Little Organics Winter 2014 Edition 2

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Welcome to our winter edition of the Little Organics E-Mag. Little Organics is an online store with organic food and natural products for your little loved ones. Visit us at to see the lovely range we have in store. Helping parents everywhere to nurture and nourish your children.

Transcript of Little Organics Winter 2014 Edition 2


Your Organic Online Shop


Have You Considered It For Labour?


Winter 2014 Little Organics Edition 2

The Little Organics Story !Thanks for joining us on our 2nd edition.

The last few months has been a whirlwind of events and we almost didn’t get our second issue out but as a mum, you always need to give yourself some grace to not always get everything right.

My name is Doan and this is me with my little boy, my inspiration for starting Little Organics.

Little Organics started as a result of a pivotal moment of frustration where I was going from store to store to find my son’s favourite rice porridge. Being back at work, it was difficult to keep finding time to duck out to go searching for something that wasn’t there.

With a little boy with severe allergies to milk and egg, I was very careful about what I fed him and had developed a fear of all the numbers and weird names on non organic products.

Having a geeky husband on hand, we created Little Organics, a place where parents can enjoy finding all the products I love for my son in one convenient location.

I love working on Little Organics, it brings me much joy in connecting with other parents and just meeting people at such a beautiful time of their lives.

We have just finished setting up our new retail showroom at 620 Bell St Preston 3072. Please note the showroom opening hours areTuesday-Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm or via appointment only. Appointment times are flexible, so if there are certain days or times in the day that suit you, we can w o r k a r o u n d t h a t ! J u s t d r o p u s a l i n e a t or PM us on Facebook. In the meantime, you’ll find us living life, loving moments and laughing our day through the tough moments. As you should too. Love live and laugh. Xo Doan - Little Organics Mum


In this Little Organic’s Edition …

!Have you ever wondered what Hypnobirthing is and did you know that Duchess Kate Middleton used this same technique to give birth to Prince George?

Page 4

Five tips that will change the way you parent.

Page 10-11

Regular Features

• Play Time - Cardboard box Playhouse p12-13

• Recipe featuring Dairy Free, Egg free cupcakes p14

• Parenting from a Dad’s perspective p20

• Little Organic’s Mummy Column Business Spotlight p21





After having a horrible first visit to the dentist

with my 5 year old son, I decided to change the

dental routine in our household.

Knowing that whatever I bought from Little

Organics would be safe for my children, I

stumbled across Jack n' Jill toothpaste. Upon

discovering there were multiple flavours, I knew

this would excite my son about teeth cleaning.

Seeing as he likes blue, I went for the Blueberry

flavour for my son, and Strawberry for my

daughter (she likes pink). They were both

instantly fascinated with the colourful little tubes,

and happily tried each others flavours.

I now feel so much more confident when teeth

cleaning time comes around, and won't be so

scared to go to the dentist with my children in the

future, because Jack n' Jill toothpaste is made

from organic ingredients. The toothbrushes are

fun too - both my children loved the bunny ones!

Thanks to Jack n' Jill, teeth cleaning time at our

household is stress free and chemical free! - Sam

It is hard to find good quality snacks that my 2.5years old little girl will enjoy but Little Organics have it made it so much easier for us!! Clarissa has found a new love with Aribar, so much that despite just having a Chinese New Year feast dinner, catching a glimpse of the Aribars, she just had to whinge, fuss and cry for them and I had to remind her that she can only have some when she is being good. Clarissa absolutely loves the bars and asks for them constantly. The funniest time was when I picked her up after childcare and she was so thrilled and excited to get it and ended up falling asleep with it still in her mouth because she was so tired from lack of sleep at childcare. We can't seem to get enough of it! - Jolene

Little Organics’ Mum’s

Product Reviews

Must read for Expecting Mum’s !


From a young age I had an interest in childbirth and babies. !I played with dolls and told everyone I wanted to be a Midwife when I grew up. When I was seven, my mother asked me if I wanted to be at the birth of my youngest sibling, my answer was of course “YES!”. !Attending my baby brother’s birth really normalized birthing for me. I watched as my mother played scrabble between contractions (which I now call surges) and with little more than some gentle grunts, I saw my mother give birth to my baby brother. It was one of the most outstanding memories and experiences of my life, in fact I would say life changing. !Fast forward 22 years and my interests are not too dissimilar to those I had when I was 7. I am now a mother of a happy and exuberant three year old, with our second baby on the w a y a n d a n e x t r e m e l y p a s s i o n a t e HypnoBirthing Practitioner and gentle parenting advocate. !When I found out we were expecting our first child, I knew I wanted to have a positive birth experience. A birth that was gentle and not too different to the one that I had witnessed at seven. The one thing I kept asking myself was,

”how do I achieve that gentle, positive birth? What do I need to know?” !A chance discussion with my Aunty about HypnoBirthing® started the ball rolling and found us enrolling in classes that I thought sounded all good to be true. HypnoBirthing® promised explanations of how your body works for you to birth your baby, and how to keep yourself calm and relaxed….. neither of which I’d ever heard any doctor or woman discuss, and so I was very intrigued. !HypnoBirthing® is not about someone controlling your mind or your actions with the click of their fingers or a swinging pendulum. !What HypnoBirthing® does do for you is give you the knowledge and skills to bring yourself into a deep state of relaxation so that you can work with your body during labour and birthing. !The idea of HypnoBirthing® is that if a mother can learn techniques to keep her calm and relaxed during labour and birthing, her body and mind become free of fear or tension, then her body can do what it was perfectly designed to do; birth with relatively little discomfort. !There are five basic techniques used in HypnoBirthing®.


Having a child is such a beautiful thing but talk to anyone, and the most daunting topic would be around the birth itself. Corinne writes about her

fascination with hynobirthing and how this helped her become a practitioner herself.


By Corinne Piper - Registered Hypnobirth


What is Hypnobirthing?

!These are relaxation, breathing, visualization, affirmations and deepenings. !All of which are described at length and with demonstration during classes. In addition to these techniques, couples learn how the woman’s body is perfectly designed to give birth, how her body works for her (without her having to do anything) and also provides information on choices for birthing, empowering couples to have a say in their baby’s birthing experience. Most importantly the knowledge, information and skills gained means t h a t n o m a t t e r w h i c h direction your birthing takes, you feel prepared and in control. !Lets rewind 3 years in my life. After completing our HypnoBirthing classes we had practiced and perfected our techniques, written up our birth preferences and made it to our estimated due date. On the 9th of January 2011, I was in early labour without even being aware. I was having practice surges throughout the day but when day turned to night I realized they were consistent and getting closer together, and our baby was arriving. !We used our breathing and relaxation techniques and somehow 6pm turned into 12am and off we went to hospital. A few hours later (which actually felt like about half an hour) with little more than downward breathing and a couple of very little grunts, I breathed our 3.83 Kg baby boy out without a nick, tear or graze. I had done it. It was not too good to be true. I. DID. IT. !Calmly, gently and peacefully, just like we talked about in our classes. I was not afraid of the sensations I experienced in my body because we learnt about what I was going to feel and exactly what my body was doing for me to experience that. I was relaxed and my body did all the work, all I did was relax, breath and enjoy the ride!

!After such a beautiful and again, life changing experience, I was determined to share this with other women. I did my training and became a HypnoBirthing practitioner. I have taught a number of women who would otherwise have had elective caesarians because of the negative experience they had

with their first babies…. And these women’s birth stories are simply tear provoking and beautiful and healing for them, inspiring for me and for other women who are lucky enough to hear their stories. Each and every couple I have been lucky enough to have in my

HypnoBirthing classes has been so amazed with the knowledge and confidence they have gained in birthing and the female body and even more amazed at how p o s i t i v e t h e i r b i r t h experience was, in whatever circumstance their birthing took. !If the thought has ever crossed your mind to attend HypnoBirthing classes, do it, you will not regret it, and you will be amazed at the skills you can adapt to everyday life. !!Corinne Piper - Intuitive Birthing F a c e b o o k : IntuitiveBirthing !

We would like to extend a congratulations to Corinne on the birth of her 2nd child, you can see and read about her amazing story here that recently has been featured on Channel 7 and 9.. Delivered on the way to the hospital in the car, the moment was captured in some extraordinary pictures! !


HypnoBirthing® is not about someone controlling your mind or your actions with

the click of their fingers or a swinging pendulum.

! !


Visit our online shop at to see all the fabulous gifts that could be going into your


…a little hamper of love from Little Organics


for our discounted special rate, expires 31st July, quote


1 . V i s i t u s o n l i n e o r e m a i l u s a t

2. Pick a dollar amount for your hamper. Let us know the age and whether it’s a gift for a little boy, little girl or a surprise munchkin!

3. Sit and relax as we pack your special custom hamper all wrapped up ready to be delivered to you or your loved ones!

the Perfect gift


ENTER NOW To win this

Mothercorn Smart Toddler Set

All you need is to send us a picture of your happy

munchkin eating to any one of the following to be in the



- our Little Organics Facebook page


- Instagram #littleorganics


Winner drawn 30th Aug 14

Did you know that BPA free isn’t always good

enough? Other products used to replace BPA can

be just as harmful!

Go back to basics . Think wood, bamboo, stainless steel or corn based materials. Use wax paper bags or parchment bags.

Start now. Replace one or two items slowly over time

with replacements such as glass or stainless steel.




Shop now at Little Organics

5 tips that will change the way you parent…..

!As  the  working,  single  mother  of  three  children  I  feel  quali8ied  to  pass  on  a  thing  or  two  about   how   to   sail   through   this   life   as   smoothly   as   possible.   As   a  Naturopathic  Health  

Coach,   I   feel   it’s   necessary   to   share   these  experiences  in  the  hope  that  someone  out  there  will   8ind   respite   from   their   struggles,   take   a  breather,   stop   and   smell   the   roses…you   get   the  picture.    !I   believe   we   are   put   on   this   earth   for  relationship.   Sharing,   supporting,   loving   and  experiencing   together   are   all   a   part   of   this.   As  parents   we   spend   too   much   time   comparing  ourselves   to   other   parents,   trying   to   keep   up.  Society  has  a  lot  to  answer  for  when  it  comes  to  things  like  activities  for  kids,  food  choices,  what  a  relationship  ‘should’  look  like,  8inding  the  right  schools….etc.  No  wonder  we  are  all  stressed!  I’ve  learned   that   it’s   not   about   8itting   in;   it’s   more  about   not   looking   like   a   total   idiot….and   even  then,   to   use   my   least   favorite   expression,  whatever…  !

         Let  me  share  with  you  some  little  gems  that  I’ve  learned  along  this  magni8icent                    journey  of  mine.  !


Eat  well,  but  keep  it  simple. !Good  nutrition  is  essential,  but  the  best  advice  I’ve  ever  received  

as  a  parent  was  this….It’s  ok  to  give  the  kids  vegemite  sandwiches  for  dinner  every  once  and  a  while.  

Comparison  is  the  thief  of  joy.  !The   truth   is,   everyone   has   their   ups   and   downs   in   life   and   they   are  

mostly  hidden  from  view.  How  a  person  appears  from  the  outside   is  not  usually  a  true  indication  of  what’s  going  on  in  their  life.  Instead  of  getting  caught  up   in   someone  else’s   life,   take  a   seat   in  your  own.  This   is  where  your  true  power  lies.


And  lastly,  when  it  all  gets  too  much,  just  remember  to  breathe….    Nicole  Stucki  !!


Be  kind  to  yourself;  you’re  doing  a  phenomenal  job. !

Your  kids  just  want  you…not  a  super  parent,  but  to  get  through  each  day  can  really  take  it’s  toll  on  energy  levels.  If  we  fall  apart,  our  family  falls  apart.  It’s  that  simple.  So  start  having  some  ‘me  time’.  Go  for  a  walk.  Have  a  regular  massage.  Join  a  club/group.  Be  a  little  bit  sel8ish.

About the Author….. !Nicole Stucki is the mother of three little people that are growing up way too fast. She is also a degree qualified Naturopath and Health Coach who is passionate about educating and empowering kids and parents to lead a healthier and happier life……one family at a time. !To make an appointment for a Free Health Appraisal contact Nicole on 0402 251 622 or email

Don’t  sweat  the  small  stuff. !

I’ll  never  forget  the  day  we  were  walking  out  the  door  on  a  cold  wintery  day.  My  two  year  old  daughter  refused  to  put  on  her  jacket.  Not  wanting  to  be  or  look  like  the  neglectful  parent,  I  found  myself  wrestling  my  daughter  to  the  ground,  holding  her  down  with  knees  and  arms,  to  put  her  jacket  on.  By  the  time  we  drove  off  we  were  all  in  tears  and  she  had  taken  the  jacket  off  anyway,  and  guess  what?  She  didn’t  get  sick,  she  didn’t  suffer  hypothermia,  and  she  was  OK.  Choose  your  battles  carefully.

Turn  off  your  devices  and  get  to  bed  early. !How  many  times  have  you  gone  to  bed  exhausted  and  then  can’t  sleep.  Sleep  is  one  of  the  body’s  ways  to  reset  and  recharge.  The  light  &  stimulation  from  devices  such  as  T.V’s  and  computers  (yes,  iPad’s  and  phones  ..)  can  stop  the  natural  slowing  down  process  that  moves  us  into  a  deep  sleep.  Turn  them  off  1  hour  before  going  to  bed,  and  then  read  a  book  or  listen  to  gentle  music.  We  need  about  7-­‐8  hours  a  night.


You won’t believe what a beautiful haven you can make from an old cardboard box. when mummy Marie designed this gorgeous playhouse for her daughter Olivia. !This month we are excited to showcase you little Olivia’s awesome playhouse! Designed and made by her crafty mum Marie, this is a project you can do yourself at home too! Drop in your pictures at @littleorganics on instagram or on our Facebook page to share your take on Little Olivia’s playhouse.



Endangered Species Eco Doodle Activity Placemat

This colouring activity kit provides hours of enjoyment for kids while they learn about the endangered species of the world. This set is perfect for the kids when you are out and about.

Endangered Species - Wet Erase Colouring Kit

The bath coloring scenes are made from Stone Paper which does not use wood pulp or bleach and is completely biodegradable. The triangle, “no roll” bath crayons are thoughtfully designed and are made from soap so you can be sure the kids get clean while they play.



1. Some scissors,

coordination & a cardboard


2. Interior designed with

some mystical fairy tales

3. Mummy

painted the

front5. and PLAY











Dairy Free Egg Free Cupcakes Having milk and egg allergies meant that while other kids were enjoying birthday cakes and gorgeous looking cupcake creations, my son couldn’t try any. So I made an effort to learn how to make cupcakes for him and now it’s so easy that I can whip it up in seconds. Maybe that’s a slight exaggeration.

With the cupcakes, I always try to bring him a special one to birthday or outings so that he also has a special cake that he can eat while the others are eating cakes. I just change up the cupcake papers to make it interesting.

This recipe is so easy and it can be either poured into pancakes or just poured,bake and walk away until it is ready.

Here is the recipe. Hope your little ones enjoy it as much as our Little Organics baby.

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup of organic self-raising flour 1 cup of rice milk 1/2 cup of raw brown sugar 2 tablespoons of potato starch


1. Combine ingredients together and whip for a few minutes until smooth

2. Add in desired fruits or vegetables, great combinations are banana, mix berries, zucchini and banana or even potato, pumpkin, broccoli cupcakes.

3. Bake at 180C for 20mins or until golden on top

4. Remove from oven and serve hot or cold

NEW Coconut Sugar now available in store.




Did you know about our big people store?

Delivering gluten free, not flavour free. The Gluten Free Wagon brings gourmet brands such as Whisk and Pin, Dr

Schar, Ecor and Orgran to your doorstep.

Check it out and get special VIP Membership

entitling you to free shipping just by being a

Little Organics customer.

Use code:LilOrg



More exciting products coming! LIKE our FB page to find out the latest and look out for safe nail polish, organic makeup and NEW baking category!

Available NOW at

Ollie Octopus Natural Rubber Teether $20.45

Natural Rubber Soother Round $7.60

Organic Apple & Raspberry Fruity Water $2.09

Mother’s Corn Bubbles Play Set $18.99

Gaia Hit Nitz Once Off$18.95

Gaia Hit Nitz Daily Control $21.80

What I wish I knew about motherhood $23.75



Lulu & Milly - Organic Slouch Beanies $15 All sorted Designs.

Also in stock, gorgeous Lulu & Milly Organic Head Bands .





The Mummy Essentials!

Organic skincare and makeup

Don’t throw a blanket over your pram, visit and get styled with a

Do not Disturb Pram cover! Chic for your pram!

Gaia skincare trio $24.00

Lavera eyebrow pencil $18.36

Lavera Beautiful Lips$18.70

Lavera 2 - in -1 Compact Foundation $29.56

Lavera Mineral Rouge Powder Blush$23.96






Daddy Time!Parenting from an anonymous dad’s

perspective!Sometime’s it’s good to hear it from a dad, and my guest writer who

prefers to remain anonymous tells us more.

‘I understand why mum’s cannot trust their husbands with their kids. but if mums will just let us be and give us a chance to make our own mistakes and bond, we will all be much more competent dads. In Sweden, where I come from, dads are given 3 months paternity leave while mums goes back to the workforce. These 3 months I believe makes all the difference in the fathers of Sweden. We get that there is washing, we get that it’s busy and we get that’s its a fabulous time. I actually wouldn’t mind doing this full-time but of course there are bills to be paid and what not. The chance to bond with our children gives us as much joys as that of a mother.

My second one came recently. I forget how small they are and before you know it, they’re big as my first child and swimming in the pool for 4 hours at a time.

Such little human beings they are. My oldest boy has been super helpful and as any parent does, I have been taking heaps of photos of them together. My wife has been super and recovered really quickly which meant that we were back out and about in no time.

I guess the biggest thing leading to the birth of our second child was preparing my oldest son for his little brother. He has been nothing but excited. I have kept him involved in preparing for our child from helping me get things out of

the garage, cleaning them up and getting the nursery ready for the baby. We had great fun going to our local Ikea and assembling the parts together. It is so fun putting all the bits and pieces together and is such a good opportunity for my boy to learn. We had heaps of fun and yes, I did let him use the drill and other tidbits. I think we need to show kids how things can be dangerous and not remove the danger from them. If not, how else will they learn?



Our favourite’s

How many times have you packed a nice healthy lunch box for your kids and start munching through their snacks as you haven’t eaten anything all day. We know life as a parent can get pretty busy, that’s why we have some pretty yummy parent’s bars in store which we often nibble down when we are feeling peckish!

Artisse Wholebar Cranberry and Cashew with Chia & Linseed

Jam packed with wholesome mix of cranberries, sultanas and nuts makes the perfect on-the-go snack.

Oraio Organic Cashew with Manuka Honey Energy Bars

Moorish hearty Cashews coated with Australian Manuka Honey. Delivering antibacterial benefits, energy and helping to support a healthy body.

Artisse Almond Nougat Bar

Irresistibly delicious & soft. with slow roasted almonds carefully layered in fluffy nougat for the ideal combination of texture and flavour.



Smart Safety Stuff

Your online shop for every smart and affordable safety gadget and stuff that may help keep your child and every member of the family safer in their everyday lives including our bestseller Anti-Drowning and Anti-Lost Alarm for Toddlers years

!!Meet Amy Luttrell. Amy is just a regular stay-at-home mum from Canberra, caring for two little munchkins, aged 3 years and 17 months.

Amy first had her brain-wave for her business ‘Mama Chic’ and her now signature product ‘DND Pram Sleep Cover’, when she had her first baby and saw a gap in the market.

“It sounds like the cliché story of a mum on maternity leave deciding to start her own business, but that is exactly how it happened. Except I wasn’t looking to go into business, I could just see that there was a need for somebody to design a pram sleep cover as an alternative to placing a blanket over the hood of the pram. So I did. And here we are!”

!Amy’s ‘DND Pram Sleep Covers’ are not only a practical solution, but they are also super stylish.


I wanted to design something that would not only stay put on the pram and not slip off like blankets do, but that looked good while on the pram. A few people suggested that I simply use pegs or clips to fasten the blanket to the hood of the pram to stop

it slipping down. I was horrified! I had just spent all this money on a new, swanky,

designer pram – there was no way I wanted to ruin its chic look with pegs or clips! I knew there had to be a better solution.”

There are a number of features about the ‘DND Pram Sleep Cover’ which make this a must-have for every mum with a baby. One being the ability to peek at baby quietly through a cleverly

designed buttoned window, without using noisy velcro or zippers.

To have a look at this ingenious product in more detail, go to

You can also follow ‘Mama Chic’ on Facebook

Business Spotlight !!




Little Organics’ Grand Opening of our Retail Showroom

620 Bell St Preston 3072 Our online shop now has a retail showroom for you to come pick up your goodies & drop in for a visit! Just use PICKUP code at checkout if you like to come and pick up your order instead. Our showroom opening hours are TUESDAY to FRIDAY 9.30am to 12.30pm or anytime by appointment.

With nervous excitement, we prepared for our Grand Opening on the 31st May 2014. Even before our doors open, we had little visitors and it was so sweet to see the little munchkins we started the online shop in the first place for. With a little playpen and a drawing table, kids left behind some nice drawings to decorate the place!

It’s been describe as warm, happy and inviting. Just the words we love to hear. Come inside and it’s not just about the products, little tots eyes seems to light up when they see the playpen too. It’s so very cute to see. We actually love a chat and there is a bench to relax and a lil dining table too, who knows, maybe we can run small events or mother’s group one day?

Our humble home is small but filled with much love. Around the showroom, shelves are decorated and lined with products we love and use. Shopping for other parents is always a great excuse for us to try new things too! We are loving the space and have started bringing more practical products for your munchkins and you!



Organic food, natural baby products, treats for mums and busy parents can be found at our online store. A place helping parents to nurture and nourish their little ones.

Retail showroom now open at 620 Bell St Preston 3072

Nurture & Nourish Your Munchkins At WWW.LITTLEORGANICS.COM.AU facebook:littleorganics instagram:littleorganics showroom: 620 Bell St Preston 3073 Tue-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm !24