Magnetic resonance imaging of unilateral lacrimal gland lesions

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Transcript of Magnetic resonance imaging of unilateral lacrimal gland lesions

Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol(2005) 243:287 E R R A T U M

Kaan G�nd�zCarol L. ShieldsIlhan G�nalpJerry A. Shields

Magnetic resonance imagingof unilateral lacrimal gland lesions

DOI 10.1007/s00417-004-0927-6

Published online: 11 March 2005� Springer-Verlag 2005

The online version of the original article can be found at

K. G�nd�z ()) · I. G�nalpOncology Service, Department of Ophthalmology,Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkeye-mail: +90-312-2291812

K. G�nd�zG.M.K. Bulvari 116/3, 06570 Maltepe, Turkey

C. L. Shields · J. A. ShieldsOncology Service, Wills Eye Hospital,Thomas Jefferson University,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Graefe�s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol (2003)241:907–913

The entire list of References was published wrong. Thecorrect list reads as follows:


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