Management Thoughts

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Management Thoughts


Development of Major Management Theories

Scientific Approach

**Frederick W. Taylor’s (1856-1912)

>> father of scientific management

>> major concern throughout most of his life was to

increase efficiency in production

>> lower costs and raise profits

>> make possible increased pay for workers through their

higher productivity

>> His famous works entitled “Principles of scientific


**Frederick W. Taylor’s (1856-1912)

>> The main points of his theory is:

1. Apply science in doing work replacing the thumb rule.

2. Select and train people scientifically

3. There should be co-operation and co-ordination between

supervisors and workers.’

4. Pay according to output.

5. Find out the best method and standard time in doing jobs.

**Frederick W. Taylor’s (1856-1912)

Condition in industrial sector before Taylor’s announcement:

1. There was indiscipline in industries.

2. No formal training and necessary supervision.

3. Co-ordination between workers and supervisors was less.

4. Efficiency was less, Output was not satisfactory.

5. Workers were responsible for jobs

**Frederick W. Taylor’s (1856-1912)

Effects after applying Taylor’s theory:

1. Disciplined restored in industry.

2. Output increased as well as efficiency.

3. Quality of job decreased in some cases as workers wanted

to shortened time for more output.

4. Management started dismissing the excess workforce, so

dissatisfaction increased among the workers

**Followers of W. Taylor’s :

Henry L Gantt:

>> emphasized on Harmonious cooperation

>> introduced graphical methods of describing plans

*Frank and Lillian Gilberth:

>> Introduce motion and time study

>> The Gilbreths made use of scientific insights to develop a

study method based on the analysis of work motions,

consisting in part of filming the details of a worker’s activities

while recording the time it took to complete activities.

>> The films helped to create a visual record of how work was

completed, and emphasized areas for improvement.

>> the films also served the purpose of training workers about

the best way to perform their work

>> This method allowed the Gilbreths to build on the best

elements of the work flows and create a standardized best


*Key players: >> Henri Fayol

>> Max Weber

Henri Fayol

# classical management theorist,

# widely regarded as the father of modern operational

management theory.

Taylor was concerned with task time and improving worker

efficiency but Fayol was concerned with management and is

generally agreed to consider more human and behavioral

factors in his management theories than Taylor.

*Fayol's 14 Principles of Management

1. Division of work.

2. Authority.

3. Discipline.

4. Unity of command.

5. Unity of direction.

6. Subordination of

individual interests

to the general


7. Remuneration.

8. Centralization.

9. Scalar chain.

10. Order.

11. Equity.

12. Stability of tenure

of personnel.

13. Initiative.

14. Esprit de corps.

**The Hawthorne Studies: To study the effect of the behavior of

employees on productivity, Elton Mayo and his group undertook

the famous experiments at Hawthorne plant of the Western

Electric Company between 1927 and 1932 by changing

1. Light

2. Temperature

3. Work period

4. Rest period

5. Incentive

The outcomes are:

*Productivity does not depend upon the light, temperature, etc.

*Productivity depends upon “group behavior”, relationship between

employees and manager, moral and motivation of employees, etc.


1. What is classical management?

2. Explain the contribution of Max Weber in
