727-2161 for more information on Chapel events.

March 15, 2012 11C L VISTA


12 March 15, 2012 C LVISTA

Paris, la Ville de'Amour, "Do you want to go?"I hesitated at first answering the question. I had already visited

Paris twice as a teenager. Both times had yielded mixed results. My first experience began with visiting the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre,

Champs-Elysees, eating baguettes and performing at Disneyland. It ended with an attempted mugging.

The second experience was a several-day stay in Paris. The stay was part of a three-week Eurorail experience that my brother and I had organized. During the trip, there were two girls from South Caro-lina, Kathy and Caroline. They had never been over the Atlantic and were excited to see Europe, and I was excited to accompany them. It was an intense three weeks that ended with them boarding a plane in Strasbourg, France and my brother and I taking a 20-hour bus and train combination back to Rota. I felt I was done with Paris: I had seen the sights and loved it, but I was still in for a treat!

by eric flAgg, mWr

The offer was straightforward. Accompany seven couples to Paris and meet up with them twice while in Paris to escort them on two sightseeing events. They were to have great latitude exploring the city and designing their own itinerary.

I had my reservations about such an open itinerary, but accepted the offer to escort the Information, Tickets and Tours trip to Paris. Plus, I knew I had the backing of a travel agent in Spain to help the group with any eventualities, group travel insurance and the peace of mind knowing that the trip was backed by Moral, Welfare and Recreation.

We boarded an early morning flight from Jerez to Madrid, made our Madrid to Paris connection and landed in Paris-Orly mid-afternoon. Once we touched down in Paris Orly Airport, I made use of what little French I could conjure from high school to coordinate the pick

Arc de Triomphe

March 15, 2012 13C L VISTA

up with our bus driver. It definitely felt like VIP treatment to have a 50-passenger bus waiting to transport the group to our hotel, Hotel Carltons.

Hotel Carltons is situated in the Montmartre district of Paris and was built in the late 1920s. It was commandeered by the German military during World War II and served as lodging for German navy officers. The hotel still retains the breakfast restaurant which has the typical design and styling of the early 20th century brasseries, a true time warp to 90-some years ago.

Incidentally, you will see a lot of restaurants that say brasserie in the Montmartre district. After having eaten at several, I would say they are the French equivalent to a pub; quick, fried food (see croquettes) accompanied by either wine or beer.

The next day we were treated to a three-hour bus ride through Paris with a very knowledgeable guide who spoke great English. We were able to see all of the main sites in Paris while enjoying the fun historical facts narrated by our guide. The chatter on the bus turned to, "Oh, we need to go see that," or "Let's eat there tonight." After

A French brasseriereturning to the hotel, everyone quickly scattered to prepare the rest of their itinerary while in Paris.

For the final night, we went to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed the City of Lights and views afforded by the immense structure of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 for the World's Fair and stood as the tallest manmade structure in the world until the completion, in 1930, of the Chrysler Building in New York.

As we departed Paris enroute to Rota, all of the travelers that I spoke to enjoyed the trip very much. Although I was skeptical at first, customer reactions to the trip itinerary and activities was very positive. Rota MWR ITT has upcoming trips planned to such varied international places as Prague, London and the Canary Islands while also focusing on discovering Spanish jewels such as Granada, Valencia, Cordoba and Barcelona. Call 727-3101 or visit to find out about upcoming international trips and reserve your spot today!

Notre Dame Cathedral

Musée du Louvre

16 March 15, 2012 C LACTIVITIES

Ruta de los Sentidos, a guided tour in El Puerto de Santa Maria, Saturdays at 10:15 a.m. and Juega con los Sentidos, a guided tour in El Puerto de Santa Maria, Saturdays at 6 p.m., 956-85-3960

Ruta por El Puerto y Bodegas Osborne, a guided tour, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m., tickets 5 euros (children) and 10 euros (adults), 697-34-5807

Sevilla Bullring guided tours, daily, 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Sevilla, Reales Alcazares (Moorish Fortress) guided tours, Monday - Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., tickets 7.50 euros

Sevilla, Cathedral and Giralda guided tours, Monday - Saturday, 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sunday, 2:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Flea Market, Ramon y Cajal Street, Sanlucar, Sundays and holidays, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Flea Market, Alameda Vieja (by the Castle), Jerez, Sundays, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Flea Market, Picabarro, Rota, Sundays, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Castillo de Luna, Rota, weekend guided tours at 1 and 5 p.m., request tickets in advance at the tourist office, Calle Cuna 2

Como Bailan los Caballos Andaluces, (How Andalusian Horses Dance), Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon, Rec-reo de las Cadenas, Avda. Duque de Abrantes, Jerez, tickets 19 - 25 euros, 956-31-8008,

Visit Doñana National Park,

Lucia de Lammermoor Opera by the Sevilla Symphony Orchestra and Giuseppe Verdi Company, Saturday, 8:30 p.m., Teatro de la Maestranza, Paseo de Colon, Sevilla, tickets 40 – 96 euros

India Martinez, Saturday, 10 p.m., Sala Anfiteatro, Cadiz, tickets 22 euros

Piano recital by Mikhail Rudy, March 22, 8:30 p.m., Teatro de La Maestranza, Paseo de Colon, Sevilla, tickets 20 – 34 euros

Sober, March 23,10:30 p.m., Imagina Jardin Bar, Cadiz, tickets 15 - 18 euros

Ara Malikiam Emsemble, April 27, 8:30 p.m., Real Teatro de Las Cortes, San Fernando, tickets 15 - 30 euros

“Warning, Ocurrencias Belicas,” display by the illustrator Sergio Tejedor, until March 20, Sala Caja Inmaculada, Calle Isaac Peral 6, El Puerto

Painting display by Renata Kuwilsky, until March 24, Chicago Art Place Gallery, Calle Nuestra Sra. de Los Angeles 3, El Puerto

40 Años de Doñana photo and painting display until March 28, Centro Cultural La Victoria, Sanlucar

Handcrafts display by Sisters of Belen, Tuesday - Saturday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., La Cartuja Monastery, Jerez

Sara Baras show, Monday - March 23, 9 p.m., Gran Teatro Falla, Plaza de Fragela, Cadiz

Nuevo Amanecer, a recital by Jose Merced, May 10, 9 p.m., Gran Teatro Falla, Plaza de Fragela, Cadiz

Flamenco show, Jerez, Fridays and Saturdays, 10 p.m., El Lagar del Tio Parrilla, Plaza del Mercado, 956-33-8334

Flamenco show, Sanlucar, Fridays at 10:30 and 11:30 p.m., Bodega de Arte “A Contratiempo,” Calle San Miguel 5, tickets 12 euros, 653-07-1099

Costa de La Luz Half Marathon, Rota - Chipiona, April 15

Bay of Cadiz Half Marathon, Cadiz - San Fernando, April 22,

Motorcycling World Championship, April 27 - 29, Jerez

Villa de Puerto Real Half Marathon, April 29,





Mollusk Season – scallops, anemones, galeras , sea ur-chins, mussels, until March 29, Cerveceria-Marisqueria La Marea, Pase Maritimo, Cadiz


March 15, 2012 15C L LOCAL

On the Path to Success, NJHS Inducts Newest MembersStory And photoS by JAn hAmmond

Ten students from David Glasgow Far-ragut Middle School were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society during a ceremony in the DGF multi-purpose room, Friday.

The new members of the NJHS were nominated on their exceptional academic achievements and demonstrated excel-lence of the Society’s core values of char-acter, scholarship, leadership, service and citizenship.

Guest speaker and Olympic U.S. Sail-ing Team member Farrah Hall expressed to the inductees that those values can

DGF Students Join National Honor Society The National Honor Society at David Glasgow Farragut High School had its

Spring Induction Ceremony March 7. Congratulations to the newest NHS mem-bers: Aspen Luna, Joy Hutchenson-Tipton, Quinton Fisher, Adrian Kern, Roan Bontempo, Hannah Myers, Samantha Campbell, Luke Driscoll, Michael Mabunay, Kenneth Mason, Thais Gartland, Melissa Secaida and Melanie Secaida.

make a difference in their life. Hall went on to explain how the NJHS values have modeled her career and helped her over-come many obstacles.

“You can get the best out of any situa-tion by reminding yourself of, and putting to use, the core values you are learn-ing right now,” said Hall. “You all have the tools you need to make the best of whatever comes in the future, and I wish everyone here the best on their path to success.”

The ceremony continued with the sym-bolic lighting of the candles to represent

each of the five core values. Holding candles to exemplify the torch, the symbol of the NJHS, inductees took the NJHS pledge stating their commitment to uphold the standards expected of them.

DGF Middle and High School Principal Daniel Serfass congratulated the newest members of the NJHS.

“This is a huge milestone in your aca-demic career,” said Serfass. “My chal-lenge to you and all of our students is to continue to improve in each of the five values of the NJHS as you move forward through your academic career.”

Congratulations to the newest mem-bers of the NJHS: Lydia Antonio-Vila; Daniel Bastidas; Andrew Beyer-Lucena; John Copenhaver; Jashaun Garrison; Nicholas Gartland; Joseph Hammond; Tayla Irby; Alexys Ramsey and Catherine Rogers.

(Above) U.S. Olympic Sailing Team member Farrah Hall speaks at the National Junior Honor Society induction Friday, while NJHS members look on.

(Below) The newest members of the National Junior Honor Society stand before their teachers, families and peers as they take the NJHS pledge.


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18 March 15, 2012 C L OUT AND ABOUT




Naval Station Rota Women’s Fastpitch Softball team started their season with a hard fought victory over the Sevilla Angeles 9 - 7 where they jumped out to an early lead and never looked back. Come out Sunday at 11:30 a.m. when Rota takes on Almeria on Rota's field one.

(Left) DGF third graders use a jump rope (which was the floss) and clean between the human third graders (acting as teeth) to get the crumpled up pieces of paper (which was the bacteria) out from between them.


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U.S. Ambassador to Spain and Andorra Alan Solomont addresses Naval Station Rota guests at La Plaza during his visit here March 8.

March 15, 2012 19C L PUBLISHER'S CORNER


By Karen Lucas, Coastline

Celebrate St Patrick’s Day at One of the Irish Bars in TownMolly Malone is ready for their big-

gest celebration of the year. Things will start on Friday evening with homemade Irish cuisine beginning at 6:30 p.m. and

continuing throughout the entire weekend. T h e b i g day, Satur-

day, will be packed with different activities starting with an energetic rugby game: England vs. Ireland. Relax and enjoy it while sipping green beer and munching on Irish sausages, a corned beef dinner or Molly’s own shepherd’s pie. Weather permitting; the terrace will be open where their delicious burgers and hot dogs can

be enjoyed. Evening entertainment will start at 8 p.m., and there will be lots of surprises, prizes, drink specials and much more so don’t miss out. For music lovers there will be a D.J. with plenty of music for everyone. This fantastic, very Irish weekend will come to a close on Sunday. Join the folks at Molly’s for their special Irish breakfast, starting, as usual, at noon. As you can see there will be activities and fun for all.

Paddy Irish Bar in Rota will also be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Saturday with fun and surprises.

With its typical Andalusian architec-ture, Hotel Los Jandalos Vistahermosa combines tradition and comfort. The hotel offers 18 premium rooms, larger

than 40 sq. meters, fully equipped with three different atmospheres for relaxing, working and reading. The hotel also offers 45 apartments, with one and two bedrooms, a kitchenette, sitting-room, a full bathroom plus a half bath as well as all the hotel services.

One of the best things about Los Jándalos Vistahermosa is the more than 2,500 sq. metres of large subtropical gardens and an outdoor swimming pool. In addition, there is a spa with an indoor pool, an a la carte restaurant, garage and parking, private meeting rooms and a new private exterior swimming pool for the luxury rooms. It is a great place for friends or family to stay since it is next to marvellous beaches in El Puerto de Santa Maria, golf courses (Golf El Puerto and Sherry Golf), Jerez airport, right on the Bay of Cadiz and near wineries, the school of Andalusian horses, museums, etc. The apartments provide a comfort-able stay when PCSing in or out since they give you more independence than a hotel room.

Having trouble navigating and getting information in the local economy? Ask Pilar! For a moderate fee, she will help you navigate the Spanish Public School system, enroll children in after-school activities, help you with smartphone set-ups, help you find what you are look-ing for locally, give you travel ideas and whatever else you may need. For more information or questions you may have, call Pilar at 607-47-5161 or e-mail at

As I have mentioned the last couple of weeks, Long & Foster Realtor Mimi Nun is in Rota and available for consul-tations March 20 – 26. E-mail or call 672-16-0754 for an appointment or leave a message at Hotel Playa de la Luz 956-81-0500. Don’t miss this opportunity to get a head start in getting settled at your new destination if you will be transferring this year.

If you still haven’t gotten around to learning Spanish, the next beginners’ course starts on April 2 in Trinity School in El Puerto de Santa María. Check it out. Give them a call at 956-87-1926 or e-mail

Anything you want me to pass along? Let me hear from you about your favorite places or coming events. I do like hearing from you! Send me an e-mail to or give me a call at 607-56-4132. Support your paper by supporting the advertisers.

The beautiful pool at Los Jándalos Vistahermosa.

20 March 15, 2012 C L

Sailor in the Spotlight

A native of Columbus Ohio, Master-at-Arms 3rd Class Justin Allen Corn-well enlisted in the Navy in 2007. After completing basic training in Great Lakes, he attended Master-at-Arms "A" school at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.

His first duty station was Naval Expeditionary Guard Battalion in Guan-tanamo Bay, Cuba.

He reported to Naval Station Rota, Spain’s Security Department. While, here, he has qualified both patrolman and coxswain.

In June 2011, he volunteered for Operating Support Assignment orders to NATO Role 3 in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

His Master-at-Arms team was responsible for the primary care of 1,150 patients, 2,200 vehicle missions, 740 medical transfer movements and guarded 42 detainees.

“The experience of working with the Army and Joint Coalition Forces from around the world, accomplishing the same goal was an experience that I will never forget. I would only suggest this type of duty to Sailors looking for a challenge like no other. I feel that I've become a stronger and more experience Sailor who can contribute greatly to any command’s mission, and I'm grateful for the opportunity.”

MA3 Justin Allen CornwellStory and Photo By MC2(SW/AW) Travis Alston

AFN Rota Promises Great Music, No Bull During Radiothon 2012Story by Afn det. rotA

Are you ready for Radiothon 2012? American Forces Network is gearing up to cap off the Active Duty Fund Drive on behalf of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Soci-ety (NMCRS) this year with its premiere event March 29 and 30.

Radiothon is an annual event that provides the op-portunity to hear great music, win amazing prizes and give back to the local NMCRS office.

“It’s an opportunity for people to call in pledges for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society and get a lot out of it,” said MC1 (SW/AW) Rosa van der Loo, AFN Rota’s operations manager and Radiothon 2012 coor-dinator. “People just need to call in, pledge at least $2 to the NMCRS to request a song, and when they do that, they’ll also get their name in the hat for the raffle prize drawings, too.”

Here’s how Radiothon works:Starting at 7 a.m. March 29, turn on your radio.

AFN Rota, the NMCRS, and a host of volunteers will be standing by ready to take your requests. Call the station at 727-1887 or 956-82-1887 to request a song by pledging money to the NMCRS with a minimum bid of $2.

If you hear a song you don’t like, you can bump it off the air by pledging more money than the song is worth. So if UT1 Sarniak pledges $2 to hear Justin Beiber’s "Baby"… okay, okay, AC/DC’s "Back in Black"… MC1 van der Loo can “bump” his song off the air by calling in to pledge at least $4 on her song, "Get U Home" by Shwayze. And that song can be bumped off the air by a pledge of at least $6.

For a minimum bid of $100, you (or your department or organization) can request the coveted “Repeater Song,” a song that will be played every hour until it gets bumped by at least $102.50 dollars.

“We pick the worst song we can find and play it until we get a pledge worthy enough to boot it off the airwaves. The pledges have to be in increments of two dollars,” said AFN Rota’s Officer-in-Charge MCC (SW/DV/EXW) Eric Lippmann.

Listeners who make pledges get an added bonus; their name is thrown into a hat for a chance to win one of a wide variety of goods and services donated by local businesses and organizations in support of the American community living in and around Rota.

Potential prizes include local hotels stays, spa trips,

dinners at local res taurants , free car rent-als and much more . The drawings are held at the end of each Radio-thon day with the grand prize drawing held at the end of day 2. Winners will be required to pay their pledge to their command keyperson and bring with them proof of payment prior to picking up their prize.

“If you don’t completely understand the process or the rules, don’t worry, we’ll explain it all several times during the event,” said Lippmann. “Just be sure to tune in to Radio Rota and be prepared for a good time, for a good cause!”

This year's Radiothon is scheduled to air March 29 - 30 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day, live on AFN Rota. You can listen locally on 102.5 FM in Rota, 92.1 at Morón Air Base, and on AFN decoder channel 162.

March 15, 2012 23C L SPORTS

A buena racha in Spanish Soccer is a “hot streak,” and if you want to see what one looks like, go north

and make a trip to the Basque region. That is where you will find Athletic Club Bilbao, a team that has become the toast of Spanish soccer, is making a run at winning two trophies this year.

The good fortune began early in February when Athletic easily dis-patched Mirandes FC in the semifi-

nals of the Copa del Rey (Kings Cup). The victory over third division Mirandes earned Athletic a date with Bar-celona in May for a chance to claim the country’s most prestigious soccer tournament. Bilbao is also making a run at European glory by winning the continent’s second most prestigious tournament; the UEFA Europa League. They made a statement Thursday night when they traveled to England and beat Manchester United 3 - 2 in legendary Old Trafford.

Manchester United’s longtime manager Sir Alex Ferguson looked impressed and said after the game, “We were well beaten, Bilbao were the better team.” Athletic perhaps deserved even more goals that night as they skillfully maintained possession while also playing inspired soccer in front of an estimated 8,000 Athletic fans who had made the journey to the North of England to cheer on Los Leones (The Lions).

As one of only three clubs, along with Real Madrid and Barcelona, to never have been relegated, Athletic Bilbao is one of Spain’s most historic and recogniz-able soccer teams. They have won eight La Liga championships and hoisted the Copa del Rey trophy on 23 occasions, second only to Barcelona. Recent years have not been kind to the club as they have not

Athletic Bilbao a “Buena Racha”won a trophy since 1984. Yet fans of the team remain fiercely loyal and proudly refer to their home grounds (San Mamés Stadium) as "the football cathedral.” The team is owned by its socios (fans) and is well known for enforcing a policy that ensures the team is made up entirely of players from the local Basque region. In today’s win-at-all-cost world of soccer this policy is somewhat of an anachronism, but the patience in developing homegrown talent seems, right now, to be working for the club.

Ferguson is not the only manager to take notice of the rojiblanco (red and white), Vincente del Bosque. The Spanish National Team coach paid his ultimate respect this past month by selecting four players from Bilbao to play for Spain in a friendly game against Venezuela. The selection of Fernando Llorente and Javi Martínez were no surprise, but the first time choice of 19-year-old Iker Muniain was. The 5-foot, 7-inch midfielder nicknamed Bart Simpson has become one of the most feared attackers in Spanish football, and with limitless potential, he may be a part of the Spanish National Team for years to come.

For a club like Bilbao though, the success comes with a price. Without the financial resources of richer Spanish and European teams, it is unlikely that Bilbao will maintain its nucleolus of young talent. Real Ma-drid and Manchester City are already rumored to be interested in midfielder Javi Martinez and willing to pay a hefty sum for the rights to sign him. Once the big clubs start knocking on the door, their offers tend to become even more tempting and harder to refuse. The sad truth is that Bilbao will almost certainly be forced to trade short term successes on the field for long term financial rewards off the field. In a league without revenue sharing or salary caps, this dilemma


yUvAl flemingSportS Writer

is nothing new and not likely to go away anytime soon. For now the only thing that fans of Athletic can do is simply enjoy the racha - while it lasts.

Yuval Fleming is a biased sports fan who lives in Rota, Spain and writes a weekly sports column for The Coastline. Please send comments and article ideas to

(Times are local)

Thursday*Manchester United at Athletic Bilbao: 7 p.m.Athletic won the first game 3 - 2, so for United to advance in this Europa League matchup, they will have to win by at least two goals.

Saturday*Barcelona at Sevilla: 8 p.m.This may be a good chance to travel up north to see a great team and perhaps the greatest player in the world, Lionel Messi.

Sunday*Malaga at Real Madrid: 9:30 p.m.Malaga has played well of late and find them-selves in fourth place. They can make a state-ment on Sunday by beating first place Madrid on the road.

Games of the Week


March 16th, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.Sign up by March 8th.Teams of 3-6 athletes from each command on baseare invited to participate in this first-ever competition, which includes traditional feats of strength and skill, such as the Caber Toss, Stone Put, Sheaf Toss and Hammer Throw. Mandatory Kilts will be provided. Following the games, all participants are welcome to join the Liberty Staff for a celebratory Irish feast, featuring Guinness Stew. Bring your fans! Call Liberty Center at 727-2527.

1/2 and 1/4 MarathonMarch 17th, 10 a.m. at starting at La Plaza. Sign up by March 14th. $20.

Wear green and be ready to run for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The event is open to authorized American and Spanish authorized personnel and family members ages 18+.Categories include: Overall winners, Mens and Womens Open(18-29), Seniors(30-39), Masters(40+). The cost of the event is $15.00.No same day sign ups. We will only be taking dollars.We will give out medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each category.All participants get a T-shirt and food at the end of the race duringthe award ceremony.


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565 L I B E R T Y Photography Class



golf tournament

March 17th, 9 a.m. $20.4 person scramble tournament. Fee includes lunch & prizes.

Call 727-2260 for details.

Are you interested in providing high quality educational and recreational programs for children and youth? Become part of our sta� and foster a sense of independence, trust and responsibility within each child through understanding and respectful interactions. Earn college credit while working in a fun and dynamic environment. CYP is an opportunity to servemilitary families, while working with a professional andrewarding organization. Please call 727-1100, o� base 956-821-100

Child & Youth Programs Need You!Employment opportunities are available with the Child Development

Center, School Age Care and the Youth Center today!

The egg hunts will begin at 11 a.m.Bring your camera for photos with the Easter Bunny.Call 727-1100 for more information.

Saturday, March 31st

10 a.m. - 12 p.m.At the Galley Lawn.Ages 0 -12. TEI card holders Free.

Are you interested in learning how to use your Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera and begin taking better pictures? Signup for our upcoming classes to teach you the basics and intermediate techniques of photo composition and digital camera use. Taught by Josiah Wilson, AFN Mass Communication Specialist and professional photographer, you’ll definitely learn increase your knowledge about photography and cameras!We will be offering two courses:Introduction to Photography Course:Starts March 20th, from 6:30 - 8 p.m.Intermediate Concepts in Photography:Starts March 22nd, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.Call MWR Community Classes at 727-2527.

Sign up by March 19th.$55 for the 4 week course.