Liberton Kirk Magazine February 2015 - · PDF filedraw closer to God and to each other, so...

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Transcript of Liberton Kirk Magazine February 2015 - · PDF filedraw closer to God and to each other, so...

February 2015 Page 1


February 2015

No 636

‘Our aim is to draw closer to

God and to each other, so that, through

us, He can make known to all people the joys and

challenges of following

Jesus’ Vision

Statement 2009 Daily Celtic Devotions see back cover and pages 15 to 18

Page 2 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

page Beetle Drive 21 Bicentenary Year 20 CELTIC DEVOTIONS 15 to 18 and back cover Change of Address form 34 Congregational News 14 Crèche Rota 14 Crossword for February 12 Crossword - December answers 29 Editor’s noye 30 Elder’s Sunday Duties 19 February diary 10 Flowers 14 Fresh Start 7 Guild News 5 Kirkgate Cafe 6 and 7 Liberton Kirk Choir of the Year 13 Liberton Names and Addresses 31 Life and Work 13 Linking with SE Edinburgh churches 20 March Diary 11 Messy Church 7 Minister’s letter 3 Neighbourhood Scheme 9 Organ Music in Church 8 Our page 9 Pancake Party 22

Prayer from a Member of Liberton Kirk 19 Prayer of the Month 2 Presbyterial Guild Council 30 Senior Citizens Club letter from Patsy 13 Senior Citizens Club programme 19 Sermon Recordings 8 Spectacles—thank you 23 Useful ‘phone numbers 29 Web Addresses 29 Welcome Desk Rota 14 Your Magazine 28 Youth Report 4/5

Adverts Alan Johnstone Plumbing 27 an evening with Sally Magnusson 21 Ascot Decorators 24 Bluebird Care 26 Cake Creations by Rhona 23 Cello Lessons 23 HCC Electrical 25 John Cameron Blacksmith 26 Julie Bell Piano Care 25 Kirkgate Café 22 Local Garden Services 22 Scoobz Salon 24 Toddlers Groups 27


Prayer for the Month

'I am no longer my own but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will;

put me to doing, put me to suffering;

let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, exalted for you, or brought low for you;

let me be full, let me be empty,

let me have all things, let me have nothing:

I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure and disposal.

And now, glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours. So be it.

And the covenant now made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven.' The Methodist Covenant Prayer

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February 2015 Page 3

Letter from the Minister

Web Address Scottish Charity Number SC011602

As I write, the western world is still reeling in the aftermath of the shocking events that took place in Paris in early January, when seven-teen people were gunned down by Islamist extremists in a brutal attempt to avenge the honour of their prophet.

More than a million people took to the streets to declare their outrage at such a cowardly attack on their commonly held values of freedom of speech, and armed police are now everywhere, as the security forces attempt to allay fears of further shootings.

In times of high emotion it is often difficult to take a step back and ask the bigger questions that such events raise for us as Christians. One of the paradoxes I’ve been trying to grapple with is that while, in a free world, everyone should have the right to publish without fear of at-tack, with that right should come the responsibility to be sensitive about the impact of what is being published, particularly on those people who already feel marginalised and oppressed by the society the publication represents.

At the centre of the controversy is a French satirical magazine called Charlie Hebdo, which specialises in mockery. Over the years their ruthless brand of humour has stretched to encompass politicians, celebrities, and religions. Nothing

wrong with that, we say, except that in recent years, as their sales have decreased, their cartoons have become deliberately more provocative and offensive.

There is a debate to be had about the role of satire and mockery in pub-lic life, for even in the west there are some areas (e.g. race and disability) where the mockers no longer dare to stray. In our secular culture, however, a person’s closely held religious views are now seen to be ‘fair game’. And so, I often find that my own personal beliefs and values are the target of those who make a living out of offen-siveness and ridicule.

Clearly, the response of those Islamist extremists to the insults they were enduring was not the right one. But, if that is the case, what is?

Here are some timeless words

from a close friend of mine *, that have given me much food for thought over the years, and increasingly so in the last few weeks.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you…

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But

How to take offense

Page 4 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Youth Report From Andy

The Peace Light Service, run by the Scouts, was a moving part of the Christmas calendar. It has a special sense of purpose and mission, as participants are encouraged to vow to be vessels of peace within their community, actively taking peace with them wherever they go. It is just one of the benefits we at Liberton Kirk enjoy in our partnership with the Scouts, and other uniform organisations.

We thank them for the work they do for so many young people in our community, in giving a safe environment in which to gain new experiences and try new skills. And for our partnership with all leaders and volunteers in ventures such as March’s Youth Service. Planning begins for this years’ service with members of the Scouts on January 14th on the theme: Doing Our Best.

A Memorial that made a big impact on me over Christmas was the Show for Robbie McDonald. 12 of the girls in his year group sang songs, and danced, in his memory to a gathering of his close family and neighbours. It was beautiful to release such expressions of love, loss and respect in the positive atmosphere created by the community who gathered in his honour. I am so grateful for Robert Haas’ part in MC’ing in such a sensitive and personal way throughout, and to Alex Foster and Charlie Banks for their practical help in making this event happen.

In a year of such loss, it has been remarkable to see more than 50 local young people rise up with our help to mark their loss and make a positive state-ment in their own voice, with their own words- for Keane, for Robbie, for Jamie.

Truly, Liberton Kirk is a family at the heart of a community. We laugh with those who laugh, grieve with those who mourn, empower the weak and care for the needy. We share our home with our community and we welcome all to share in a love and faith which lets us meet all our tomorrows with renewed hope.

. . . and from Rachel . . .

Hello everyone! A belated Happy New Year to you, and I hope that 2015 has started off well. Believe it or not, I returned from a USA visit to

I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also…

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who

persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.”

with much love,

* (Matthew 5.11-12, 38-39, 43-4)

February 2015 Page 5

a “warm” Edinburgh, as it was -16°C in Ohio when I left! Like last year, I was struck with what lovely Christmas services and events

we have in Liberton Kirk in December. Christingle, the Watchnight Service, and Christmas morning are very different, but each plays a key part in the celebra-tion. On Christmas morning, it was delightful to see so many families in the church, worshipping God and sharing part of the day with each other.

Not all the Christmas celebrations were in the church, however. I was invited by Gracemount Primary School to do a Christingle project with their P5s, and also heard their lovely carol concert that they performed for their parents. When you add the Christmas parties at Sunday Clubs, BBC/Crazy Crosses, Transformers, the FAST programme, Wyldlife, and Delta, there was plenty of festivity!

Of course, I have to mention our Christmas Nativity story that the Sunday club children presented on Dec. 21. They did a wonderful job telling the story through the eyes of a Camel, Sheep, Donkey, and Cow who were all “on the scene”. Just like the first Christmas, there were a few surprises in ours, but nothing sets the tone like a real crying Baby “Jesus”! It re-focused our attention on the main character for sure, and his incredible birth.

God bless you and your loved ones

see Centre pages insert and further details on

back cover

Rachel Willis

Guild News

Monday 2nd February Heart for Art, Speaker Hugh Brown This is one of the Guild Projects, so there will be a sales table at this meeting. Wednesday 11th February Scottish Love in Action - Funding a Home and school in India. Speaker Brian Barron There will be a sales table at this meeting Saturday 14th February Spring Coffee Morning 10:00am -12:00pm Tickets, £2:50 for adults £1:00 for children, will be on sale after both services on the 25th January and 8th February or at the door. Monday 16th February Laughter is the Best Medicine, Speaker Dr Elizabeth Kenny. Eleanor

Page 6 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Great News . . . . .

Kirkgate Cafė launches this month!

You'll be delighted to hear that our new venture of running a commercial cafe is being launched on the 2nd February, right at the beginning of our bi-centenary year. The cafe will run, initially, Monday to Wednesday 9.30am to 2pm and will serve home baked scones, tray-bakes, sandwiches, soup and bacon rolls, along with excellent teas and coffees.

has been appointed as the cafe manager and she has wide experience in this role. She previously set

up and ran a successful community cafe in Chirnside for 10 years, she subsequently worked in Bethany's Summerhall café,

and then managed three Bethany shops. Norma is delighted to be joining the team and we are pleased to welcome her to Liberton.

The cafe is here to serve the community and show Christ's love to folk in a special way. Of course we want it to bring in income, but being at the centre of our community is our primary aim. Whether it's the older folk meeting friends for coffee or lunch, the young folk taking kids to nursery, local businesses collecting their lunch, the cafe is here for everyone

The first thing that Norma needs is an expanding band of willing volunteers to join the stalwarts who have been running the cafés in Liberton for years. We really want to build on their success. If you have a spare few hours or can help in anyway, please do contact Norma she'll be delighted to hear from you . Whether you like to chat to customers, clear tables, cook or assist in the kitchen, everyone will be welcome. Norma hopes we might extend the cafe hours to include a Saturday morning, in the future, so if you can volunteer then please let her know.

Although Liberton Kirk has a well equipped kitchen, we will need more equipment to run a cafe selling scones and fancies! There will be a list of equipment needed on the side tables at church or you can contribute towards the bigger items like the Freezer or food processor - every little helps.

The cafe running on Tuesday and Wednesday evening between 5.30 - 8.30 will continue in the capable hands of , again if you can volunteer she'd be delighted to hear from you. This cafe is aimed at the parents and carers of

February 2015 Page 7

the uniformed organisations and those using the Kirk halls. It is also a vital part of our outreach at Liberton Kirk.

You can come along and sample the scones, the soup and the bacon rolls. bring your friends, tell your neighbours, everyone is welcome. Please do spread the news of this new venture in our midst and Norma and her team look forward to welcoming existing customers and lots of new customers.

Norma will be delighted to hear from you, she can be contacted on 07758 938 941 or email or of course pop into the café and speak to her!

Linda can be contacted by email at, or by phone on 07850 411 596 Please do support this exciting new venture launching at the beginning of our bicentenary year. Christine Johnson, Chair, Cafe Board

Fresh Start

Happy New Year to you all. Currently there is an appeal for:

�� Washing-up basins

�� Dustpans and brushes �� General all-purpose cleaner �� Vegetable peelers �� Tin openers �� Spatulas �� Toilets rolls

Having these items donated from supporters can save vital financial resources, which supports F.S. to help more people make a home for themselves. There is always a huge demand for bedding, towels, dishes and pots etc.

Sylvia Bennett 0131 664 3189.

Messy Church

The next Messy Church will be held on Saturday 28th Febru-ary, from 4pm to 6pm in the Kirk Centre. If you know any young families who don’t come to church on Sundays and

who might perhaps find Saturday tea time easier to manage, please let them know about Messy Church.

(Messy Church go ©RF2012) Ruth Davies

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Church Organ Music for February

‘As Simeon and Anna received Christ, one generation embraces another, reveal-ing that we too are part of this embrace. As humanity embraces the divine, as the people of Liberton continue to gather with those who have gone before, God has returned the embrace to all the family of humanity. As the Epiphany Season ends, we might depart in peace, leaving Christmas behind and looking forward to Lent, another forty day period. We move from the profound reflec-tion on the incarnation to the penitential self-discipline of Lent.’

1st February 2015, The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany The Bi-centenary Service Before Parry Old Hundredth During Stanton Christ is the World’s True Light After Karl-Elert Nun danket alle Gott

Now thank we all our God 8th February 2015, The Second Sunday before Lent The God of Hope Before W.S. Lloyd Webber Aria During TAIZE Oculi Nostri, Our eyes are turned. After Dicks Alla Marcia 15th February 2015, The Sunday before Lent Passing The Baton Before Brahms Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele

Adorn Yourself, o Dear Soul During TAIZE The Lord is my Light After Tambling Fanfare : Shine, Jesus, Shine 22nd February 2915, The First Sunday of Lent The Rev John Cameron Before J.S. Bach Jesu, meines Lebens Leben Jesus, the Life of the Living During Fletcher Just a Closer Walk After Bendal Toccata : Aberystwyth

Sermon recordings

CDs of Sunday Sermons are available from Derek Jardine.

Phone 664 7112; text 07913 265 912; email

February 2015 Page 9

All the words hidden in this word-search are things you see with or look at:


* clock * eyes * game * glasses * goggles * lens * picture * scene * spectacles * television * video *

view * watch


A window.

What can you see out of the window?

Only the sun. How far do you want to

see, then?

You need glasses. But I’m wearing glasses.

Then I need glasses.

Many people had seen the steam lift the lid of a kettle, but it took James Watt to see it and go on to think of that power becoming a steam engine. It is all a matter of how we see things. We could see something a thousand times and not make the connection.

Jesus explained why he taught with parables, stories that explain some-thing in simple ways to do with everyday life that people of the time would recognise. He explained that it was because people look without seeing, and listen without under-standing (Matthew chapter 13, verses 13-14).

We all do this, and that is why we need other people to help us learn more about what the stories in the Bible mean. People who can explain and help us to see with ‘new eyes’.

Neighbourhood Scheme If you need help with shopping or small jobs, please contact Morag

on 664 1458, who will try to find someone to help

Page 10 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

February Diary st @ (with Crèche & BBC)

Guest Preacher: Rt Rev John Chalmers, Moderator of the Church of Scotland, F

10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room 2.30pm – Service at Ellen’s Glen House (SEECAT)

@ Theme: Facing your Giants V – Dry seasons! Preacher: John Young

Monday 2nd 9.30am-2.00pm – Kirkgate Café Tuesday 3rd 9.30am-2.00pm; 5.30pm-8.30pm – Kirkgate Café

2.30pm – Service at Braeside House Wednesday 4th 9.30am-2.00pm; 5.30pm-8.30pm – Kirkgate Café

8.00pm – Gathering for Praise in the Kirk Thursday 5th 7.00pm – Alpha Course @ LKC

th (with Crèche & BBC)

Theme: God of hope (Isaiah 40.21-31; Mark 1.29-39) Preacher: Ruth Davies 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room

@ Theme: A Clash of Cultures I – the techno-driven life !! Preacher: Niven Bull

Monday 9th 9.30am-2.00pm – Kirkgate Café Tuesday 10th 9.30am-2.00pm; 5.30pm-8.30pm – Kirkgate Café

3.00pm – Pram Praise in the Small Hall 7.30pm – Worship Group meets @ LKC

Wednesday 11th 9.30am-2.00pm; 5.30pm-8.30pm – Kirkgate Café Thursday 12th 7.00pm – Alpha Course @ LKC Saturday 14th 10am-12noon – Guild Coffee Morning


(with Crèche, Sunday Club, CC & BBC) Theme: Passing the Baton (2 Kings 2.1-12; Mark 1.40-5) Preacher: John Young 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room 3.00pm – SEECAT meeting at Liberton Kirk

February 2015 Page 11

Theme: Facing your Giants VI – Grief-givers Preacher: Brian McLeod

Monday 16th 9.30am-2.00pm – Kirkgate Café Tuesday 17th 9.30am-2.00pm; 5.30pm-8.30pm – Kirkgate Café 5.30pm-8.30pm – Pancake Party in Kirkgate Café Wednesday 18th 9.30am-2.00pm; 5.30pm-8.30pm – Kirkgate Café 2.30pm – Service at Braid Hills NH 7.00-7.45pm – Minister available @ Kirkgate Café

8.00pm – Gathering for Praise in the Kirk Thursday 19th 7.00pm – Alpha Course @ LKC

nd (with Crèche, Sunday Club, CC & BBC)

Guest Preacher: John Cameron, (former minister of Liberton Kirk)

10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room 2.30pm – Service at Liberton Hospital (with SEECAT)

Theme: Facing your Giants VII – Barbaric behaviour Preacher: John Young

Monday 23rd 9.30am-2.00pm – Kirkgate Café 7.30pm – House Group Huddle @ LKC

Tuesday 24th 9.30am-2.00pm; 5.30pm-8.30pm – Kirkgate Café 2.30pm – Service at Guthrie Court 3.00pm – Service at Guthrie House

Wednesday 25th 9.30am-2.00pm; 5.30pm-8.30pm – Kirkgate Café 11.00am – Pram Praise in the Small Hall 7.00-7.45pm – Minister available @ Kirkgate Café

Thursday 26th 7.00pm – Alpha Course @ LKC Saturday 28th

March 2015

st (with Crèche), (real wine)

Theme: A covenant people (Genesis 17.1-16; Mark 8.31-38) Preacher: John Young

10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room (All welcome)

2.30pm – Service at Ellen’s Glen House (SEECAT)

Mission Night – Human Trafficking in Asia Speaker: Stuart Somerville (Tear Fund)

Page 12 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

8 Interrogated (Acts 12:19) (5-8) 9 ‘Burn it in a wood fire on the — heap’ (Leviticus 4:12) (3) 10 Tobit, Judith, Baruch and the books of Esdras and the Maccabees are part of it

(9) 11 Science fiction (abbrev.) (3-2) 13 Clay pit (anag.) (7) 16 Went to (John 4:46) (7) 19 ‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to — your bodies as

living sacrifices’ (Romans 12:1) (5) 22 David’s plea to God concerning those referred to in 14 Down:

‘On — — let them escape’ (Psalm 56:7) (2,7) 24 Royal Automobile Club (1,1,1) 25 How the book of Ezekiel

refers to God more than 200 times (Ezekiel 2:4) (9,4)

1 Seas (Proverbs 8:24) (6) 2 One of the sons of Eli the priest, killed in battle by the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:11)

(6) 3 Specialist in the study of the Muslim religion (8) 4 ‘ Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but — him as if he were your father’ (1 Timothy 5:1) (6) 5 One of Esau’s grandsons (Genesis 36:11) (4) 6 Taking a chance (colloq.) (2,4) 7 God’s instructions to the Israelites concerning grain offerings: ‘ — salt to — your

offerings’ (Leviticus 2:13) (3,3) 12 Confederation of British Industry (1,1,1) 14 ‘ All day long they twist my words; they are always — to harm me’ (Psalm 56:5) (8) 15 The crowd’s reaction to Jesus bringing back to life a widow’s son in Nain (Luke

7:16) (3) 16 Disappear (Psalm 104:35) (6)

February Crossword

The Bible version used in the

crossword is the NIV.

Crosswords reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF). Answer in March magazine

17 How Jeremiah was likely to die if he wasn’t rescued from the cistern where he was imprisoned (Jeremiah 38:9) (6)

18 What the prophets do to a wall, with whitewash (Ezekiel 13:10, RSV) (4,2) 20 Made by a plough (Job 39:10) (6) 21 Noah was relieved when the flood waters continued to — (Genesis 8:5) (6) 23 Jesus gave the Twelve the power and authority to do this to diseases (Luke 9:1) (4)

February 2015 Page 13

Senior Citizen’s Club - a letter from Patsy Grant

After 30 years of being Vice and President I have decided to retire. Alastair and I began the club with the support of the church all these years ago and I have loved being involved with the club, seeing all the changes. When Alastair died, I carried on as president with the club's support, for which I'll always be thankful. I want to thank everyone for their love, care, kindness and support over these past 30 years. This club is special to, not just me; but everyone who attends.

On retiring, I received a beautiful basket of flowers and a cheque, along with a lovely book of memories made by our secretary Louise, where members had given her their thoughts of the club.

I gave a lot of thought to who I would like to take over, and am leaving the club in the very capable hands of Bryan and Jenni Ryalls, 2 lovely people, who have been entertaining us as part of the Cobblers Bairns for a good number of years now.

The club is looking for new members, so if you think you might like to come get in touch. Our door is always open!

So now I wish every success for 'my extended family' I pray you will enjoy the club as much as I have. Goodbye my family, but I will continue to see you most weeks. Patsy

The February issue contains articles on

The number of people with dementia in Scotland is set to rise by 75% in the next 25 years. Jackie Macadam discovers some of the Church of Scotland projects trying to help.

The Rev Dr Doug Gay considers the challenges of church growth and says lessons can be learned from the Church of England.

W Ross Napier describes the short life of Donald Mitchell, the first Church of Scotland missionary in India.

Jackie Macadam meets the author of a new book about St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church in Jerusalem.

The Moderator calls for the Church to create transformative change.

The Rev Alan W Gibson emphasises the importance of the offering during worship and explains how the money given is spent.

The Rev Russel Moffat considers the impact of a decade of ‘new atheism’.

Alan Rodden describes how a partnership project involv-ing the Church of Scotland is opening the online world to all.

The Rev Professor David Fergusson emphasises that we can only know God through the Jesus of the gospels.

all the regular columnists, news, reviews, letters, registers and crosswords – all for just £2.20

visit us at or find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Page 14 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Congregation News

I am sorry to report the deaths of two members at the end of 2014.

4 Lasswade Bank, died on 5th November last year, and

, who passed away towards the end of the year in a nursing home. My sympathies go out to all relatives and friends of these ladies.

Crèche 1st February Vicky McCallum 8th February Anne Shepherd 15th February Jenny Tomassi 22nd February Gillian Grant

Welcome Desk

Anne Shepherd 664 4756

Church Flowers

Jean Gray 258 2081 1st February vacant 8th February Margaret Thomson, 9/7 Mount Alvernia in memory of Ivy and William Jameson 15th February Mrs Nancy MacMurray, Little Road in memory of Jaqueline and David 22nd February vacant Jean Gray 258 2081 Convener

1st February Evelyn Ogilvie 664 1171 Jill Snowden 07823 335 585 8th February Chris Young 664 6615 Jean Wilson 666 0368 15th February Fiona Knight 672 1041 Margot Brandie 664 1637 22mn February Bill Mercer 664 2152 Mary Lonie 664 4052 11am service door (for month of February) Eleanor Grieve

1st March Tom Baxendale 666 1371 John Gooday 664 6792 8th March Sally Cuthbert 664 3479 Maureen Horn 666 0080 15th March Margaret Goldie 258 1996 Jessie Burns 664 4193 22mn March Evelyn Ogilvie 664 1171 Grant Cook 664 1581 29th March Chris Young 664 6615 David Colley 663 3757 11am service door (for month of March) Helen Colley

February 2015 Page 15

Liberton Celtic Devotions - February 2015

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your

righteous laws.’ Psalm 119:105

�� You are encouraged to make time each day for the pattern of devotions overleaf.

�� Feed on God’s Word in the morning, at midday and in the evening. �� Pray with Him continually. �� Share with others the treasures or hurdles you discover. �� Let us commit together to pilgrimage with our God.

The Church website and Facebook page will provide a fuller devotional, which follows a pattern based on the Celtic tradition.

(see details on the following pages) This tradition relates to the Kirk’s Celtic and Northumbrian origins

Reading and Meditation on the theme

Prayer of response to the Word

Prayer – mostly for others

Verse(s) from the morning reading Reflection on the day


Please use this pattern if you are unable to access the internet - or contact Alastair Cameron who can print the daily pattern for you.

Celtic Devotions

Page 16 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Mon 2nd Morning – Psalm 46 – consider a people strong in God – pray for strength Midday – pray for someone you know who needs God’s strength Evening – Psalm 46 vs 7+8 – reflect how God was with you through the day and give thanks! Tue 3rd Morning – Psalm 45 v 1 – consider what stirs your heart – pray for noble desires Midday – make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer Evening – Psalm 45 v 1 – reflect on what your heart has desired today Wed 4th Morning – Psalm 44 – consider the good and bad times of Israel – pray for faithfulness Midday – pray for someone you know struggling in their walk with God Evening – Psalm 44 vs 4-8 – reflect on how God has guided you through today- pray for humility Thur 5th Morning – Psalms 42+43 – consider the depth of your soul – pray for a soul-deepening Midday – pray for a neighbour or colleague in need of hope in God Evening – Psalm 42 v 8 – reflect on what song is in your soul Fri 6th Morning – Psalm 41- consider how much you need God – pray for His companionship through the day Midday – pray for a sense of the Presence of the Living God Evening – Psalm 41 v 1 – reflect on whom you have helped this day Sat 7th Morning – Psalm 40 – consider how waiting on God is rewarded – pray for patience Midday – pray for more patience Evening – Psalm 40 v 1 – reflect on God’s answers to you this day – what did you ask of Him? Sun 8th Morning – 2 Cor 13v14 – consider what God wants to give– pray to receive Midday – pray a blessing of hope and grace on another Edinburgh church Evening – 1 Peter 1 vs 3-12 – reflect on where your hope is Mon 9th Morning – Isaiah 40 vs21-31 – consider God’s message to Israel – pray for open ears Midday – make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer Evening – Isaiah 40 v 21 – reflect on what you want God to teach you more about - pray the Prayer for the Month Tue 10th Morning – Isaiah 40 vs 21-26 – consider losing sight of God – pray for open eyes Midday – pray for someone you know in a dark place Evening – Isaiah 40 v 26 – look outside at the sky and reflect on who God is Wed 11th Morning – Isaiah 40 vs 27-31 – consider a people complaining – ` pray for wings! Midday – pray for renewed strength – and those soaring wings! Evening – Isaiah 40 v 31 – reflect on how high you flew today

February 2015 Page 17

Thur 12th Morning – Mark 1 vs 29-39 – consider the hope Jesus gives – pray for Jesus’ touch Midday – pray to be more like Jesus Evening – Mark 1 v 29 – reflect on those nearest you – pray for them Fri 13th Morning – Mark 1 vs 29-34 – consider Jesus’ healing power – pray for Jesus’ touch Midday – pray to be more like Jesus when with others Evening – Mark 1 v31 – reflect on that woman’s response Sat 14th Morning – Mark 1 vs 35-39 – consider Jesus’ need for a devotional life – pray for time to spend with God Midday – pray to be more like Jesus when you are alone Evening – Mark 1 v35 – reflect on where and when you spend time with God Sun 15th Morning – 1 Kings 19 – consider Elijah, the man of God – pray to be an Elijah! Midday – pray a blessing on JY who was preaching today Evening – 1 K 19 v 12 – reflect on how God has spoken to you today Mon 16th Morning –2 Kings 2vs1-12 – consider how God selects – pray for wisdom Midday – pray for someone you know to have God’s gift of wisdom Evening – 1 K2 v 6 – reflect how God was with you through the day and give thanks! Tue 17th Morning – 2 Kings 2vs13-25 – consider how people respond – pray for an open heart Midday – pray for family and friends to hear God’s message Evening – 2K 2v14 – reflect on how people in Edinburgh need God Wed 18th Morning – Mark 1 vs 40-45 – consider the leper’s needs – pray for compassion Midday – make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer Evening – Mark 1 v42 – reflect how Jesus cured the leper Thur 19th Morning – Mark 1 vs 40-45 – consider the changes in the man – pray to be a signpost Midday – pray for Jesus to use you to reach out to others Evening – Mark 1 v44 – reflect on why Jesus said these words Fri 20th Morning – 1 Cor 9vs15-23- consider how the Good News is free for all – give thanks! Midday – pray with thanksgiving for your faith in God Evening – 1 Cor9 v19 – reflect on who you shared Jesus with today, by word or action Sat 21st Morning – 1 Cor 9vs24-27 – consider how Christianity is like running a race – pray to run! Midday – pray to keep on running the race Evening – 1 Cor 9 v 27 – reflect on anything God is saying that is holding you back – pray in response.

Celtic Devotions

Page 18 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Web Address Scottish Charity Number SC011602

Sun 22nd Morning – Numbers 6 vs 22-27 – consider how our God wants to bless us - pray a blessing on our Kirk Midday – pray a blessing on a fellow pilgrim Evening – Number 6 v 27 – reflect on how God has blessed you this day Mon 23rd Morning – Deut 6 vs 1-3 – consider how God wants the best – pray for a listening ear Midday – say nothing – listen for God to speak with you Evening – Deut 6 v 3 – reflect on what God has been saying to you today Tue 24th Morning – Deut 6 vs 4-6 – consider how God wants it all – pray for this Midday – pray for a longing to know God more Evening – Deut 6 v 5 – reflect what God is asking of you – pray in response Wed 25th Morning – Deut 6 vs 7-9 – consider how these verses speak to you – pray to tell someone Midday – pray for someone outside of the church family you know Evening – Deut 6 v 9 – reflect on your life at home Thur 26th Morning – Deut 6 vs 10-12 – consider how forgetful we become – Remember…and pray! Midday – make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer Evening – Deut 6 v 12 – reflect on anything you forgot to thank God for! Fri 27th Morning – Deut 6 vs 13-19 – consider God’s nature – pray for a true heart Midday – pray to love God more and more Evening – Deut 6 v 18 – reflect on God’s goodness this day and give thanks Sat 28th Morning – Deut 6 vs 20-25 – consider how God blesses His people – pray for the Church worldwide Midday – pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing! Evening – Deut 6 v 25 – reflect on anything carelessly said or done – hand it to God

‘May God be gracious to us and bless us And make His face shine upon us,

That Your ways may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.’

Psalm 67 vs 1-2

February 2015 Page 19

Elder’s Sunday Duties

Door Duties 9-30am service east east area Rossie Carmichael Tom Baxendale Sally Cuthbert West west area Eric Brown Pearl Kelly Fiona Knight north plate Christina Young Bill Mercer Alasdair White

11-00am service west extreme west Mary Davidson Stuart Heney Sylvia Bennett east extreme east Helen Colley Jill Niven Alan Lonie north centre west Brenda Lamb Betty Boyle Christine Johnson front gate centre east John Gill Chris Boyle Netta Rough Gallery west gallery west David Colley Derek Jardine Rink van Dijke and west plate Gallery east gallery east Rink van Dijke Ann Weir Jean Wilson banker east plate David Lamb Alan Carmichael Colin Burnett

Any elder unable to attend must arrange a substitute. Alison Walker 664 3631

A Prayer from a

Liberton Kirk


God on high Look with mercy On us below. God of the cross Look with grace On us in need. God of the Church Look with joy

On us this special year. Amen and Amen.

Senior Citizen’s Club programme

The programme for the month of February is as below. We look forward to welcoming all senior citizens and their friends at our meetings in the Anderson Hall, Liberton Kirk Centre, on Thursdays from 2 until 4pm (Doors open from 1pm)

Bryan and Jenni Ryalls 5th February Diana signs for us 12th February - Songs and Stories 19th February - Songs from Margo (possibly also Highland Dancing ?) 26th February - Cinema Show

Page 20 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Bicentenary Year Guest Preachers

On 1st February we are delighted that we can welcome the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland,

, to preach at the start of our Bicentenary celebrations. Guest preachers will be a feature of these celebra-tions, and the people we will be welcoming (or welcoming back in most instances) over the next few months are:

, our previous Minister, on 22nd February of the Northumbria Community, on 15th March

(this will be in preparation for the day he is leading on Saturday 21 st March in the church – make a note of this date in your diary now)

former Minister of St. Cuthbert’s Church, of which Liber-ton Kirk is a “daughter”, on 26th April

, a recent probationer, on 31st May on 28th June and on 26th July

(both probationers when John Cameron was Minister here)


Our church archivist, Vivienne Batho, has compiled a really interesting leaflet “ ” and this will be available from 1st Feb. No charge is being made, but a small donation (50p or under) would be much appreciated. The book is of course still available at £10, and towards the end of February we hope to have some lovely leather book-marks at £2. Look out for mugs in later months! Ruth Davies

Linking with South East Edinburgh Churches

One of the ways we get to know our Christian neighbours better is by joining with them in a series of discussion topics/bible studies through Lent. This year the course will take place in the 5 weeks from week beginning 23rd February, and the subject will be “Parables and Possessions”, looking at five of the parables Jesus told and discussing how they speak to us about our relationship with money. Details of the groups available will be on the welcome desks in church – please give a thought to signing up. One way of finding out what goes on in our area in terms of the churches work-ing together is to take a copy of the quarterly SEECAT newsletter Crosstalk. There will be a new issue out early in February – why not pick one up from the welcome desks or the halls entrance? Ruth Davies, SEECAT Chair

February 2015 Page 21

To mark the launch of the paper-back publication of her book "Where Memories Go - Why Dementia Changes Everything" Sally Magnusson will read from and discuss the book, the story behind it and the reaction she has had to it,

“This book began as an attempt to hold on to my witty, storytelling mother. Then, as the enormity of the social crisis we were part of be-gan to dawn, I wrote with the thought that other forgotten lives might be nudged into the light along with hers. Dementia is one of the greatest challenges of our times. I am a reporter. It became the biggest story of my life.”

WHERE MEMORIES GO is Sally's words to Mamie: in exquisite prose, both moving and funny, a daughter attempts to keep her mother’s spirit alive by talking to her as dementia begins to overwhelm both their lives

Bring the whole family!

If you have any items of interest about members, or their friends,

that you would like to share, please pass details to the Editor, for

inclusion in the Congregational News section of the Magazine.


Pancake Party

from 5.30 to 8.30pm on Tuesday 17th February, in the church halls to raise money for .

Tickets £5 each, or Family-of 4 for £15.

Buy your ticket, or for more info, speak to me on 07530 877 731.

Anna Krabbenhöft

Page 22 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Lawn Maintenance Paths Turfing Borders

Tree cutting / Pruning Fences

Hedge Trimming Slabbing

Decking & Patios Planting

Grass Cutting Snow Clearing

Garden Tidy ups Bark & Chip spreading

Leaf Clearing Weed control

Garden Makeovers Strimming


Contact John Gallagher for a free estimate - Today -

On 07828 874 603 or 0131 477 6973 With over 40 years greenkeeping and landscaping

experience, I can bring a wealth of knowledge and high quality workmanship to all your garden

maintenance needs


9-30am to 2pm Home baked scones

Tray bakes, sandwiches Soup, Bacon Rolls Teas and Coffees

5-30pm to 8-30pm

See pages 6 and 7 for more details

February 2015 Page 23

Cake Creations By Rhona


From enthusiastic qualified teacher

Beginners of all ages Welcome

Adult instruments available for trial, also children’s sizes

for rent. 3/4 size for age 10-12

2x 1/2 size aged 8-9; maybe for 2 friends learning

together; and one 1/4 size for age 6-7

tel. 0131 664 3119


EMMS have written, expressing their thanks for the recent delivery of spectacles, which they will now sort, pack and pass on to whoever is in greatest need. They ask that I pass on their grateful thanks to all who helped with the collection of the spectacles Muriel Mustard

Based in Bonnyrigg, I create beautiful, unique and delicious cakes for all types of special occasion. All my cake topper decorations and figures are handcrafted and edible. Whether your event is a chris-

tening, a birthday of any age, a retiral, workplace function or wedding, I can create the perfect cake on any theme you choose to, make your celebration extra special. I also produce luxuriously deco-

rated cupcakes which again can be tailored to fit in with any theme or colour scheme you wish. All my cakes are very reasonably priced and are baked using only the highest quality ingredients and free range eggs. I offer a wide choice of cake types, fillings and flavourings to meet your personal

taste. Contact me for a friendly chat about your requirements.

Like me on Facebook at ‘Cake Creations by Rhona’, or follow me on Instagram at

cakecreationsbyrhona. Tel 07767 408002 (email contact is preferable in the first place)

Page 24 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

February 2015 Page 25

Need a small electrical job done? Extra socket required?

Light switch moved? No job too small!

Contact Harry Johnson on:

07932 603968

Julie Bell FdA BA (Hons) BSc (Hons)

Key Piano Care �� All aspects of piano care �� Tuning, regulation and repair. �� French Polishing �� Evening and Weekend Appointments Available

Tel: 0131 663 6672 Mobile: 07840 703249 Email:

Address: 34 Woodburn Street, Dalkeith. EH22 2EN

Page 26 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636





41 BLACKFORD GLEN ROAD, EDINBURGH EH16 6TP tel :0131 664 9101

e-mail :

February 2015 Page 27

Alan Johnstone Plumbing & Heating

* Central Heating systems * Boiler Change over * Bathroom Installation * Kitchen Appliances * Fires * Servicing of all Gas heating & Appliances * Any leaks and General plumbing repairs . . . . .


33 Liberton Gardens, Edinburgh, EH16 6JU Tel: 0131 258 3534 Mobile: 07866 632234




Toddler Groups in LIBERTON KIRK

HALLS Tuesday Group 1.30-3.30pm

Wednesday Group 10.00am–12 noon

For more information,

contact Linda Wright 07850 411 596 or the Church office on 664 8264

Page 28 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Your Magazine

We do hope that you enjoy the magazine, and will feel able to help with the cost of its production by making a contribution.

. The envelope can be placed in the collection bag at church any Sunday,

or posted directly to the Church Treasurer. A donation of around from each household, would cover

the annual cost of the production of the magazine.

Please complete the slip below, and enclose it in the return envelope.

GIFT AID DECLARATION - please tick the boxes below

I pay income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax amount to be reclaimed on my donations.

I wish this donation to be gift aided.



Postcode Date

� - - - - - - � - - - - -

February 2015 Page 29

Websites �� Liberton Kirk ���� Church of Scotland �� Bethany �� Bethany Christmas Trees www.caringchristmastrees,com �� Fresh Start �� Healing Rooms �� Mission Aviation Fellowship �� City Council �� What’s on in Edinburgh �� Edinburgh Leisure �� Scottish Executive �� Train times �� Bus times �� Bus tracker (city bus times) or, from your mobile . . �� Airport arrivals �� Weather information �� Road traffic information

More useful numbers

BT Faults 0800 800 151 Virgin Media faults 0845 454 1111

(151 from a Virgin landline) Electricity - power loss 0845 2727 999 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Scottish Water 0845 600 88 55 Police . . . . . . non-emergency calls > > > Police HQ 0131 311 3131

Royal Infirmary (all depts) 0131 536 1000 Sick Children’s Hospital 0131 536 0000 NHS24 - free number > > >

Edinburgh City Council 0131 200 2323 Clarence (Road Faults) 0800 23 23 23 Council Special Uplift 0131 529 3030 Council House Repairs 0131 200 2345 Scottish Government 0131 556 8400

First Edinburgh - Buses 08708 72 72 71 Lothian Buses 0131 555 6363 Train Times / Enquiries 08457 48 49 50

December crossword

Note that the inclusion of an advertisement in the Magazine does not imply a recom-

mendation - they are provided for information only. Contacts made are done at your own risk and no liability will be

accepted by Liberton Kirk.

Page 30 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636

Change of Address If you have moved house recently, or are about to move, please fill in the address slip below and either hand it to your elder, or mail it to the Roll Keeper, Gary Ross, Liberton Kirk Office, 30 Kirkgate, Edinburgh, EH16 6RY Thanks very much Name (s) OLD Address

NEW Address NEW Telephone

Moving date

If you would like to advertise your

business or service in the magazine, please contact the editor for


Costs start at only £6

per quarter page per issue

Editors note Material for the issue, should be in my hands

The deadline for the April 2015 magazine is Sunday 15th March Information can be left in my box in the Offering House, or sent to me at 8 Fairmile Avenue, phone 477 9156. email to

Presbyterial Guild Council

This year’s Edinburgh Presbyterial Guild Council AGM will take place on Wednesday February 11th

at 2.00 pm, in London Road Parish Church, when any member may represent their Guild.

A guest speaker will also be present, and the Annual Syllabus exchange will take place. The Presbyterial Council consists of all Guild members within a Presbytery area. Here in Edinburgh we have over a thousand members, and usually at least two members from each Guild attend the meetings, in some cases more.

Presbyterial Councils exist to assist local groups, and through these wider contacts and knowledge there should be no lack of suggestions and ideas. One of the main purposes of the Council is to encourage members to fulfil the Aim of the Guild. Brenda Graham, Convener

February 2015 Page 31

Hours of Services : 9-30am, 11am & 6-30pm

Services are recorded from time to time for distribution to the housebound. It may be possible to record a service on a one-off basis. Please contact

John Young or Ruth Davies if you have a special request. The Minister is usually available in the McDonald Room at the Kirk Centre,

on Wednesday evenings between 7pm and 8pm. Appointments can be made by telephone to see him at other times, but please note that he is available through the day on Mondays.

Liberton Kirk - names and addresses

Minister: Rev JOHN N YOUNG, PhD MA BD(Hons), Liberton Manse, 7 Kirk Park, EH16 6HZ. Tel 664 3067. email:

Reader: Ruth Davies, 4 Hawkhead Grove, EH16 6LS. Tel 664 3608. email:

Pastoral Support Worker: Ray Bain, 43 Hawthornvale, Newhaven, Tel 477 4785, Mobile 07982 241 598

Youth Worker: Andy Chittick, 15 Gilmerton Dykes Terrace, EH17 8LU. Tel 468 0326

Session Clerk: Christopher Brandie, 1F1 20 West Savile Terrace, EH9 3EA Tel 668 1850, email:

Deputy Session Clerk: Rink Van Dijke, 21 Kirk Park, EH16 6HZ, Tel 664 2178, email:

Treasurer: Judy Weston, 28 Longformacus Rd, EH16 6SE. tel 664 5684. Freewill Offering and Deed of Covenant Treasurer: E J Brown, 14

Liberton Drive, EH16 6NN. Tel 664 5008 Editor of the Magazine: John Gill, 8 Fairmile Avenue, EH10 6RN,

Tel 477 9156, email: Organist: Calum Gubby, 19 North Gyle Terrace, EH12 8JT.

tel 07952 902 292. email: Sunday Club Secretaries: John and Linda Skinner 12 Alnwickhill Terrace

Tel 258 2889 Church Officer: William Mearns, 30 Kirkgate, EH16 6RY, Tel 672 3576. Convener of Visitors to the Elderly: Morag Fowlie, 7 Gilmerton Station Road,

EH17 8RZ, Tel. 664 1458 Hall Secretary and Church Secretary: Jacqui Tait, Church Office, Kirk Centre,

Kirkgate, EH16 6RY. Tel 664 8264. email:

Please note that there is a letterbox at the Office door, if Jacqui is unavailable

February 2015 Page 31

Page 32 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.636 Printed at The Dolphin Press, Tel 01592771652 Data/Publisher/ Published 1st February 2015

Web Address Scottish Charity Number SC011602

Northumbrian Celtic


As part of the church’s bi-centenary celebrations, the monthly Bible readings will be taking a different slant from this month.

The church here at Liberton owes much to the Northumbrian Celtic tradition of Christianity, and we are borrowing from that as we pilgrimage together through 2015, and onwards.

The Celtic brand of Christianity has much emphasis on monastery and mission, obedience to the Spirit’s prompting, and a real sense of maintaining a continual devotion in daily living.

For this reason we are encouraging each other to start, improve or continue a daily devotion with the Lord and His Word.

There will be a guide in the Magazine each month in the form of a middle page insert to help us focus on the Bible passages,

with relevant thoughts and prayers.

There will be available on and on to enable us to take time in the morning, at midday

and in the evening to celebrate, listen, pray and respond. And we all get a free bookmark to remind us!

Alastair Cameron