Live Emcee Transitions: Begin Video What To Do · 2020. 2. 19. · we’re gonna quit feeling...

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Transcript of Live Emcee Transitions: Begin Video What To Do · 2020. 2. 19. · we’re gonna quit feeling...

Live Emcee Transitions: What To Do

Intro Konnection

• Introduce self and welcome guests • Practice monthly topic together • Pitch to Konnect Rules

Giving Konnection

• Recap Konnect rules in 1 sentence • Encourage good behavior • Pitch to Offering

Point Konnection

• Introduce the point • Practice the point together

• Pitch to the Konnect Show

Verse Konnection

• Recap the show in 1 sentence • Practice the Bible verse together

• Pitch to Small Group Activity

Worship Konnection

• Recap Small Group Activity • Practice the point together again

• Pitch to Worship (kids remain seated)

Life Konnection

• Recap ABCs in 1 sentence • Encourage life application

• Pitch to Small Group Discussion

Sample Scripts for Live Emcee Transitions on Back

Begin Video Countdown timer runs while kids clean up

Small Group Welcome Small groups form & discuss welcome question

Theme Song Promote participation in dancing and singing

Intro Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Rules Model saying rules & counting them on fingers

Giving Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Offering Teaching Video Choose kids quietly & pass buckets

Point Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Teaching, Bible Story, Verse, & Point Small group leaders focus attention on the show

Verse Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Small Group Activity Small group leaders lead activity individually

Worship Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Worship Teaching Video Get kid worship leaders on stage quietly

Worship Songs Lead worship motions for songs on this guide

ABCs Kids shout out ABCs with salvation message

Life Konnection 30 second live emcee transition

Small Group Discussion Small group leaders lead discussion individually

Check Out Kids stay in small groups until checked out



Bible Verse

1 John 1:9 NLT … if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us …


I can ask God to give me grace when I feel guilty.

Worship Song List

Journey of a Lifetime Your Love Is Who You Are

Lighting Key for Techs

Lights Up

Dim Lights

Lights Down

Stage Lights

Sample Scripts for Emcees

Intro Konnection Point Konnection Worship Konnection

Welcome to Konnect! My name’s ______, and we’re gonna quit feeling guilty, today! Tell your neighbor, “Quit it!” (Kids tell their neighbor) Quit it! Aww—you sound like a bunch of old grandmas! Try it again! (Kids tell their neighbor) Quit it! Yeah, that’s it! Now let’s watch the Konnect HQ crew break down the Konnect rules for us!

Thank You, God, for the chance to give back to You! We sure do have some generous kids in here! Moving on—today’s point is: I can ask God to give me grace when I feel guilty. Say it with me! (Together with kids) I can ask God to give me grace when I feel guilty. Way to go! God does get rid of guilt! But how exactly does that work? And what if you asked God to forgive you, and you still feel bad? Well, you’ve just got to watch this!

Whoa. God erases guilt—just like that! All we have to do is choose to follow Jesus and ask for His forgiveness! Hmm—erasing? That reminds me of a joke! Tell me—what did the pencil say to the eraser? (Kids shout out their ideas.) Nothing. Pencils don’t talk! Ha! I got you with that one! OK, that was silly, but worshiping God isn’t! Watch this worship video and get ready to dance and sing for God!

Giving Konnection Verse Konnection Life Konnection

Now, how many Konnect rules were there? Show me with your fingers! (Kids hold up 3 fingers.) That’s right, three. When you follow them, you can have a great time! And, even better, you’ll help everybody around you have a great time, too. Hmmm. Who’s out there following the rules? I’m gonna pick a couple of you to help me with the offering, and I definitely need kids who can handle it! Watch the offering video while I choose friends to help out! (Choose helpers.)

Well, now I know I shouldn’t give everyone in here matching backpacks! Seriously, though—God does not want us to carry around guilty feelings. Our Bible verse tells us what we can do, instead. Say it with me! (Do motions and say in rhythm with kids) 1 John 1:9 … if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us … You got it! Now listen to your small group leader. They’ve got a great guilt-erasing gift for you!

Can you believe it? Jesus knows everything about you. Yeah—everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly. But He still loves you! That’s what the ABCs are all about! If you’re ready to follow Jesus, let your small group leader know, and talk to your family about it. Once you choose to follow Jesus, you can ask for His forgiveness any time you feel guilty. He’ll take your guilt away and help you live for Him. Talk more about it in your small group. Stay with your leader until you get checked out!