LITURGY SCHEDULE LITURGICAL MINISTERS · very sad occurs when a person/family asks for a letter of...

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Transcript of LITURGY SCHEDULE LITURGICAL MINISTERS · very sad occurs when a person/family asks for a letter of...

St. Francis, Francesville; St. Joseph, Pulaski; St. Peter, Winamac

Rev. Leroy G. Kinnaman, Pastor Cluster Email:

Cluster Website:

Cluster Correspondence: 401 N Monticello Street, Winamac, IN 46996 Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday Morning by 9:00 A.M.

Phone: 574.946.4906 Fax: 574.946.4962

LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday, August 20 at St. Peter 8:00 A.M. +Brenda Shank by Betty DeSabatine

Tuesday, August 21 NO MASS

Wednesday, August 22 at St. Joseph 8:00 A.M. +Ronald Pratt by Alan & Faith Mitchell

Thursday, August 23 at St. Joseph 8:00 A.M. +Frances Mitchell by Alan & Faith Mitchell

Friday, August 24 at St. Peter 8:00 A.M. +Leona Kinnaman by Mary & Kent Schultz

Saturday, August 25 4:00 P.M. at St. Peter +Tom Murray by Don & Amy Housinger 6:00 P.M. at St. Joseph +Elimination of abortion; and world peace by St. Joseph Christian Mothers

Sunday, August 26 8:00 A.M. at St. Francis +Our Cluster Family 10:00 A.M. at St. Peter +Beverely Loehmer by Friends

LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, August 25 at 4:00 P.M. (St. Peter) Reader: Lenora Hoover Ministers: Bill Girton, Andy Pesaresi & Judy Wilson Servers: Bonnie Budd & Caitlyn Ottow Ushers: VOLUNTEERS

Saturday, August 25 at 6:00 P.M. (St. Joseph) Reader: Larry Brady Ministers: Lisa Brady, Kelly Weaver & Brenda Gilsinger Servers: Brody Roth & Bunnie Daugherty Ushers: Rick & Lisa Foerg, Frank Boardman and Tom Reutebuch

Sunday, August 26 at 8:00 A.M. (St. Francis) Reader: Dillar Ames Ministers: Janet Ricks & Victor Rodriquez Servers: Jonathan Ottow

Sunday, August 26 at 10:00A.M. (St. Peter) Reader: Marita Grisel Ministers: Rick Grisel, Dan Murphy & Linda Webb Servers: Kolbey & Kelsey Wegner Ushers: Dan & Linda Murphy and John &

Denise Downing

Oh, by the way…

Bishop Doherty will be celebrating an Anniversary Mass for Christian Marriage on 16

September 2018. All married couples of the diocese celebrating significant

marriage anniversaries in 2018 are invited to attend a special Mass on that

Sunday at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in

Lafayette to celebrate their years of Christian Marriage. During the liturgy,

Bishop Doherty will offer a special anniversary blessing. The Anniversary

Mass will begin at 2:30pm (EDT) and will fulfill the Sunday obligation. Immediately following Mass,

Bishop Doherty will greet couples at a reception of light refreshments. To assist in preparation, please

register with the Office of Divine Worship online at or by contacting

Charlene Kuhn at or 765- 269-4600.

Liturgical notes

1) During the Liturgy, there are prayers which the people pray; some the priest prays; some the people and priest pray together (e.g. the Creed, Our Father, etc.); some the priest is to pray silently (e.g. prayer before proclamation of the Gospel, washing of fingers, etc.). One aspect of the Mass most probably don’t think about very often: The words spoken (or sung) by the priest and by the people.

Have you noticed the “dialogical” nature of the Mass? The priest (or deacon or reader) speaks and the people respond. Probably the most obvious example is the dialogue at the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer which includes the words: “The Lord be with you…Lift up your hearts…Let us give thanks…”

Of the words spoken (or sung), some are spoken only by the priest, and others only by the people. For example, only the priest says, “The Lord be with you.” And only the people respond, “And with your spirit.”

Some of the words in the Mass that the priest is NOT to say include the words “Blessed be God forever,” during the Preparation of Gifts; the Memorial Acclamation during the Eucharistic Prayer (e.g., “When we eat this bread and drink this cup…”); the conclusion to the Our Father (“For the kingdom, the power and the glory…”).

Here’s another word that the priest is almost never to be used by the priest: “AMEN!” Why? The Eucharistic Prayer provides a good example of the reason for this. The priest sings or

says the words that begin, “Through him, with him, and in him…” And the people (but not the priest) respond to those words by singing The Great Amen.

This may seem like a trivial detail, but it’s not: The word “Amen” is not the last word of the prayer. The last words of the prayer are “forever and ever.” The “Amen” is the people’s affirmation of the prayer, spoken by the priest on their behalf. The priest concludes the prayer, and the people agree to it. This matters because this prayer, the most important part of the Mass, is the Church’s prayer – not the priest’s prayer. Only the priest says the prayer, but he is praying on behalf of the Church. It can be a temptation to see the Eucharistic Prayer as the priest’s prayer which the people witness. In fact, this prayer, the essential prayer of the Mass, is the Church’s prayer.

The “Amen” of the people, although only one word, expresses the people’s participation in the prayer.

2) Conundrum: How can a person attend Mass(?) and not attend Mass at the same time? As Vatican Council II so persuasively stated, and we have heard/read MANY times, attending Mass is our full, active and conscientious participation in the Liturgy. While technology is good, sometimes technology tells us more than we want to know. Point: Amazing how can a person be attending Mass (if that is what one calls it) while having the audacity and rudeness to send e-mail/texts to the Parish Office? Wonders NEVER cease!

Due Monday, 20 August,

by noon…

Avoid the additional

$50 late fee charge! (Mail isn’t delivered here till after noon. That would

be late!)

Did you move into one of our Cluster Parishes?

Did you move over the summer?

Change phone numbers? E-mail address? Perhaps your family has moved or changed phone numbers and/or email address. For canonical reasons

(liturgical services, certification as sponsor, etc.*), each family/person needs to be registered and participate in

their registered church. By being registered, one commits to Jesus Christ by their faithful attendance at Mass

on Sundays and Holy Days. One also has the duty of supporting their parish with the stewardship of time, talent

and treasure.

PLEASE USE YOUR ENVELOPES! *A Pastor has no jurisdiction over non-registered members of the Pastor’s assigned congregation. What is so

very sad occurs when a person/family asks for a letter of recommendation to be a Godparent or Sponsor for

Confirmation. That Pastor can’t, in good conscience, write the letter for the person/family.

P. S. Hey all you recently married couples in our Cluster: Get registered! Many of the recent marriages have

not registered as a couple.

Mission Appeal Thank You! The Spiritans send their thanks for the generous response by the people of the

Precious Blood Cluster to their mission-sharing visit on the weekend of July 28-29 and

for the gracious welcome given to Father Mathias Alonyenu, CSSp, representing the


Be assured of the prayers of the Spiritans worldwide for you, and for your intentions, and we

ask for your continued prayers for us and for our shared ministries to God’s people everywhere.

Do please continue to keep the missions of the Church in your hearts, the work of the Spiritans

in mind, and the never-ending need to proclaim and witness to the Gospel in your own lives.

Two Blessings

1) During the recent Diocesan FRUITFUL HARVEST meeting, rebates were returned to the

various parishes that had attained their goal. About twenty (20) parishes were acknowledged and

received their rebate checks…and our Cluster received four (4) rebate checks! Some

people asked how many parishes Rachel had as she made four (4) trips to receive

the checks from the Pastoral Office of Administration! Total rebates check for St.

Henry-$779.40 (which automatically goes into their cemetery account); St. Francis-

$1,462.26; St. Joseph-5,451.46; St. Peter- $7,998.66. Rebates for St. Francis, St.

Joseph and St. Peter will be deposited into each respective general checking

account. Thanks to all who made the FRUITFUL HARVEST 2016 campaign such a success!

2) Reports from the recently completed Seminarian Fund Appeal are awesome! Blessings to all

who participated in and for the future of our Local Church.

Goal: Amount Contributed:

St. Francis: $ 244.39 $ 288.00

St. Joseph: $1,057.67 $2375.00

St. Peter: $2,060.69 $3,457.00

Meanwhile, back at the ranch….fr. K

Quick one-liners for you: St. Peter’s will have a second collection next weekend to benefit the Cemetery Fund.

Envelopes may be found in the pews for your convenience. Thank you for your continued


Congratulations to John Sass & Kelly Cunningham, who were united in the

Sacrament of Marriage last Saturday, August 11th at St. Joseph Parish. Our

Cluster wishes you a long and happy life together, congrats Mr. & Mrs. Sass!!!

St. Francis St. Joseph St. Peter

Cluster News!!!! Monday, August 20 Wednesday, August 22 6:30 P.M. Security Meeting at St. Francis 6:00 P.M. Teacher Meeting at St. Peter

PRAYER REQUESTS: Please keep the following individuals in your prayers: Richard Alber, Pat Barngrover, Mary Baunach (Barbara Mau’s Mother), Judy Berger, Shelia Buczek, Will Cheverette, Tom Fanning, Steve Fulmer, Rose Marie Garcia (friend of Theresa Logan), Marsha Gearhart, Donna Griffen (friend of Theresa Logan), Cari Heater (Lois Heater’s grand-daughter), Fr. Mike Heppen, Christi Hoffa, Frances Hoover, Mary Ann Johnson, Marie Kraft, Virginia (Loehmer)

Lam (Viv Reinhold’s sister), Greg Loehmer, Theresa Logan, Robert Meyer, Patricia O’Donnell, Floyd Podell, Brandi Shidler, Gloria Staples, Graham Vollmer & Elizabeth Weldon

Please remember in your prayers all of our Cluster family and friends who mourn the loss of a loved one, all who have no one to pray for them, those who have died through violence or natural disasters and all who

have died recently.

Please notify the Cluster Office at 574.946.4906, if a loved one is admitted to the hospital,

rehab center, nursing home, or is homebound. fr. K CANNOT make calls to people that he is

NOT AWARE OF. Thank you!

If you have someone to add to the prayer list, notify the Cluster Office. Please keep in mind,

your request will remain on our list for four weeks unless we hear back from you that they

should remain on the list.

August 12, 2018

General Offerings: $200.00

Loose Collection: $20.00

Assumption: $35.00

August 11, 2018

General Offerings: $583.00

Loose Collection: $88.00

August 11& 12, 2018 General Offering: $1,730.00

Loose Collection: $319.00

Children’s Offering: $30.75

Votive Lights: $21.00

Assumption: $5.00