Liste des ONGs Accrédités à la COP 12 UNCCD-ANKARA

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Transcript of Liste des ONGs Accrédités à la COP 12 UNCCD-ANKARA



Conference of the Parties Twelfth session

Ankara, Turkey, 12–23 October 2015

Item 1 (e) of the provisional agenda

Organizational matters

Accreditation of intergovernmental organizations, civil society organizations and representatives from the

private sector

Accreditation of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and admission of observers

Note by the secretariat


In accordance with article 22, paragraph 7, of the United Nations Convention to

Combat Desertification, rules 6 and 7 of the rules of procedure of the Conference of the

Parties (COP), and decision 26/COP.1, this document presents a list of national,

international, governmental and intergovernmental organizations and a list of civil society

organizations proposed for accreditation at the twelfth session of the COP. A list of

national, international, governmental and intergovernmental organizations already

accredited to the COP is also included, together with an updated list of civil society

organizations, assuming that the proposed new organizations are accredited by the COP at

its twelfth session.

United Nations ICCD/COP(12)/15

Convention to Combat Desertification

Distr.: General

11 October 2015

English only




Paragraphs Page

I. Background information ......................................................................................... 1 3

II. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 2 3

III. Recommendation ..................................................................................................... 3 3


I. National, international, governmental and intergovernmental organizations proposed for

accreditation to the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth session ................................................. 4

II. Non-governmental and civil society organizations proposed for accreditation to the Conference

of the Parties at its twelfth session ................................................................................................... 5

III. Updated list of national, international, governmental and intergovernmental organizations

accredited to the Conference of the Parties ...................................................................................... 30

IV. Updated list of civil society organizations accredited to the Conference of the Parties ................... 32

V. Business and industry entities accredited to the Conference of the Parties ...................................... 42



I. Background information

1. Article 22, paragraph 7, of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

states: “The United Nations, its specialized agencies and any State member thereof or

observers thereto not Party to the Convention, may be represented at sessions of the

Conference of the Parties as observers. Any body or agency, whether national or

international, governmental or non-governmental, which is qualified in matters covered by

the Convention, and which has informed the Permanent Secretariat of its wish to be

represented at a session of the Conference of the Parties as an observer, may be so admitted

unless at least one third of the Parties present object.” Rules 6 and 7 of the rules of

procedure of the Conference of the Parties (COP), adopted by decision 1/COP.1, contain

provisions to similar effect. Decision 26/COP.1 contains provisions on accrediting non-

governmental and intergovernmental organizations to the first and subsequent sessions of

the COP.

II. Introduction

2. Assuming that the organizations listed in annexes I and II are accredited to the COP

at its twelfth session, annex III and IV contain the updated list of national, international,

governmental and intergovernmental organizations accredited to the COP and annex IV

contains the updated list of non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations

accredited to the COP. Annex V contains the business and industry entities already

accredited to the Conference of the Parties.

III. Recommendation

3. In accordance with the provisions mentioned above, the COP at its twelfth

session may wish to accredit as observers the intergovernmental organizations listed

in annex I and the non-governmental and civil society organizations listed in annex II.



Annex I

National, international, governmental and intergovernmental organizations proposed for accreditation to the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth session

Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement

68 Avenue de la Libération

BP : 1172 Lome


Tel : +228 22 23 27 45

Fax : +228 22 21 52 67

E-mail :

Website :

International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)

P.O. Box 100102-86

Beijing 100102


Tel: +88 10 64706161

Fax: +88 10 64702166



International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Km 17 Recta Cali-Palmira, A.A. 6713,



Tel: +57 2 4450000

Fax: +57 2 4450073



Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)

No. 1, Golbou Alley, Kamranieh


Islamic Republic of Iran

Tel: +98 21 2283 1733

Fax: +98 21 2283 1732


Web Site:

Pan-African Agency of the Great Green Wall (PAGGW)

BP: 5059



Tel: +222 45 25 56 88





Annex II

Non-governmental and civil society organizations proposed for accreditation to the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth session

Action Jeunesse Pour Le Développement (AJED)

29, Rue Tsaba Moungali - BP.: 10030 Moukondo

Brazzaville 242


Fax: +242 055 924 280



Membership: National

Manages forest ecosystems. Strengthens the sustainability of protected areas of terrestrial, marine

and coastal biodiversity. Supports mitigation and adaptation measures to benefit reconstruction of

appropriate resources against climate change. Implements activities aiming at improving the social

development, health, education, human rights, and climate change. Works to improve the quality

of water, and social and economic living conditions of the most vulnerable populations. Works to

protect indigenous peoples’ and women’s rights.

Aegean Forest Foundation (EOV)

Şair Eşref Bulvarı Huzur İşHanı No:27 /2 Kat:1 Konak

Izmir 35220


Tel: +90 232 4638080

Fax: +90 232 4638080



Established: 1995

Membership: National

Engages in the planting of trees, saving the forests and increases consciousness in

every part of society. Develops projects on issues related to desertification and land

degradation with academicians, development agencies, non-governmental

organizations (NGOs), policymakers and decision makers. Enhances public

consciousness to ensure sustainability of forest areas through practices and training

in efficient usage. Promotes climate-friendly agricultural practices. Enhances the

understanding and awareness between public opinion and decision makers.

African Youth Movement (AYM)

9 Ufeh Street, Federal Housing Estate

Uyo, Akwa Ibom State


Tel: +234 806 956 3999


Established: 2002

Membership: National

Engages talented African professionals to develop the organization and its services.

Engages in community risk assessment for developing awareness of disaster risk

education and related environmental issues. Identifies the underlying causes of

current and future disaster risk problems in Nigerian cities. Supports informed



decision-making to enhance grass-roots stakeholders’ capacities to educate others.

Involves young people and youth groups in tackling climate change.

Arid Land Research Center (ALRC), Tottori University

1390 Hamasaka

Tottori 680-0001


Tel: +81 857 233 411

Fax: +81 857 296 199



Established: 1990

Membership: National

Serves as a core research and education facility for joint usage by researchers in the

field of arid land science. Pursues research that contributes to maintaining and

enhancing the sustainability of natural and social systems of arid lands by addressing

issues such as desertification and drought. Improves environmental reclamation to

increase agricultural production. Solves health problems in arid and semi-arid areas.

Conducts research on creating sustainable relationships between nature and society

in drylands. Promotes joint research by Japanese and overseas researchers. Promotes

the involvement of young researchers.

Asociacion Mexicana de Profesionales Forestales

Prolongacion de Allende #763 Col San Sebastian,

CP 56170


Tel: + 595 5025 3831



Established: 1951

Membership: National

A nationwide association of professional foresters that aims to consolidate public

policies to promote the conservation and sustainable management of forests.

Supports the work of foresters as key actors for the validation and economic

development of rural forest communities. Promotes the use of appropriate and

sustainable methods to develop and manage forest areas in the most productive and

ecologically and socially beneficial way.

Association Center for Energy, Environment and Resources

Nova 24

71000 Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387 33 251 069

Fax: +387 33 279 108



Established: 2005

Membership: National

Brings together experts of energy, natural resources, biological diversity and

environmental protection. Works towards sustainable development via coordination

with governmental institutions, civil society and relevant stakeholders at all levels.

Facilitates the reporting, progress monitoring, development, coordination and

implementation of national and regional environmental and energy projects.

Organizes educational activities and public awareness campaigns. Prepares studies

and implements projects and activities in the field of climate change.



Association Congolaise pour le Développement (ACDA)

Hotel Exaunel II Diata Brazzaville

Brazzaville, 14196


Tel: +242 05 588 90 25


Established: 2008

Membership: National

Improves the living conditions of the population through the implementation of

community development activities in the areas of agriculture, environment and

sustainable development. Implements farming, ranching, mining, forestry, fisheries

and many other activities. Educates, consults and involves the communities

concerned with desertification and land degradation in the Congo to fight against

desertification so as to find solutions these challenges. Supports the policy

implemented to combat desertification by the Government of the Congo.

Association la Voûte Nubienne (AVN)

7 rue Jean Jaurès

34190 Ganges


Tel: +33467812105



Established: 1998

Membership: International

Initiates, monitors and develops the market of the Nubian Vault traditional

construction technique, which uses local materials from the land. Promotes the

construction of this architecture to provide sustainable homes and thermal comfort to

the people living in the drylands and areas affected by land degradation. Overcomes

the lack of timber by using straw resources, which helps to reduce the effects of

deforestation and desertification.

Association des Pépiniéristes et Planteurs de Tône-Ouest (SONGOU-MAN)

BP. 42 Dapaong


Tel: +228 24 45 56 99


Established: 2007

Membership: National

Restores forest ecosystems and the soil in the savannah region through labour and

solidarity among its members for sustainable human development. Raises awareness

about the effects of climate change and implements urgent measures to protect the

environment. Identifies and promotes plant species with therapeutic and nutritional

properties. Produces seedlings to reforest to restore the basic ecosystems. Protects

endangered species. Strengthens bonds of brotherhood and solidarity between the

members and the beneficiary communities via community service. Protects and

rehabilitates protected areas and natural sites of cultural and touristic importance.

Association of Foresters for a Green Turkey

Sehit Gazeteci Adem Yavuz Sokak 14/2 Yenisehir



Tel: +90 312 418 01 61

Fax: +90 312 417 52 84





Established: 1950

Membership: National

Cooperates with national institutions and organizations which work on

environmental and forestry-related issues. Improves its members’ employment

prospects through capacity-building and training programmes. Encourages solidarity

and cooperation between its members. Contracts and develops cooperation with

relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations. Helps schools, forestry

faculties and non-forester citizens on issues related to forestation. Prepares

professional journals and books.

Association pour la santé et la prévention des maladies tropicales

888 Rue des Euphorbes, Nyekonakpoe

Lome BP 13801



Established: 2010

Membership: National

Assists poor people and orphans in rural urban and rural areas. Assists educational

institutions in matters relating to sexual diseases and AIDS. Establishes health

centres in remote areas. Raises awareness of the importance of protecting the

environment. Raises awareness of the diseases caused by open defecation. Assists

children to get their birth certificates so they can go to school. Distributes school

furniture. Develops campsites and between the northern and southern countries.

Promotes peace. Plants trees. Builds public toilets. Promotes handwashing.

Associacao Programa Um Milhao de Cisternas para o Semiarido AP1MC Nicaragua Street, 111- Espinheiro

Recife/ PR 52.020.-190


Tel: +55 81 2121 7666

Fax: +55 81 2121 7629



Established: 2002

Membership: National

Works for the promotion and development of the Brazilian semi-arid region.

Manages the One Million Cisterns (P1MC) and the One Land and Two Waters

(P1+2) programmes. Manages a local and communal radio station for sharing

information among the communities on environmental issues. Promotes and

strengthens the civil society movement to work in networks. Builds water catchment

devices to provide water supplies to families and schools, and to community spaces

for the production of food and to support the cattle. Establishes tree nurseries and

seed banks to assist the communities in the development of the local agriculture.

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Betlemi Str. 27

Tbilisi 0105


Tel: +995 32 275 19 03

Fax: +995 32 275 19 05





Established: 1998/2000

Membership: Regional

Specializes in the fields of civil society development and institutional strengthening,

environmental research and policy compliance management, education,

communication and networking. Works in the directions of resources management,

climate change, gender and environment, waste management and pollution,

sustainable development and social and economic integration. Implemented up to 20

projects related to sustainable land management and ‘climate smart ‘agriculture.

Center for Climate Change and Environmental Studies (C4CCES)

5, Elbe Close, Minister's Hill, Panama Street, Maitama



Tel: +23 480 382 13028



Established: 2006

Membership: National

Addresses the challenges of climate change through capacity-building, education,

climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, REDD+ initiatives, and

afforestation and reforestation programmes as well as the conservation of

biodiversity. Undertakes projects for the conservation of natural resources and

protection of forest from tree loggers in the Boki Rainforest in Nigeria to prevent the

loss of biodiversity.

Centre d'accompagnement des alternatives locales de développement (CAALD)

Messsamena B.P 2441



Tel: +237 998 858 06


Established: 1998

Membership: National

Promotes the integral and participative development of peoples in remote and

vulnerable areas of the country. Supports the awareness-raising aspects related to

social development, education, health, environment, culture and human rights.

Works with several partners for establishing a Pygmies development plan of the

Messamena area, which gave the Pygmy people access to basic social services, as

well as housing, facilities, basic infrastructure and income-generating activities.

Centro de Estudios Biológicos Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

C 51 884-B Entre 78 Y 80 Col. Infonavit Cp 77249

Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo


Tel: +983 700 3847


Established: 2013

Membership: National

Promotes culture, art, science and technology. Focuses on harnessing support of

natural resources, environmental protection, preservation of ecological balance and

promoting rural and urban development. Implements ecological plans to safeguard

the biological diversity while supporting the development of indigenous




Colegio de Ingeniería Agronómica de Santiago del Estero (CIASE)

Av Belgrano (n) 595

Santiago del Estero. Capital CP (4200)


Tel: + 54 3854 21 4241/421 9644/421 2677

Fax: +54 3854 21 4241


Established: 1954

Membership: National

Sponsors cultural activities and coordinates the technical, scientific and proper use of

natural resources in the process of agricultural and livestock production. Provides

advice, upon request, on aspects related to international, national and provincial

agricultural issues. Promotes the establishment of networks among provincial,

national and international institutions to develop sustainable land management



Kraanspoor 24

1033 SE Amsterdam


Tel: +31 20 811 66 03



Established: 2014

Membership: International

Develops landscape restoration projects that are based on business cases. Involves

investors, companies and entrepreneurs in long-term restoration partnerships with

farmers and land users. Combines and connects natural and economic landscape

zones to achieve returns of inspiration, social capital, natural capital and financial

capital. Develops a fund to invest in development companies to organize restoration


Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones de Silvicultores

Altamisa No. 401, Colonia Mirasol, Primer Sector

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon C.P. 64100


Tel: +1818 391 9972



Established: 2006

Membership: National

Promotes the implementation of relevant technologies to protect the forest in the arid

lands and semi-arid zones. Develops reforestation projects and protects forests by

showing the consequences of uncontrolled deforestation, forest fires and erosion.

Promotes the training of forest workers and commercial timber workers by the

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and the National Forestry

Commission. Supports the environmental value of commercial forests. Assist the

regional and national governments to better manage the forest and to protect the

biodiversity and the foresters’ revenues.

Conservation International Foundation

2011 Crystal Drive Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202

United States of America

Tel: +1703 341 2400



Fax: +1703 533 0679

E-mail: /


Established: 1987

Membership: International

Represents a strong foundation of scientists and environmental actors. Empowers

societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature, our global biodiversity and

for the well-being of all people. Works to ensure a healthy, productive planet for

everyone. Undertakes worldwide projects aiming to protect the most fundamental

things that nature provides to all: food, fresh water, livelihoods and a stable climate.

Implements programmes for reaching a healthy and prosperous world in which

societies are forever committed to caring for and valuing nature, for the long-term

benefit of people and all life on Earth.

Cooperazione Internationale Sud Sud (CISS)

Via Marconi, 2/A

90141 Palermo


Tel: +39 091 626 2004/ 626 2694

Fax: +39 091 347 048



Established: 1989

Membership: International

Responds to the problematics of southern development within Italy and the world.

Aims to eradicate poverty through rural development, the fight against desertification

and the conservation of biodiversity. Promotes the sustainable management of land

and resources of fragile ecosystems through trainings and actions to recover soil and

to fight further erosion and the loss soil fertility. Assists developing countries with

direct financial support, material and technical means and skilled technical staff.

Council of European Foresters (CEF)

Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences University

Tennenbacher Str. 4

D -79106 Freiburg


Tel: +49 0761/203-3694

Fax: +49 0761/203-3701



Established: 2011

Membership: International

Develops the understanding among foresters and between the foresters and society.

Fosters international solidarity among foresters. Informs the members of the

organization about subjects and issues of the forestry sector in Europe and the world.

Encourages contacts, understanding and cooperation among the members of CEF.

and between CEF and other international organizations of the foresters. Supports the

experience and knowledge exchange in the forestry field between the member


DESERTEC Foundation

Rosenstr. 2

20095 Hamburg


Tel: +49 40 32507795



Fax: +49 8808 9346



Established: 2009

Membership: International

Disseminates information about creating clean power from deserts as an approach for

energy security, desalination, food production and local prosperity. Creates

awareness of the potential of DESERTEC to combat desertification and to provide

clean energy. Promotes a dual-track approach that includes educational measures and

economic development in desert countries.

Diabgroup Gambia Friends Bayern e.V. (DIABHEAD)

Ludwigstraße 67

90402 Nürnberg


Tel: +499 521 950 427

Fax: +499 521 950 429



Established: 2004

Membership: International

Seeks to enhance community development with primary focus on improved access to

effective and efficient water supply management and sustainability. Works in the

sectors of agriculture, education, water supply, first aid and health. Improves access

to hygiene and sanitation in beneficiary communities, mainly in the Gambia.

Ecoforum of NGOs of Uzbekistan

13a, str. Shukhrat, Yunusabad dst.

Tashkent 100084


Tel: +998946424624



Established: 2007

Membership: International

Integrates the efforts of non-governmental organizations to raise the effectiveness of

public participation in the preparation

and implementation of the national nature conservation strategy. Supports the

development of civil society on the basis of environmental values. Contributes to the

integrated management of water and land resources. Implements projects on

environmental tourism in mountain territories. Participates in information campaigns

to raise public awareness on the Rio+20 process. Supports the development of

environmental journalist networks. Implements projects on renewable energy in rural



Calle 66 No. 728 Felipe Carrillo Puerto

Quintana Roo, C.P. 77200


Tel: +983 834 1103


Established: 2001

Membership: National

Focuses on conservation and the restoration of the forest and the establishment of

commercial forest plantations. Works to protect the forest and environmental



biodiversity. Trades in and produces charcoal, canned tropical fruit and honey.

Produces traditional clothes, crafts and furniture made of materials found in the

tropical environment. Encourages the sale of ecological and organic bananas, corn

and vegetables.

Elion Foundation

Room 501/502, No. 10 Building, Zone One, No. 188, West Road, South 4th Ring


Fengtai District, 100031 Beijing,


Tel: +86-10-57376888/ +86-10-57370474

Fax: +86-10-57387359


Established: 2011

Membership: National

Supports the implementation of projects to control desertification in Inner Mongolia.

Promotes the ecological economy model in the Kubuqi Desert. Cultivates future

leaders for ecological civilization in areas affected by desertification. Works together

with the Environmental and Engineering Sciences Institute of Peking University to

support the research on the effect of Kubuqi eco-restoration on national climate

change. Developing a project for the environmental rehabilitation of the Silk Road.

Entrepreneurs without Frontiers

Diamantstraat 8,

2200 Herentals


Tel: +324 767 547 25

Fax: +320 345 512 78



Established: 2007

Membership: National

Assists natural regeneration of the Sahel region through the utilization of agricultural

techniques such as direct sowing. Regenerates degraded soils on a large scale among

climate change vulnerable populations marginalized from the world economy with

the cooperation of investors in developed countries. Utilizes best practices of earth

and social sciences to restore and optimize original ecosystem services.

Environmental Innovations Association (EIA)

Udruzenjie za inovacije u okolisu

Podgaj 14, 71000 Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387 61 601 612



Established: 2013/2014

Membership: National

Generates innovative environmental solutions with influential and lasting effects that

will inspire positive change, actions and movements. Explores opportunities for

advancing environmental progress and provides concrete solutions for a stronger

environmental protection system for the future. Conducts scientific research,

analysis, development and implementation of innovative solutions to environmental

problems. Improves the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge,

information and good practices. Informs the public about environmental problems,

promotes public debate, and organizes actions and campaigns.



Fédération Nationale des Organisations Paysannes (FENOP)

Burkina Faso Ouagadougou cité Asecna porte 56

09 BP 977 Ouaga 09

Burkina Faso

Tel: +22670612884


Established: 1996

Membership: National

Facilitates the access of producers to agricultural information and media. Promotes

food sovereignty and agroecology. Capitalizes on and shares with poor communities

knowledge on adaptation to climate change, restoration of soil and agroforestry.

Promotes access to land, seeds, tools and micro-credits for women living in poor


Femmes, Pouvoir et developpement (FEDEP) BP: 2473, Conakry

Rep de Guinée

Tel: +224 664 20 10 50/ 654 20 10 50



Established: 2014

Membership: National

Advocates for sustainable development and the fight against desertification and

climate change. Educates women and girls in the use of renewable energy. Promotes

the prevalence of technologies to optimize energy provided by firewood (through

improved and solar homes) and the dissemination of innovative technologies and

agriculture methods. Encourages companies to meet environmental standards and

policymakers to enforce laws and sanctions. Supports environmentally friendly

entrepreneurship through training, raising awareness, and field activities.

Forest and Agroforestry Promoters (FAP)

PMB 15 Ndop

Ngoketunjia Division North West Region


Tel: +237 677839843



Established: 2004

Membership: National

Builds capacity for forest and watershed conservation, sustainable agriculture and

livestock production. Plants trees to reduce the effects of climate change,

deforestation, desertification and soil degradation in Cameroon. Facilitates dialogue

processes among users of natural resources. Advocates for women’s rights and

participation in natural resources management processes. Communicates about

market products and services for volunteers to target communities and groups.

Foresters’ Association of Turkey (TOD)

Tuna Cad. No:5/8 Kizilay Cankaya

Ankara 06410


Tel: +90 532 355 69 51

Fax: +90 312 433 84 13



Established: 1924



Membership: National

Supports the management of the Atatürk–METU forest, which is the largest recent

plantation of Ankara. Assists the “Let’s Protect Our Forests Union-OSB” movement,

which consists of more than 80 NGOs. Provides capacity-building and other support

to the forester members of the association. Manages a unique library on forestry and

the environment with more than 18,000 books and other publications.

Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas de Mesoamérica


2da. Celle 15-11 Zona 13

Guatemala, 01070

Tel: +502 2331 4752


Established: 2010

Membership: Regional

Focuses on problems of climate change and accelerated climate vulnerability. Works

with the Government of Guatemala to combat hydrographic problems and

desertification by implementing plans and projects. Implements projects on social

and human solidarity, human assistance and overall economic growth. Provides

technical and training assistance to reduce human and land vulnerabilities.

Researches methods and technologies to combat desertification and to protect food


Global Environmental Forum (GEF)

8th floor Kuramae Intelligent Bldg 3.17.3

Kuramae, Taito-Ku, Tokyo 111-0051


Fax: +81 3 5825 9737



Established: 1990

Membership: National

Promotes interdisciplinary approaches to solve global environmental issues. Fills

gaps between policymakers, government officials, researchers and NGOs in Japan.

Conducts research on global environmental issues. Disseminates and promotes those

issues to the public. Makes policy recommendations. Coordinates and creates links

between the public and private sector and the media. Organizes activities associated

with the fight against desertification in Mongolia and West Africa.

Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade (IABS)

SRTV Qd. 701 Conjunto L Lote 38 Bloco 01 sala 704 parte A96 Asa Sul

70340-906 Brasília - DF


Tel: +55 61 3364-6005

Fax: +55 61 3364-6011



Established: 2003

Membership: National

Promotes social well-being, sustainable development and the reduction of social

inequalities at the international, national, regional and local levels. Implements

strategies and actions for the prevention and control of, and the fight against,

desertification and for living in harmony with the semi-arid region in Brazil.



International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development

P.O Box 641 University Street Molyko

Buea and 00237


Tel: +237 740 335 83



Established: 2005

Membership: National

Empowers people to protect the environment for sustainable development. Builds a

global grassroots movement to raise environmental awareness. Promotes education

and supports community development programmes by sharing practical ways in

which people are addressing environmental issues. Works closely with governmental

and intergovernmental organizations. Works with academic and professional

partners, organizations, companies, universities, prisons, schools and local

communities in Cameroon and representatives of the diaspora.

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)

Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5

53113 Bonn




Established: 1972

Membership: International

Occupies an unchallenged position as the only international umbrella organization of

the organic world. Unites an enormous diversity of stakeholders contributing to the

organic vision. Raises awareness to take the world a step closer to the mainstream

uptake of organic agriculture. Unifies, leads and assists this broad-based constituency

in a fair, inclusive and participatory manner by organizing a general assembly every

three years.

International Foundation for African Children (IFAC)

9A Adeboye Solanke Avenue, Ikeja

100282, Lagos


Tel: +234 803 787 3061

Fax: +234 808 987 6547


Established: 2000

Membership: National

Reviews the state of African children and re-works their fate through pragmatic

developmental programmes. Organizes seminars, workshops and orientation camps

to dramatize the need for young people to know about integrity, moral uprightness,

transparency and the need to shun corruption in all its forms. Focuses on education,

capacity-building, orphanage support, health and environmental policy and

information and communication technology ICT, youth ethics and crime prevention.

International Union of Forest Research Organizations

Marxergasse 2

1030 Vienna


Tel: +431 877 015 10

Fax: +431 877 015 150





Established: 1892

Membership: International

Unites about 650 member organizations in 120 countries, including a total of around

15,000 researchers. Studies forest and ecosystem management, agroforestry,

restoration of degraded sites and arid zone silviculture. Undertakes studies on forest

ecosystems, forest hydrology, water quality, natural disasters, mitigation measures,

forest fire prevention and control, wildlife and its habitats, biodiversity, forests and

climate. Deals with forest policy and economics. Focuses on dryland forests and

associated issues in Africa and Asia.

International Volunteer Organisation for Women Education Development (IVOWED)

No.9 Osabu Kojo Street

Teshie-Tsuibleoo, Accra


Tel: +233 27774023

Fax: +233 21258811


Established: 2001

Membership: National

Creates awareness and educates on United Nations Convention to Combat

Desertification (UNCCD) policy control of desertification. Promotes the

mobilization of rural youth and women for tree-planting activities with the aim of

reducing land degradation. Supports sustainable land use, soil and water management

and livelihoods in the drylands through field projects. Undertakes sustainable

agriculture practices (e.g. agroforestry, cover-cropping and organic farming to

improve soil fertility and agricultural productivity, and reduce soil erosion).

Conducts research to assemble information on indigenous knowledge about the uses

of dryland trees and herbs for food, medicine and income-generating processes for

controlling desertification impacts.

Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)

Le sextant - 44 boulevard de Dunkerke CS 90009

13572 Marseille Cedex 2


Tel: +33 4 91 99 92 00

Fax: +33 4 91 999 222



Established: 1998

Membership: National

Responds to international development issues together with its partners from the

South. Provides technical support and advice through its scientists in the regions

affected by desertification to assess the severity of the problem, improve and

understand the mechanisms, and to measure the effectiveness of the actions of

enterprises. Accompanies its partners through the decision-making process in matters

of resource management and office arrangement plans.

Journalists for Human Rights

Venijamin Macukovski 2A-3/16

Skopje 1000

TFYR Macedonia

Tel: +389 2 246 1308

Fax: +389 2 246 1308





Established: 1999

Membership: National

Promotes environmental standards. Responds to the misuse of the environment and

threats to human health. Works on areas related to climate change, reduction of

natural resources, desertification, sustainable development, drought, land

degradation, water level reduction, transport, biodiversity and air pollution.

Developing an information system on this issue to help the country to benefit in the

future through educational, scientific and interactive projects.

Jewish National Fund (JNF)

P.O. Box 7283

Jerusalem 91072


Tel: +972 2 670 7411

Fax: +972 2 622 1491



Established: 1954

Membership: National

Undertakes projects on afforestation and land rehabilitation in degraded areas.

Invests resources in ecological and environmental programmes to combat

desertification and to restore degraded land. Supported the construction of three

long-term ecological research monitoring stations that examine data on carbon

sequestration and the development of suitable tree species. Develops agroforestry

and properly manages grazing lands. Collaborates with the International Arid Lands

Consortium to advance strategies for the sustainable development of desert regions.

KuzeyDoğa Society

Ortakapı Mah. Şehit Yusuf Bey Cad. No:93 Kat:1

Kars, 36100


Tel: +90 (536) 329 71 39

Fax: +90 (474) 212 38 84



Established: 2008

Membership: National

Supports the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems. Combats land degradation

and deforestation, by conducting scientific research, training and awareness

programmes, community-based conservation and sustainable rural development

initiatives in north-eastern Turkey. Improves the capacity and awareness of the local

communities, institutions and NGOs, with regard to combating desertification and

land degradation.

La Brique

Rue de Lama,Face Marché de Kara

367 Kara


Tel: +228 24 45 70 52



Established: 2010

Membership: National



Works in the field of human rights, mostly those of disadvantaged children, the

emancipation of women, education and the social reintegration of young people.

Contributes to the well-being, socioeconomic and cultural development of grass-

roots communities for sustainable human development. Fights for the protection of

human rights and social inclusion of individuals at all levels. Promotes good

governance at the state level and the rational management of public property.

La Route du Sel et de l’Espoir (La ROSE)

16 Rue Juliette Savar

Creteil 94000


Tel: +336 522 421 08



Established: 2012

Membership: International

Protects the economic heritage and the social and cultural development of the former

Salt Road, which stretches through the Sahara and the Sahel. Promotes solidarity and

decentralized cooperation between Mediterranean and African cities to fight against

poverty and support sustainable development. Promotes cooperation between local

authorities and civil society. Mobilizes financial and technical resources. Implements

development projects by supporting the emergence of new economic activities based

on the promotion of rural heritage at the local level.

Land and Village Association (ATV)

No 11 rue Joachim Bikoumou, quartier

Kinsoundi, Makelekele

Brazzaville 242

Republic of Congo

Tel: +242 068 358 152


Established: 1991

Membership: National

Undertakes tree planting campaigns for the restoration of soil fertility. Implements

integrated projects of agroforestry combining agricultural products with

autochthonous tree species to avoid wind erosion. Builds small water dams to help to

collect water and to reduce hydraulic pressure and water erosion. Organizes capacity-

building activities among the local communities to protect the environment.

Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature

Ellernholzstr. 1/3

17489 Greifswald


Tel: +49 3834 8354210

Fax: +49 3834 8354222



Established: 1999

Membership: National

Implements projects concerning nature protection, ecosystem conservation and

restoration and sustainable land management using forestry and agriculture. Focuses

on the regions prone to drought in Eastern Europe, Mongolia and the Islamic

Republic of Iran. Performs fundamental scientific research on carbon sequestration.

Establishes and maintains networks with governmental, non-governmental, scientific



and educational institutions. Implements projects that protect ecosystems and gain

economic benefit for target groups at the same time.

Namalere Forest Conservation Organization

P.O. Box 383



Tel: +254 726 709 078


Established: 2007

Membership: National

Holds community consultations. Collaborates and coordinates for forest coverage at

the local and national levels. Plans, develops and implements joint programmes to

support agricultural and environmental activities, as well as improve the self-

recovery capacity of the national environment. Integrates natural resources with

rational management of needy areas in western Kenya through the use of ecosystem

development, fodder crops and soil fertility improvement. Promotes sustainable

agriculture and manages natural resources.

Nature Conservation Centre Foundation (NCCF)

1293 Sokak, 9/32, Asagi Ovecler, Cankaya

Ankara, 06460


Tel: +90 312 287 81 44

Fax: + 90 312 286 68 20



Established: 2013

Membership: National

Uses conservation science to deliver conservation solutions which are comprehensive

and innovative for biodiversity conservation, combating land degradation and

climate change. Works to develop better management systems for sustainable land

management SLM targets through the conservation of soil and water resources.

Develops good practice and design-integrated solutions which take into account

environmental, economic and social forces. Encourages adaptation to climate change

by strengthening the resistance and resilience of species and ecosystems. Ensures the

integration of biodiversity into all work on combating land degradation and climate


Neno Active Youth in Development Organization (NAYODE)


P.O.Box 62

Neno district 265



Tel: +265 999 12 99 43


Established: 2010

Membership: National

Develops an efficient and capable youth leadership that meets the demands for

national sustainable development. Operates in the areas of sustainable land

management, soil degradation prevention, agroforestry, environmental conservation

and the promotion of social and environmental accountability. Increases the

participation of youth and children in sustainable land management and

environmental conservation.



Œuvre Malienne pour le Développement des Zones Arides

Sogoninko –Avenue de l’OUA / Immeuble Nimaga– 1er étage Porte 3826

BPE 466 Bamako


Tel: +223 76 44 05 65

Fax: +223 20 20 75 04


Established: 1992

Membership: National

Promotes sustainable land management practices to fight against land degradation

and loss of biodiversity and adapt to climate change in the arid and semi-arid areas of

Mali. Deals with the implementation of its activities on the ground with local

authorities and communities. Uses erosion prevention methods and carries out land

restoration. Rehabilitates village forests and works on water and soil conservation.

Practices reforestation and protects forest areas. Furnishes pastoral areas and fights

against bush fires.

ONG Carbone Guinée (C.G)

Enco 5 commune de Ratoma

BP. Conakry 2332


Tel: +224 622 048 716



Established: 2010

Membership: National

Covers the whole range of Guinean territory and other African countries in the

implementation of its activities and joining forces with any other

association/organization working on environmental issues. Works to influence

policies and strategies in the areas of biodiversity and peace for sustainable

development. Promotes actions for a world without violence in a diverse

environment within African society to improve the living conditions of populations.

Öz-Orman İş Trade Union

Cevizlidere Cad. 1239.Sok. No:6 Balgat



Tel: +903 124 735 500

Fax: +903 124 735 510



Established: 2008

Membership: National

Organizes the forest workers at the Ministry of Forest and Water Affairs of Turkey.

Represents 28,000 forest, agriculture, hunting and fishing workers. Promotes the

work of forest and agriculture workers in combating desertification, land degradation

and drought. Implements tree planting activities in degraded areas of the country.

Undertakes capacity-building and training programmes on environmental issues

among its members.

Projonma Academy

1/E (2nd Floor), Uttar Adabor, Ring road, Shamoli



Tel: +880 1556 35 7767




Established: 2002

Membership: National

Strengthens indigenous and scientific knowledge to cope with land degradation in

order to reduce the vulnerability of poor communities of the Meghna River area.

Helps communities affected by land degradation to overcome the problems by

applying their indigenous knowledge and scientific information. Improves degraded

lands by cultivating legumes, adopting crop rotation, making compost fertilizers and

establishing fish sanctuaries. Provides income-generating skills to the affected poor

families, especially women’s groups.

Pronatura Noreste A.C.

Loma Grande 2623, Col. Loma Larga

Monterrey, N.L. C.P. 64710


Tel: +528 183 451 043



Established: 1997

Membership: National

Focuses on combating desertification through the restoration of degraded soil using

air roller methods and introducing native plants. Collects water using waterproof

pots, roof collectors, small dams and construction boards. Implements activities in

populations marginalized by desertification. Reforests different desertified lands with

various tree species. Protects endangered species.

Rainforest Alliance, Inc.

233 Broadway, 28th Floor

New York, NY 10279

United States of America

Tel: +1 212 677 1900

Fax: +1 212 677 2187



Established: 1986/1987

Membership: International

Works to conserve biodiversity and to ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming

land-use practices, business practices and consumer behaviour. Understands that the

health of the land is inextricably connected to the well-being of those who depend on

it for their livelihoods. Focuses on global forestry and tourism and rain-fed tropical

agriculture. Increasingly works in agricultural landscapes that are threatened by

desertification and land degradation or are bordering on such landscapes.

Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus)

150, Aghmashenebeli Ave, 7th floor

Tbilisi, 0112


Tel: +995 322 253 648



Established: 2000

Membership: Regional

Assists in solving environmental problems and in developing civic society in South

Caucasus countries. Provides services to governments, local authorities, NGOs,

businesses, international organizations and other stakeholders in the field of the



environment. Strengthens policy, planning and regulatory environments for the

promotion of SLM in transboundary watersheds of the South Caucasus region.

Demonstrates the benefits of watershed-based sustainable land management and

alternative livelihoods for rural people while protecting fragile ecosystems and

disseminating lessons learned and best practices through developing a replication


Reseau des femmes pour les droits environnementaux (REFEDE-Mali)

Faladie Solola Immeuble Netie Rue 940 Porte 21, Commune VI, District de Bamako


Bamako BPE 4344


Tel: +223 207 236 72 / +223 667 800 81

Fax: +223 20 29 45 21


Established: 2014

Membership: National

Supports the implementation of policies and implements strategies aiming at the

protection of the environment and ensuring environmental rights. Operates on the

principle that most countries of the world need to be enriched through the

capitalization and exchange of experience at the local, national and regional levels.

Promotes consultations among local communities on environmental issues.

Rural Development Media Communication (RUDMEC)

P.O. Box 1727





Established: 1995

Membership: National

Focuses on the initiation of behaviour change by using the media as a change agent

to improve livelihoods. Promotes the adoption and use of environmentally friendly

ecological sanitation toilets (ECOSAN) and renewable energy technologies,

particularly in urban areas. Implements projects in gender relations and social justice,

advocating for the rights of marginalized communities, including women, young

people and people with disabilities.

Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurship Fundamentals (SMEFUNDS)

18b Ogundana Str. Allen Avenue Ikeja



Tel: +234 18 23 9990



Established: 2007

Membership: National

Promotes and designs environmental solutions in Africa by engaging business

solutions to attempt new approaches in fighting poverty. Combats climate change

using alternative renewable energy and solar micro-enterprises. Provides small loan

investments to start-ups and early stage businesses as they grow and become

economically viable, self-sustaining and profitable.



Society for Poor and Needy (SPAN)

Near BSNL Tower Bestavaripeta

Postal Code: 523334

Prakasam / Andhra Pradesh


Tel: +970 124 4089


Established: 1998

Membership: National

Changes the mindset and supports the development of marginalized Chenchus and

Yanadies indigenous peoples of the Nallamala forest region through forming a social

pressure group. Encourages organic farming by building an eco-friendly environment

and preserving biodiversity. Supports forest conservation. Promotes women’s self-

help groups and creates income-generating activities. Exposes community problems

of alchoholism via advocacy and lobbying.

Soil Science Society of Turkey (SSST)

Senkal Sokak No: 8/6-A

Siteler, 06110 Ankara


Tel: +90 312 517 19 16

Fax: +90 312 517 19 17



Established: 1964

Membership: National

Stimulates communications between members and public and private institutions in

relation to soil resources in Turkey and on a global scale. Guides and leads for the

protection, usage and evaluation of soil and land resources by taking into account the

lessons learned and previous scientific experiences in relation to soil misapplication

and problems that existed in the past. Is a scientific structure that prevents and

combats common soil problems. Organizes local and international congresses,

symposiums and workshops. Increases public awareness of environmental and soil-

related issues.

Sustainable Harvest International

P.O. Box 1447

Ellsworth, ME 04605

United States of America

Tel: +1207 669 8254



Established: 1997

Membership: International

Implements sustainable farming with extension programmes in several countries in

Central America, primarily to halt slash-and-burn farming and its resulting

desertification and to alleviate poverty. Works with 2,000 farmer participants

involved in its programme. Converts nearly 20,000 acres of degraded land to

sustainable farms. Seeks global partnerships to broaden the impact of its work.

Tarim Orman-Is/ Union of agriculture, forestry, husbandry and environment sectors

Saglik Mah. Atac-1Sok. Omer Bey Apt. No: 3/7

Yenisehir, Ankara


Tel: +90 312 231 3975



Fax: +90 312 231 3977



Established: 2010

Membership: National

Organizes activities and actions against the privatization of forest areas, causes of

desertification and violation of workers and human rights. Offers training sessions to

forest workers together with environmental organization in Antalya. Organizes

poetry and painting contests for children in schools in Antalya to encourage them to

protect the environment and the forests. Undertakes tree planting activities to

celebrate World Forestry Day on March 21 each year.

Tijuana Calidad de Vida

Calle Germán Gedovius #10411 Int. 103 Colonia Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana

Tijuana 22010


Tel: +664 124 6463



Established: 2007

Membership: National

Takes part in the community through the organization of forums, workshops and

different environmental activities. Improves the quality of air, water and soil.

Promotes citizen participation in reforestation and waste management activities.

Works with other organizations and government institutions. Manages the project

Centro de Composteo Urbano, which is the first composting centre in Tijuana.

The Dalit Welfare Association

Tanglaphat-2, Kirtipur

5435, Kathmandu


Tel: +977 1433 3004

Fax: +977 1433 3004



Established: 1996

Membership: National

Works to fight climate change, desertification and deforestation as cross-cutting

issues to improve the lives of Nepal’s Dalit community. Promotes the rights of Dalit

families to access land and ensure land rights and tenure. Supports the rehabilitation

of degraded land. Assists the Dalit community to develop income-generating

activities to avoid forced migration.

The Permaculture Research Institute

1158 Pinchin Road

The Channon, NSW. 2480


Tel: +612 668 865 78

Fax: +612 668 433 63



Established: 1998

Membership: International

Offers courses in permaculture. Works with individuals and communities worldwide

to expand the knowledge and practice of integrated, sustainable agriculture and



culture. Trains local people to be leaders of sustainable development in their

communities and countries. Offers advice and information on establishing

permaculture educational demonstration sites, which seek to replicate across

surrounding regions.

The Sustainability Laboratory, Inc.

229 E 85th St Po Box 1571

New York, NY 10028

United States of America

Tel: +1 212 767 9936



Established: 2008

Membership: International

Addresses urgent sustainability challenges by creating and demonstrating effective

tools for catalysing radical change. Engages in the issues of desertification and

dryland ecosystem restoration, for example, through the flagship project Wadi Attir,

an initiative of a Bedouin community in the Negev desert demonstrating an approach

to sustainable desert agriculture.

Tree Aid

Brunswick Court, Brunswick Square

Bristol BS2 8PE

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Tel: +44 117 909 6363



Established: 1987

Membership: International

Uses trees to tackle poverty and improve the environment in dryland Africa.

Promotes development and trade, agroforestry, natural resource management, forest

governance, food and nutritional security to deliver sustainable livelihoods in

communities. Shares knowledge of tree species, techniques and approaches to

improve the local environment. Restores degraded landscapes. Creates business

literacy and opportunities for the poor based on sustainable use of tree resources.

Ensures that local people’s voices are heard concerning access and rights to forest


Turkish Chamber of Forest Engineers (OMO)

Beştepeler Mahallesi 31. Sokak No: 3, Yenimahalle

Ankara 06560


Tel: +90 312 2150033

Fax: +90 312 215 0181



Established: 1954

Membership: National

Cooperates with official institutions and other organizations to provide proposals and

views for legislation, norms, scientific specifications and standards and similar

scientific documents on the field of the forestry profession and related subjects.

Keeps regular contact with the national, regional and international forestry-related

debate, processes and agenda. Sustains professional discipline and ethical relations

so as to ensure honesty and trust in the relations among colleagues and their relations

with the public.



Union des Associations Villageoises de Gestion des Réserves de Faune (AVIGREF)

BP: 21 Tanguieta


Tel: +229 23 83 01 54

Fax: +229 23 83 01 54



Established: 2002

Membership: National

Contributes to the functionality of the relationships between the protected area and

the periphery by balancing the needs of local communities and biodiversity

conservation requirements. Strengthens the co-management of the Pendjaribiosphere

reserve. Works towards the socioeconomic well-being of local residents. Aims to be

a partner of local authorities and others in implementing sustainable economic

development in the biosphere reserve of Pendjari in the framework of the initiative

horizon 2025.

Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

Dumlupinar Bul. NO: 252 Eskisehir Yolu 9KM

Ankara, 06530


Tel: +903 122 182 211

Fax: +903 122 182 209



Established: 1950

Membership: National

Coordinates the private sector involvement during the twelfth session of the

Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD, including the Sustainable Land

Management Business Forum and EXPO. Works to ensure unity and solidarity

between chambers and commodity exchanges. Enhances the development of the

professions in accordance with general interest. Facilitates the professional work of

members. Promotes honesty and confidence in the relations of members with one

another and with the general public. Preserves professional discipline and ethics.

Universal Union for Consumer Protection and Civil Abuse (UNUCOPCA)

P.O. Box 112

Buea, South West Region


Tel: +237 65113 8883


Established: 2003

Membership: National

Addresses human rights violations and global environment issues. Initiates

campaigns on environmental issues ranging from climate change to water crises.

Runs projects in the south-west province of Cameroon on environmental issues.

Promotes environmental education, protection and conservation of the environment

and environmental sanitation. Educates on sustainable livelihood alternatives and

raises awareness about environmental protection.

Utooni Development Organization (UDO)

PO Box 89

Kola-Machacos 90108




Tel: +254 717 526671, +254 780 1155



Established: 2005

Membership: National

Supports disadvantaged communities in the arid and semi-arid lands to transform

their environment in a sustainable manner. Assists communities in arid and semi-arid

regions in south-east Kenya. Builds approximately 50 small dams every year which

enable farmers to improve water supplies, food production, income and health.

Promotes peace and justice. Focuses on enabling Kenyan farmers to move from

subsistence to sustainability through the construction of sand dams, conservation

education and agricultural training.

World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)

Avenue du Mont-Blanc 27

1196 Gland


Tel: +412 236 491 11

Fax: +412 236 403 32

E-mail: /


Established: 1961

Membership: International

Works to stop degradation of the natural environment and to conserve the world’s

biological diversity. Works to ensure that renewable natural resource use is

sustainable, promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. Works

with partners to develop and implement solutions to environmental challenges.

Conserves representative samples of the world’s outstanding places to ensure that

ecologically, economically and culturally important species are restored and thriving.

Addresses drivers of threats to biodiversity that contribute to the damage created by

the ecological footprint.

Yaxche, Arbol de la vida

Km. Carretera Felipe Carrillo Puerto



Tel: +983 7537 443


Established: 1992

Membership: National

Involves biodiversity experts and other social representatives in the protection of the

environment in the Yucatan Peninsula. Specializes in the implementation of

community life plans that are based on environmental conservation, cultural identity

and financial self-sufficiency. Organizes many community and organization

activities aiming at the protection of the biodiversity.

Youth and Women Potters Development Organization (YPDO)

Secteur Muhima District de Nyarugenge

CP 00250 Kigali


Tel: +250 789 099 739


Established: 2013

Membership: National



Involves young indigenous leaders with the mission to promote respect for human

rights and social and economic development of children, youth and women potters of

Rwanda. Fights against the effects of drought with material and capacity transfers to

collect and maintain rainwater for domestic usage and modern agricultural activities

in vegetable gardens. Advocates for indigenous peoples to participate and benefit

from the programmes protecting the forest ecosystems and biological diversity.

Youth Network for Human Rights and Democracy

P.O. Box NT 244

Accra Newtown


Tel: +233 244 996 566

Fax: +233 24 4406237



Established: 2010

Membership: National

Educates youth and adults. Focuses on human rights and human trafficking as well as

on land environment and water sanitation. Peace and justice and health education.

Dedicated to building the capacity of young people and the rural poor to participate

actively in the governance of their communities, especially in relation to resource

allocation, good governance, peace-building and conflict prevention.

Yves Rocher Foundation

7 chemin de Bretagne

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux


Tel: +33 1 41 08 51 62



Established: 1991

Membership: International

Works to sustain biodiversity. Supports women engaged in active communities. Has

already planted over 50 million trees in France and elsewhere to preserve

biodiversity. Preserves the unique and important diversity of plants. Supports women

in their fight for the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Development

Goals and solidarity in ecological issues through the “Prix Terre de Femmes”. Uses

the power of photography to raise awareness of the condition of our planet. Commits

to safeguarding vegetation by financially supporting scientists, researchers and

botanists engaged in the protection of biodiversity.



Annex III

Updated list of national, international, governmental and intergovernmental organizations accredited to the Conference of the Parties

1. African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP)

2. African Development Bank (ADB)

3. African Organization of Cartography and Remote Sensing

4. Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACTC)

5. Autoridad Binacional Autónoma del Sistema Hídrico del Lago Titicaca

6. Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD)

7. Arab Maghreb Union (AMU)

8. Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD)

9. Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)

10. CAB International

11. Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe


12. Common Fund for Commodities (CFC)

13. Commonwealth Secretariat

14. Communauté des Etats Sahélo-Sahariens (CENSAD)

15. Comunidade dos paises de lingua portuguesa (CPLP)

16. Conférence des ministres en charge des forêts d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC)

17. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research/International Crops

Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CGIAR/ICRISAT)

18. Council of Europe

19. Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa

20. Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)

21. Economic Community of West African States/Communauté Economique des États

de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ECOWAS/CEDEAO)

22. Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)

23. European Space Agency (ESA)

24. Fondation Déserts du Monde (FDM)

25. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

26. Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

27. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

28. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

29. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies



30. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)

31. International Organization for Migration (IOM)

32. International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

33. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)

34. International Union for Conservation of Nature

35. League of Arab States

36. Organization of African Unity (OAU)

37. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

38. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

39. Pacific Community

40. Pan-African Agency of the Great Green Wall (PAGGW)

41. Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)

42. Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS)

43. Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)

44. Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS)

45. Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar Convention)

46. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

47. Southern African Regional Commission for the Conservation and Utilization of the


48. Southern African Development Community (SADC)

49. Sovereign Military Order of Malta

50. Union douanière et économique de l’Afrique centrale - communauté économique et

monétaire de l’Afrique centrale (UDEAC-CEMAC)

51. Water Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones in Latin America and the Caribbean


52. World Agroforestry Centre



Annex IV

Updated list of civil society organizations accredited to the

Conference of the Parties

1. Action for the Integral Development of Deprived Communities, Ghana

2. Action Humaine pour le Développement Intégré au Sénégal, Senegal

3. Action Jeunesse Pour le Développement (AJED), Congo

4. Action pour une Gestion Rationnelle de l’Environnement en Mauritanie, Mauritania

5. Aegean Forest Foundation, Turkey

6. Africa Youth Foundation, Ghana

7. African Forest Forum (AFF), Kenya

8. African Youth Movement (AYM), Nigeria

9. Alliance Niger Nature, Niger

10. Amasachina Self Help Association, Ghana

11. Amis de l’écologie (ADE), Democratic Republic of the Congo

12. Amicale Santé pour tous, Democratic Republic of the Congo

13. Anatolian Nature and Culture Conservation Cooperative – (AnaDOKU), Turkey

14. Arid Land Research Center (ALRC), Tottori University, Japan

15. Aro Juvenil, Mozambique

16. Asociación Chuyma De Apoyo Rural, Peru

17. Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas, Cuba

18. Asociación Cubana de Producción Animal, Cuba

19. Asociación Ecológica del Oriente, Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

20. Asociación la Cultura del Oasis, Spain

21. Asociación Mexicana de profesionales forestales AC, Mexico

22. Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños de Cuba, Cuba

23. Asociación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Integral, Peru

24. Asociación Pro Naciones Unidas de Argentina, Argentina

25. Associação de defesa ambiental e controle da desertificacao de Gilbues, Brazil

26. Associação Programa Um Milhao de Cisternas para o Semiarido AP1MC, Brazil

27. Association Center for Energy, Environment and Resources, Bosnia and


28. Association Congolaise pour le Développement (ACDA), Congo

29. Association de formation et d’appui au développement, Mali

30. Association de l’Arbre, Mauritania

31. Association des partenaires au développement (APAD), Guinea



32. Association des Pépiniéristes et Planteurs de Tône-Ouest (SONGOU-MAN), Togo

33. Association écologique “Ame Nature”, Algeria

34. Association Guinéenne pour la Promotion des Energies Renouvelables, Guinea

35. Association Internationale Forêts Méditerranéennes, France

36. Association Jeunesse et Développement du Bénin, Benin

37. Association la Voûte Nubienne (AVN), France

38. Association Nigérienne des Scouts de l’Environnement, Niger

39. Association Oasis Ferkla pour l’Environnement et le Patrimoine, Morocco

40. Association of Foresters for a Green Turkey, Turkey

41. Association pour la protection de l’environnement au Burundi, Burundi

42. Association pour la protection de l’environnement en Mauritanie, Mauritania

43. Association pour la santé et la prévention des maladies tropicales, Togo

44. Association pour le développement d'Abbere, Mauritania

45. Association pour le développement économique social environnemental du nord,


46. Association pour l’environnement et le développement durable, Congo

47. Association pour le développement et l’encadrement de la femme (ADEF),

Democratic Republic of the Congo

48. Association Prudence au Sahel, Burkina Faso

49. Association Rélwendé pour le Développement, Burkina Faso

50. Association Tchadienne des Volontaires pour la Protection de l’Environnement,


51. Association Togolaise d’Étude de Recherche et d’Appui au Développement Humain

Durable, Togo

52. Aujourd’hui pour Demain, Democratic Republic of the Congo

53. Banlieues Du Monde, Mauritania

54. Belaruskae Geagrafichnae Tavarystva, Belarus

55. Benin "21", Benin

56. Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

57. Bolivia Inti-Sud Soleil (BISS), France

58. Bonn International Model United Nations, Germany

59. CAMP Alatoo Public Foundation, Kyrgyzstan

60. Caribbean Network for Intergrated Rural Development, Trinidad and Tobago

61. Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN), Barbados

62. Caucasus Environmental NGO Network, Georgia

63. Centre africain d’assistance de protection de l’environnement au Sahel, Senegal

64. Centre agricole de Ngudiakabaka (CAN), Democratic Republic of the Congo

65. Centre d’actions et de réalisations internationales, France



66. Centre d’accompagnement des alternatives locales de développement (CAALD),


67. Centre de Recherche et d’Information pour le Développement, France

68. Centre de suivi écologique, Senegal

69. Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Studies (C4CCES), Nigeria

70. Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Application, Iran (Islamic Republic


71. Centre international de droit comparé de l’environnement, France

72. Centre international Unisfera, Canada

73. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Costa Rica

74. Centro de Assessoria e Apoio aos Trabalhadores e Instituições não Governamentais

Alternativas, Brazil

75. Centro de Estudios Biologicos Medioambiente y Recursos Naturales, Mexico

76. Change Human’s life (CHL), Côte d’Ivoire

77. Chibememe Earth Healing Association (CHIEHA), Zimbabwe

78. China Green Foundation, China

79. Christian Aid, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

80. Club Unesco du Centre d'Action Femme et Enfant, Democratic Republic of the


81. Club Union Africaine Côte d’Ivoire, Côte d’Ivoire

82. Colegio de Ingeniería Agronómica de Santiago del Estero (CIASE), Argentina

83. Comitato di Appoggio alle 3 Convenzioni Globali delle Nazione Unite, Italy

84. Commonland, Netherlands

85. Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones de Silvicultores, Mexico

86. Confédération des ONG d’environnement et de développement de l’Afrique

Centrale, Cameroon

87. Conservation Efforts for Community Development, Uganda

88. Conservation International Foundation, United States of America

89. Contribution au Développement Rural, Niger

90. Cooperativa Tecnico Scientifica di Base, Italy

91. Corporación Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales, Chile

92. Cooperazione Internationale Sud Sud (CISS), Italy

93. Council for Tribal and Rural Development (CTRD), India

94. Council of European Foresters, Germany


96. CYL Eco Park, China

97. Desert Research Foundation of Namibia, Namibia

98. DesertNet International – Network for International Research on Desertification,




99. DESERTEC Foundation, Germany

100. Diabgroup Gambia Friends Bayern e.V. (DIABHEAD), Germany

101. Dodo – Tulevaisuuden elävä luonto ry, Finland

102. Drylands Coordination Group – Norway, Norway

103. DYNAMIZ, Democratic Republic of the Congo

104. EarthAction Network (Acción por la Tierra), Chile

105. Earthlife Namibia, Namibia

106. Eau Vive, France

107. Ecole et vie, Togo

108. École Instrument de Paix, Niger

109. Ecologistas en Acción, Spain

110. EcoPeace/Friends of the Earth Middle East, Israel

111. Ecoforum of NGOs of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan

112. ECOPEACE ASIA, Republic of Korea

113. ECOTROPICO A.C, Mexico

114. Elion Foundation, China

115. Emirates Environmental Group, United Arab Emirates

116. Entrepreneurs without Frontiers, Belgium

117. Environment Action Association, United States of America

118. Environmental Innovations Association, Bosnia and Herzegovina

119. Environmental Management for Livelihood Improvement Bwaise Facility, Uganda

120. Environmental Monitoring Group, South Africa

121. Environmental Protection & Conservation Organization, Mauritius

122. Environnement Développement Action dans le Tiers Monde, Senegal

123. Esquel Group Foundation, United States of America

124. Excellent Development, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

125. Faith Association of the Rehabilitation of Street Children and Orphans (FARSO),


126. Farm Radio International, Canada

127. Fédération Nationale des Organisations Paysannes (FENOP), Burkina Faso

128. Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment

and Human Rights, Cameroon

129. Femmes, Pouvoir et développement (FEDEP), Guinea

130. Fondation paix et développement, Senegal

131. Fondo de Apoyo al Desarrollo Regional de Piura, Peru

132. Forest and Agroforestry Promoters (FAP), Cameroon

133. Forest for Life, Republic of Korea



134. Foresters’ Association of Turkey (TOD), Turkey

135. Forestry and Environmental Action (FEA), Bosnia and Herzegovina

136. Forum international pour l’exploitation forestière, Democratic Republic of the


137. Foyer de la Culture (FOCU), Democratic Republic of the Congo

138. Friends of the Earth Ghana, Ghana

139. Friends of the Earth International, Netherlands

140. Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC)/Quakers, United States of


141. Fundación Agreste (ecología y medio ambiente, desarrollo sustentable y

cooperación), Argentina

142. Fundación Ambiental Oasis de Vida, Colombia

143. Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez de la Naturaleza y el Hombre, Cuba

144. Fundación Argentina a las Naciones Camino a la Verdad, Argentina

145. Fundación de Iniciativas de Cambio Climático, Honduras

146. Fundación del Sur, Argentina

147. Fundación Hernandiana, Argentina

148. Fundación Instituto de Promoción y Apoyo al Desarrollo, Spain

149. Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas de Mesoamérica

(FUNDESEM), Guatemala

150. Fundación Patagonia Natural, Argentina

151. Future Forest, Republic of Korea

152. General Union of Peasants, Syrian Arab Republic

153. Gherush 92 Committee for Human Rights, Italy

154. Global Environmental Forum (GEF), Japan

155. Global Green Environmental Network (GGEN), Ghana

156. Gram Bharati Samiti, India

157. Grameena Vikas Samithi, India

158. Gramin Vikas Trust, India

159. Green Asia Network, Republic of Korea

160. Green Cross International, Switzerland

161. Green Earth Organization, Ghana

162. Grupo Ambiental para el Desarrollo, Argentina

163. Gyeongnam Environmental Education & Culture Centre, Republic of Korea

164. Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia, Namibia

165. Hatof Foundation, Ghana

166. Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, India

167. Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee, South Africa



168. Initiatives of Change – International (IofC), Switzerland

169. Institute of Sustainable Development and Management of Natural Resources,


170. Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade, Brazil

171. Instituto Desert, Brazil

172. International Biochar Initiative, United States of America

173. International Campaign for Freedom and Peace, Benin

174. International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development,


175. International Centre For Trade and Sustainable Development, Switzerland

176. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Germany

177. International Foundation for African Children (IFAC), Nigeria

178. International Institute for Applied System Analysis, Austria

179. International institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy (IINAS), Germany

180. International Soil Reference and Information Centre – World Soil Information,


181. International Trade Union Confederation, Belgium

182. International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Austria

183. International Union of Soil Sciences, Austria

184. International Volunteer Organisation for Women Education Development

(IVOWED), Nigeria

185. Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), France

186. IPOGEA, Italy

187. Istituto per le relazioni tra l’Italia e i Paesi dell’Africa, America Latina e Medio

Oriente, Italy

188. Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement, Togo

189. Jeunesse Environnement Democratie Développement, Niger

190. Journalists Environmental Association of Tanzania (JEAT), United Republic of


191. Journalists for Human Rights, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

192. Jewish National Fund (JNF), Israel

193. Kalahari Conservation Society, Botswana

194. Kindernothilfe, Germany

195. Korea Ecology Environment Institute, Republic of Korea

196. Krityananand UNESCO Club, India

197. KuzeyDoğa Society, Turkey

198. La Brique, Togo

199. La Route du Sel et de l’Espoir (La ROSE), France

200. Land and Village Association (ATV), Congo



201. Les Compagnons Ruraux, Togo

202. Life Academy of Vocational Studies, India

203. Liga für Hirtenvölker und nachhaltige Viehwirtschaft e.V., Germany

204. Liga para a protecçao da natureza, Portugal

205. Local Governments for Sustainability, Germany

206. Lokhit Pashupalak Sansthan (LPPS), India

207. Makhzoumi Foundation, Lebanon

208. Mauritius Council for Development, Environmental Studies & Conservation,


209. Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable

Development, Greece

210. Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature, Germany

211. Naga Foundation, Netherlands

212. Namalere Forest Conservation Organization, Kenya

213. National Nature Trust, Republic of Korea

214. Nature Conservation Centre Foundation, Turkey

215. Naurzum – Non-governmental Ecological Organisation, Kazakhstan

216. Negev Bar Kayma, Israel

217. Neighbour Organization – Nepal, Nepal

218. Neno Active Youth in Development Organization (NAYODE), Malawi

219. New World Hope Organization, Pakistan

220. Noah’s Ark Centre for the Recovery of the Endangered Species, Georgia

221. Nongovernmental Organization BIOS, Republic of Moldova

222. Northeast Asian Forest Forum, Republic of Korea

223. Office Africain pour le Développement et la Coopération, Senegal

224. Œuvre Malienne pour le Développement des Zones Arides, Mali

225. ONG ADDY, Côte d’Ivoire

226. ONG Carbone Guinée (C.G), Guinea

227. ONG Femme et environnement, Democratic Republic of the Congo

228. Organisation centrafricaine pour la défense de la nature, Central African Republic

229. Organisation Internationale pour la Protection de l’Environnement en Afrique,


230. Öz-Orman İş Trade Union, Turkey

231. Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organisation, Pakistan

232. Palestine Wildlife Society, State of Palestine

233. Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement, Philippines

234. Productividad Biosfera y Medio Ambiente, Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

235. Programme Solidarité Eau, France



236. Projektstelle Umwelt & Entwicklung, Germany

237. Projonma Academy, Bangladesh

238. Pronatura Noreste A.C., Mexico

239. Propreté, Environnement et Santé, Burundi

240. Proterra, Peru

241. Rainforest Alliance, Inc., United States of America

242. Rassemblement des Frères unis pour un développement socio-culturel du Benin


243. Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus, Georgia

244. Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC), Kazakhstan

245. Research and Development Centre Nepal (RDCN), Nepal

246. Reseau des femmes pour les droits environnementaux (REFEDE-Mali), Mali

247. Réseau pour l’environnement et le développement durable en Afrique, Côte d’Ivoire

248. Responding to Climate Change (RTCC), United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland

249. Royal Geographical Society, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

250. Rural Area Development Programme (RADP), Nepal

251. Rural Centre for Human Interests, India

252. Rural Development Foundation Pakistan, Pakistan

253. Rural Development Media Communication (RUDMEC), Uganda

254. Secrétariat permanent des organisations non gouvernementales, Burkina Faso

255. Self Employed Women’s Association, India

256. Service d’Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Développement, Cameroon

257. Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurship Fundamentals (SMEFUNDS), Nigeria

258. Sociedad Cubana de la Ciencia del Suelo, Cuba

259. Sociedad Cubana para la Protección del Medio Ambiente, Cuba

260. Sociedad Meteorológica de Cuba, Cuba

261. Societe civile environnementale et agro-rurale du Congo (SOCEARUCO),

Democratic Republic of the Congo

262. Society for Conservation & Protection of Environment, Pakistan

263. Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), United States of America

264. Society for Poor and Needy (SPAN), India

265. Soil Science Society of Turkey, Turkey

266. Solar Cookers International, United States of America

267. SOS SAHEL International France, France

268. SOS Sahel international Sénégal, Senegal

269. SOS-Land, Kyrgyzstan

270. South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), South Africa



271. Stichting Both ENDS – Environment and Development Service for NGOs,


272. Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden

273. Sudanese Environment Conservation Society, Sudan

274. Suntaa-Nuntaa Rural Development Programme, Ghana

275. Sustainable Environmental Development Watch (SUSWATCH), Kenya

276. Sustainable Harvest International, United States of America

277. Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL), United States of America

278. Sustainlabour – Fundación laboral internacional para el desarrollo sostenible, Spain

279. Swazi Indigenous Products, Swaziland

280. Sylva-Monde pour le Développement et la Protection des Forêts et de

l’Environnement, Morocco

281. Syrian Agricultural Engineers Syndicate, Syrian Arab Republic

282. Tarim Orman-Is/Union of agriculture, forestry, husbandry and environment sector,


283. Tchad Agir pour l’Environnement, Switzerland

284. Tenmiya, Mauritania

285. The Dalit Welfare Association, Nepal

286. The Permaculture Research Institute, Australia

287. The Sustainability Laboratory, United States of America

288. Tijuana Calidad de Vida, Mexico

289. Tree Aid, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

290. Turkish Chamber of Forest Engineers (OMO), Turkey

291. Turkiye Erozyonla Mucadele, Agaclandirma ve Dogal Varliklari Koruma Vakfi

(TEMA), Turkey

292. UDYAMA, India

293. Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT), United Republic of Tanzania

294. Union des Associations Villageoises de Gestion des Reserves de Faune

(AVIGREF), Benin

295. Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), Turkey

296. Union of Sustainable Development “Ecovision”, Georgia

297. Universal Union for Consumer Protection and Civil Abuse (UNUCOPCA),


298. Utooni Development Organization (UDO), Kenya

299. Watershed Organisation Trust, India

300. Wissenschaftliche Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen,


301. Women in Service Development Organisation and Management, Gambia

302. Women's Environment and Development Organization, United States of America



303. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Switzerland

304. World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations, France

305. World Resources Institute, United States of America

306. World Vision International, Switzerland

307. World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), Switzerland

308. Yaxche, Arbol de la vida, Mexico

309. Ya’axché Conservation Trust, Belize

310. Youth and Women Potters Development Organization (YPDO), Rwanda

311. Youth Network for Human Rights and Democracy, Ghana

312. Yerala Projects Society, India

313. Young Naturalist Network (YNN), India

314. Yves Rocher Foundation, France



Annex V

Business and industry entities accredited to the Conference

of the Parties

1. DEW System

2. Elion Resources Group Company Limited

3. Entico Corporation Limited

4. Maowusu Biomass Thermoelectric Company of Inner Mongolia

5. Syngenta International AG

6. Tree Planet INC