Luis hernandeez, ignacio angulo

Post on 03-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Luis hernandeez, ignacio angulo

Gender Roles.

Santa Teresita Highschcool.

Gender roles (before and now).


Luis Hernandez Herrera.

Jose Ignacio Angulo Mora.

Group: 11-1.

Year: 2014.

Gender Roles.


♠ In the past women were alone in the house with the childrenand their doings that.

► Men only drove her car and did not teach their wives.

Gender Roles.

♣ Only the women cooked while the men were outside.

♦ Previously only men exercised the presidential vote.

Gender Roles.

● The women used to wash clothes in rivers because there were no washing machines.

♥ The women were not used to wash cars.

Gender Roles.

☻ The men earned the money and not what they shared with women.

▼ Women raise the children.

Gender Roles.


ɷ Women are professionals and provide income to the household as well as men.

◙ Today women drive and even taught to do.

Gender Roles.

◄ Nowadays men cook, even professionally.

ᴥ Women now have the right and duty to vote, may even be president.

Gender Roles.

→Women have the convenience of using washing machines and other appliances.

° Women now wash their cars.

Gender Roles.

♦ Now women work, have their own income and not rely on men.