Los alfabetos Los abecedarios La clase de español I Señor Amor.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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*B b* Be, be grande, be larga

Transcript of Los alfabetos Los abecedarios La clase de español I Señor Amor.

Los alfabetos Los abecedarios La clase de espaol I Seor Amor A a a *B b* Be, be grande, be larga C c Ce (Ch ch) (Che) Spanish Dictionaries: before 1994 D d De E e e F f efe G g ge (H h) Hache The h is silent I i i J j Jota (makes the sound of the English h) K k ka L l ele *(Ll ll)* elle Pronounced like the english y or a mix of the English j+z Spanish dictionaries before 1994 M m eme N n ene ee O o o P p pe Q u cu R r ere *Rr rr* Erre Spanish woreds that begin in r have the double rr/trill r sound S s ese T t te U u u *(V v)* Ve, uve, ve corta Has the sound of the b *W w* Doble u, doble v, doble uve X x equis *Y y* i griega, ye Z z zeta Spelling with Spanish Alphabet pronunciation O George Washington O Jackie Chan O Tyra Banks O Cierra Ramrez O Seor Amor O cepillo O mueca O pregunta O aves O parangaricutimcuaro Los alfabetos/Los abecedarios class assignment (Due: Thursday) Class assignment: Each student will be assigned (or may choose) a Spanish letter and create a decorative demonstration using the Spanish alphabet and its pronunciation. You must include the following: -Alphabet -written pronunciation of letter -Spanish word that begins with that letter (NOTE: may be more difficult to find words that begin with and rr Drawing/Picture of the Spanish word you found Los alfabetos/Los abecedarios class assignment example -Alphabet A a a -Drawing/Picture of the Spanish word you found -Spanish word that begins with that letter -written pronunciation of letter Los alfabetos/Los abecedarios class assignment (Due: Tuesday after Labor Day) You should start a draft/outline on a regular sheet of paper 1. Choose an alfabeto/abecedario 2. Write the letters pronunciation 3. Find your Spanish word. 4. Find a picture related to the Spanish word You will need: -Construction paper (for your final work -Drawing utensils (markers preferably). Your final work must be neat and presentable. On the back include YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME, DATE, CLASS NAME