LOCAL PRODUCTIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF AGRITOURISM. PLAN Where is situated the Vihiersois-Haut Layon?...

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Transcript of LOCAL PRODUCTIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF AGRITOURISM. PLAN Where is situated the Vihiersois-Haut Layon?...



PLAN Where is situated the Vihiersois-Haut Layon?

Promotion of local products in the Vihiersois-Haut Layon

5 actions of The Tourist Office of the Vihiersois-Haut Layon to promote local products in its territory : Local hike « Hot wine and Gingerbread » in December 2006 Promotion of the local producers in the Tourist Office Visits to the wine growers and local farms during summer Promotion of the local producers by a brochure and an

internet site Future action : Taste Week in October

Where is situated the Vihiersois-Haut Layon?

FrancePays de Loire en Layon

Le Vihiersois-Haut Layon

Promotion of local products in the Vihiersois-Haut Layon

There are several different productions : Wine with the famous Coteaux du Layon Cattle rearings and other farm cultures Foie gras

And other shopkeepers : Baker’s shops Delicatessen Artists Vacation homes

5 actions of The Tourist Office of the Vihiersois-Haut Layon to promote local

products in its territory : Local hike « Hot wine and Gingerbread » in

December 2006 :Organization with 3 wine growers 3 stops were provided in the cellars of the wine

growers and walkers drank hot wine or hot chocolate and ate gingerbread.

Results : 160 walkers participatedThey were very satisfied because the route was

great and the gingerbread was good

Wine grower of Cléré-sur-Layon Passavant-sur-Layon

Wine grower of Passavant-sur-Layon

Promotion of the local producers in the Tourist Office :

Presentation of products of local producers in the Tourist Office

3 or 4 producers are promoted at the same time Each month, new producers are presented


People who come to the Tourist Office look theses products

They ask where they can buy it

Wine grower

Buffalo breeding

Producer of foie gras

Promotion of local producers at the same time as an exhibition of a local sculptor

Visits to the wine growers and local farms during summer : Each Wednesday afternoon, in July and August, visit to a

farm Each Thursday morning, from June to August, visit to a

wine cellar for tasting It was free

Results Not a big success for this first time In general, groups of 5-6 persons Possible explanations :

bad weather of this summer? Tourists prefer to visit famous monuments instead of these small farms?

Possible solution : To create 2 farm markets during summer to promote the producers of the


Promotion of the local producers by a brochure and an internet site :


Future action : Taste Week in October Taste week was created in France in 1992 to promote

good food and to teach to children how to eat well

Taste week from 15th to 20th of October 2007

In the Vihiersois-Haut Layon : Visits to local farms, baker’s shops and of productions of foie


Collaboration with local schools – again to show the importance of the local community and what it produces to children

Restaurant will produce special menu

The Tourist Office will organize a competition of recipes opened to the inhabitants of the Vihiersois-Haut Layon