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LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEE ADDITIONAL PAPERS - MCDONALDS Date: Thursday 6 June 2019 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: TH1-16 - Lambeth Town Hall Copies of agendas, reports, minutes and other attachments for the Council’s meetings are available on the Lambeth website. Members of the Committee Councillor Linda Bray, Councillor Fred Cowell, Councillor Martin Tiedemann, Councillor Rezina Chowdhury, Councillor John Kazantzis, Councillor Joshua Lindsey, Councillor Philip Normal, Councillor Emma Nye, Councillor Irfan Mohammed and Councillor Nicole Griffiths Substitute Members Councillor Matthew Bennett, Councillor Jennie Mosley, Councillor Andy Wilson, Councillor Marcia Cameron, Councillor Jon Davies, Councillor Dr. Mahamed Hashi and Councillor Claire Holland Members Required for this meeting will be: TBC Further Information If you require any further information or have any queries please contact: Nazyer Choudhury, Telephone: 020 7926 0028; Email: Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting. If you have any specific needs please contact Facilities Management (020 7926 1010) in advance. Queries on reports Please contact report authors prior to the meeting if you have questions on the reports or wish to inspect the background documents used. The contact details of the report author are shown on the front page of each report. Security Please be aware that you may be subject to bag searches and asked to sign in at meetings that are held in public. Failure to comply with these requirements could mean you are denied access to the meeting. There is also limited seating which is allocated on a first come first serve basis, you should aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before the meeting commences. For more details please visit: our website. Please contact Democratic Services for further information – 020 7926 2170 – or the number on the front page. @LBLdemocracy on Twitter or use #Lambeth Lambeth Council – Democracy Live on Facebook



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a) McDonalds, 130 - 134 Clapham High Street, London, SW4 7UH (Clapham Town)

1 - 8

Digital engagement We encourage people to use Social Media and we normally tweet from most Council meetings. To get involved you can tweet us @LBLDemocracy. Audio/Visual Recording of meetings Everyone is welcome to record meetings of the Council and its Committees using whatever, non-disruptive, methods you think are suitable. If you have any questions about this please contact Democratic Services (members of the press please contact the Press Office). Please note that the Chair of the meeting has the discretion to halt any recording for a number of reasons including disruption caused by the filming or the nature of the business being conducted. Persons making recordings are requested not to put undue restrictions on the material produced so that it can be reused and edited by all local people and organisations on a non-commercial basis. Representation Ward Councillors may be contacted directly to represent your views to the Council: (details via the website


Full information on the procedure is sent to all parties to the hearing. The information below is a précis of that information. Parties to the hearing must notify Licensing Services within prescribed timescales (these vary according to the type of hearing) that they intend to attend and/or be represented at the hearing and whether any witnesses will be attending on their behalf. The hearing will operate as follows (subject to the discretion of the Chair)

In the form of a discussion led by the Committee; cross examination will not normally be permitted.

A total of 3 minutes speaking time is normally allowed for each party. Any preliminary points will be treated separately.

Where there is more than one representation raising the same or similar grounds, those parties should consider nominating a single representative to address the Sub-Committee on their behalf at the hearing.

Parties to the hearing may be permitted to ask questions of any other party or witness.

Parties to the hearing may be required to answer specific questions from members of the committee seeking clarification of information.

The typical order of the hearing will be as follows:

1. Chair will ask all parties and witnesses to introduce themselves and this should include a brief explanation of the purpose of their attendance.

2. Officers present the report. 3. Committee members ask questions of officers. 4. Applicant speaks. 5. Applicant's witnesses speak (with permission of Chair). 6. Committee members ask questions of applicants and their witnesses (only applies to

witnesses who have been given permission to speak). 7. Other parties speak. 8. Other parties’ witnesses speak (with permission of Chair). 9. Committee members ask questions of the other parties to the hearing and their

witnesses (only applies to witnesses who have been given permission to speak). 10. Applicant (with exception and with permission of Chair) asks questions of the other

parties to the hearing and their witnesses. 11. Other parties to the hearing (with exception and with permission of Chair) ask

questions of the applicant/other parties to the hearing and their witnesses. 12. Chair's closing remarks. 13. Committee retires to make their decision. 14. Legal adviser informs the hearing of any advice that they have given to the committee

during the decision making process. 15. Committee announces decision and gives reasons. 16. After the hearing officers will write to all parties to confirm the committee's decision.

Page 1 Agenda Item 4a

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This is Clapham BID 161-167 Clapham Manor Street


14th May 2019

Statement on Behalf of This is Clapham Business Improvement District (BID)

This statement is made on behalf of the This is Clapham Business Improvement District in

relation to the license application from McDonalds at the property 130-134 Clapham High


Since 2014 the Clapham BID has invested significant resources in the area to better manage

Clapham High Street at night. This consists of a warden service every Friday and Saturday

night between 9pm and 5am, the Hub Safe Haven at the Methodist Church and a new

cleansing service every Sunday morning.

The Clapham BID works in partnership with the Metropolitan Police, Lambeth Council and

the Safer Business Network and has supported the roll out of the BCRP radio network

across 42 businesses and regular, well attended Friday night briefings for licensed premises.

This partnership led approach has resulted in fewer ambulance callouts, reductions in crime

and ASB, improved engagement with local businesses and a cleaner better maintained

public realm. In 2016 the partnership won a silver at the Met Police Pop Awards, it has been

recognised by the Home Office as an example of best practice and is included as an

example of best practice within the Mayor of London’s Culture and the Night Time Economy

Supplementary Planning Guidance document published in April 2017.

McDonalds was granted a license to trade into the early hours prior to the creation of the

Clapham BID in October 2014. In total there are 30 businesses that serve alcohol and late

night refreshments past midnight in the Clapham BID area, plus a further 83 hospitality

businesses including coffee shops and restaurants. It is designated as an NT2 regional/sub

regional night time destination in the London plan.

McDonalds is the largest venue in Clapham offering late night refreshment. It is located in

the centre of the High Street close to some of the largest alcohol led establishments and

opposite the Clapham Hub Safe Haven.

It has for many years provided a safe environment where members of the public can obtain

food and drink and use toilet facilities on Friday and Saturday nights. A number of alcohol

and late night refreshment establishments in close proximity are open until 4am.

The venue provides security guards throughout the evening from a reputable company who

also provide staff for the Clapham Warden Service. It is also one of few late night food

establishments that provide access to toilet facilities in the busiest part of Clapham High


Page 3

Since McDonalds has been closing at 11pm the Clapham BID has consulted with partners to

understand what impact this has had. The main impact has been an increase in levels of

public urination.

The Hub coordinator at the Methodist Church provided the following information for the

weekend of 8/9 February –

We would have classed this weekend as a quieter weekend and our numbers for people

accessing the Hub reflected this. On Friday 8 February only 3 people accessed the Hub for

medical treatment between 2/3am and usually we expect a further 5/8 people accessing the

Hub to use the toilet facilities. On this day we had 26.

On Saturday 10 February we had 10 people listed as visiting the Hub and would have

expected 15/20 toilet visits, we had 54. The increase results in a large queue inside the Hub

for the 2 toilets making the general flow of things harder to manage.

The Hub Coordinator also provided the statement for the weekend of the 1/2 February.

The main change for us with McDonalds's closing early has been the toilet visits. A usual

Friday we would expect between 5-10 visits. Last Friday we logged 18. Saturday's we would

expect between 20-25 toilet visits. For the last 2 week's we have recorded 40 and 46 visits.

There has been noticeably more people urinating on Nelson Row and noticeably women as

well as men, which we don't normally see.

The main impact of the early closer of McDonalds is fewer public toilets and fewer security

staff on the High Street at one of the busiest times at weekends. This has resulted in

increased public urination. This increased has also been noticed by the Clpaham Street


The Clapham BID would also like it noted that McDonalds actively participates in initiatives

that support the local area. McDonalds are a member of the Clapham BID board and have

been since the creation of the BID in 2014. Each year they have provided staff members as

part of their ‘Love Where You Live’ campaign that has supported litter picking on the

Common and in 2018 they helped the local community plant over 1,000 Spring bulbs in

Clapham old Town.

For the reason set out above, the Clapham BID supports the application on behalf of


Yours Sincerely,

Jeremy Keates

This is Clapham BID Manager.

Page 4

This is Clapham BID 161-167 Clapham Manor Street


14th May 2019

Statement on Behalf of This is Clapham Business Improvement District (BID)

This statement is made on behalf of the This is Clapham Business Improvement District in

relation to the license application from McDonalds at the property 130-134 Clapham High


Since 2014 the Clapham BID has invested significant resources in the area to better manage

Clapham High Street at night. This consists of a warden service every Friday and Saturday

night between 9pm and 5am, the Hub Safe Haven at the Methodist Church and a new

cleansing service every Sunday morning.

The Clapham BID works in partnership with the Metropolitan Police, Lambeth Council and

the Safer Business Network and has supported the roll out of the BCRP radio network

across 42 businesses and regular, well attended Friday night briefings for licensed premises.

This partnership led approach has resulted in fewer ambulance callouts, reductions in crime

and ASB, improved engagement with local businesses and a cleaner better maintained

public realm. In 2016 the partnership won a silver at the Met Police Pop Awards, it has been

recognised by the Home Office as an example of best practice and is included as an

example of best practice within the Mayor of London’s Culture and the Night Time Economy

Supplementary Planning Guidance document published in April 2017.

McDonalds was granted a late night license prior to the creation of the Clapham BID in

October 2014. In total there are 30 businesses that serve alcohol and late night

refreshments past midnight in the Clapham BID area, plus a further 83 hospitality

businesses including coffee shops and restaurants. It is designated as an NT2 regional/sub

regional night time destination in the London plan.

McDonalds is the largest venue in Clapham offering late night refreshment. It is located in

the centre of the High Street close to some of the largest alcohol led establishments and

opposite the Clapham Hub Safe Haven.

It has for many years provided a safe environment where members of the public can obtain

food and drink and use toilet facilities on Friday and Saturday nights. A number of alcohol

and late night refreshment establishments in close proximity are open until 4am and beyond.

The venue provides security guards throughout the evening from a reputable company who

also provide staff for the Clapham Warden Service. It is also one of few late night food

establishments that provide access to toilet facilities in the busiest part of Clapham High


Page 5

Since McDonalds has been closing at 11pm the Clapham BID has consulted with partners to

understand what impact this has had.

The Hub coordinator at the Methodist Church statement for the weekend of 8/9


We would have classed this weekend as a quieter weekend and our numbers for people

accessing the Hub reflected this. On Friday 8 February only 3 people accessed the Hub for

medical treatment between 2/3am and usually we expect a further 5/8 people accessing the

Hub to use the toilet facilities. On this day we had 26.

On Saturday 10 February we had 10 people listed as visiting the Hub and would have

expected 15/20 toilet visits, we had 54. The increase results in a large queue inside the Hub

for the 2 toilets making the general flow of things harder to manage.

The Hub Coordinator statement for the weekend of the 1/2 February.

The main change for us with McDonalds's closing early has been the toilet visits. A usual

Friday we would expect between 5-10 visits. Last Friday we logged 18. Saturday's we would

expect between 20-25 toilet visits. For the last 2 week's we have recorded 40 and 46 visits.

There has been noticeably more people urinating on Nelson Row and noticeably women as

well as men, which we don't normally see.

Statement from Korey Hastings, Senior Clapham Warden

Since the early closure of McDonalds I have noticed the following changes and issues.

McDonalds provided a safe environment for people to congregate in and get food and drink

before making their way home at the end of the night. People still desire food and drink and

use other smaller venues that are less able to cope with large numbers and generally do not

provide security or toilet access. The consequence is an increased number of people,

including vulnerable individuals, are on the street needing support. If people are unable to

obtain food and drink it has become a source of tension, with queues to smaller venues

forming on the street and more congestion.

McDonalds is conveniently located opposite the Hub Safe Haven and in the centre of the

High Street by a designated taxi rank. The Hub is a multiagency service centre, which is the

central point where Police, wardens and medical staff are based throughout the evening.

Resources are in place in this area of the High Street to better manage large numbers


The wardens have noticed an increase in levels of street urination since McDonalds has

closed earlier, which is reflected in the increased number of people using the Hub and its

toilet facilities, which is not its intended function.

McDonalds management actively participates in initiatives that support the local area.

McDonalds are a member of the Clapham BID board and have been since the creation of

the BID in 2014. Each year they have provided staff members as part of their ‘Love Where

You Live’ campaign that has supported litter picking on the Common and in 2018 they

helped the local community plant over 1,000 Spring bulbs in Clapham old Town.

For the reason set out above, the Clapham BID supports the license application by


Yours Sincerely,

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Jeremy Keates

This is Clapham BID Manager

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