Lisa warth 18.09 morning eng

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Lisa warth 18.09 morning eng

Lisa WARTH | Department of Ageing and Life Course1 |

Good Health Adds Life To YearsTowards a New Agenda on Ageing

Good Health Adds Life To YearsTowards a New Agenda on Ageing

Lisa WARTH | Department of Ageing and Life Course2 |

Proportion of Population Over Age 60, 2012Proportion of Population Over Age 60, 2012

Source: United Nations (2012) Population Ageing and Development 2012

Lisa WARTH | Department of Ageing and Life Course3 |

Proportion of Population Over Age 60, 2050Proportion of Population Over Age 60, 2050

Source: United Nations (2012) Population Ageing and Development 2012

Lisa WARTH | Department of Ageing and Life Course4 |

Young children and Older People as a Percentage of Global Population: 1950-2050

Young children and Older People as a Percentage of Global Population: 1950-2050

Lisa WARTH | Department of Ageing and Life Course5 |

The speed of population ageingThe speed of population ageing

"Good health must lie at the core of any successful response to population ageing. If we can ensure that people are living healthier as well as longer lives, the opportunities will be greater and the costs to society less"

Dr Margaret Chan

Director- General, World Health Organization

A life-course approach to healthy and active ageing

1 Promoting good health and

healthy behaviours at all ages to prevent or delay the development of chronic disease.

2 Minimizing the consequences of

chronic disease through early detection and quality care

•Primary care

•long-term care

•palliative care

3 Creating physical and social

environments that foster the health and participation of older people.

4 Reinventing ageing

Changing social attitudes to encourage the participation of older people.

WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities©

WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities©

"Living longer and healthier lives brings tremendous potential for economic and social development and for personal fulfillment. But to realize this potential, societies everywhere must ensure that people of all ages have the means and support needed for a decent

level of living" Ban Ki-Moon, 2007

Secretary-General, United Nations

Thank you for your attention.