Love and marriage 2

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Love and marriage 2








Biologically, both sexes are complimentary

The unión of male and female can procreate new life

Since the individual of the species is destined to decline and demise

The natural objective of sexual unión is the continuation of the species

It has a biological function beyond the particular interests

and pleasure of the couple

So the unión of the couple, - is completed within the framework or

background of natural instinct, which is independent of their wills.

Children don’t usually take a sexual interest in others

even though they distinguish between the sexes

Yet when they reach adolescence, this interest arrises

on both sides, male and female

It’s not that they are explicitly taught

to take an interest in sex,

It comes naturally with

the deveopment of the body.

In the process of growth of this sexual awareness and interest

pshchology has shown that there are different phases (O’Sullivan)

At about 7-9 years

of age children

orient their


and social

behaviour to their

own sexual group

yet by 12-14 years their interest usually

is oriented to the opposite sex.

The objective of this attraction is the unión of the couple

which is a pleasure experience for both

There is a general sequence in the forms of attraction,

leading from aesthetic and affective, to sensual and sexual.

The visual attraction has as an natural objective

to reach sexual union

This law of attraction is written into our

physical and psychological nature

Copulation is a pleasureable experience

which facilitates the unión of the sexes

A loving couple marvel at the growth of their child

within the womb of the mother.

Every new born child is a sign of God’s blessing to mankind.

He crowns marital love with the greatest gift of new life.