London Met Year 12 Summer Schools 2015

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Transcript of London Met Year 12 Summer Schools 2015

Why choose London Met summer schools?Our summer schools give you the opportunity to explore university life and discover what your course is really like.

Who can attend?Our courses are designed for Year 12 students from UK state schools and colleges. While some of our courses require you to be studying a particular subject already, others are open to everyone, regardless of the course you study. Priority will also be given to students who meet any of the following criteria:

• Neither parent attended university• Are / have been in local authority care• Have a disability affecting your studies• Have been eligible for free school meals during your secondary education• Come from areas with low overall progression rates to higher education

How do I find out more and apply?Apply online: Deadline: Monday 18 May, 2015

What will I do?At our summer schools you’ll have the chance to experience life as a first-year student. You’ll attend lectures, seminars and hands-on workshops, get tips on putting together your UCAS application and gain important study skills. You’ll also learn first-hand what student life is like from our student ambassadors. There will be lots of opportunities to make new friends too!

How much does it cost?Our summer schools are completely free and include lunch, refreshments and all trips and activities. Please note that all of our courses are non-residential. Unfortunately we cannot provide accommodation to students from further afield. Priya

student ambassador (BSc Biomedical Science, third-year student)

“ I really enjoyed working at the last two Summer Schools and can’t wait to meet this year’s students! I’ll be there with the other student ambassadors all week to answer any questions you may have about university. Come and say hi when you see me!”

Faculty of Life Sciences and ComputingCourse Subject areas included Who can attend? Description

Design and Build your own Robot

Electronic engineering, robotic engineering

Students studying computing or physics A-Level / BTEC or equivalent

You’ll use an in-house designed system to develop programs for a series of tiny robots to perform tasks such as following a black line, avoiding obstacles and writing simple words. You will also attend a series of short lectures and seminars introducing robots, their design, operation and applications before building your own robots and presenting your work to an expert panel of industry specialists.

Human Sciences Biology, biomedical sciences, chemistry, forensic science, pharmaceutical science

Students studying biology or chemistry A-level or equivalent

You’ll take part in a series of lab-based activities exploring disciplines linking the areas of biology and chemistry. Last year sessions included DNA extraction, aspirin synthesis, fingerprinting and thin layer chromatography. Sessions will take place in the University's £30m Science Centre, which includes one of the largest open plan laboratories in Europe.

Mobile Apps Development

Computer science, mobile computing and related courses

Students studying computing or sciences at A-Level / BTEC or equivalent

You will have an introduction to the world of mobile apps development before getting hands-on and developing a number of mobile apps from basic text display to Angry Birds-like games. At the end of the week you will get the chance to present your creations to a panel of industry experts.

Psychology in the Real World

Psychology Any student interested in studying psychology at university

Each day you will explore a different core area of psychology and how it can explain human behaviour in real-world contexts in a mixture of short lectures, group practicals and hands-on workshops. Last year sessions included; why magical illusions work, nature vs nurture, the effects of drugs on the brain, peer pressure and eyewitness memory.

“ Great lecturers, friendly ambassadors and it extended my psychology knowledge beyond the curriculum. I wish I could repeat the experience!” – Psychology student, 2014

Monday 6 – Friday 10 JulyHolloway campus, N7 8DB

“ I’ve learned so much about robotics design and electronic engineering… It’s really helped my UCAS application.” – Robotic engineering student, 2014

Course Subject areas included Who can attend? Description

Action, Space, Time Theatre practice, performing arts

A-Level / BTEC theatre, drama or performing arts students, or students with significant theatre experience

The expansive possibilities of the performing arts can lead to incredible journeys. During this exciting week you will work on duologues, explore acting techniques and skills, devised material and take part in vocal and movement skills sessions towards the development of a performance that will be presented at the end of the week.

Gender, Sexuality and the Social World

Sociology Students studying courses related to sociology, history, citizenship or politics

The topic of gender and sexuality is an important part of sociological research. You will investigate different aspects of femininity and masculinity and take part in a nature or nurture debate. You’ll also develop presentations with the help of leading academics in this area and explore how gender and sexuality shape the way we experience the social world.

Journalist for a week

Journalism Students who have an interest in studying journalism at university

Working with a professional journalist you will have training in journalistic techniques before you take on the role of reporters, photographers and sub-editors. Using professional production software in our newsroom, you will write and research your own news for distribution to fellow students and staff at the end of the week and develop the creative, organisational and interpersonal skills required for a career in media.

Policing London Criminology / policing Students who have an interest in studying criminology and/or policing at university

On this course you’ll explore the new challenges facing the police service in London. These include the threat from street gangs, increased scrutiny of the police and new types of crimes such as cyber fraud. You will also take a look at the traditional problems still facing the police service such as institutional racism and the disproportionate use of stop and search. The course will be delivered by academics with extensive experience working within the police force.

Storytelling in the Early Years

Early childhood studies, early years teaching

Students interested in studying early childhood studies or early years teaching at university

Throughout the week you will consider why playful storytelling is important to young children. Sessions will explore different approaches to storytelling including the 'Helicopter Approach,' where children's stories are captured word-for word and then acted out 'on stage' and a visit to external organisation, such as the Gruffalo trail. At the end of the week you will either present a story sack/box you have made or perform your own stories in small groups.

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

“ Interesting, challenging and it brings the best out of you.” – Theatre student, 2014

Monday 6 – Friday 10 July Holloway campus, N7 8DB

“ A short definition of what university is like. I learned so much! Thank you all!” – Sociology and politics

student, 2014

Course Subject areas included Who can attend? Description

A Week in the Financial Markets

Accounting, finance, economics

Students should be studying courses related to business, maths, economics or accounting

Taking place in our state-of-the-art Bloomberg Suite, this course will give you the chance to experience life in the stock markets. You'll learn the skills to read the annual report and accounts of a UK plc and analyse and evaluate their performance, cash flow and investment potential. You’ll also examine the economic theories underpinning the financial markets and use our Bloomberg facilities to analyse these markets. A short trading competition with hypothetical long/short positions will complete this exciting tour into the world of trading.

London, the Global City of Culture and the Creative Industries

Events management, music industry management, sports industry management, travel and tourism

Students who have an interest in studying courses linked to the creative industries or events management

Are you interested in creative events? Working with our expert staff you’ll learn about events management, with a particular focus on music events. You’ll visit venues and attend workshops on marketing, planning, logistics and maximising income. You’ll also work in teams to prepare a business case for a creative project such as hosting a music event or conference to be presented to a panel of events experts. In doing so you’ll develop the creative, organisational and interpersonal skills necessary for a career in the creative industries.

Managing Resources in Business: the Fascinating Challenges of the Aviation Industry

Aviation management, business management human resource management

Students who have an interest in studying business or aviation-related courses

Aviation is a truly global business. The management of airlines and airports goes well beyond just planes and flights. It must draw on sound management practice from professionals with very different skills in business, finance, logistics, economics, marketing, law and human resources, as well as safety, security and intercultural communications experts. You will look at a number of real-world problems facing managers in the industry and discover how professionals in the field approach and analyse situations to find solutions.

The Law, our Lives and 800 Years of Legal History

Law Students who have an interest in studying law at university

We will introduce you to the fascinating world of the British legal system. You will learn how law is relevant to what sometimes may appear to be the most mundane aspects of our lives and how law has developed over hundreds of years and continues to develop today in response to increasingly rapid social, political and technical change. You will have the opportunity to participate in a debate in our mock courtroom involving questions of human rights in relation to the expression of religious belief and to visit the Royal Courts of Justice.

Guildhall Faculty of Business and Law

Monday 13 – Thursday 16 JulyMoorgate campus, EC2M 6SQ

“ I feel so lucky to have met such inspiring lecturers and students who have the same interests. I can’t wait for uni!” – Business student, 2013

“ Absolutely amazing and a must-do.” – Music management

student, 2014

Course Subject areas included Who can attend? Description

City Modelling Architecture, design courses Students studying at least one art or design-related subject at A-Level / BTEC or equivalent

The City Modelling course will take you into London City to investigate a site where you will be asked to create a structure to house 200 people that can be used for city events. You will be guided throughout from a sketched design that will be realised as a model. At the end of the week you will present your work in a special exhibition in our own public galleries.

London Through a Lens: a Visual Poem

Film and broadcast production

Students studying a media, art or design-related subject at A-Level / BTEC or equivalent

Working in two groups, film students will get a taste of planning a visual film. Sessions will include workshops on shot planning, storyboarding, shooting on a DSLR (digital) camera and editing as well as a film shoot on location in the city. At the end of the week your film will be screened in a special exhibition in our own public galleries.

Street Photography Photography, fine art Students studying at least one art or design-related subject at A-Level / BTEC or equivalent

You will build on your photography skills with hands-on studio sessions before heading out into one of the most exciting and fashionable areas of London to test out your skills in a range of locations. At the end of the week you’ll present your photos in a special exhibition in our own public galleries.

Street Style Fashion design Students studying at least one art or design-related subject at A-Level / BTEC or equivalent

Taking inspiration from the sights, sounds and materials of the city streets, work with a top fashion designer on your own cutting-edge creations that tell a story about London and its people. You’ll present your creations in a special exhibition in our own public galleries.

Urban Sketching Fine art, design courses, illustration

Students studying at least one art or design-related subject at A-Level / BTEC or equivalent

This course aims to develop your quick sketching skills, looking at people within space. You will be taken offsite to London’s streets and favourite museums and art galleries. You will be guided to select views and how to measure and involve human presence within the composition. At the end of the week you’ll have the opportunity to present your work in a special exhibition in our own public galleries.

The Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design: ‘London Reimagined’

Monday 27 – Friday 31 July Aldgate campus, E1 7PF

“ A memorable experience and a great start to my summer!” – Photography

student, 2014

“ It has definitely helped me with my options for university and lessened my fears. I learnt lots of new skills too.” – Urban sketching student, 2014

Key informationCost to schools / students: Free

Contact: Liz Routhorn, Senior Widening Participation Officer

Telephone: 020 7133 4175


Equal opportunities: We welcome applications from students from all cultures and backgrounds, including students with disabilities, and are happy to try and accommodate any special requirements.

Schools, Colleges and Widening Participation TeamLondon Metropolitan University166–220 Holloway RoadLondon N7 8DB

@LondonMetWP #LMSummer

For further information about our full range of summer schools and to apply visit:

Application deadline: Monday 18 May, 2015