Look up the Triangular Trade on pg. 95 of your textbook ... · Look up the Triangular Trade on pg....

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Look up the Triangular Trade on pg. 95 of your textbook and answer the following questions in complete sentences:

1. What was the triangular trade?

2. Which 3 regions were involved in the triangular trade?

3. What was the journey between Africa and the West Indies called?

4. According to the map, what did New England import? Export?

• TRIANGULAR TRADE: a trading route with 3 stops. It was one of the 3 types of trade in the New England colonies.

• New England became RICH through trade!

• England – the MOTHER COUNTRY – wanted to control this trade so England got some of the riches (MERCANTILISM).

• England passed the Navigation Acts in 1651. These greatly restricted the colonies’ trade.

But… What do YOU do when you’re not allowed to do something???

• More restrictions = more smuggling!

Do Now (10)

Triangular Trade

Hook (10)

Roots of Representative Govt. (15)

Reading Primary Documents (15)

Exit Ticket (5)

Closing (3)

• SWBAT to explain the importance of geography on economy in the 13 colonies, including the New England triangular trade.

• SWBAT describe the roots of representative government in the United States.

8th Grade U.S. History

Ms. Thakore

• Your Representative Government Guided Notes

• 1 piece of notebook paper

• Pencil or black pen

• When the people (vote for) individuals who then represent them in government.

• In representative government, the are the source of the government’s authority and hold supreme power (this is also known as ‘


• The opposite of representative government is a (King) or a dictatorship where one person holds power.



popular sovereignty


What would be the best title for the diagram above?

A) The Policy of Mercantilism

B) The Importance of the Divine Right of Kings

C) Constitutional Monarchy in the United States

D) A Plan for Representative Government

• A monarchy is a form of representative government

A) True

B) False

• The English Magna (1215)

• The English of Rights (1688 - 1689)

• John Peter Zenger (1735)




Magna Carta (1215)

English Bill of Rights (1689)

John Peter Zenger Trial


• Magna Carta: Signed in 1215 by King John because nobles of England were upset with his unlimited and unfair

• Limited the power of the Monarchy (King) and gave more power to the .

• Guaranteed basic political rights in England including the right to trial by and no

without representation.

power taxing





“No Freeman shall be seized, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed,

or exiled… nor will we proceed against or prosecute him except by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of

the land.”

King John of England signed the Magna Carta in 1215. What was a key right that came out of the document? A) People accused of a crime have a right to a trial by a

jury of their equals.

B) People accused of a crime will be imprisoned until proven innocent.

C) People have only those individual rights granted to them by the king.

D) People must be born in a country to have the rights of a citizen.

• In 1688, Will of Orange took over as King of England, removing James II who had been trying to limit the power of the people’s elected representatives (Parliament).

– This event was called the Glorious Revolution

– Parliament was made a stronger part of English Government and the monarchy lost some power.

Defeated By

• What did the Glorious Revolution do to the power of Parliament?

a) It strengthened it

b) Nothing at all

c) It weakened it

d) It gave more powers to the king and less to people.

• The new English King (William) and Queen (Mary) agreed to accept a bill of Bill of Rights including freedom of

• Individual freedoms were also protected against the power of the government.

1. Protection from excessive

2. Right of




• The document that protected Freedom of Speech in England was:

a) Magna Carta

b) Revolution

c) Bill of Rights

d) Mercantilism


Fundamental Orders of



Mayflower Compact


Virginia House of Burgesses


New England New England Southern Colonies

• Citizens in Virginia elected


• Those representatives passed

for the colony



• The VIRGINIA HOUSE OF BURGESSES was the first example of

in America



• Where did the representatives in the Virginia House of Burgesses get their power?

a) The King

b) The Governor

c) The people who elect them

d) Merchants


• After leaving England, the Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic on the MAYFLOWER

• When they arrived in New England the male Pilgrims all signed an agreement called the MAYFLOWER COMPACT

• It was the first example of SELF-GOVERNMENT in America

What was the Mayflower Compact?

A) The ship in which Pilgrims traveled to the New World

B) The Company that governed the colony of Virginia

C) An agreement among Pilgrims about the rules they would follow in the New World

D) A complaint the colonists made to the governor

• Written by Thomas Hooker, the founder of Connecticut.

• It was the first written set of rules (constitution) that listed the things the government could and could not do.

• Thomas Hooker wanted to make sure that voters were in charge of the government and that no one person could take over.

• Roger Williams established the colony of Rhode Island for religious freedom.

• Williams taught that religion and government should be separated.

• Why do you think Roger Williams taught this?

• John Peter Zenger was an American colonist who was arrested because his newspaper criticized the English governor of New York

• In 1735, it was illegal for a colonist to criticize the English government in newspapers.

• Zenger’s lawyer, Andrew Hamilton, argued that people had the right to speak the truth.

• The jury agreed and freedom of the press (the right to free speech on paper) was allowed.


On a half-sheet of paper, complete the following sentences:

• 3 things I learned today are…

• 2 things I found interesting are…

• 1 thing I still have a question about is…

English Reminder:

• Study for Whiz Words Quiz!

• Whiz Words art due TOMORROW.


• Read Ch. 4, Sec. 4

• 13 Colonies Tourism Brochure due TOMORROW! Rubric is online.