made for you · sometimes, and other times you find yourself sabotaging your efforts. This workbook...

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Transcript of made for you · sometimes, and other times you find yourself sabotaging your efforts. This workbook...

Welcome! You are about to embark on a very cool journey.

In this workbook you will acquire deep insights about why you may get what you want

sometimes, and other times you find yourself sabotaging your efforts. This workbook

gives you the opportunity to shift some of the emotional wiring in your brain that blocks

you from your desired juicy life, by leading you on an exploration of your negative self-

talk so you can do something about stopping that self-sabotage.

You will take this newfound knowledge about yourself and discover all kinds of exciting

options and possibilities for your life.

This book has been made for you to guide your transformation to an amazing life!

First let me tell you a bit about:

Hi! I am Junie Moon. I’m called the Inner Critic Tamer and Self-Love Expert. After

years of beating myself up and feeling terrible, I learned some transformational tools

that helped me AND MY CLIENTS love ourselves deeply and step strongly into our soul


When I was born I had a big, bright sunny disposition. Smiling came easily because I

loved life and was full of joy. BUT as I grew up, my life experiences began to take a

toll on my heart. I got messages from the school kids that I was not OK…... I was

bullied and embarrassed on a regular basis. Tormented really. By the time I got to high

school, I couldn’t even raise my hand in class. I played small. I stayed under the radar.

It was too risky to stand out, and so I shut down. Suffice it to say, I did not try out for


And playing small lasted into my adulthood.

There were the kids, and then there were my parents. They were awesome parents.

But while teaching me how to be and not to be, they dropped in a healthy dose of fear.

I feared losing their love if I fell short in their eyes. And so a people-pleaser was born.

I feared criticism and disappointing them. I began to restrict how I showed up in life.

Something had to change because I felt dead inside. Perhaps YOU have had experiences like these that have shaped your life? I know you

have. And I know it’s painful not to be fully who you are meant to be. Not being my

bright shiny self hurt my soul. I was hungry for transformation and began searching

for healing in self-help books, spiritual workshops and therapy. I wanted my joy and

light back. I wanted to free my soul.

There were things I could not see that were controlling me. The journey YOU are about

to embark upon will uncover some reasons why you are scared sometimes to be you!

My fear as a child of the kids embarrassing me had me in terror of speaking my truth

as an adult. My fear of disappointing others showed up in my marriage, my

relationships with friends and people I associated with in business. There was a cost

and the price was high. Expressing the true me…

A client of mine had an amazing breakthrough when she realized she wasn’t speaking

up at work because of her old programming. She had a dad who was very overbearing,

so she learned at a young age that speaking up meant punishment. After taming her

Inner Critic, she now steps fully in her power without fear of her dad’s wrath. As crazy

as it sounds, inside her the fear from her past was still running the show.

The fears…and what you can do… Do YOU have fears that limit YOU now but you really do not know why? My fear of

disappointing my parents showed up as people pleasing and having poor boundaries

with everything and everybody, including myself. Especially my eating habits – my

weight went up and down the scale 40-50 lbs. on a regular basis until I began the

transformational work that changed my life. In January of 2014 I celebrated 10 years

of not using food as a drug and being 200 pounds. I am in a healthy body and I love

my life. Transformation is your invitation.

So many of my clients have experienced a renewed connection to their heart and have

such compassion for themselves which allows them joy and richness in their life.

I have been picking up powerful tools for living an authentic, joyous life since 1990,

which I have used for my own life and with my clients. And I am excited to share one

of the transformative tools with you in this workbook.

When I work with people, we start out here – taming the Inner Critic. It is like dipping

your toe in and discovering who you are. How did your life get this way? What has

been driving you to make the decisions you have made that have brought you to this


Is there some B.S. (Belief System) that guides you in your everyday decisions?

You may wonder where your belief systems come from. Did you acquire the belief from

a parent? Society? Your peers? And if it is not something you agree with now, then it

truly is B.S. (Bullshit), right? Do you think it’s time to change this and alter the

trajectory of your life?

Individual coaching helps you uncover so much of what is driving you, and we do some

amazing transformational processes to re-wire you. We shift the old beliefs and find

the real truth of who you are.

Like this simple yet powerful 10 step exercise! Who is this Inner Critic voice that has

you thinking you are less than amazing? Why is it in your head making you feel like


Over a period of time with this transformational work, you acquire new empowering

beliefs about what you can do and achieve, which help you make powerful choices that

create sustainable change in your life. AND LOVE YOURSELF! You get to experience

the freedom of who you really are and your soul purpose of being on this planet. And

you just feel so much better! You can be more joyful because you are coming from an

authentic place inside yourself.

How to Tame Your Inner Critic workbook is a great start not to only find out why we

criticize ourselves into paralysis, but also to begin the healing journey that will get you

moving again toward the most cherished outcomes you desire. Sound good?

Are you willing to be honest with yourself?

Are you willing to be a bit uncomfortable seeing the cost in some of

your behaviors?


Then. Let’s begin.

We all have one, the voice that can slam our spirits and make us feel terrible. It can

be sneaky and manipulative or outright rude. Have you ever heard it tell you things


You're not good enough. You're gonna fail!


Who do you think you are to go for that dream?

Take some moments and think, What are your voices? What do you tell yourself?

Maybe there is a small, scary, critical voice that warns you to be ultra careful not to

screw up and makes you obsess about a million options – only to leave you

overwhelmed and making no choices at all. When this happens, you feel powerless

and may believe on some level that you are a “screw-up.” Sometimes that inner voice

can make you sick, causing you to have wicked migraines or stomachaches and then

you can't even think straight. So you make worse choices and a spiral begins.

There are many ways we stop ourselves and sabotage our goals. But why? If we really

want to succeed in our work, take our health to another fitness level or have beautiful

relationships, why do we block ourselves and limit our growth?

To say YES to healing and shifting old patterns of stuckness takes major courage. You

need a willingness to really look into why you do what you do, and have faith that

things can change for the better. The fact that you’re reading this workbook is proof

that you already have that. This willingness can cause things to change in a heartbeat.

If you are willing to ask yourself some powerful questions and answer honestly – your

life will transform in the most magical, powerful ways.

I encourage you to print out the following pages to journal on, or grab a notebook and

follow along with this 10 step exercise. Answering in your head will not get you

the massive long-lasting change you are looking for, so take some time to reflect

on each question and answer fully.

Let’s start!

It’s important to know what you want for yourself and then look at why you do not

have it. Begin with this question:

What is it you yearn for in your life?






In what ways do you stop yourself? What behaviors sabotage you? What

does your Inner Critic voice tell you that makes you question your worth?

What is it that slows you down or blocks you from succeeding? (Remember

you can limit yourself in many ways, through negative self-talk, lack of motivation,

confusion, depression or physical unwellness.)






Now comes the fun part! Imagine there is a part of you that has created these

obstacles. Picture it as a separate self that stands beside you whispering these

disempowering thoughts into your ear. What would you name this part? I call mine the

Stopper. Some people call theirs the inner critic, the fear creator, or the bully. It can

be named anything.

So what is your name for the voice you hear? The one who stops you from creating

the life you desire? The one that has you doubt yourself or makes you unable to move

forward? And now you will begin to converse with it and find out why it sabotages

you and stops you:

You: Hello, (fill in what you call the voice). I would like to get to know you a bit better.

How long have you been doing (the stuff that blocks you) in my life? When did you show


Inner critic: (fill in its response)







Here is your opportunity to uncover WHY this part was created. When we were younger

and didn't have the support or tools we have now, we were at much greater risk for

pain or harm. This part usually was born at a very risky time in our life. So going back

as far back as you can remember….What was happening that called this part to show

up? What risk(s) was it protecting you from? Perhaps you had a critical parent and this

part kept you quiet so as not to risk parental consequences. Or maybe there were

bullies at a school so you had lots of headaches and this kept you from school and out

of harm’s way.

You: Why did you show up in my life? What was happening at the time that made you

stop me?

Inner Critic: (This part showed up to fulfill a need.) It was






You: Why did you have me think I was not good enough or smart enough? Or why did

you make me scared and shut me down?

Inner Critic:






You: Why did you cause me physical pain or have me doubt myself?

Inner Critic:






You: What would have happened if you didn’t stop me?

Inner Critic:






You: What pain or consequences did you shield me from?

Inner Critic:






Here is where you find out how much this part has served you by protecting you from

pain. This part showed up to protect you from some danger. Sadly, it didn't stop

creating the sabotaging behavior because it got stuck thinking the danger was and is

still very present. And so it continued throughout the years, even now. It's old wiring.

This part doesn't know things have changed. That you have grown up. In some way

it thinks you are still young and it has to protect you. It’s time to let it know who you

are and how things have changed.

Have a conversation with the part, telling it how this behavior is affecting your life…and

your dreams. What haven’t I had because of its actions?






Now tell the part who you are now. Let it know how you can handle your life now as an

adult. You have tools you can use if things get difficult. Let it know what kind of support

you have that you’re an adult, and how it’s different than when you were younger.






Now ask the part, Will you help me in a new way?

Inner Critic:






OK, take a deep breath as this is some deep stuff, and amazing! Ask your part to

change her/his job description. You don’t want to get rid of this part. This part knows

you really well and is out for your best interest. So keep it with you but redefine its

job. Give it some new instructions on how to keep you safe now.

Ask it: Can you help me in a new way and not stop and sabotage me in the old way?

Inner Critic:






You: Can you help me by doing (fill in what you want it to do that’s positive and supportive)

instead of (fill in what you don’t want it to do that you identified earlier)? Or ask: Can you

step aside a bit and let me shine my light? Perhaps let me take some new chances knowing

I can handle things differently now? (Remember, you are not firing this part. You are asking

for a new way for it to support you)

Inner Critic:







Thank your Inner Critic for helping you cope and survive. Thank it for its service. Take

some time here to really see how this part has gotten you to this point in your life and

how you needed it to survive. Feel the gratitude for your journey.















We have many parts. Parts that empower us. Parts that help us know our worth and

bless us. Parts that comfort us. Parts that warn us. Parts that set boundaries. The list

of characters are truly endless.

You just had a powerful conversation with one part that watches out for you. It has

been working overtime all these years, but the old ways of how it did its job has been

costing you. It isn’t serving you anymore. It did not know you grew up. The part was

stuck in an old role and needed an upgrade!

With the conversation you just had, you began an important relationship that needs to

be honored and nurtured. I recommend checking in with this part on a regular basis.

You can have a healthy relationship with it now. Instead of it stopping you from your

dreams, it can step back a bit and let you shine!

With the inner critic quieting down, other parts that empower you and help you make

bold choices can step up with support to create the life you want.

Can you imagine what it would be like if all your parts worked together and

supported your soul purpose?

Getting the parts to work with you in present time is transformative work and can

change your life in ways you can’t even imagine. Speaking to the different parts of

yourself is a great tool and a wonderful beginning to understanding what the part

wants for you and how it serves you. By integrating these different aspects of yourself,

you will experience a wholeness and freedom beyond your wildest dreams.

What exactly can happen if you had all these parts on your side?

1. The freedom to express yourself more authentically

2. Vibrant health, energy, and well-being

3. Focus, clarity and the ability to make bold choices

4. A heart filled with wonder and aliveness

5. Time to experience life on your terms

6. Unleash your soul purpose!!!!

You want more motivation or excitement in your life? This is one of the ways to achieve


You can only see so much on your own. There is a lot in shadow you just do not have

access to, and with facilitated guidance, you can bring pieces of yourself to light and

move forward in your life powerfully. Also, as you might have seen in the process you

just experienced, it can feel vulnerable and a little scary to go into those shadows. So

having someone by your side throughout helps you feel safe, secure and supported on

this journey.

Now it’s time to take the next step, with me. You have a complimentary 30-minute

discovery session, as my gift, so that together we can explore more options for your

transformational journey. This session will give us the opportunity to see what is

possible for you now that you have a deeper understanding of your inner critic. We

can chat about the other characters that are influencing your life and how to reel them

in too!

You deserve a wonderful life and more importantly the people around you deserve to

see your greatest light emanate from your soul! I believe you were put here on this

planet to soar. I truly hope this workbook will help you begin to do just that.

If you want to take the next step with me and anchor in some more powerful tools

that will support your soul to shine even greater, take me up on my gift of the session

and together we can explore what is truly possible for you and the life you deserve.

Much love to you,

Junie Moon Inner Critic Tamer & Self-Love Expert
