Load balancing mechanisms for indoor temporarily ...

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Aguilar-Garcia et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communicationsand Networking (2015) 2015:29 DOI 10.1186/s13638-015-0265-x

RESEARCH Open Access

Load balancing mechanisms for indoortemporarily overloaded heterogeneous femtocellnetworksAlejandro Aguilar-Garcia*, Raquel Barco, Sergio Fortes and Pablo Muñoz


Macrocell and small cell deployments and self-organizing network (SON) techniques work together to increaseindoor cellular network capacity and ensure better quality of service (QoS). As a consequence of uneven local userdensities and temporal or spatial fluctuations of traffic, the network may suffer overload situations, which partiallydegrades network performance. Load balancing self-optimization introduces automatic and intelligent mechanismsto tune network parameters in order to improve the overall cellular network performance. This paper proposesnovel load balancing methods based on fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) that evaluate temporarily overloaded situationsand resize cell coverage areas by an adaptive process of adjusting cell transmission power. To accomplish this goal,classical network indicators are analyzed (e.g., call blocking ratio, available radio resources) while a novel and simple,although powerful, indicator (not mentioned in the literature yet) is additionally proposed as the system input. Thisindicator is related to the maximum allowed number of users in a femtocell. The proposed methods have beenevaluated and compared with the literature in a realistic scenario.

Keywords: Self-organizing networks; Self-optimization; Femtocell; Indoor; Load balancing; Fuzzy logic controller

1 IntroductionThe requirements posed by the massive expansion ofsmartphones and tablets have led to heterogeneous cellularnetworks (HCNs), which comprise different radio accesstechnologies (RAT) and several cell sizes (macrocell, pico-cell, or femtocell). The complexity in the operation ofHCNs demands new network management techniques. Inthis sense, self-organizing networks (SON) have been iden-tified by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)[1] and the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN)[2] as a key feature to intelligently automate network man-agement procedures in future networks [3,4].Nowadays, most cellular traffic is generated indoors (e.g.,

home, work, shopping malls), where there is often a lackof coverage or insufficient quality of service (QoS). In thesecases, network operators are offering femtocells to over-come the indoor issues, i.e., short-range, low-power,low-cost, and plug and play small cells usually designed tosupport 4, 8, 16, or 32 users in connected mode [5]. In

* Correspondence: aag@ic.uma.esDepartamento de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones, Universidad de Málaga,Andalucía Tech, Campus de Teatinos s/n, 29071 Málaga, Spain

© 2015 Aguilar-Garcia et al.; licensee Springer.Commons Attribution License (http://creativecoreproduction in any medium, provided the orig

these scenarios, femtocells together with SON techniquescan help, on the one hand, operators by reducing theircapital and operational expenditure (CAPEX/OPEX) and,on the other hand, users by increasing the mobile phonebattery lifetime and enhancing the user’s QoS, due to theuser-femtocell proximity.Additionally, network traffic (voice and data) and local

user densities present temporal and spatial variations. Inthese conditions, indoor environments might suffer fromserious network problems because most traffic could belocated in the same cell(s) during short periods. For ex-ample, people waiting for the bus/train, or any otherpublic transport, may be connected to a particular cell,producing high levels of traffic and leading it to cellularnetwork saturation. Another example is easily found inshopping malls, where a temporal spectacle or eventcould gather many people interested in taking picturesto share them in social networks. A simple solution tosupport these situations could be to plan the network tooffer the maximum expected resources all the time.Nevertheless, this solution would largely increase opera-tors’ expenditures.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creativemmons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andinal work is properly credited.

Aguilar-Garcia et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:29 Page 2 of 14

In the literature, among SON techniques and focusingon self-optimization mechanisms, several works have beencentered in the macrocell case. By contrast, indoor environ-ments present hard and difficult conditions to manage thecellular network due to the cell overlapping, lack of cover-age, interference, etc. This implies a challenge for re-searchers in the development of SON mechanisms [6-9]. Inthis sense, self-x techniques (i.e., autonomous mechanismslike self-configuration, self-optimization, and self-healing)in femtocell networks are currently a hot topic [10].Regarding the area of self-optimization at indoor net-

works, mobility load balancing (MLB) use case definedby the 3GPP [3], aims to reallocate users from over-loaded cells to low loaded neighboring cells in order toincrease network capacity and improve the user’s QoS.Load balancing mechanisms have been also widely stud-ied in the literature at outdoor and indoor scenarios[11-14]. Those techniques tune network parameters toreach a better configuration that alleviates the conges-tion situation. In this context, focusing on indoor andfemtocell environments, reference [15] presented a dy-namic power control method for balancing data trafficbased on radio propagation models and users’ location,being a challenge for network operator to get the latterinformation. Simple and low-complexity methods basedon fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) are proposed in [16],which investigated the problem of re-distributing trafficdemand between long-term evolution (LTE) femtocells.This work also compared different traffic sharing tech-niques. A similar fuzzy logic approach is presented in[17], where cell transmission power and handover mar-gins are tuned to solve persistent congestion problemsin enterprise LTE environments, based on call blockingrate. A more computationally complex method [18] ob-tained better performance than previous studies througha fuzzy rule-based reinforcement learning system, whilereference [19] proposed a distributed method to achieveautomatic load balancing based on a flowing watermethod. However, none of these previous works focusedon femtocell environments have taken into account thefemtocell limitation in the number of simultaneous userswhich is an important restriction in this kind of base sta-tions (macrocells or other type of small cells do not havesuch restriction). Moreover, these previous works weredesigned to solve localized and persistent congestionproblems, disregarding the challenge related to tempor-ary congestion issues.The femtocell limitation in the maximum number of

simultaneous users was taken into account in [20],where a handover algorithm based on the users’ speedand QoS was proposed. That work evaluated whether ahandover was necessary or not according to the previousmetrics (speed and QoS), but the algorithm was not ana-lyzed under overload situations.

In femtocells, restrictions in the maximum number ofconnected users is much severe than in macrocells, dueto the femtocell processing and capacity limitations. Tothe best of the authors’ knowledge, the use of the num-ber of users in connected mode over the maximumnumber of simultaneous users in the femtocell as a keyparameter of self-optimization mechanisms in indoorscenarios has not been considered in previous works(beyond the reference [20], whose focus was not loadbalancing). As this indicator is a powerful metric to beconsidered in femtocell scenarios, this paper analyzessome previous studies and proposes new and low com-plexity load balancing mechanisms based on the cellavailable bandwidth and/or the femtocell limitation inthe number of simultaneous users by an adaptive cell re-sizing. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is min-imizing the impact of temporal overloaded situationsthat degrade network performance based on the study oftwo network indicators (available bandwidth and cellcapacity in terms of the number of users). In conse-quence, the main aim is to demonstrate the importanceof including the information of ‘the number of activeusers’ in self-optimization procedures at indoor femtocellenvironments. A comparative summary of those algo-rithms is carried out in the evaluation section wheretheir advantages/disadvantages are discussed.This paper is organized as follows: The problem de-

scription is presented in Section 2. An explanation aboutfuzzy logic controllers is performed in Section 3. Section4 describes the proposed load balancing methods. Theperformance analysis is studied in Section 5. Finally, theconclusions are drawn in Section 6.

2 Problem descriptionOccasional events or unpredictable situations couldcause unexpected overload conditions in cellular net-works, especially at indoor scenarios. These temporalvariations, combined with the time-variant fading andcoverage holes caused by reflections and obstacles, couldnegatively affect network performance.The most suitable solution to reduce or avoid cellular

congestion situations is by resizing the cell coverageareas. These kinds of load balancing algorithms set dif-ferent radio parameters to adjust service areas. Conse-quently, the traffic is shared along the network byhanding over those users served by a congested cell tothe most suitable neighboring cell with spare resources.These temporal network congestions must be evalu-

ated from two perspectives. Firstly, from the users’ side,the performance is assessed according to their experi-enced QoS. In particular, it is evaluated by measuringtwo network indicators which must be as low as pos-sible: blocking ratio (BR) and outage ratio (OR). The BR,the inverse of the network accessibility, is defined as the

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ratio of the number of blocked connections to the num-ber of new users that attempt to access the network:

BR ¼ Nblocked users

Nnew users¼ Nblocked users

Nblocked users þ N active usersð1Þ

The other indicator, OR, is the complementary of thenetwork retainability. More specifically, OR is describedas the probability that an existing network connection isin standby mode before it is finished, i.e., it is the ratioof the number of standby connections to the total num-ber of connections that are accepted by the network.The standby mode situation could be due either to a badsignal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of users (ORq)or a temporary lack of network resources (ORs):

OR ¼ ORq þORs ð2ÞSecondly, from the operator point of view, another in-

dicator must also be taken into account: the amount ofsignaling data. A key indicator to measure that informa-tion is the handover ratio (HOR), which reflects theaverage number of handovers per users, in consequence,the network signaling data. It is defined as:

HOR ¼ Nhandover

N active usersð3Þ

where Nhandover is the number of handovers and Nactive _users

is the number of active users in the network. Low valuesof HOR are desirable.

3 Fuzzy logic controllersSeveral load balancing methods have been proposed in theliterature, as described in Section 1. Focusing on indoorheterogeneous networks where femtocells are the mainbase station, the mechanisms to accomplish the load balan-cing use case could be based on different techniques. Sim-ple and elementary equations [14] can be applied for thisuse case. However, the best system configuration is usuallyhard to find. Other mechanisms [17,21] based on FLCs,where efficient rules are defined by experts, present adap-tive solutions to reach the best system configuration. Some

Figure 1 Fuzzy inference system (Takagi-Sugeno [20]).

others propose complex equations or techniques [19], evenbased on FLCs [18], which lead to high computational costnot really feasible to be implemented in real deployments.In consequence, the main reasons for choosing FLCs arerelated to the ease for the integration and translation of ex-pert human knowledge into a set of fuzzy rules, its simpli-city in implementing and managing rules based onexperience, and the low computational cost required to ob-tain highly improved performance in femtocell networks.

3.1 Fuzzy logic methodologyA fuzzy logic controller [22] is a nonparametric approachwhich provides an efficient and systematic solution for in-corporating linguistic information from human experts.The use of rules and interactions make this system rela-tively easy to understand.A general fuzzy logic system consists of three stages as

Figure 1 illustrates. Firstly, a set of fuzzy membershipfunctions transform crisp inputs into fuzzy input data-sets. Secondly, the fuzzy outputs are calculated based onfuzzy input datasets and fuzzy rules (instead of Booleanlogic). Finally, those outputs are converted back to crispvalues.The literature offers different implementations of

FLCs. This work is focused on the Takagi-Sugeno [23]approach due to its simplicity and computational effi-ciency. Further details about this approach can be foundin the next subsections.

3.1.1 System parameters and functionsThe system parameters and functions could be basicallydivided in four groups:

� Linguistic variables: Instead of numerical values(continuous values), the system identifies each inputand output variable as one or more linguistic variables(discrete variables), e.g., the base station transmissionpower adaptation, whose numerical values are rangedbetween [−10, 10] dB, is transformed into a dataset oflinguistic terms (sentences or words) such as verynegative, negative, zero, positive, and very positive. An

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example is depicted in Figures 2 and 3 where theavailable linguistic terms for two different inputs canbe found on the top of each function.

� Membership functions: A membership function is acurve that defines the degree of membership of a crispinput (between 0 and 1). Each membership function μA(x) is labeled with a linguistic variable. These functionsmap and quantify crisp inputs (x) from the fuzzy set Ainto fuzzy input datasets (labeled with linguistic terms).Figures 2 and 3 provide an example of realmembership functions. The membership functions totransform fuzzy output datasets into crisp outputs areconstant values (for Takagi-Sugeno approach).

� Fuzzy rules: They are simple IF-THEN structures tocontrol the fuzzy output datasets (e.g., transmissionpower adaptation as very negative, negative, etc.)based on the fuzzy input datasets (e.g., call blockingratio as very high, high, etc.). A typical fuzzy rulestatement, where two crisp inputs are introduced inthe system, is similar to the following form:

IF x is R AND y is S THEN Z ð4Þwhere x and y are the crisp inputs, while R and S are thefuzzy input datasets defined in x and y, respectively, accord-ing to their membership functions. Z is the fuzzy outputdataset. Tables 1, 2, and 3 show an example of fuzzy rules.

� Fuzzy set operations: A set of crisp inputs couldprovide several fuzzy outputs (Z) based on fuzzyrules (e.g., Equation 4). The combination of eachrule is carried out using fuzzy set operations, likeAND/OR operators in order to get the degree oftruth of each rule and finally the crisp output.

Figure 2 Membership functions of PLS method.

3.1.2 System processesThe fuzzy logic system is divided into three internalprocesses as Figure 1 shows. The aim of each module,as well as the flow of information between them, isdetailed:

1) Fuzzification process: The fuzzification process is thefirst step. This process converts crisp inputs intofuzzy input datasets based on the membershipfunctions. These functions quantify the degree ofmembership of a crisp input x into a fuzzy dataset.For example, at the left bottom of Figure 2, theLoaddiff crisp input value (x = −0.45) could be labeledas ‘Very Negative’ (0.75) and ‘Negative’ (0.25). Thesefuzzy input datasets are forwarded to the next step,the inference engine.

2) Inference engine: The fuzzy datasets are evaluated at eachrule r to calculate the so-called degree of truth of thatrule ωr. Fuzzy set operations accomplish this process.

This work follows Equation 4 to generate fuzzyrules, and the product operator (PROD) is selectedas the fuzzy set operation for AND intersectionoperator. The following example proposes two fuzzyinput datasets; in consequence, the degree of truthof each rule r is defined as:

ωr ¼ μA xð ÞμB yð Þ ð5Þwhere, μA(x) and μB(y) are the values of the

membership functions for fuzzy sets A and B andcrisp inputs x and y, respectively.

3) Defuzzification process: After the inference engine,the fuzzy outputs are computed to get the crispoutput. For that purpose, there are differentdefuzzification methods [24].

Figure 3 Membership functions of PUS method.













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This work is based on the center of gravity forsingleton method, that is:

output ¼Xp

r¼1ωr orXp



where ωr is the degree of truth of rule r, or is the

constant value of the output variable for the rule r,and P is the number of rules.

4 Load balancing mechanismsThe basic structure of an FLC applied to optimize cellu-lar communications is depicted in Figure 4. The inputsof these mechanisms can be alarms, counters, and/orkey performance indicators (KPIs) acquired from net-work statistics or call traces, being the collection of thisinformation a standard and usual procedure in cellular

e 1 Fuzzy rules of PLS method

Loaddiff Operator ΔPTx δPTx


Very Negative AND Very Negative Very Positive

Very Negative AND Negative Very Positive

Very Negative AND Zero Positive

Negative AND Very Negative Very Positive

Negative AND Negative Positive

Negative AND Zero Positive

Zero AND Very Negative Very Positive

Zero AND Negative Positive

Zero AND Zero Zero

Positive AND - Negative

Very Positive AND - Very Negative

networks. Other inputs, such as a feedback of the out-puts, are also of interest. The outputs propose to the cel-lular network the new reconfiguration parameters.

4.1 Implementation of controllersFollowing the scheme presented in Figure 4, a referencemechanism as well as a set of additional newly proposedfuzzy-based load balancing methods is detailed below.The number of input indicators provided to each

method is two. Depending on the algorithm, these twoinput indicators could be classical indicators (such asblocking ratio or cell load), the feedback of the FLC(ΔPTx), or the newly defined indicator - the ratio ofusers in connected mode.In consequence, different membership functions as well

as fuzzy rules must be designed according to each inputindicator. However, to accomplish consistent and compar-able results, all methods utilize the same output informa-tion (transmission power deviation per cell, denoted as

Table 2 Fuzzy rules of PUS method

Userdiff Operator ΔPTx δPTx


1 Very Negative AND Very Negative Very Positive

2 Very Negative AND Negative Very Positive

3 Very Negative AND Zero Positive

4 Negative AND - Positive

5 Zero AND Very Negative Positive

6 Zero AND Negative Zero

7 Zero AND Zero Zero

8 Positive AND - Negative

9 Very Positive AND - Very Negative

Table 3 Fuzzy rules of PLUS method (operator: AND; output: δPTx)Userdiff Loaddiff

Very Negative Negative Zero Positive Very Positive

Very Negative Very Positive Very Positive Positive Zero Zero

Negative Very Positive Positive Positive Zero Zero

Zero Very Positive Positive Positive Negative Very Negative

Positive Zero Zero Negative Negative Very Negative

Very Positive Negative Negative Very Negative Very Negative Very Negative

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ΔPTx (cell)) and output membership functions (constantvalues in the studied FLC approach) in the defuzzificationprocess.

4.1.1 Power traffic sharing - referenceThis method, presented in [17], has been selected as thereference fuzzy-based load balancing algorithm. TheFLC inputs are the difference between BR of the ana-lyzed serving cell ‘cell’ and the average BR of its neigh-bors (BRdiff (cell)), as well as the femtocell transmissionpower deviation ΔPTx (cell). The latter, ΔPTx (cell), iscalculated as the maximum femtocell transmissionpower PTxmax (cell) minus the current femtocell trans-mission power PTx (cell) and power adaptation (crispoutput δPTx (cell)) as presented in Equation 7. δPTx(cell) presents the transmission power adaptation (in-crease or decrease) that must be tuned in the femtocell.

ΔPTx cellð Þ ¼ PTxmax cellð Þ− PTx cellð Þ þ δPTx cellð Þ½ �ð7Þ

This optimization procedure improves the performancein heavily loaded enterprise femtocell networks by distrib-uting the users along the unloaded femtocells. Neverthe-less, this algorithm is not suitable to solve the issuespresented in this paper due to the following reason: theproposed BR indicator provides valuable information oncethe network already presents an accessibility issue. A pre-diction of this inconvenient situation would be desirable

Figure 4 Load balancing scheme.

to avoid or reduce users’ dissatisfaction as soon as pos-sible. Therefore, this algorithm cannot achieve the optimalnetwork configuration parameter under temporary trafficfluctuations. For further details about the power trafficsharing (PTS) method, the reader is referred to the ori-ginal work [17].

4.1.2 Power load sharingThis algorithm aims to avoid the previous PTS issues.Following the same scheme, the first step is to changethe inputs of the algorithm to prevent blocked calls. Ac-cording to this, the new input indicator is related tobandwidth, by measuring the current cell capacity inradio resource terms. This indicator is hereafter de-scribed for LTE networks, although equivalent indicatorscan be defined for other technologies. Therefore, inpower load sharing (PLS), the load balance is performedbased on the occupied physical resource block (PRB),whereas the previous PTS optimizer depended onblocked calls. The PRB is a basic unit of LTE radio re-sources that provides instantaneous information aboutcell load. According to this, the key network indicatorfor this system is represented as the following function,which is calculated for each cell and FLC:

Loaddiff cellð Þ ¼ Load cellð Þ− 1N



Load ið Þ ð8Þ

where Load (cell) and Load (cell) are the ratio of occu-pied PRBs of the studied cell (serving cell) and theneighboring cells, respectively, and N is the number ofneighboring cells. This indicator is used as FLC input to-gether with the femtocell transmission power deviationΔPTx (cell) (see Equation 7). A similar method was ori-ginally presented in [16], although the PLS proposedhereafter modifies the membership functions and fuzzyrules compared to [16] to be suitable for solving tempor-ary overloaded situations. In this context, based on theexpert knowledge, some membership functions andfuzzy rule configurations have been evaluated. A largeenough number of membership functions has been se-lected to achieve a reasonable level of detail while keep-ing the number of fuzzy sets small enough to build easysets of fuzzy rules. The proposed membership functions

Aguilar-Garcia et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:29 Page 7 of 14

are shown in Figure 2. On the left top image, threemembership functions μx(ΔPTx(cell)) are designed toanalyze if current power deviation is very negative ‘VeryNegative,’ negative ‘Negative,’ or zero ‘Zero.’ The functionμy(Loaddiff(cell)), on the left bottom of Figure 2, depictsfive membership functions to characterize the inputs in‘Very Negative,’ ‘Negative,’ ‘Zero,’ ‘Positive,’ and ‘Very Posi-tive’ according to the difference between the studied cellload ratio and the ratio of its neighboring cells, keepingthe symmetry around 0 (i.e., the point where the loadbetween the studied cell and its neighbors is the same)to balance the load in the network. Each membershipfunction is defined in an interval based on the expertknowledge, and for simplicity and computational effi-ciency, the selected membership functions are trapez-oidal and triangular.Table 1 defines the common sense fuzzy rules in the

form of IF-THEN statements, following the syntax ofEquation 4. These rules are built to balance the ratio ofthe studied cell load and its neighboring cell load. Inconsequence, the more positive the Loaddiff (cell) is (i.e.,the studied cell is overloaded), the more negative thetransmission power deviation should be (rules 10 and11), and vice versa (rules 1 to 6). In case the network isbalanced (Loaddiff = ‘ Zero ’), the algorithm tends to re-turn to the initial transmission power configuration inorder to improve SINR and reduce the number of PRBsper user as the channel quality indicator (CQI) is in-creased (rules 7 to 9). In consequence, the cell wouldhave more available free resources decreasing the prob-ability of cell congestion.Based on the output function μz(δPTx(cell) shown on

the right of Figure 2, the femtocell transmission power isincreased or decreased δPTx(cell). The functions cantake the following labels and values: ‘Very Negative’ and−6 dB, ‘Negative’ and −3 dB, ‘Zero’ and 0 dB, ‘Positive’ and+3 dB, and ‘Very Positive’ and +6 dB. Finally, the femto-cell transmission power PTx(cell) is tuned according tothe calculated δPTx(cell).This method has been defined focusing on an LTE net-

work, although it could be easily applied to any othercellular technology. The PRB is bandwidth-related;therefore, an equivalent available bandwidth indicatorcan be used as input for any other cellular technology.

4.1.3 Power user sharingFemtocells are usually designed to support 4, 8, 16, or32 users in connected mode, either voice or data traffic[25]. Rather than a wireless cellular bandwidth limita-tion, this characteristic is a restriction in the femtocellprocessing capability. For that reason, PRB activity (asproposed in the PLS method) may not be always an ap-propriate indicator for balancing traffic in femtocell en-vironments where most of the time there could be free

resources to allocate user data, but the femtocell is notable to process them due to the limit in the number ofaccepted users. According to this, the proposed poweruser sharing (PUS) method considers the number ofusers in connected mode as the main parameter in orderto offload temporary congested cells.In this case, the input indicator of the FLCs is defined

as the ratio of users in connected mode, i.e., the numberof simultaneous users in connected mode Nactive _ users tothe femtocell user limitation Nfemto _ user _ limitation (seeEquation 10) of the studied cell User (cell), in relation tothe same ratio averaged in its neighboring cells User(i):

Userdiff cellð Þ ¼ User cellð Þ− 1N



User ið Þ ð9Þ

where N is the number of neighboring cells and User (c)is defined for a cell c as:

User cð Þ ¼ Nactive users cð ÞN femto user limitation cð Þ ð10Þ

This mechanism presents the same FLC structure asthe previous ones, but the inputs of the FLC are the newindicator, Userdiff(cell) as presented in Equation 9, andthe femtocell transmission power deviation, ΔPTx(cell).The output of the FLC, δPTx(cell), increases/decreasesthe current femtocell transmission power.In order to get a moderate level of detail and straight-

forward fuzzy control rules, an acceptable number ofmembership functions have been selected for eachindicator based on experienced human knowledge. Themembership functions of this controller are shown inFigure 3. As it can be observed, the membership func-tions μx(ΔPTx(cell)) are the same as the previous mem-bership functions of the PLS method (left top image ofFigure 3), but the new input Userdiff(cell) associates dif-ferent membership functions μy(Userdiff(cell)) accordingto the difference between the ratio of users in the stud-ied cell and the ratio of its neighboring cells at the leftbottom of Figure 3: ‘Very Negative’, ‘Negative’, ‘Zero’, ‘Posi-tive’, and ‘Very Positive’. Notice that these membershipfunctions are similar to the previous method; however,the interval of definition is adjusted by experts to get thebest algorithm’s performance. For simplicity and compu-tational efficiency, the implemented membership func-tions are triangular and trapezoidal.Fuzzy rules set the control strategy based on Equation 4.

These rules are depicted in Table 2 and aim to reach equi-librium in the ratio of active users in the studied cell andthe ratio of its neighboring cells. According to this, themore positive Userdiff(cell) is (i.e., the ratio in the studiedcell is higher), the more negative the transmission powerdeviation should be (rules 8 and 9), and vice versa (rules 1to 4). Once the network is equalized (Userdiff(cell) = ‘ Zero ’),

Table 4 Summary of load balancing mechanisms


Input 1 ΔPTx ΔPTx ΔPTx Loaddiff

Input 2 BRdiff Loaddiff Userdiff Userdiff

Output δPTx δPTx δPTx δPTxaReference [14].

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the PUS method avoids very negative transmission poweradaptations (label ‘Very Negative’ - rule 5) in order to in-crease the end-users’ QoS. However, as this method is re-stricted by the number of users (instead of the availableresources in the cell), returning to the default transmissionpower could increase the interference, but the cell conges-tion would not be reduced. That is why ‘Negative’ or ‘Zero’values of transmission power deviation (rules 6 and 7) donot return to the default value.The same output functions μz(δPTx(cell)), as in the

previous algorithm, are defined for this one (illustratedon the right of Figure 3). The labels and values are asfollows: ‘Very Negative’ and −6 dB, ‘Negative’ and −3 dB,‘Zero’ and 0 dB, ‘Positive’ and +3 dB, and ‘Very Positive’and +6 dB.Most of the time, this mechanism is suitable for

achieving good performance in femtocell networks,above all in LTE deployments where the bandwidth is,nowadays, high enough to ensure the end-users’ QoS.However, it could present some shortcomings when thepropagation channel is very poor (bad SINR) or usersneed to download the best effort data.

4.1.4 Power load and user sharingThe previous mechanisms, as explained, could not guar-antee their proper operation in some situations. Theshortcomings of each algorithm (PLS and PUS methods)could be complemented by the other, leaving outside thePTS method due to the long time needed to evaluate itsmain indicator (BR). That means, a combination of thetwo indicators (cell load and number of active users) ismandatory to ensure an efficient mobility load balancingprocedure in indoor heterogeneous femtocell networks.According to this, the works described in the literaturein the context of MLB at femtocell networks that didnot analyze at least these two indicators do not properlywork as it will be demonstrated in Section 5.This paper proposes an FLC algorithm whose inputs are

both previously defined KPIs Userdiff(cell) and Loaddiff(cell) to properly prevent or reduce occasional indoor con-gestions. For simplicity, this method does not include theFLC feedback as an input indicator.The same membership functions proposed for PLS and

PUS methods are applied to this FLC in order to verify thebenefits of their combination and to proceed with theircomparison under the same conditions (readers are re-ferred to the left bottom images of Figures 2 and 3 as re-minder of those functions).New fuzzy rules are defined based on these two indica-

tors and the expert knowledge. Table 3 presents the setof control rules implemented in this system. These rulesprioritize the KPI Userdiff over the Loaddiff since a newuser in a femtocell network usually implies a greater im-pact on the maximum allowed number of user in a

femtocell than on the available resources. That meansthe network resources assigned to each user could be re-duced in order to accept new users, even if some ofthem could be slightly dissatisfied (decrease of QoS,throughput, etc.). For example, under a ‘Very Negative’situation of Loaddiff and a ‘Very Positive’ situation ofUserdiff, it is preferred to decrease the transmissionpower of the studied cell (fuzzy output is ‘Negative’).The same constant output functions μz(δPTx(cell)), as in

the previous algorithms, are applied here. In order to com-pare all the algorithms under the same conditions, the la-bels and values are as follows: ‘Very Negative’ and −6 dB,‘Negative’ and −3 dB, ‘Zero’ and 0 dB, ‘Positive’ and +3 dB,and ‘Very Positive’ and +6 dB.A summary of the supported inputs and outputs of

the proposed load balancing mechanisms is depicted inTable 4.

5 Performance analysisThe evaluation of the presented mechanisms is ex-plained in this section. On the one hand, an introductionto the simulation tool and the selected scenario is pro-vided. On the other hand, the sensitivity of the algo-rithm’s performance with regard to the changes in themembership functions is covered, and the assessment ofthe algorithm performance is evaluated.

5.1 Analysis setupThe load balancing mechanisms are evaluated in a dy-namic LTE system-level simulator described in [26].Winner II [27] was the implemented propagation modelat the simulator, as several propagation configurationsare considered for indoor, outdoor, outdoor-to-indoor,and indoor-to-outdoor scenarios. Likewise, shadowingand fast fading are modeled following a spatially corre-lated log-normal distribution with different standard de-viations for outdoor and indoor users and the extendedindoor A (EIA) approach for indoor users [28], respect-ively. Users can demand both VoIP or data services inthe scenario, where half of the PRBs are reserved forVoIP and the other half for data service. In case thenumber of PRBs is odd, the last PRB is assigned to dataservice. Round-robin best channel scheduling is selectedfor VoIP traffic and proportional fair scheduling for datatraffic. Common radio resource management (RRM) fea-tures are also integrated into the simulator, such as cell

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reselection (CR), directed retry (DR), and HO based on‘A3’ and ‘A5’ events. The most important simulation pa-rameters and features are shown in Table 5. A full simu-lator description can be found at reference [26].A real airport departure area (Malaga Airport) has been

selected and designed as a realistic simulation scenario toassess the proposed mechanisms. It is a 265-m-long and180-m-wide building, which is placed into a 3-km-longand 2.6-km-wide area, as Figure 5 shows. A tri-sectorizedLTE macrocell is located in that scenario, and twelve openaccess femtocells (HeNB) are distributed along the build-ing to ensure the end-users’ QoS and good coverage ateach location by at least two femtocells. Outdoor macro-cells introduce indoor interference due to the buildingproximity to the sites. Handovers between macrocells andfemtocells are also supported. At the airport, the user mo-bility is based on a random waypoint model [29], whichreproduces normal passenger behavior and movement atthe airport. Passengers are located to create a hotspot andto overload a specific femtocell during certain minutes,emulating a delayed boarding (passengers use their

Table 5 Simulation parameters

Parameter Configuration

Propagation model Indoor-indoor Winner II A1

Indoor-outdoor Winner II A2

Outdoor-outdoor Winner II C2

Outdoor-indoor Winner II C4

Base station model EIRP 3 (HeNB)/43 (macro) dBm

Directivity Omni (HeNB)/tri-sector (macro)

Access Open (HeNB)/open (macro)

Mobile stationmodel

Noise figure 9 dB

Noise density −174 dBm/Hz

Traffic model Calls Poisson (avg. 0.43 calls/user · h)

Duration Exponential (avg. 100 s)

Mobility model Outdoor 3 km/h, random direction andwrap-around

Indoor Random waypoint

Service model Voice over IP 16 kbps

Full buffer

RRM model Bandwidth 1.4, 3, and 5 MHz (6, 15, and25 PRBs)

Access control Directed retry (threshold=−44 dBm)

Cell reselection Criteria S, R

Handover Events A3, A5

Scheduler Voice: round-robin best channel

Full buffer: proportional fair

Time resolution 100 ms

Load balancingalgorithm

Epoch time 60 s

smartphones waiting for boarding). That situation couldcause temporary network congestions, therefore, occa-sional accessibility or retainability issues.

5.2 Simulation resultsFirstly, a sensitivity study is performed to analyze the per-formance of the algorithms with regard to the changes inthe membership functions. Secondly, the global networkand hotspot (most congested cell) simulation results arepresented and described for each method in a specific sce-nario: femtocells limited to eight simultaneous connectedusers and 1.4-MHz bandwidth. Thirdly, the study is ex-tended to different femtocells’ capacity deployments (4, 8,16, and 32 users each) and bandwidth (1.4, 3, and 5 MHz).The simulated scenarios are initially well-balanced and

there are no congestion issues. After several minutes,new passengers arrive to the boarding gate, thus over-loading the femtocell in charge of covering that area.That situation lasts several minutes until the passengersof the delayed flight can start boarding and network con-gestion issues disappear. To evaluate the whole process,the simulation is carried out along 1 h, whereas the self-optimization algorithms analyze the network every 60 sto decide whether they must be triggered or not.The evaluation of these scenarios is analyzed from

both the user’s QoS perspective (BR and OR indicators)and operator point of view (HOR indicator). To simplifythe assessment of end-user happiness with the mobileservice, the user dissatisfaction ratio (UDR) [17] hasbeen selected, which measures the percentage of dissat-isfied users as a linear combination of BR and OR:

UDR ¼ BRþ 1−BRð Þ⋅OR ð11Þ

5.2.1 Sensitivity of the algorithm’s performanceDiverse sets of membership functions were proposed byexperts for each input indicator (Loaddiff and Userdiff ).Additionally, other membership functions out of theserecommendations were evaluated. In this sense, a sensi-tivity study is performed in the previous scenario wherethe maximum number of simultaneous connections isrestricted to four users and the femtocell bandwidth is1.4 MHz. Table 6 shows the performed sensitivity studywhere the UDR indicator has been evaluated. On theone hand, the analysis shows that in any case the algo-rithm’s performance was not very sensitive to the set ofmembership functions proposed by experts (see theevaluation of set 1 to set 5 in Table 6). On the otherhand, membership functions different to the recommen-dations of experts (set 6 to set 10 in Table 6) show (asexpected) lower system performance. Therefore, it is as-sumed that membership functions that significantly

Figure 5 Scenario.

Aguilar-Garcia et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:29 Page 10 of 14

differ from experts’ recommendations would probablydecrease the algorithm’s performance.Finally, the set of membership functions with the best

solution is implemented (functions presented in Figures 2and 3). These membership functions provide the best re-sults of the evaluated cases for Loaddiff and Userdiff in-puts. Therefore, they are the ones in which evaluation isdescribed in detail in the next subsections.

5.2.2 Scenario: maximum eight users/femtocell at 1.4 MHzThe first analysis corresponds to the situation in whichall femtocells limit is set to eight users and the networkbandwidth is 1.4 MHz, i.e., it supports six PRBs. Both,the global network and the hotspot performance areassessed in these tests.Figure 6a illustrates the UDR indicator during 1-h

simulation. This indicator is collected every minute asvertical lines depict. This figure represents the networkanalysis when there is no optimization method imple-mented at this scenario (no OPT - blue stem) and theperformance of the four load balancing algorithms. Theaverage value during the simulation is also shown foreach method.The non-optimized situation (blue stem), which repre-

sents the absence of load balancing methods, shows nocongestion issues at the beginning and the end of theevaluation, i.e., no users are dissatisfied. However, the

Table 6 Sensitivity analysis (UDR [%])

Max. four users/femtocell (1.4 MHz)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

PLS 3.6458 3.6594 3.6487 3.6624 3.6548

PUS 1.2351 1.241 1.2115 1.2254 1.2388aSet of membership functions not defined by experts.

network displays a high percentage of dissatisfied usersduring the overloaded period (30 to 50 min). Sometimes,the ratio of dissatisfied users reach UDR = 50%, i.e., halfof the users that attempt to access the network arerejected or connected users are in outage. On average,this network indicator is 10%, which is higher than thevalues typically accepted by mobile operators (horizontalblue line).The PTS method (red stem) starts to reduce the

blocked calls after detecting them; therefore, the UDRdecreases as well. Nevertheless, due to the traffic fluc-tuations, peaks of UDR are obtained. Thanks to thismechanism, the average UDR is reduced to about 4%.However, as previously explained, this mechanism needsa large period of time to converge under the same net-work conditions. Hence, although the indicator is im-proved, BR is not the proper input to optimize thesesituations.The PLS mechanism (green stem) provides improved re-

sults because it makes use of the occupied radio resourcesas input, decreasing the number and the value of dissatis-fied users’ situations. The horizontal green line in Figure 6ashows an improvement over 7% from the non-optimizedsituation and 1% from the PTS method, getting an averagevalue of UDR below 3%. Nevertheless, its Loaddiff(cell) in-put does not reflect the most restricted factor for femto-cells because the system bandwidth usually offers enough

Set 6a Set 7a Set 8a Set 9a Set 10a

5.157 5.2368 5.4861 5.1958 5.3682

4.1253 4.3672 4.6985 4.1687 4.8372



Figure 6 UDR performance. (a) Global network performance (eight users/femtocell and 1.4 MHz). (b) Hotspot performance (eight users/femtocelland 1.4 MHz).

Aguilar-Garcia et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:29 Page 11 of 14

capacity to serve more than the femtocell capability interms of the maximum number of users in connectedmode, i.e., the self-optimization algorithm is not triggered(free radio resources) but the femtocell is totally con-gested (no more users are accepted). Therefore, thePLS method does not reach the best possible results forthe optimization process.The PUS method (magenta stem) reduces even further

the users’ dissatisfaction. However, the performance of thealgorithm decreases when the required user’s QoS is veryhigh (huge amount of radio resources are demanded bythe user). In this case, the small amount of users (max.eight users) and the wide bandwidth, at this example, re-duce the users’ dissatisfaction. With this method there areonly problems for an instant (35 min), where few users areconnected to the network but a lot of radio resources arerequired. A very low average UDR is obtained, lower than1% (horizontal magenta line).The power load and user sharing (PLUS) method (yel-

low stem), as expected, provides the most improved re-sults. In this case, the algorithm is aware of the exactamount of free space, both in terms of femtocell hard-ware capacity and radio resources, to access the femto-cell. Therefore, it is able to modify network parameterswhen any of them (according to fuzzy rules) presentshigh values. The figure shows the same problem as with

PUS method for an instant (35 min), where few usersare connected to the network but a lot of radio re-sources are required. However, the UDR is lower. Inaverage during 1 h (horizontal yellow line), the value ofUDR is around 0.2%, which complies with the usual op-erators’ requirements.UDR indicator at the most overloaded cell, i.e., at the

hotspot, is shown in Figure 6b. UDR evolves in the sameway as in Figure 6a, although it is higher in all cases. Inaverage, around 30% of users are dissatisfied, while theoptimization PTS, PLS, PUS, and PLUS methods getaround 18%, 7%, 2%, and 1% of UDR, respectively.

5.2.3 Average network performance: remaining scenariosThe previous study has been extended to other femtocellcapability deployments (i.e., maximum number of con-nected users) and different bandwidth. The performancein terms of the average value of UDR is depicted inFigure 7 for the different bandwidth and user limitationsconsidered.As worst case, the minimum LTE bandwidth (1.4 MHz)

has been selected in the first subfigure of Figure 7a. It canbe observed that the UDR is reduced by the implementa-tion of the load balancing methods for all 4, 8, 16, and 32users/femtocell users’ limitation. For the scenario of 32users/femtocell, depending on the experienced users’








4 8 16 32


R [%














4 8 16 32


R [%














4 8 16 32


R [%










Maximum users/femto

Maximum users/femto

Maximum users/femto

Figure 7 Average UDR performance. (a) 1.4 MHz (6 PRBs). (b) 3 MHz (15 PRBs). (c) 5 MHz (25 PRBs).

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quality and demand, sometimes the femtocell allows lessthan 32 simultaneously connected users because there areno available resources. Likewise, some other times thefemtocell allows 32 users even if they are not using allradio resources. The reason is related to the RRM config-uration. According to this, all the algorithms have compar-able average UDR value except the PLUS method. Thosesituations overload femtocells adjacent to the hotspot, andas a result, many handover attempts fail (dropped callsand outage connections appear) because those adjacentcells are already fully occupied (users or radio resources).It means that the PUS method will not properly work allthe time, the same for the PLS method. However, thisissue is successfully fixed, thanks to the PLUS method thatcombines both network indicators. Additionally, commer-cial femtocells could avoid this problem because most ofthem work with wider bandwidth (normally >3 MHz).In this sense, similar simulations have been carried out

with higher bandwidth (3 MHz), as Figure 7b depicts.

This time, the 32 users/femtocell deployment has en-hanced UDR, and in particular, the PUS method presentsmuch better performance compared to the 1.4 MHz casebecause the network available radio resources are higher.For the other femtocell user limits, the network perform-ance is similar to the previous bandwidth (1.4 MHz)deployments.In the following test, the network bandwidth was in-

creased to 5 MHz. Figure 7c shows the overall networkimprovement achieved, thanks to the PLUS method.It should be noticed that the higher the network band-

width, the worse the PLS method works. This is due tothe fact that the network bandwidth is increased but theoccupied radio resources are the same (for most networkservices).An indicator which concerns operators is the HO

signaling costs (measured by the HOR). The higher thenumber of handovers the network manages, the moreexpenses the operator should afford. In Figure 8, the








4 8 16 32



Maximum users/femto
















4 8 16 32



Maximum users/femto










4 8 16 32



Maximum users/femto






Figure 8 Average HOR performance. (a) 1.4 MHz (6 PRBs). (b) 3 MHz (15 PRBs). (c) 5 MHz (25 PRBs).

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results have shown that, in average, there is aroundone handover per user for all the methods. Hence,changing and resizing femtocell areas do not increasesignaling load; in consequence, operator expenses arethe same.To summarize, all methods have reduced end-users’

dissatisfaction while the network signaling load is held.In conclusion, at indoor heterogeneous networks wheredifferent bandwidth and types of femtocells are analyzed,both femtocell radio resources and femtocell users’ restric-tion related to the femtocell hardware must be consideredin mobility load balancing methods. The proposed PLSand PUS methods provide good results, but their actualperformance depends on the predominant kind of traffic.The proposed PLUS method however led to the best net-work and hotspot performance for all situations with fasttraffic fluctuations.

6 ConclusionsIn this paper, novel and low-complexity load balancingmethods based on fuzzy logic controllers have been pro-posed and analyzed for temporary congested indoor het-erogeneous femtocell scenarios.It has been shown that load balancing algorithms with

classical input indicators improved the network per-formance (compared to the non-optimized situation)while increasing the coverage and capacity in indoor het-erogeneous femtocell environments. However, in previ-ous references, these mechanisms were evaluated undervery specific simulated situations, as proven by the limi-tations of the PTS or PLS methods presented in the re-sults. Conversely, this work has proposed a simple butpowerful parameter, the number of simultaneous con-nected users per femtocell, as an indicator that must betaken into account in these scenarios. However, the

Aguilar-Garcia et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:29 Page 14 of 14

proposed PUS method based uniquely on such indicatorand transmission power deviation shows benefits onlyunder specific conditions (i.e., the number of users isover femtocell limit), whereas in other cases (i.e., the lownumber of users over femtocell limit but high femtocellload), it presents some shortcomings that degrade thenetwork performance. Finally, the PLUS method that in-tegrates classical indicators and this new one has beenproved as the best combination to build a consistent andreliable load balancing mechanisms in indoor heteroge-neous femtocell environments.

Abbreviations3GPP: Third Generation Partnership Project; BR: blocking ratio; CAPEX: capitalexpenditure; CQI: channel quality indicator; CR: cell reselection; DR: directedretry; EIRP: equivalent isotropically radiated power; FLC: fuzzy logiccontrollers; HCN: heterogeneous cellular networks; HeNB: home eNB;HO: handover; HOR: handover ratio; KPI: key performance indicators;LTE: long-term evolution; MLB: mobility load balancing; NGMN: NextGeneration Mobile Networks; OPEX: operational expenditure; OR: outageratio; PLS: power load sharing; PLUS: power load and user sharing;PRB: physical resource block; PTS: power traffic sharing; PUS: power usersharing; QoS: quality of service; RAT: radio access technologies; RRM: radioresource management; SINR: signal-to-interference-plus-noise; SON:self-organizing networks; UDR: user dissatisfaction ratio; VoIP: voice over IP.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

AcknowledgementsThis work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy andCompetitiveness within the National Plan for Scientific Research, TechnologicalDevelopment and Innovation 2008-2011 and the European Development Fund(ERDF), within the MONOLOC project (IPT-430000-2011-1272). This work has beenalso partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Investigación deExcelencia P12-TIC-2905).

Received: 8 August 2014 Accepted: 20 January 2015

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