Life in British North America after the Conquest.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Life in British North America after the Conquest.

Life in British North America after the Conquest

Articles of CapitulationArticle XXVII – Free exercise of Catholicism in

colonyArticle XL – Aboriginal peoples allowed to

remain on the land

British impose a military governorAllow French language to continue, as well as

Seigneurial system

1. If the Catholic Church was still in a position of influence, the people of the colony would not come to the British for social assistance when it was needed;

2. To counter-balance the growing discontent in the thirteen American colonies

3. French Canadians were unlikely to get involved in politics of the colony, leaving it to Protestant English. French Catholics were forbidden from voting or

running for office and only Protestants could become lawyers, judges or serve on juries

One of the most significant documents in Canadian history

“peace, welfare, and good government”

Guaranteed French language, culture, religion

Guaranteed large chunks of land as Aboriginal territory

Prevented westward expansion of the colonies

Felt controlled by British

Relationship with Aboriginal peoples

Manifest Destiny

1996 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples says it is the defining document, particularly around land ownership

Cornerstone of relationship between the Crown and Aboriginal People

“It has been the opinion of very many able lawyers, that the best way to establish the happiness of the inhabitants is to give them their own laws, as far as relates to their own possessions.”

British Prime Minister Lord North

One of the most significant documents in Canadian History

Confirmed that Quebec would retain their language, religion and hierarchical structure in society

They would not have an elected legislature or any representative government

Prevented American attempts to take over more western Aboriginal territory

Quebec was judged to be unique in North America

Allowed French Civil law to apply, but imposed British Criminal Law

British wanted to keep French on-side and prevent them from joining the rebellious Americans to the South.

Did not mention Aboriginal Peoples at all – this will have severe consequences in the years to come

Concerned that British refused to allow assembly in Quebec (Perhaps theirs could be revoked?)British reminded them that their elected

assemblies were a privilege – not a right

Roman Catholicism was outlawed in British Empire – but allowed in Quebec?

Prevention of westward expansion

Taxation without representationDefray cost of 7 years war and of keeping a

standing army in the colonies

“Representation” not universalNo women, slaves, Aboriginal Peoples, Jews of

Catholics were allowed to vote or hold officeOnly free male, Protestant landowners had a

right to vote

July 1775 Continental Congress of Thirteen ColoniesThe Quebec Act demonstrated “a despotism

dangerous to our very existence.”

Propaganda from Thirteen Colonies targeted QuebecTried to convince them to join the Continental

Congress calling them “fellow sufferers of the “fetters of slavery” imposed by British rule.

Quebec religious leaders encouraged neutrality

1775 – American militia and British troops begin to battle in the colonies.

1776 – Declaration of Independence

1783 – Treaty of Paris

1784 – Arrival of Loyalists to NB, NS, Ontario

American forces attack Quebec – repelled

Several Aboriginal tribes sided with British – Mohawk, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca of the Six Nations Iroquois Alliance

Ferocity of Iroquois attacks on American forces enraged General George Washington He ordered “the total destruction and devastation of

their settlements and the capture of as many prisoners, of every age and sex as possible.”

“lay waste to all the settlements around with instructions to do it in the most effectual manner, that the country not be merely overrun but destroyed.”

Within two months all settlements were destroyed.

Not mentioned, represented or thought of in Treaty of Paris

Aboriginal Territory west of Thirteen Colonies ceded to USA – Aboriginal people’s lost land

Weakened by war – Aboriginal Peoples moved north to British North America

British set aside Crown land in Upper Canada colony in 1784, but by 1828 only one third of it was left – lost the rest to land grants, encroaching settlers and sale/lease agreements.