MAC Patient Intake rev 11.16

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Transcript of MAC Patient Intake rev 11.16

Physical Address: 1600 7th Avenue South, Clinic 7 Birmingham, AL 35233 Phone: 205-638-5277 Fax: 205-212-2997

Mailing Address: Medical Autism Clinic McWane Bldg Dearth Tower Ste 5602 1600 7th Ave South Birmingham, AL 35233

Dear Parent/Guardian: We are sending you an Intake Form to complete based on a request by one of your child’s health care providers to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your child. The Intake Form must be completed and returned to our office to begin the evaluation process and schedule appointments. Appointments cannot be confirmed until this information is received. Please use the checklist below before returning the Intake Form to ensure that we have all the information we need to schedule the appropriate appointments for your child. _____ Complete all relevant questions on the Intake Form. Please pay special attention to page 8 which

requests information about other providers that have cared for or evaluated your child. Provide us as much of the information requested about these providers as possible so that, with your permission, we can contact them about your child.

_____ Be sure to complete and sign the Insurance information/authorization of the Intake Questionnaire. _____ Be sure to complete and sign the Non-Covered Services Waiver. _____ If you have copies of any recent evaluations (psychological, development testing, speech/language,

hearing, vision) please include them when you mail us your Intake Form. _____ If your child is between the ages of 2 and 10 years old and is receiving special services at school, please

include any copies of their IEP or the results of any testing the school conducted if you have that information available to you.

_____ If you are the child’s guardian and not the birth or adoptive parent please include copies of the

Guardianship papers (court order or Power of Attorney) with your Intake Form. If you need assistance in completing the Intake Form, please call (205) 638-5277 and we will assist you with your questions. We look forward to working with you and your family. Upon receipt of the above information, you can expect to hear from our office within a few weeks. If you do not hear from us, please call to make sure we have received this information. Please mail or fax packet to the mailing address or fax number listed below.



DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Date Completed: _________________ Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Nickname Birth Date: ___________________ Age: __________ Gender: Male Female Race: ____________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Second Phone: _________________________________________ City State Zip County Name of person completing form: ______________________________________ Relationship to child: ________Email__________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Relative or friend for emergency contact Relationship Primary phone Additional Phone Referred to this clinic by: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State Phone

Reason(s) for requesting evaluation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What concerns would you like us to address during your visit? Feeding Problems Sleep Problems Motor Problems Possible genetic problem Sensory Problems Hearing Vision Severe behavioral problems


Has your child ever been given a diagnosis of Autism, PDD NOS or Asperger’s Disorder? If so, what was the diagnosis and who made the diagnosis and when? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

MEDICAL HISTORY PRENATAL HISTORY: Were fertility medications or treatments used for this pregnancy? Yes No If yes, what type? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Singleton pregnancy Twin pregnancy Other: ____________________

Mother’s age (at time of child’s birth) ________ yrs. Father’s age (at time of child’s birth) ________ yrs.

Number of pregnancies: _______ Number of miscarriages: _______ Stillbirths? _______

Were any substances used during pregnancy? (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, drugs) Yes No If so, please specify: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Did mother take Pre-natal Vitamins during her pregnancy? Yes No any medications? Yes No Please describe: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Were there any problems experienced during pregnancy with this child? Yes No If yes, please explain: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


BIRTH HISTORY Hospital where child was born:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ If baby was transferred to another hospital please name hospital: ___________________________________________________________________ Birth weight: Pounds _________ Ounces _________ Length _________ Head circumference _________ What was the baby’s gestational age? (if known)_______ Was the baby average for gestational age (AGA) small for gestational age (SGA) large for gestational age (LGA)

Was the baby born at: term (37-42 weeks); preterm (36 weeks or less gestation); post-term (greater than 42 weeks gestation)

Was this a Vaginal Delivery or Cesarean Section? VD C-section Was delivery induced (medication given to start labor)? Yes No If no, were meds given to help delivery progress (augmentation)? No Yes Length of Labor (time in active labor): _____________ hours N/A

Presentation: Vertex or head first Breech Other Did baby require resuscitation (CPR, intubation and ventilation, medications) at birth? No Yes Apgar scores: _______ at 1 min, _______ at 5 min, do not know normal abnormal/low If your baby experienced difficulties during labor or delivery, please describe: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Did baby go to the intensive care nursery? Yes No If baby was in the intensive care nursery, for how long? __________________________________________________________________________ And why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INFANCY Did the baby have colic or significant irritability? No Yes How old was the baby when he/she first started sleeping more at night than during the day? _________________ Were there any feeding problems during infancy? No Yes Was the child noted to be either floppy or stiff as infant? Floppy Stiff Normal Please describe any problems: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL/SURGICAL HISTORY Has the child had any serious Illnesses or other Health problems (Other Than Colds): No Yes (if yes list below) Type How Often Approximate Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If the child is currently taking medications, please list below: Type of Medication Dose Reason ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the child had any hospitalizations: No Yes (if yes list below) Date Hospital name and location Reason ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Has the child had any serious Accidents or Injuries: No Yes (if yes list below) Date Type ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Has the child had any Surgeries: No Yes (if yes list below) Date Type Hospital name and location Reason ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does the child have any Drug or medication Allergies? No Yes (explain): _________________________________________ Food Allergies? No Yes (explain): _________________________________________________________________ Environmental Allergies? No Yes (explain): _________________________________________________________________ Are the child’s immunizations up to date? Yes No (explain) _________________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Pediatrician (PCP) Address Phone

Names of other Medical Providers/Specialists: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has your child ever had genetic testing? No Yes (if which tests?) _________________________________________________________ Has your child ever had an MRI? No Yes (explain) _______________________________________________________________ Has your child ever had a CT Scan? No Yes (explain) _______________________________________________________________ Has your child had other procedures or medical tests? No Yes (explain) ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVIEW OF SYMPTOMS: Circle or check mark any past or current problems (if yes, please explain)

Eyes/Vision problems _______________________________________________________

Ear, Nose, or Throat problems (recurrent ear infections) _______________________________________________________

Stomach or intestinal problems _______________________________________________________

Stomach or intestinal problems _______________________________________________________

Growth/weight problems _______________________________________________________

Kidney problems _______________________________________________________

Heart or blood pressure problems _______________________________________________________

Blood Abnormalities (anemia, leukemia, etc) _______________________________________________________

Respiratory problems (asthma, sleep issues, snoring) _______________________________________________________

Other not listed: _______________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________ Other neurological problems (Shunts, bleed, stroke, meningitis)

_______________________________________________________ Skin problems (rashes, acne, eczema, etc)

______________________________________________________ Liver, pancreas, or digestive

_______________________________________________________ Thyroid problems, Diabetes

_______________________________________________________ Other Endocrine Problems

_______________________________________________________ Musculoskeletal (joints or bone) problems

_______________________________________________________ Psychiatric problems (depression, bipolar, etc)


Hearing: (If your answer is yes, please explain) Did your child pass their newborn hearing screening in both ears? No Yes Has your child had their hearing tested since birth? No Yes What were the results? ___________________________________________ Date and Location of last hearing test ________________________________________________________________________________________ Is there any family history of childhood hearing loss? No Yes ________________________________________________________________ Sleep: Does the child have any difficulties around sleeping? No Yes (check the following that apply)

Sleeps with parents Nightmares Sleeps in own bed Night Terrors Maladaptive behaviors around going to bed (reluctance or avoidance) Problems with sleep onset (falling asleep) Problems with sleep maintenance (staying asleep) Problems with early wakening Other: _______________________________________________ On an average, how many hours per day does your child sleep? __________

Appetite is _____________________________. Does he/she have any significant food preferences/dislikes (marked food selectivity)? No Yes If food selective, please describe

Texture selective Temperature selective Color selective Very limited variety of foods: ___________________



Child’s Legal Guardian: Marital Status of Birth Parents: Both Birth Parents Birth Father Not Married Divorced Birth Mother Adoptive Parents Married Father remarried Department of Human Resources Separated Mother remarried Other (Please explain)____________________

If Birth parents are not legal guardian (s), please indicate with whom child lives: _______________________________________________________ Birth Mother’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Age: ______ Education (highest grade): ______ Place of Employment: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________ Medical Problems: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academic/Learning Problems: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Father’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Age: ______ Education (highest grade): ______ Place of Employment: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________ Medical Problems: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academic/Learning Problems: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Brothers and Sisters: (Please include and indicate half-brothers/sister). For additional siblings add on separate piece of paper. Name


How related (maternal ½ sib; paternal ½ sib; full

brother or sister)


Medical Problems

Behavior Problems

Academic or Developmental


Is there family history on either side of the child’s family (extended family) of any of the following conditions? Condition

Father’s Side Yes Who (dad’s mom, dad, etc)? Describe


Mother’s Side Yes Who (mom’s mom, dad, etc)? Describe

Problem Autism/ Asperger’s Disorder/ PDD NOS Developmental delay Learning Problems Mental Retardation/Cognitive Impairment Hyperactivity Attention Deficit (ADD or ADHD) Speech or language problem(s) Tics or other movements Epilepsy (seizures) Severe emotional problem(s) (e.g., depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc)

Alcohol/drug problem(s) Stillbirths Birth defect(s) Congenital heart problems Diabetes Thyroid problem(s) Hearing loss/problem(s) Other: (describe)


DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY Caregiver became concerned about: Social Interaction at age ___________________ Language at age ___________________ Cognitive/Intellectual at age __________________ Behavioral at age __________________ Did your child lose abilities (regress)? No Yes (explain) __________________________________ Please fill age when the child attained the skill, if you do not know the age just use “early”, “late”, “on time” or “not yet” Gross Motor Skills: Roll over ______________ Sit alone (unsupported) ______________ Crawl ______________ Walk ______________ Run ______________ Does your child walk on their toes? No Yes Does your child have balance problems: No Yes

Does your child: Climb Stairs No Yes Ride a bicycle/tricycle No Yes Play Sports No Yes

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________ Fine Motor Skills: Transfers objects between hands ____________ Turns paper pages in a book ____________ Develop Right or Left-handedness? __________ Right Handed Left Handed Can’t tell

If your child has difficulty with coloring, fastening or handwriting please explain: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Speech Language At what age did your child first smile? ________________________

Your child communicates by which of the following (check all that apply) Crying Sentences Playful Sounds Sign language Words Eye pointing Electronic talking devices Picture Communication Boards/Schedules Phrases Pointing with index finger

How much of your child’s speech is understandable to you? Some Most All How much of your child’s speech is understandable to others? Some Most All

Please give an example of words/phrases/sentences your child typically uses to communicate: ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Does the child have any problems: Understanding what someone says No Yes (explain)____________________________________________________________________ Talking No Yes (explain)____________________________________________________________________

Feeding: Does the child have any feeding difficulties? Yes No Does he or she feed self? Yes No If no, who feeds him/her? _____________________________________

Prefers to use fingers Uses: Scoops with spoon Spreads with knife Spears with fork Sippy cup open-top cup straw Current weight_________

What special diets or dietary supplements does the child take? None CF/GF diet He/she takes the following vitamins/supplements: _______________________________________________________________

Toileting: Not Toilet Trained At what age was child urine / bladder trained? ______________. At what age was child bowel trained? ______________. Were there/are there any problems? _______________________________________________________________________________ Dressing / Self-Help Please check all that apply for this child:

Does not assist with dressing Helps with dressing Helps with undressing Undresses completely Dresses completely Buttons Ties Shoes Brush teeth / rinse mouth Brush /comb hair Prepare meal Use Microwave


BEHAVIOR/EMOTIONAL CONCERNS: Please check any of the following behaviors that you feel your child has and their frequency. Please make comments to the side:

Displays Aggressiveness No Sometimes Often Temper Tantrums No Sometimes Often Acts Out No Sometimes Often Has Poor Organizational Skills No Sometimes Often Difficulty following direction No Sometimes Often Mood Swings No Sometimes Often Day Dreams No Sometimes Often Cries Easily No Sometimes Often Difficulty changing routine No Sometimes Often Repetitive behaviors No Sometimes Often Acts without thinking No Sometimes Often Conduct problems No Sometimes Often Fails to complete tasks No Sometimes Often Fails to follow instructions No Sometimes Often Loses things No Sometimes Often Easily distracted No Sometimes Often Forgetful No Sometimes Often Out of seat No Sometimes Often Fidgety No Sometimes Often Runs and climbs excessively No Sometimes Often Very loud No Sometimes Often Always on the go No Sometimes Often Talks excessively No Sometimes Often Excessive crying No Sometimes Often Self injury No Sometimes Often Food refusal No Sometimes Often Head-Banging No Sometimes Often Poor eye contact No Sometimes Often Difficult transitions No Sometimes Often Hand flapping/finger flicking No Sometimes Often Sound Anxiety No Sometimes Often Separation Anxiety No Sometimes Often


Types of Discipline Used: Time-out Spanking / Physical Punishment Withdraw Privileges 1, 2, 3 Counting Reprimand Other: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Discipline is generally effective ineffective

Other parental concerns about child’s behavior: _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child prefer to play (mark any that applies):

Alone With all ages With same children With younger children With older children With other children (specify) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any concerns about your child’s social skills or play skills? Yes No If yes, please explain: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What does child enjoy doing in his/her spare time? ______________________________________________________________________________ In your opinion how old does your child act? ___________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s best ability: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Skill with greatest difficulty: ________________________________________________________________________________________________


EDUCATIONAL / SCHOOL HISTORY: *Please attach child’s Early Intervention IFSP or IEP or any previous psychological or school evaluations

Name of school & address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________City _________________ State________ Zip Code ____________ School district where you live: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Public School Private Home Schooled Current grade ________ Teacher’s name __________________________________________________________________________________ Grades repeated, if any: __________________ Does the child have an Individual Educational Plan (IEP)? No Yes If your child received Early Intervention, when was it started: ______________________

Type of classroom: Daycare Early Intervention Preschool Kindergarten Regular classroom Head Start Regular and special classes Special classes (Describe) _______________________________

What is his/her current academic performance like? _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe how your child gets along with other students at school: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any behavioral problems in the classroom: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please add any additional comments you would like to make: ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child receive the following special services (check all that apply)?

Physical therapy Occupation therapy Speech/language therapy Adaptive P.E. Hearing impaired Vision impaired Resource room/special instruction Bus/transportation services Other, specify _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If your child is not in school, please list any service(s) he/she is receiving Type Address How long ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PREVIOUS EVALUATIONS/SERVICES: *Please attach copies of previous evaluations

List previous or most recent developmental or psychological evaluations that have been done on the child: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Please complete any of the following pertaining to your child. It is very important that you furnish the complete address of each Agency/Provider you list.

Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If your child’s records are not under his/her current name, what should we request under? _________________________________________

Type of Service Provider

Agency/Provider Name Agency/Provider Address Date(s)Seen

Place of Birth:







Eye Specialist

Hearing Specialist

Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)




Occupational Therapist

Physical Therapist

Speech Language Therapist

Social Worker

Children’s Rehab. Services

Public Health Department

Dept. of Human Resources

Mental Health Center

Others, specify

Schools Attended Address Date (year) Attended

Evaluations may be required on separate days. Would you have transportation problems or other difficulties in keeping appointments? Yes No If yes, please explain. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

UAB Department of Pediatrics, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, McWane Bldg. Dearth Tower Ste. 5602 1600 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, Al 35233

tel. 205-638-5277 fax 205-212-2997 Clinic address: 1600 7th Avenue South, Clinic 7

Dear Parent, Speech Evaluation and Occupational Therapy Evaluations are an integral part of the Medical Autism Clinic protocol. Please sign and date the enclosed form and return to the address above so that we can proceed with processing your paperwork and scheduling an appointment in theMedical Autism Clinic. You may also fax the form to: Attention MAC at 205-212-2997. Please be aware that we are unable to schedule your child to be seen in our clinic until this form is returned. Please be aware also that should you decline Speech or OT services, we will be unable to see your child in the Medical Autism Clinic. Thank you, The MAC Team

Physical Address: Medical Autism Clinic 1600 7th Avenue South, Clinic 7 Birmingham, AL 35233 Phone: 205-638-5277 Fax: 205-212-2997

Mailing Address: Medical Autism Clinic McWane Bldg, Dearth Tower Ste. 5602 1600 7th Ave South Birmingham, AL 35233

Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Department Hearing and Speech Department

Non-Covered Services Waiver for Therapy Services Patient Name: ______________________________ MR# ___________________ _________________________ (Date of Service) I affirm that I have been informed of the costs and I understand that all or some of the services rendered may be considered non-covered by my insurance and therefore all costs are not allowable under my insurance. I hereby agree to accept full financial responsibility for all costs associated with the non-covered services received from Children’s of Alabama Hearing and Speech Department and PT/OT Department.


Service Estimated Cost Please Circle Accept or Decline PT/OT Evaluation/Management Cost: $70 to $170 Accepts Services Declines Services Speech Evaluation/Management Cost: $84 to $313 Accepts Services Declines Services _______________________________________ _____________________ Beneficiary or Legal Guardian Signature Signature Date _______________________________________ ____________________ Witness Signature Date


Patient Name: First __________________________ Middle Initial______ Last_______________________________

Address_________________________________________City_________________State______Zip Code____________

Date Of Birth_________________________ Age ______ Sex Male Female Marital Status S M W D

Social Security #__________________________________Phone #____________________Work#__________________

Employer_______________________________ Employer’s Address__________________________________________

Friend or relative not living with you_______________________________________Phone#_______________________


Name First ________________________________Middle Initial _______Last__________________________________

Address___________________________________City_____________________State_______Zip Code_____________

Date of Birth _____________________________ Sex Male Female Social Security #_____________________

Relationship to Patient _______________________Home Telephone __________________Work #__________________

Employer ________________________________Employer Address__________________________________________

Friend or relative not living with you __________________________________________Phone #___________________

Email Address________________________________________________________________________________


Primary Insurance___________________________________ Insurance Company ______________________________

Insurance Company Phone #___________________________ Insurance Address________________________________

Inured Name________________________________________ Relationship Self Spouse Dependent Other

ID# _____________________________ Group#__________________ Is this an employer group plan? Yes No

If yes, name of employer ______________________________Insured’s Employer_______________________________

Employer’s Address_____________________________________________Phone#______________________________

Insured Social Security # ______________________________ Date of birth_________________ Sex Male Female

Secondary Insurance Company_________________________________________ Phone#_________________________

Insurance Address____________________________________ ID# __________________Group#___________________






Children’s Health-System-Authorization for Release of Information Patient Name (First, Last, MI):_________________________________________________________________


Phone Number: (_____)____________________________Date of Birth:_______________________________

This Authorization applies to the following Information:

X All Information. I understand that the information may contain psychiatric/psychological, alcohol/drug abuse, and/or HIV

information and I expressly consent to the release of the information. Only the following records or types of Information: __________________________________________


Treatment Dates: from (month/day/year) ______/______/______ to (month/day/year) ______/______/______ The Information may be released as follows:

by to (Please check all that apply)

X X Children’s Health System (Please provide address & phone number): Children’s of Alabama Medical

Autism Clinic, 1600 7th Avenue South, Dearth Tower Ste. 5602 Birmingham, AL 35233 (205) 638-5277

External Individual/Agency/Organization (Please provide address & phone number):________________


Purpose of the release: X Continuity of Treatment Other (Please specify):__________________________________________

I understand the Information released will be limited to information necessary to fulfill the need or purpose

for the disclosure. If I have authorized the disclosure of Information to a recipient who is not subject to the

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), then the recipient may re-disclose it

and it may no longer be protected under HIPAA, a federal privacy law. This Authorization is valid for ninety

(90) days from the date of signature, unless otherwise noted. This Authorization only applies to treatment

occurring before the date of signature. I may decline to sign this Authorization. I understand I may revoke

this authorization in writing at any time by completing a form available from Medical Information Services. If

I revoke this authorization, the revocation will not apply to information that has already been released in

response to this authorization. I understand the patient’s health care and the payment for the patient’s

health care will not be affected if I do not sign this form. I understand I may see and copy the Information

described on this form if I ask for it, and I may receive a copy of this form after I sign it. Before requesting

medical record copies, please about the copy fee by law that may apply. I represent that I have the authority

to and voluntarily grant permission for the Information to be released as described above.

Print name hereêêê Sign name here êêê

________________________________ __ ____________________________________ Patient/Parent/Legal Guardian Printed Name Patient/Legal Guardian Signature Date

Witness Signature hereêêê

_________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Patient Signature (if 14 or older) Date Witness Signature Date

UAB Department of Pediatrics, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, McWane Bldg Dearth Tower Ste. 5602

1600 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, Al 35233 tel. 205-638-5277 fax 205-212-2997 Clinic address: 1600 7th Avenue South, Clinic 7

MEDICAL AUTISM CLINIC (MAC) Once you have received your appointment time, please arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment time to check in. If you cannot keep this appointment, please call the office to reschedule. Our office number is 205-638-5277 Appointments can take several hours so please be prepared for this by bringing snacks or other items that can make the wait less stressful for your child. Please bring any information you have received regarding your child’s health, education or progress, a list of all medications, and a list of questions or concerns you may have for the specialist. If you only have one copy of these documents, just notify us once you reach your exam room and we can make copies and return them to you. We look forward to seeing you! Clinic Address: Medical Autism Clinic 1600 7th Avenue South McWane Building, Clinic 7 Birmingham, AL 35233

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Child and Parent Information: Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________ Birth Date: _________________ Last First Middle Gender: Male Female Child’s Classroom/Age Level:___________________________________ Parent’s Name: ____________________________________Relationship to child:_______________________ Please have child care or school personnel fill out and return. Form Completed by ______________________________________ Date Completed:______________ Position/Title_____________________________________________ How long have you known the child?__________________ Child Care/School:_______________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip County Primary Phone:_____________________________Fax Number: _____________________________ What specific questions would you like answered that would help you better meet this child’s developmental and educational needs? 1) ________________________________________________________________________ 2) ________________________________________________________________________ 3) ________________________________________________________________________ Please describe the child’s strengths: Please describe any areas of functioning that need the most improvement: Any other specific concerns you have about this child? Besides English, are there any other languages used in the child’s instruction?

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Not Yet Progressing Proficient

A. Basic Concepts 1. Knows colors 2. Knows letters of alphabet 3. Knows numbers and counts past 10 4. Adds and subtracts things 5. Size concepts 6. Location concepts

B. Language and Communication 1. Uses speech to communicate 2. Explains and describes things 3. Rhymes words and remembers poems/songs 4. Uses uncommon words 5. Uses long sentences 6. Tells or retells stories or events 7. Speaks understandably 8. Follows oral instructions on level with peers 9. Uses correct grammar (e.g. verb tense) 10. Uses sign language or other communication system 11. Follows classroom routine

C. Emergent Literacy Listens to stories in books 1. Asks questions about words 2. Reads words on signs and labels 3. Reads words in books 4. Recites books from memory 5. Reads “easy” books 6. Writes or copies words 7. Dictates stories 8. Writes “little” stories 9. Answers questions about orally read story

D. Motor Skills 1. Constructs puzzles or builds things 2. Uses pencils and pens correctly 3. Uses scissors well 4. Copies and traces shapes 5. Draws recognizable objects 6. Is coordinates on outdoor recess activities 7. Ties shoe laces

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Circle the number that best describes your child compared to other children the same age. For each item, please circle the + if you are concerned.

Behavior Rarely/Not True

Sometimes/ Sort Of

Almost always/ very true


1. Seems sad, cries a lot 0 1 2 + 2. Is difficult to comfort when hurt or distressed 0 1 2 + 3. Loses temper too much 0 1 2 + 4. Avoids situations that remind of scary events 0 1 2 + 5. Is easily distracted 0 1 2 + 6. Hurts others on purpose (biting, hitting, kicking) 0 1 2 + 7. Doesn’t seem to listen to adults talking to him/her 0 1 2 + 8. Battles over food and eating 0 1 2 + 9. Is irritable, easily annoyed 0 1 2 + 10. Argues with adults 0 1 2 + 11. Breaks things during tantrums 0 1 2 + 12. Is easily startled or scared 0 1 2 + 13. Tries to annoy people 0 1 2 + 14. Has trouble interacting with other children 0 1 2 + 15. Fidgets, can’t sit quietly 0 1 2 + 16. Is clingy, doesn’t want to separate from parent 0 1 2 + 17. Is very scared of certain things (needles, insects) 0 1 2 + 18. Seems nervous or worries a lot 0 1 2 + 19. Blames other people for mistakes 0 1 2 + 20. Sometimes freezes or looks very still when scared

0 1 2 +

21. Avoids foods that have specific feelings or tastes 0 1 2 + 22. Is too interested in sexual play or body parts 0 1 2 + 23. Runs around in settings when should sit still (school, worship)

0 1 2 +

24. Has a hard time paying attention to tasks or activities

0 1 2 +

25. Interrupts frequently 0 1 2 + 26. Is always “on the go” 0 1 2 + 27. Reacts too emotionally to small things 0 1 2 + 28. Is very disobedient 0 1 2 + 29. Has more picky eating than usual 0 1 2 + 30. Has unusual repetitive behaviors (rocking, flapping)

0 1 2 +

31. Might wander off if not supervised 0 1 2 + 32. Has a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep 0 1 2 + 33. Doesn’t seem to have much fun 0 1 2 + 34. Is too friendly with strangers 0 1 2 + 35. Has more trouble talking or learning to talk than others

0 1 2 +

36. Is learning or developing more slowly than other children

0 1 2 +

Office Use Only: Total (1-36):____ (>=18)

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Please describe the child’s behavior below:

Please describe this child’s social-emotional functioning, including moods and relationship/play with peers.

Please share any other information you think would be helpful for us to know.

________________ _________________ _________________ Teacher Signature Print Name Date Completed

________________ Relationship to child

Please send the completed packet back to: Medical Autism Clinic

1600 7th Avenue South, McWane Bldg, Dearth Tower Ste. 5602 Birmingham, AL 35233

Office: (205) 638-5277 Fax: (205)212-2997