Mad Nights: One Year In

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Mad Nights: One Year In

MAD Nights are an awesome opportunity for marketers, designers, other marketing and communication professionals and businesses wanting to learn more about marketing and design, get together and share war stories, experiences, and insights on past marketing campaigns and projects.


Last season ran from Dec 2012 to June 2013. It was our 1st season, a learning season and we’re still learning. Some amazing local marketers and designers shared their experiences with us, their wins, their losses and what inspires them to do what they do every day. They freely shared their experiences with us so we could learn, be better and more knowledgeable in our craft and provide more value to our clients #LearningFromLocalLeaders

January’s MAD Nights: James Calder’s rebranding of Cherry Hill Coffee that increased coffee production and subsequent revenue by the equivalent of 1 million cups the year following. #puttingyourmoneywhereyourmouthis

January’s MAD Nights: NicoBoesten’s inspiring presentation on encouraging marketers and their clients to find that special place where courage, connection and cash intersect when developing marketing initiatives and campaigns. #bodystache

March’s Mad Nights: Scott Davis did an amazing job of sharing his work with Kelowna Cycle and the importance of delivering measurable ROI to clients. Scott was also brilliant in leading us MAD Night-ers through an exercise on marketing budgets and maximizing ROI. #EngagementInMarketing#EngagingPresentation

April’s Mad Nights: Phred Martin took the whole night and filled it with great engaging content for us (no small task). Phred kicked off the night by presenting the ins-and-outs of working with non-profits. He then closed the night with an amazing non profit panel discussion. #ProfitableNonProfitPresentation

May’s MadNights: Kerry K. Taylor of did more than share her experience in creating quality content and driving qualified traffic to websites and blogs, she challenged us to get a million viewers to our sites and then she showed us how! #BloggingForEyeballs

June’s MAD Nights: Robert Dawson of Top Search Result shared how his work with Facebook Ads has delivered ROI to his client, a 75 year old business, and as a result his client increases their online ad spend by 100% year over year. #TeachingAnOldDogNewTricks

The truth is these could be just my highlights. Yours could be completely different. The truth is everyone, no matter if you are a brand strategist, a designer, a developer, a content writer, seo specialist, photographer, videographer walks away with a little nugget of something they can apply to a client project, their own business or themselves.

The real highlight happens every MAD Night we get together. This is a tough business and together we’re stronger. I hope each of you try to meet someone new every time you come here. You already have something in common. Just by being here that person demonstrates as much passion for their craft and this industry as you do. That’s why we all come to MAD Nights. #soapbox

This Season will run from Oct 2013 to May 2014. This season we're introducing exciting opportunities to learn from the experiences of marketers and designers OUTSIDE of Kelowna and the Okanagan as well as local marketers and designers and expand our collective networks. #BueSkyMadNights

As always we’ll be looking for case studies, learning from presenters projects that went well and maybe some that didn’t go so well and what they learned from these experiences.

In addition to case studies, we want to start some discussions and some debate about where our industry has been and where it’s going. Topics Like:

#DesignMatters #NewBusinessDevelopment #BigData#ContentStrategy #User/CustomerExperience #FlatDesign#IntegratedMarketing #ProductDevVersusAdDev #ValueOfImagery#Service/UXDesign #MrktgVersusCommunication #VideoInMarketing#MeasuringResults #GeneralistsVersusSpecialists #InfluencerMarketing