Make Giving More Worshipful

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Make Giving More Worshipful

Worship is giving• Genuine worship requires a response. Genuine worship requires a response. – giving our offerings to Himgiving our offerings to Him– giving ourselves giving ourselves

“Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts.” (Psalm 96:8)• Churches have various responses to giving.Churches have various responses to giving.– Some have treated the offering with great reverence and Some have treated the offering with great reverence and

made it a central part of worship.made it a central part of worship.– Some have treated the offering as a necessity with little Some have treated the offering as a necessity with little

attention given to it.attention given to it.

Make Giving More Worshipful explores:

•A biblical view of giving.

• Ideas for church leaders and members.

• Ideas for families.

A BIBLICAL VIEW•Worship is giving ourselves completely to

the Lord…what we are and what we have.– Abraham withheld nothing from God and even offered Isaac, as a sacrifice.

(Genesis 22:15-17)

– The Apostle Paul offered a similar challenge in Romans 12:1.

– The Hebrews brought various offerings. (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)

– Early Christians brought the elements for the Lord’s Supper.

– Christians eventually gave money as their act of worship.

– The Philippian Christians offered a fragrant offering that was acceptable to God. (Philippians 4:18)

A BIBLICAL VIEW• Worship and giving go together.

• If giving is separated from worship, the encounter with God through giving will be minimized.

• Giving helps a Christian both encounter God and express devotion to Him.

• The Bible teaches us that how a Christian gives is as important as what a Christian gives.

• Church leaders have an excellent opportunity to provide worship experiences when members give and help them worship through giving.

• When individuals become more aware of giving as worship; they blend their faith and their financial stewardship.


• Orient church leaders about the importance of worshiping through giving.

• Teach how giving impacts both the church and individual.

• Remind leaders about the importance of their example in giving.

• Provide Bible studies on giving and worship.


• Teach all age groups that we show our love to God when we give our money with the right attitude.

• Explore with SS leaders how to make giving in the SS more worshipful.

• Make receiving the offerings a holy experience.

• Use offertory statements in worship services.


• Use children’s sermons to teach about giving.

• Plan ways to teach children/youth about giving.

• Plan occasional giving testimonies.

• Consistently explain the when, where and how of financial gifts in the church.

IDEAS FOR FAMILIES• Create an atmosphere where worship and giving is


• Pray and seek guidance from God’s Word as a family.

• Explain to each family member the importance of giving.

• Find a way each week, to thank God for His goodness and for the opportunity to share in God’s work through worship and giving.