Letters Features 100 Pastoral That Will Meet All of Your Communication Needs

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It is with deep appreciation and admiration that we dedicate this compilation ofPastoral Letters to you. For your unending service to those in the Body of Christ, andto those still to enter, for your relentless determination to love and teach and equip thesaints, and most of all for your many unseen tears and fervent prayers… for all of thisand more, we hold you in high esteem. You are the ones called upon in the wee hoursof the morning to visit emergency rooms with your comforting presence and yourheartfelt prayers. You are the ones sought out when members grieve over lost lovedones, or when they need wisdom for a crucial decision. At times you become thebridge that brings together those in conflict, with a truthful reminder of the grace andforgiveness that should characterize the lives of those who follow Christ.

Transcript of Letters Features 100 Pastoral That Will Meet All of Your Communication Needs

Copyright 2000-2011 By StartCHURCHAll rights reserved. No part of this file, book, or publication may be reproduced in anyform or by any means, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than thepersonal use of the bearer of the license agreement or otherwise, without the writtenpermission of StartCHURCH, P.O. Box 465017, Lawrenceville, GA 30042. Theinformation in this program is subject to change without notice.The information in this publication is only a guide and is not intended to be legaladvice in any way. This guide is meant to be used as a reference work only, as it mayor may not help you make informed decisions concerning your organization. It is notto be used in replacement of or as a substitute for a lawyer or CPA. As always, youshould seek the counsel of a competent lawyer or CPA. The authors, and orpublishers, are not responsible for any legal repercussions, adverse effects orconsequences resulting from the use of any of the information discussed in thispublication.Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to bethe property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is noimplied endorsement if we use one of these terms.Contrary to popular belief, copying and sharing information, even without selling it isillegal. Under Title 17 of the United States Code, it is clear that such copying andsharing is an infringement that provides severe monetary and criminal penalties.J ust imagine if one day you write a book or recorded an album. What if you dependedon its sales for your livelihood, and everyone in the Christian world decided to copyand share it? What would it do to your livelihood? Please consider the work ofStartCHURCH, and the families whose livelihood depend on it. Thank you forhonoring the law of the land and our request!IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY:Letters1 of 82By using this SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to the following conditions:This Startchurch.com, Inc. End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legalagreement between you (either an individual person or a single legal entity, who willbe referred to in this EULA as "You") and Startchurch.com, Inc. for theStartchurch.com, Inc. software product that accompanies this EULA, including anyassociated media, printed materials and electronic documentation (the "SoftwareProduct").The SOFTWARE PRODUCT also includes any software updates, add-oncomponents, web services and/or supplements that Startchurch.com, Inc. may provideto you or make available to you after the date you obtain your initial copy of theSOFTWARE PRODUCT to the extent that such items are not accompanied by aseparate license agreement or terms of use.By installing, copying, downloading,accessing or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, You agree to be bound bythe terms of this EULA.SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE:The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and internationalcopyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. TheSOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.Startchurch.com, Inc. reserves theexclusive right to market, resell, reconstruct, reengineer this SOFTWARE PRODUCTat its own discretion.1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following rights:You may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a singlecomputer, including a workstation, terminal or other digital electronic device("COMPUTER").Use of this SOFTWARE PRODUCT is solely for the use of the ministry or person thatpurchased it.It may not be shared with other churches or ministries includingindividuals regardless of circumstance.You promise not to make copies of this SOFTWARE PRODUCT and also not to sharethis software in any way whatsoever with other ministries or individuals or entities.2.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS:All title and intellectual property rights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music,text, and "applets" incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), the accompanyingprinted materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned byStartchurch.com, Inc. or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and tothe content that is not contained in the Software Product, but may be accessedthrough use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, is the property of the respective contentowners and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual propertylaws and treaties.This EULA grants you no rights to use such content.If thisSOFTWARE PRODUCT contains documentation that is provided only in electronicLetters2 of 82form, you may print one copy of such electronic documentation.You may not copythe printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.Raul RiveraGenel RiveraScottie RitzheimerDavid AlsburyApril VogtStartCHURCH is a company dedicated to meeting the needs of organizations that havea vision to make a difference in their communities through establishing new churchesand ministries.We believe in helping those who feel called to leadership within the Body of Christ,and have designed our programs to aid ministers in fulfilling the call of God on theirlife.StartCHURCH founders, Raul and Genel Rivera, want to share their knowledge andexperiences as ones who have been where you may find yourself today. In 1993 theydared to go beyond dreaming and agreed to venture out to establish a new church inFlorida. Like most church startups, finances to hire an attorney and CPA weredeficient. A ministry like StartCHURCH did not exist, and they did not know where toturn. With encouragement from their home church pastors, Raul and Genel beganresearching the laws pertaining to churches and nonprofit ministries in their state.They did now know it at the time, but this would mark the beginning ofStartCHURCH; a ministry whose arms now extend into all 50 states to providecomprehensive information, support, and experience needed to successfully start anew nonprofit. Today, StartCHURCH serves thousands of pastors and communityleaders each year, and greatly anticipates the opportunity to serve you.With the resources provided by StartCHURCH, nonprofit organizations will have aneasier time establishing themselves without having to deplete their precious resourceson lawyers and CPAs. While our products are not designed to replace the counsel of areputable lawyer or CPA, organizations can save thousands by simply following thesteps that StartCHURCH has laid out for them. No minister should have to feel alonein his or her efforts to raise up a ministry. At StartCHURCH, we are here to help youwith the legal processes involved so you can focus more of your time on effectivelyreaching out to those around you, and less of your time on confusing legal paperwork.Letters3 of 82Dear Pastor,It is with deep appreciation and admiration that we dedicate this compilation ofPastoral Letters to you. For your unending service to those in the Body of Christ, andto those still to enter, for your relentless determination to love and teach and equip thesaints, and most of all for your many unseen tears and fervent prayers for all of thisand more, we hold you in high esteem. You are the ones called upon in the wee hoursof the morning to visit emergency rooms with your comforting presence and yourheartfelt prayers. You are the ones sought out when members grieve over lost lovedones, or when they need wisdom for a crucial decision. At times you become thebridge that brings together those in conflict, with a truthful reminder of the grace andforgiveness that should characterize the lives of those who follow Christ.Grace and forgiveness are very familiar to you. For daily you must rely on the grace ofGod in order to continue in the path He has called you to take. And you've never beenmore aware of His grace as in the times when you have had to offer words when noneseemed appropriate, or stand behind a pulpit when you felt you had nothing to offer.All too often you have had to forgive the very people for whom you are giving yourlife. When their words have pierced your heart, or the heart of one you hold dear toyour own. When their lack of understanding has become for them a license to accuseand criticize, you have had to forgive, and love, and continue gently nurturing as youmove forward in the work of the Gospel.Your influence is vast, for you are the instrument of the Holy Spirit at work in theChurch. Your words of inspiration motivate to action many in the Kingdom of God.And, when necessary, they bring people to their knees in repentance. You stand onthe front lines where the fighting is the fiercest, and where there are few others whowill stand with you and fight beside you, who will help to cover you, or trulyunderstand you.But do not give up! Do not ever give up, man or woman of God that you are. You area leader, a voice of truth, and a giver of the Bread of Life. To you God has entrustedthe lives of those He has redeemed with His blood. His grace shall keep you. His handshall guide you. And, though you may not receive gratitude in this world, the price youhave paid will one day be rewarded in full. For you shall one day see your Masterface to face, to hear the sweet sound of His voice as He says to you, "Well done, goodand faithful servant."May the Lord bless you and encourage you all the days of your service to Him.With appreciation,Pastors Raul and Genel RiveraLetters4 of 82People all across America look forward to getting their mail every day. Regardless ofthe amount of junk mail they may get, or the number of bills that come, there is ajoyful expectation every time Americans open their mailboxes.Now that technology has reached a "virtual" level, many have stopped writing. It isonly when we watch an old movie do we remember that letter writing was the onlyway to communicate with anyone that was not in your immediate presence.Somehow, we have lost that precious art of letter writing and have replaced it with fastand easy, cell phones, e-mails, and online chatting. No matter how great ourtechnology gets and how instant our communication, nothing will ever out do apersonally addressed and carefully written letter, formatted in an elegant manner, andwrapped in a cotton fiber envelope. The members of your church get excited whenthey see a letter addressed to them coming from their pastor. Chances are, they willset aside all others in the mailbox and read yours first.We have written these letters to make your pastoral work more of a joy and less of aburden when comes to correspondence. Like me, it takes a lot of thought and energyto write a specific letter to one individual. You may sit in front of your computer andstare at a blank screen for quite some time before the words and the thoughts begin toflow. By the time you are done, it may be the last time you will write a letter for along time. Why? because it took almost everything you had to carefully organize yourthoughts and express your heart.You will find that the topics covered in the Resource of Pastoral Letters cover a widerange of circumstances. Following are a few examples of the topics included in thiscollection:Letters of AppreciationLetters of ApologyAnnouncement LettersCondolence LettersLetters to Celebrate HolidaysLetters of RecommendationAnd many, many moreWe encourage you to go through the table of contents and get familiar with the lettersin this collection. When the time comes to send that special letter, your memory bankswill recall seeing one that will help you. With the help found in this collection, you willkeep better touch with your church body through the lost art of correspondence.DateLetters5 of 82Name, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I feel honored that you have asked me to officiate your wedding. This is an excitingtime in your lives, a time filled with new adventures and new responsibilities. You canbe sure that as the two of you establish your new home on the solid foundation ofChrist you will experience the most beautiful of relationships, one filled with anintimacy that God ordains as holy in the marriage covenant.Keith and Lisa, in charge of pre-marital counseling, were delighted to hear of yourengagement and will be in touch with you. I am positive that the insights they have toshare with you will best prepare you to enjoy the union you are about to share.Please keep me informed as to when the rehearsal is scheduled for. If there isanything else I can do for you as you prepare, simply call my office.Thank you for thinking of me. May God bless you both.Sincerely,NameConfirmation to Officiate a WeddingDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Thank you for the invitation to become a member of the LIONS CLUB. I consider it apleasure to be associated with an organization that involves itself in many good causes,including what it does to benefit children and the blind.Letters6 of 82LION Brad informed me of the weekly meetings. I will begin attending this upcomingMonday. Please have one of the members call me with any information I should knowprior to Monday's luncheon. Thank you.Sincerely,NameAccepting Invitation to Join a ClubDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I appreciate your request that I give the invocation at the Baccalaureate at FirstChurch on J une 5th. I would be happy to participate in such a meaningful evening.According to your correspondence, I understand the Baccalaureate to begin at 7:00P.M. I will make plans to arrive no later than 6:30 P.M. in order to go over any detailswith you that I may need to know.A lot of hard work and preparation are always involved in coordinating events such asthis. I am sure that the graduating seniors and their families appreciate your efforts.Please know that I, too, admire your sacrifice on behalf of our community's youngpeople.May God bless you abundantly.Sincerely,NameAccepting Invitation to Pray at Public EventLetters7 of 82DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Thank you for your kind invitation to serve on the Habitat for Humanity board. I ampleased to accept.You have given me the dates for the meetings scheduled during the months of J uneand J uly. I am planning to attend and would like copies of the minutes from the Apriland May gatherings in order that I might be adequately informed and able toparticipate in the upcoming business to be discussed. Thank you.Sincerely,NameAccepting Invitation to Serve on a BoardDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Thank you for the invitation to speak at your annual Couple's Banquet, scheduled forFebruary 13th, 2001, at the Country Club. I am pleased for the opportunity to sharewith those that will be attending and am anticipating a very memorable evening for all.According to your invitation, I am to share for approximately 30 minutes related to thetheme "A Love that Keeps Growing." I will contact you by February 1st with thescripture text from which I will be speaking.Sincerely,Letters8 of 82NameAccepting Invitation to Speak (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Thank you for inviting me to preach at your church's annual Anniversary Celebration.Every year that passes is another great testimony of God's faithfulness. I have begun topray and seek the Lord concerning a word for your church. There has never been atime when I have been to your church and failed to sense the presence of the Lordmoving in a mighty way; I am confident this special weekend of services will be noexception.As I understand this year's theme "Building Families, Winning the World, I will focuson preparing a message that will challenge the congregation in their relationships withone another and with those needing Christ with whom they come in contact everyday.Sincerely,NameAccepting Invitation to Speak (2)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipLetters9 of 82Dear Name,I write this letter with both joy and sorrow. J oy because I am happy that you havesuch a wonderful opportunity set before you. The position offered you by SouthEastern College promises to be an excellent one. Certainly their music department willbe receiving a tremendously talented and dedicated individual. But their gain shall beour loss. I write with sorrow because we, at First Church, shall miss you greatly. Forseveral years our church has been blessed by the way you have led us in worship.And for that I thank you. You have been a great person to work with for the Kingdomof God. I know that wherever you go in the future and whatever you endeavor to do,you will continue to allow the Lord to use you as mightily as He has used you in ourmidst.I wish that Southeastern College was not so far away. Your move, although necessary,is a sad one for the congregation and for me.Please remember that you always have a place here with us, and, of course, pleasestop and visit us any time you are in this area.May God bless you as richly as you have blessed us.Sincerely,NameAccepting Staff ResignationDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I was sorry to read your letter of resignation as chairperson of the Missions Council.You have served the council well and have been a tremendous blessing to manypeople through your hard work. Though I understand your reasons for resigning andaccept your decision, I hate to see you step down and I am certain that the councilmembers will miss your presence.Letters10 of 82I do want to thank you for all that you have done to serve the Lord in this capacity. Ibelieve that God has been honored by the manner in which you conducted yourselfand the fulfilled your responsibilities. May He bless you and your family.Sincerely,NameAccepting Volunteer ResignationDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Over the last several years we have met in this building to worship the Lord. Andwhile we have had some of the most rewarding times here, the time has come for us,as church body, to start saving money for the purchase of land with the purpose ofconstructing a new building.I have already begun to dream of a facility with adequate space for all of ourministries and with room to grow. The Lord has blessed us with growth that hascreated some good problems for us. Our parking lot is too full on Sunday morningsand so are our nurseries. We certainly enjoy the crowds that gather here everySunday, but we must also recognize that the Lord still wants to send us additionalpeople and we need to be ready.I have met with the Board of Elders and it has been unanimously decided that thecongregation as a whole should come into agreement and believe God for the financesneeded to make this a reality. Therefore, on the 3rd of March we are asking each ofyou to join us for a special meeting where we will choose from among us sevenindividuals who will serve on the Building Fund Campaign Committee. Please comeand share you heart concerning this matter.Sincerely,Letters11 of 82NameBuilding Campaign AnnouncementDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,No doubt, by now you have witnessed on the news the extensive damage that hasbeen caused by the earthquake in Mexico. Many lives were tragically taken, childrenwere suddenly orphaned and numerous individuals were left homeless. Amidst theremains of what they once called home, thousands of people, many of them children,wait for help.With so many people now in such great need, we are faced with an opportunity toreach out to the hurting and to help make a difference. The words of the Apostle J ohncome to mind where, in I J ohn 3:17-18 he tells us, "If anyone has material possessionsand sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be inhim? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."The immediate need is for food and medical supplies. Additionally, funds will continueto be needed for many months in order to help with the rebuilding of the homes.We will be taking up a special offering this Sunday in order to help meet these needs.The money will then be forwarded to the Tucker family, missionaries we support inthe area. They are already working hard on the scene. Please give generously thisSunday and prayerfully remember the victims of this disaster. Make your checkpayable to the church and be sure to designate it "Mexico." Thank you in advance foryour compassion.Sincerely,NameEmergency Offering AnnouncementLetters12 of 82DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Greetings in the name of the Lord. In just a few short weeks we here at First Churchwill have the privilege of joining with our brothers and sisters in Christ from all aroundthe community as we partake in a community worship service.The Lord tells us in Ephesians 4:3-6 to, "Make every effort to keep the unity of theSpirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit--just as you werecalled to one hope when you were called--one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one Godand Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."In a celebration of the unity and new life we share in Christ, musicians and singersfrom several of the community's churches will be ministering, the pastors from eachparticipating church will be sharing in the leadership of the service, and Rev. TomAnderson, of New Life Assembly, will bring the message.Please make plans now to be a part of this exciting community effort. The date isDate of serviceSincerely,NameCommunity Service AnnouncementDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressLetters13 of 82City, State ZipDear Name,I am writing on behalf of the Board in order to update you on a very importantrevision that has been made in the policy regarding the personal use of churchequipment.As you know, it has always been our practice here at First Church to loan outwhatever tables or chairs were needed for wedding showers, birthday parties andother private uses, provided such use did not conflict with scheduled church events.Although we have been very happy to have provided you this service free of charge,we found ourselves in the undesirable position of needing to replace all of ourequipment, due to the excessive wear and tear our tables and chairs have sustained.In order to be good stewards and to obtain the maximum life expectancy from thenewly purchased tables and chairs, we will no longer be making them available for usebeyond church functions. The most suitable of the old tables and chairs may,however, still be borrowed for as long as they last. Derrick Rhimes continues to be thedeacon over the Maintenance Department. All arrangements for borrowing churchequipment should be made with him.Thank you for your cooperation with this new policy.Sincerely,NameAnnouncing New PolicyDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I trust this letter finds you doing well. I am taking this opportunity to write because Iam very excited about an upcoming class that we are going to be offering at FirstChurch. Beginning Wednesday, J uly 7, at 7:30 P.M. our own associate pastor, RonLetters14 of 82Stevens, will be conducting an in-depth look at the book of Romans.We are calling this class "Living by Grace." In a world where high performance isrequired for success, it is often difficult to grasp the concept of grace. I am confident,though, that this class will help each participant discover the freeing power of thegrace of God.I hope that you will plan to make this class a part of your schedule. The first meetingwill be held in the Fellowship Hall.Sincerely,NameAnnouncing New ClassDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,All throughout history and numerous times in the Bible we find accounts of how Godhas chosen young people for His special purposes. There is something profoundlyinfluential about a young person who is sold out for the cause of Jesus Christ. FirstChurch has always highly valued its Youth Department as an integral part of the life ofthis church, and as the bright hope for the future.As you know, for quite some time we have been praying that God would send us theright couple for our Youth Pastorate position. After a considerable amount of prayerand seeking the wisdom of God, I am happy to announce to you that we have foundan exceptional couple, dedicated to developing young people with a passion for thethings of God.Currently located in Chicago, J osiah and Chloe Davis have served the youth of theircity for over five years, with various outreaches aimed at bridging the gap betweenraces and implementing a solid discipleship program for new Christians. We feelcertain that they will be a tremendous blessing to First Church and to the youngpeople of our community.Letters15 of 82They will be arriving to our area by the first of J uly. A reception is being held in theirhonor Sunday, July 5th, following the morning worship service. I ask that you extendto them your support and love.Sincerely,NameAnnouncing New Staff MemberDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Greetings in the name of the Lord. I am writing this letter to inform you that FirstChurch will be holding a baptismal service on Sunday, June 9th, at 3:00 P.M. at SiestaKey beach. All persons wishing to be baptized should meet at the church at 2:00P.M., where a brief class on the meaning of baptism will be offered in the sanctuary.A reminder to those who will be baptized: be sure to wear clothing with darker colorsor a modest one-piece bathing suit with a shirt over it. You will also want to bring atowel and a change of clothes.I hope to see you at the baptism. We, as a congregation, want to be sure to supportand rejoice with those that are making this public confession of Christ in obedience tothe scriptures.Sincerely,NameAnnouncing Upcoming BaptismLetters16 of 82DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Greetings in the name of the Lord. For many years First Church has been very blessedto have a ministry team of people that I consider to be of exceptional quality. Each ofthe staff ministers that labor in our midst has been a pleasure to work with and togrow in relationship with. For this I have been most thankful.And so it is with mixed emotions that I announce Brett and Kayla Harris' resignationfrom the Music Department. The Lord has opened up for them an opportunity totravel, sharing their testimony through the power of music. We all know thetremendous blessing they have been to First Church, and so I ask that you upholdthem in prayer over the next several weeks as they transition into this new period intheir lives. We certainly want them to experience the favor of God, though we wishthey could remain with us.It is still uncertain who will be taking on the responsibilities that the Harris' have sobeautifully carried out for the past several years. Please join with the Board of Eldersand me in asking for God to give us wisdom as we seek to fill the Minister of Musicvacancy.I feel it is appropriate to have a designated time when we, as a church, can express tothe Harris' our love and gratitude for all that they have done. Therefore, a "goingaway" reception will be held in their honor next Sunday, following the evening service.I ask that you come and show your support to them during this important time ofchange in their lives.Sincerely,NameStaff Member ResignationDateName, PastorLetters17 of 82Church NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I am excited for what the Lord has in store for us this year during our "Touch theWorld" 2001 Missions Conference, October 17, 18 and 19th. Will we have theprivilege of receiving pastors and missionaries from literally all over the globe, as theycome to the conference to participate and share with us the powerful wonders thatGod is doing in the lands where they minister. In addition, the banquet on Saturday the18th promises to be a memorable evening, a time of honoring those who labor dayafter day overseas for the sake of the gospel.This year's theme, as previously mentioned, is "Touch the World." I strongly believethat the Lord desires to focus our eyes anew on the harvest field of people that areright around us, right within our grasp and sphere of influence every day. I amconvinced that this conference will be instrumental in causing you to view each newday as a day bursting with opportunity for the Kingdom of God. He has given you aministry, a responsibility to make disciples of all men. And He has empowered you to"Touch the World."Please make plans now to be a vital part of this conference. A schedule of events forthe conference is posted on the bulletin board located at the entrance to the sanctuary.There is also a banquet sign up sheet. If you know that you will be attendingSaturday's banquet, please sign your name in the space provided and indicate thenumber of people that will be attending with you.Sincerely,NameUpcoming Conference AnnouncementDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Letters18 of 82We are just weeks away from one of the most impacting conferences I believe FirstChurch will ever host. On March 10, 11 and 12 you have the opportunity to be a partof "Brother's Keeper"-an intense three days of taking to heart our responsibility to loveour neighbors as ourselves.In Genesis 4:9 we read of the Lord asking Cain about his brother, to which Cainresponds, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Representing the epitome of selfishness andcovered with the guilt of murder, Cain tried to avoid having to answer for his brother'swelfare.J esus commanded us to love our neighbor, even in the same way that we loveourselves. He exhibited for us a love that made itself responsible for the well being ofothers. He explicitly walked out before our eyes what it means to be our "brother'skeeper," and then He instructed us with these words: "A new command I give you:Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (John 13:34).If you are serious about following in the footsteps of Jesus then this conference is foryou. If a self-evaluation painfully reveals your own negligence towards your"neighbor" then this conference is for you. Though this conference doesn't promise totickle the ears of those of usthat attend, or to justify our empty reasons for ignoringour responsibility towards our fellowman, it does promise to expose that whichhinders us in our pursuit of truly loving others. It promises the hope of change and thesweet reward of living for something greater than one's self.Sincerely,NameUpcoming Conference (2)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipLetters19 of 82Dear Name,I am sincerely sorry for not following through with my promise to have the GenerationRoom reserved for your ministry. I wish I had a good excuse, but the truth is I simplyforgot.Please forgive me.While it may be difficult for you to get over the frustration I have caused you, I dowant you to know that I fully intended to do exactly as I had promised you.I will work on being more respectful towards you and others by being more reliable inthe future.Sincerely,NameApology for Forgetting TaskDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Please forgive me for not being here when you arrived yesterday for our 2:00 P.M.appointment. I feel very badly. Though I had it written down in my appointment book,somehow I overlooked it and made a commitment elsewhere.I am sure my negligence must have seemed incredibly rude, but please understandthat it was not my intention to miss our meeting. I do want you to know I am veryinterested in the matter we are to discuss and I would appreciate your giving meanother opportunity to get together. I promise to be more diligent this time.Thank you for your understanding. I will contact your office in a few days to discussrescheduling.Letters20 of 82Sincerely,NameApology-Missing Appointment (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Please accept my sincere apology for missing our scheduled appointment yesterday.Though I wish I had a good excuse, the truth is I got so caught up in my work for theday that I simply forgot.I realize this negligence on my part must have greatly inconvenienced you, not tomention it's rude appearance.If you are still willing to meet with me I will be more than happy to drive to your officefor the appointment. Please let your secretary know what you decide and I willcontact your office later this week.Thank you for being gracious.Sincerely,NameApology-Missing Appointment (2)DateLetters21 of 82Name, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus.I write to you because I have made two unsuccessful attempts to reach you bytelephone. Though my preference is not to communicate this sensitive matter througha letter, I am doing so even still because I do not wish for the distance between us toincrease.Last week at the fellowship dinner I realize that I said something that may haveoffended you. It was not until later that evening that my wife pointed out to me thatwhat I said was inappropriate. I am sincerely sorry that I have offended you and doask for your forgiveness. While it was not my desire to intentionally offend you, Irealize that it has been done. If you will allow me the opportunity to speak with you, Iwill be more than happy to meet with you at your convenience.Sincerely,NameApology-Inadvertently Offending SomeoneDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,On behalf of the First Church congregation, I write this letter to express to you ourdeep appreciation for the excellent job that you are doing as the Superintendent ofSchools.Letters22 of 82Represented within our congregation are numerous children, parents, grandparentsand teachers. The decisions you make concerning education directly affect them orsomeone they hold dear to their heart.We are particularly grateful for the stance that you have taken concerning student-initiated prayer in school, which is consistent with a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling.We believe that students who are strong in faith-based values are also students morelikely to excel in their studies, and less likely to promote violence.We want you to know that you have a commitment from us to uphold you in prayerand to stand by you as you continue to serve the residents of our city.Should we be able to assist you in any way in the future, do not hesitate to contact meat (777) 777-7777.Sincerely,NameAppreciation for Elected OfficialsDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I greatly appreciate the love gift that you gave to (your spouse's name) and I last week.Your giving has opened the way for us to purchase a much needed item that we hadbeen hoping to buy for quite some time.My prayer is that you will experience an abundant harvest from the seed that youhave sown into our lives. God is always pleased with cheerful givers, and He is alwaysfaithful to bring about a return.We appreciate you!Sincerely,Letters23 of 82NameAppreciation for a Love GiftDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I thought I would take a few moments to let you know how greatly I appreciated yourwillingness to have Pastor Dennis Thompkins in your home during his time at FirstChurch. It is a good feeling as a pastor to know that I can count on those from mycongregation.The Bible speaks about hospitality. Romans 12:13 instructs Christians to "practicehospitality." And, again in I Peter 4:9 we are told to, "Offer hospitality to one anotherwithout grumbling." Your cheerful attitude and willing spirit was a blessing to witnesswhen you were asked if you would open your home. God is pleased with this servicethat you have offered to one of His own.May He bless you abundantly for your generosity.Sincerely,NameAppreciation for HospitalityDateLetters24 of 82Name, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I feel it is appropriate to send you this letter of appreciation for the excellent way thatyou coordinated each of the luncheons and hospitality platters during the "Touch theWorld" missions conference last week. Your contribution to the conference may havebeen unrecognized by many, but it made all of the difference in the success of theweekend.I appreciate your servant's attitude and your dedication to seeing the task through tocompletion. You stand out as an example in the Body of Christ of one who uses hergift for the glory of God and the good of those around her.May you be richly blessed for your participation.Sincerely,NameAppreciation for a Volunteer (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I am writing this brief letter as a way of expressing to you my appreciation for yourparticipation in the nursery ministry at First Church. You are such a vital part of whatgoes on here because without you faithfully doing your part, the entire Body wouldnot be able to receive from the Lord the way that they do during the services. It is aprivilege to serve the Lord and to know that He is using us in His kingdom. Listen tohow First Corinthians 12:4-5 says it. "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the sameSpirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord." Each of us is doingministry when we serve in the nursery and care for the "least of these." While it mayLetters25 of 82not always be easy, let me encourage you to remember the exhortation that we find inColossians 3:17, which reads, "And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in thename of the Lord J esus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." The key to anyministry, and this is no exception, is that it be done as unto the Lord. That means withfaithfulness and cheerfulness (and much patience!).Enclosed you will find the new schedule for the next several months. Your name ishighlighted throughout the schedule, indicating your times of service. Please be faithfuland please be punctual. If for some reason you will be unable to fulfill yourresponsibility on the day that you are assigned, please be courteous enough to let meknow two days in advance so that I may coordinate a replacement for you. Mynumber is 777-7777, and an answering machine is available should I be away at yourtime of call. I ask that you yourself do not try to coordinate a replacement, but thatyou contact me and I will do the coordinating. As everyone cooperates with thisrequest the nursery is sure to run smoothly, free of any possible misunderstandings.Thank you again for what you are doing to impact the lives of these precious ones.You are a blessing for many!Sincerely,NameAppreciation for a Nursery WorkerDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,As I was thinking of you today I thought it would be appropriate to take a fewmoments to let you know what a privilege I consider it to labor with you in theKingdom of God.As Paul told the believers at Philippi, "I thank my God every time I remember you"(Phil.1:3). Perhaps you should know some of the reasons why I am thankful for you.During some of the toughest moments I have faced as a pastor, you have offeredLetters26 of 82encouraging words and reaffirmed your commitment to me and to the ministry thathas been entrusted you here at First Church. You have inspired me by your eagernessto step out in faith whenever God gives me a directive. You have worked hard andcomplained little. You havelifted my arms when they have been tired and on more than one occasion you havefought off my enemies as you knelt in prayer on my behalf.Few pastors enjoy the privilege of working with staff members that are exceptional inquality and character. I am thankful to God that I have somebody like you.Sincerely,NameAppreciation for a Staff MemberDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,You may not realize how much I needed to hear the encouraging words you spoke tome the other day following service. But I want you to know that God used what yousaid.As a pastor, it becomes common to speak from the Word of God, or from my heartpersonally and seldom hear from those to whom I have spoken whether or not themessage was impacting. Whenever someone does take time, as you have done, to letme know that what I have said was of use to them it is a feeling of deep satisfaction. Itis my continual prayer that when I speak the Lord will allow my words to impart lifeand hope and understanding for all who hear. I am glad to know that for you it hasbeen so.I look forward to seeing you at the midweek service. Thanks again, for yourencouragement.Letters27 of 82May your week be filled with joy.Sincerely,NameAppreciation for EncouragementDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I want to take a few moments to let you know what a great job I feel you have doneeach time you have volunteered to help in the church office. Many times there is morework to be done than there are hands to do it. Your cheerful and willing attitude is anencouragement, and your commitment to excellence assures me that I needn't worry ifa task will be done right.The Bible tells us that, "Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in thename of the Lord J esus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Col.3:17). Isimply want to thank you for the way you have demonstrated this verse. By themanner in which you are serving First Church, you are really serving the Lord. It ismy desire to see the Lord return blessings to you abundantly for the generosity youhave shown with your time.Sincerely,NameAppreciation for Volunteer WorkLetters28 of 82DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipTo Whom It May Concern:Two weeks ago we conducted our annual staff retreat in your resort.We utilized yourfacilities during a weekend stay, and were exceptionally pleased with the quality. Several times one or more of our staff members requested items from the front desk,which were promptly brought to their rooms.Your staff made sure that theconference room we rented was ready for us in a timely manner and we were evenprovided with pitchers of water upon request. Additionally, we found thehousekeeping personnel to be very courteous and professional in their work.Because your hard work and standards of excellence allowed us to accomplish ourpurposes with little distraction and provided to us an atmosphere conducive forrelaxing, you can be sure that we will use your facilities in the future.We will alsofreely share with others the good experience we had while staying in your resort.Sincerely,NameAppreciation for a J ob Well DoneDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Sometimes I am convinced that we, as pastors, have the most difficult of tasks.Though our work is often times rewarding, the majority of the people we serve haveno idea the load we carry, the tears we shed, the hurts we incur, or the hours wespend on behalf of the ones we lead.Letters29 of 82Were it not for trusted friends like you, there are times I know I could not havecontinued to do what I am called to do in the Kingdom of God. I simply want to saythank you. I want you to understand how greatly I appreciate the relationship that theLord has developed between us, and to know that I realize what a rare and valuablething it is to have a fellow colleague to whom I can come for encouragement andadvice. You have refreshed my heart many a time, and have cared enough tochallenge my beliefs and stances, in the light of the scriptures.In the hours that we have spent together discussing the Word of God, expressing ourfrustrations or sharing about the struggles we face, I only hope that I have been asmuch of an encouragement and source of strength to you as you have been to me.Thank you for being a dear friend and brother.Sincerely,NameAppreciation for a Fellow PastorDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,For the last several years we have enjoyed a business relationship based on mutualtrust. You have always supplied our office with all the necessary items needed to keepour office well stocked. We have appreciated the quickness with which you havehandled our orders and timely manner in which you have billed us. However, there isa discrepancy with the latest bill we have received.We are being billed, as you will see in invoice #23843, for items that we neverordered nor received. We understand that there are times when errors do occur. On1/7/00 we called your Customer Service department and spoke with Michaelconcerning this misunderstanding, and he reassured us that the invoice was in errorLetters30 of 82and that it would be cleared.Apparently, that has not been the case, as we have received a statement requestingthat we redeem our "delinquent" account. We want to make it known that we have notplaced such order as described in the invoice and do not plan on remitting a payment.On the contrary, we do ask that the invoice be taken off of our account and that anyreporting of our account to credit bureaus be rescinded. Otherwise we will be forcedto take legal action against you to remedy this misunderstanding. It is our desire forthis situation to be resolved amicably.Sincerely,NameComplaint to CreditorDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I am taking the time to write to you because of a very disturbing decision you may bemaking regarding the Partial Birth Abortion issue. The public record shows that youare in favor of voting for It, contrary to the fact that recent polls reveal that over 75%of your constituency are opposed to any legislation that will make it legal for doctorsto perform such a horrendous act.As a representative of the faith-based community, we would like to point out to youthat irrespective of your constituency, the Holy Bible clearly condemns such an act asmurder. I ask you to reconsider your view and your vote as well.As a representative, you are responsible to us for the decisions you make in the courseof your tenure. I look forward to a response from you.Sincerely,NameLetters31 of 82Complaint to Government Official(s)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Our church has always had an open policy of renting out space to groups that havewanted to hold events in our Generation Room. As agreed, we have provided you avacuumed, clean room every Thursday with the understanding that you would leave itin the same condition after each use as you received it.This now being the third time that we have had to remind you of our agreement, it hasbecome increasingly clear that this arrangement between us is no longer working forthe good of both parties. Therefore, regrettably, you have left us with no otherreasonable solution than to exercise our option to cancel the lease, effectiveimmediately.Sincerely,NameComplaint to RentersDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipLetters32 of 82Dear Name,Three weeks ago your vehicle was left parked in our church parking lot. We did notmind, as we were sure that it was possible that the vehicle may have broken down andour parking lot seemed like a good place to keep it while a tow truck was called.We have been patient, trying to give you time to remedy the situation. However, wehave not heard from you or from anyone on your behalf. there may be a good reasonwhy you have not picked up your car. Please contact us. Maybe we can help.We will wait ten (10) days for you to respond. Otherwise, we will have no choice buthave the vehicle towed away.Sincerely,NameComplaint to Car OwnerDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,May God's blessing be with you and your family as you continue to serve God andwalk in His grace.I am writing in response to your letter concerning last Sunday's message. I do wantyou to know that I appreciate it anytime someone either compliments my Sundaysermon or critiques me on one of the points that I have made. The Bible is clear whenit says in Psalms 133:1, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together inunity." Your disagreement with what I preached this past Sunday is a goodopportunity for us to carry out the meaning of that verse. For the meaning of the wordunity is not that we must share the same opinion about each and every subject, butthat we choose to still walk in an undisturbed relationship even though we maydisagree on a number of subjects.Letters33 of 82You and I have known each other for quite some time and I would like an opportunityto be able to converse with you on your point of view, for it may be that you have anunderstanding from which I might be able to learn. However, in the event that aftersuch a discussion we continue to differ in our opinions, we both must be willing tokeep the unity and realize that our relationship is far more important than adisagreement.I welcome the opportunity to be able to have lunch with you. Will you please do methe courtesy of letting me know whether you are open to such a discussion and if so,when would be most convenient for you? I look forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you.Sincerely,NameResponse to ComplaintDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I am sure your grief and pain over Daniel's death is overwhelming. He was a beautifuland precious child. Certainly the hardest thing a parent could ever experience is thedeath of one of his own children. And while no pastor enjoys performing funerals, it isparticularly painful when he must lay to rest one so young.I want you to know that we are here for you. Not to offer answers as to why God hasallowed this to happen, for I doubt anyone could claim to understand. But we are hereto love you, to pray for you, to cry with you, to talk when you need to or to simply sitin silence at times when words do not seem appropriate. You are a very special familyto us and now, more than ever, we want you to feel our support.There is one thing I am certain of, and I am sure it is a comfort to you. God was withLetters34 of 82Daniel as he stepped into eternity, and the overwhelming love Daniel feels andexperiences in the presence of God has filled him with deep joy and peace.Please, if there is any other way that we can be of service during these difficult dayscall us either at the office or at home.Sincerely,NameCondolence on Death of a ChildDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I was just informed about Donna's death and wanted to write immediately. I amprofoundly sorry. Surely the greatest pain a parent can ever experience is that oflosing a child, no matter what their age.I understand you are now on your way to Chicago to be with your son-in-law andgrandchildren. Though you'll not read this letter until after your return, I want you toknow that I am praying for you and the remaining family, that you would have thestrength and grace needed to face these difficult times. (Your wife's name) and I carevery much for you and your family. We want you to know that we are here for you.Please do not hesitate to call if there is anything that we can do for you, or if yousimply would like to talk.In deepest sympathy,NameCondolence for Death of Grown ChildLetters35 of 82DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,My heart aches at the thought of the grief you must be feeling at this time. I do notunderstand, any more than you do, why one so new in life, and one who promised somuch joy, has passed on after such a brief visit.I am sure that from your short time with little Jessica there are many special memoriesthat you will always hold in your heart. Perhaps they are moments you find painful toremember; yet ones you will never want to forget. Though she was with you for onlyfive days I know that the love you hold in your heart for her will last a lifetime.In times as difficult as these, lofty words and explanations don't seem to mean much.So I do not offer any words except that (Your wife's name) and I love you and arepraying for you to have the grace and strength to endure the journey ahead of you.Losing someone is never easy. It can take months and years before we feel capable ofliving joyfully again. I want you to know that we will be here for you during your gooddays and your bad. I want you to feel free to call us at any time and to come in. Manyin our church share in the sorrow of what has happened. They, too, are available toyou with equally open arms and hearts.Sincerely,NameCondolence on losing a NewbornDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Letters36 of 82As Christmas fast approaches and so many join with loved ones to celebrate, my heartgoes out to you because I understand how difficult this first Christmas withoutJ onathon will be.I want you to know that we, as a church, are thinking of you and praying for you thisholiday season. May this letter serve as a loving reminder to you of the beautifulreason why Jesus came into this world-to be "Immanuel," which means "God withus." God is with you in your grief. He promises in Matthew 5:4 that those who mournwill be comforted, and He has given you many wonderful friends who care and arehere to help lighten your load. May His grace and strength fill your heart and may yousense the love of so many of us who are praying for you.Sincerely,NameBereaved at ChristmasDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Please accept my deepest sympathy on the passing of your mother. Though we allknow that one day our parents will no longer be with us, I do not imagine it makes itany easier to say goodbye when that moment actually arrives.I have always appreciated the way in which you spoke about your mother. Your highesteem for her and your appreciation for the life that she lived must have been evidentto many people.You can be sure that (your wife's name typed) and I will be praying for you in theupcoming weeks, that you might sense God's comforting touch in this season of yourlife.Sincerely,NameLetters37 of 82Condolence-ParentDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Please accept my deepest sympathy regarding the death of your sister. I didn't learn ofher passing until after you had already left for her funeral in Ohio.Though family reunions are much sweeter under different circumstances, still I amsure your presence there must have been a comfort to the others. From the times wehave spoken I know that your family has always shared a strong bond. I will bepraying for them and for you, and I plan to stop by in a few days to visit with youpersonally.Sincerely,NameCondolence-SiblingDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I was truly sorry to learn that your husband has passed on. Frank was a good man,one who will be missed by all.Letters38 of 82I will always remember the way he gave a "helping hand" to anybody who was inneed. I am sure that numerous individuals could share stories of how Frank took timeto be a "good Samaritan" when they found themselves in an undesirable situation.Please accept my deepest sympathy. You can be sure that I will uphold you in prayerduring these difficult days. If there is any other way that I can be of assistance pleasedo not hesitate to call me. My daytime phone number is (777) 777-7777.Sincerely,NameCondolence-Spouse (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I know that this past week has been an extremely difficult one for you. In addition todealing with Jane's death and the whirlwind of emotions that accompany losing aspouse, you have also had to make many difficult and exhausting decisions regardingthe funeral. I know that it has all been tough on you.Perhaps in the wake of last week's events, now that members of your family havereturned to their own responsibilities, the reality of J ane's absence is setting in. Youmay very likely feel overwhelmed by the silence of your own home. I wish there weresome way to carry for you some of the heaviness you must be feeling. You are avalued person in my life and my heart aches with you.I know that time is a powerful instrument in bringing healing. The One who restoresour souls (Psalm 23) will restore hope and purpose to you. And to this end I bow myknees daily. I pray that you are strengthened and comforted. Please remember thatwhenever you need me I am here to talk with, Kevin.Sincerely,NameLetters39 of 82Condolence-Spouse (2)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,As I looked at my calendar today I thought of you, for I realized that Saturday willmake one full year since your husband Robert went home to be with the Lord.My prayer is that the joyful memories you hold in your heart of the years that you andRobert shared together will be a source of comfort to you. My thoughts, too, will bewith you.Sincerely,NameCondolence-One Year AnniversaryDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Family reunions are characteristic of thisholiday, and so are times of reflection and the offering of thanks to God for the manyblessings He has given to us. It is a time when we are likely to feel great joy. In theLetters40 of 82absence of those who have passed on, it is also a time when we are likely toexperience deep sadness.Dean, I know that the month of November marks seven months since your dearmother passed away. I still remember the way she would liven up a room by her smileand gracious conversation. She was a delight to know and to have in the services whenshe visited you for the holidays.I pray that your first Thanksgiving without your mother may be a happy one eventhough she will not be present, because she would want all of you to be joyful onThanksgiving. She would want your hearts to overflow with thanks for all of the yearsyou were allowed to share together around that family table. So I encourage you tohonor her by remembering fondly the happiest of moments with her and expressingyour sincere praise to God for the treasure of having had a mother so dear.Sincerely,NameCondolence-ThanksgivingDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,(Your spouse's name typed) and I want to congratulate you on the birth of your newchild.We are very happy for you.I know that many people within the congregationwere praying for you; I hope that the birth went smoothly and that your recovery willbe a speedy one.We would like to stop over and visit you and the family.However, because we knowyou are likely to need additional rest for a few days, we think it best to wait until nextweek.We will call you in a few days to plan a time that will be convenient for you.Looking forward to seeing you soon.May God bless you each.Sincerely,Letters41 of 82NameCongrats- New BabyDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I was glad to hear that everything went well for you during the birth of your baby. (Your spouse's name typed) and I were praying for you.I hear that (he/she) is abeautiful and healthy child; you and (child's father) must be very grateful to the Lord.The Bible clearly refers to children as a gift from God.I can still remember theimmense feelings of love that I felt the first time I saw my own (child/children) comeinto this world.I recall being so grateful for this "little miracle" that God had chosento bless us with.And I was equally aware of my new responsibility as a parent.I am confident that you both will be terrific parents to your new baby.Don't forgetthat you have lots of support from mothers and fathers throughout the congregation. They, too, are rejoicing with you at this time.God bless you each.I look forward to seeing you and your baby soon.Sincerely,NameCongrats- New Baby (2)DateName, PastorChurch NameLetters42 of 82Street AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,This letter is being written to wish you the happiest of birthdays and to let you knowhow very much (your spouse's name) and I enjoy having you as part of the life of ourcongregation.I am confident that I speak on behalf of the entire church body when I say that youhave been a true blessing to First Church.For this reason it is we who should behappy on your birthday...because of the gift that the Lord has given us in knowingyou.Our prayer is that you may feel the love of God and the joy of His Spirit in a specialway on your birthday.May this next year of life be filled with blessings.Sincerely,NameCongrats-BirthdayDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,May the Lord richly bless you as you celebrate your birthday. On behalf of thecongregation, I want to take this special opportunity to wish you all of the joy andpeace that God promises to His own.Birthdays should be a cause for celebration to all Christians, for they testify to anotheryear of God's grace and keeping power. I like to think of them as a doorway. Forthough they mark the completion of another year, they are also the beginning of a newone in our lives. A new opportunity to serve the Lord with our time and our talents.Letters43 of 82Your service in the Body of Christ and your love for the Lord is a greatencouragement to many. We pray that your birthday will be terrific one.Sincerely,NameCongrats-Birthday(2)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Congratulations on your fine achievement of graduating from the University of Miami.Many hours of hard work and sacrifice are represented by your diploma, and I believethat I speak on behalf of the entire congregation when I say that we are proud of whatyou have accomplished.God has blessed you with special talents that you are to use for the purpose ofglorifying His name. In this time of opportunity and great hope, I encourage you to setyour goals high and to dream big, for God has a special plan that He wants to carryout in your life.I can still remember the first day you came to First Church. It was a joy to see you asa small child growing up. It is hard to believe how rapidly the days have passed. Youare now a (man/woman) who has proved (himself/herself) responsible.I look forward to watching what the Lord has in store for you next. If there is anythingthat I can do to help you as you seek employment, or as you further your studies,simply stop by the office or give me a call. I will be praying for you to sense the Lord'sdirection while you consider your plans in the upcoming weeks.Sincerely,NameLetters44 of 82Congrats-College GraduateDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,(Your spouse's name typed) and I want to congratulate you on your recentengagement. We were both delighted to hear of it.This is an exciting time of life for you.I am sure you are eagerly planning for thewedding ceremony, and are possibly looking into housing arrangements and otherimportant details.Let me encourage you to appreciate this special time and to make your plans with thefullest of joy.The Bible speaks clearly in Ecclesiastes about there being a time foreverything. This is your time of happiness and joyful anticipation.Be careful not to letthe stress of decisions overshadow the fun of these upcoming weeks and months.If there is anything that either (your spouse's name typed) or I can do to be ofassistance, you need only to call the office and we will do our best to help.May God's blessings rest on you and your fiance.Sincerely,NameCongrats-EngagementDateName, PastorChurch NameLetters45 of 82Street AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I want to congratulate you on your graduation and let you know how very proud weas a congregation are of you and what you have achieved.This is an important milestone in your life, a time that you will remember for the restof your years to come.The decisions you make in the upcoming months and yearsare likely to be the biggest and longest lasting ones you will ever make, and so I wantto assure you that I am praying for you, as are many in First Church.We appreciatethe young (man/woman) of God that you have become and your commitment to servethe Lord in all that you do.It is because of your resolve to follow Christ that I amconfident you will be blessed in whatever you do.(graduate's name), As you seek to determine what God's will is concerning yourfuture, be it college or otherwise, I want you to know that I am available for you. Iwelcome the opportunity to talk together and to pray together for wisdom anddirection.You are a very special young (man/woman) and I am sure that I speak onbehalf of the entire congregation when I say that our support is with you.Sincerely,NameP.S. I hope that you enjoyed the gift that we gave to you.I felt it was something youwould be able to use.Congrats-High School GradDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I want to congratulate you on your new job.I hope that it will serve to be all that youare anticipating.Letters46 of 82The Bible speaks specifically about the steps of the Righteous being ordered of God.Therefore, I am sure that God is directing your paths and I eagerly await to hear howthings go for you the first week.I will be praying the transition is a smooth one.Sincerely,NameCongrats-New J obDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I want to congratulate you on the purchase of your new home. As a pastor, it isalways joyful to watch members of the congregation walk in the blessings of God.Knowing how you and Sarah have always opened up your home so graciously toothers, I am confident that this new home will be a blessing to you and to many.I doubt few people enjoy the chore of boxing, loading, transporting and unpackingagain. Though the end result is a desired one, it sure is a lot of hard work in themeantime. I want you to know that you can count on (your spouse's name typed) andI to help you. There are several others in the congregation that I feel certain wouldoffer the same.Let me know the dates you will need our assistance.Sincerely,NameCongrats-New HomeLetters47 of 82DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be yours today. We appreciate very much yourinterest in the ministry of First Church, your desire to take part in making a differencein the lives of children, and your quick response to our need for workers in theChildren's Department. Because of your reply, we would like to ask you to plan on atwo-week orientation where you will attend the Kid's Church to observe how itoperates. Obviously, a decision such as this requires for all persons involved to have anunderstanding of what the perfect will of the Father is. During your orientation Ibelieve we will all gain insight into the will of God as you have the opportunity tobetter acquaint yourself with what this ministry requires, and as we have the chance tofurther understand who you are and what the Lord has placed in your heart.I would also like to meet with you, perhaps over lunch, so that we might be able todiscuss this opportunity. Please call me at the church office in order to schedule a timethat will be good for you. Thank you and may God bless you.Sincerely,NameMember Interested in MinistryDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipLetters48 of 82Dear Name,I pray that you will experience the grace and strength of God in increasing measureduring this difficult time in your life.I was deeply saddened to hear the news that you and Daryl had separated, for itindicated to me that the past several months must have been very trying for you both. Iam sure your heart is heavy and that you wish circumstances were different.As your pastor and as your friend, I want to offer a listening ear, should you feel theneed to talk about it. I also assure you that (your spouse's name typed) and I will beupholding you both in prayer.We are here for you. Please give us a call, either at home or at the office, and let usknow how we might be of greatest help to you.Sincerely,NameMember SeparationDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I pray that you will experience the grace and strength of God in increasing measureduring this difficult time in your life.I was deeply saddened to hear the news that you and Daryl have divorced. I am surethat the past several months must have been very trying for you both and that yourhearts have been heavy.As your pastor and as your friend, I want to offer a listening ear, should you feel theneed to talk about it. I also assure you that (your spouse's name typed) and I will beupholding you both in prayer.Letters49 of 82My experience counseling those in your situation reveals that the next several monthsare likely to be fairly strenuous for you. I want you to know that we are here for you.Please give us a call, either at home or at the office, and let us know how we might beof greatest help to you.Sincerely,NameRecent DivorceDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,May the grace of God be yours in abundance.You must be happy to be out of the hospital and back in the comfort of your ownhome again. I am relieved to hear that the surgery went well; I was praying for you, asI know were many in the congregation.I hope that you are as comfortable as possible, considering what you have undergone.Though it is to be expected that you will not be up and around like normal for acouple of weeks, I pray that your recovery is quicker than anticipated.Some of the ladies in the congregation have coordinated meals to be brought over toyou for the remainder of this week. That should make it easier for Rhonda toconcentrate on helping you.I will be by to see you in a few days. Until then, may God bless you and give strengthto your body.Sincerely,NameLetters50 of 82Get Well Soon (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I was sorry to hear of your accident, but very thankful to the Lord that you were nothurt more seriously. Please accept my apologies for not coming to see you in thehospital, as I was out of town until the 14th. I would, however, like to stop by and seeyou at your residence later this week.Until then, I pray your recovery is speedy and that you are able to find comfort despiteyour injuries.Sincerely,NameGet Well Soon (2)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I hope that this letter finds you recovering quickly.I was happy to hear that you hadbeen discharged from the hospital.Many of the congregation members have been remembering you in prayer over theLetters51 of 82past several days.We also prayed for you in the service on Sunday and offeredthanks to God for His hand on your life during this entire turn of events.You must be grateful for the various cards and flowers you have received.I heard thatthere was quite a display of them in your hospital room.Isn't it nice to feel the loveand support of dear friends and the family of God during times like these?I rejoice inknowing that you have sensed the warmth and concern of the congregation.I will call you in a few days to see how you are feeling, and then I plan to stop by, ifthat is okay with you.God bless you, and get well soon!Sincerely,NameGet Well Soon (3)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,My name is Name, and I am director of church name.Church name is a youth outreach program that presents techniques of behaviormodification, discipline and high moral standards to the youth of our city on a weeklybasis.Reaching the youth of any city is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. Many citygovernments and businesses have expressed their sincere desire to participate inmaking a positive impact on the younger residents of the community. At church namewe are doing just that. In order to help with the expenses of this program we are doinga fundraiser in which Mexican food will be prepared and sold.On Friday September 24th this fundraiser will take place. We ask for your support byLetters52 of 82donating the cheese that will be needed to make this fundraiser successful. Weappreciate the privilege of being able to count on our local (type name of company)store for the outreach of our youth.We sincerely thank you for considering our request.Sincerely,NameDonation RequestDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,On Saturday, April 23, First Church will be hosting "Egg-stravaganza 2011." Duringthis free and unique, city-wide Easter Egg hunt children of all ages will have theopportunity to gather from 10,000 brightly colored plastic eggs filled with candy, withapproximately 1,000 randomly placed prize eggs. Our VIP guest list will include localgovernment officials and dignitaries. Your company, too, is invited to take part in thiswonderful community affair.Participating in "Egg-stravaganza 2001" will be a great opportunity for your companyto be advertised and promoted to the entire city of (name of your city) as well assurrounding cities, as we plan to have a large amount of media coverage for thisexciting event. We want to give you and your company credit as a proud co-sponsor,offering you a wide variety of benefits for your investment such as advertising, eventsponsorship exposure, a company tax write-off for every monetary donation, andsampling opportunities. Each sponsorship is personally customized to best meet theobjectives of the sponsoring company. Donations needed: a monetary donation,non-chocolate candy, toys for all ages, gift certificates, and Easter and sports teamparaphernalia.For more information on how to become a sponsor please call Miguel Rivera atLetters53 of 82777-7777 extension 777, or Timothy Franks at 777-7777 extension 777.Sincerely,NameFundraising for Community EventDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,As the celebration of Christ's birth approaches we want to take a few moments towish you a joyous Christmas. Often times the preparations and activities of the seasonkeep us from reflecting on the incredible significance of that first Christmas so longago. But what a powerful night that was! Because as J esus was born into our worldthat evening, so was born hope for each one of us. He came into our world, as J ohnso aptly states it, ". . . ;not to condemn the world, but that the world might be savedthrough him." (John 3:17).The amazing part about that first Christmas is that before Jesus was even born peoplewere already declaring that they had no room for Him. Sadly enough, amid the "hustleand bustle" of the holiday festivities many people still fail to make room for Jesus.This holiday season, as you prepare to celebrate Christ's birth in a special way, taketime to reflect on the beauty of God's gift to you. What an opportunity for us to saythank you to God for the gift of His Son.We, your pastors, wish you all the joy and peace that Christ came into this world tobring. Whether this year Christmas finds you gathered around the ones that you lovemost, or whether circumstances require you to spend Christmas differently than youdesired, may the reality of His birth and all that it means fill your heart.Sincerely,NameLetters54 of 82Christmas Greeting (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,The Christmas season is upon us once again and (your wife's name) and I would liketo wish you a blessed holiday, full of all the joy and wonder that accompanies thistime of year.If you are like us you probably spend at least some time during the holidays reflectingon the significance of the season. What ideas come to mind as you considerChristmas? Memorable gatherings with family and loved ones, perhaps? Christmascaroling, presents around a beautifully decorated tree, long awaited festivities and thedelicious smells and tastes familiar to the time of year? There is a wealth of things thatrepresent the season. As Christians we think of the Luke 2 account, with theshepherds, the magi from the East, the lowly stable and manger. We remember that"Immanuel"-God with us-was born because God so loved us that He came to dwellamong us, taking on the form of a man so that we might be able to touch Him, hearHim, see Him and know Him. All of these things entail Christmas; it is true. But thisyear we want to offer a different aspect of Christmas for you to consider.As you prepare gifts for those who are special in your life, and as you open gifts thisyear, think about the wrapping. What is on the inside of a box can rarely be detectedby concentrating on the wrapping. In fact, wrapping is designed to cover a gift andmake it presentable for the receiver. So it was with the Christ. He was all wrapped upin human flesh so that we might receive Him. However, disguised by His gentle natureand humble appearance, most failed to recognize that God was within and so, becausemen concentrated on the "wrapping" they missed the value of God's greatest gift. Andthat's how we all are. We more often than not fail to see the value of people who are"wrapped" up in flesh that we consider unattractive. Or, how often do we fail to seethe opportune times that we can let our light shinejust because those opportunitiesare "wrapped up" in the disguise of a frustrating circumstance or an inconvenience?This year we encourage you to get past the wrapping and reach out to others in a waythat communicates to them the truth of Christmas. Don't forget, God has chosen towrap Himself up in you, now that you have become His temple. Galatians 2:20 says itthis way: "it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" Just like the beautifullywrapped packages that will set beneath decorated trees in homes worldwide, so thepower and salvation of God has been placed inside the packaging of your life. HeLetters55 of 82desires to use you and your relationships with people so that He can impact lives withHis love.We pray His richest blessings on you this season.Sincerely, NameChristmas Greeting (2) DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,With the New Year fast approaching, the year 2001 is soon to be only a memory.Before each of us lies a fork in the road...an opportunity to effect what the next yearof our life will be like. I encourage you to look forward with a new sense of hope andexcitement. Take time to evaluate the successes and failures of 2001, and use themlike textbooks from which to glean wisdom for the future. For the sake of the Gospel,this year dare to dream a little bigger and work a little harder. For the sake of the onesyou call family, choose to laugh a little longer and hold them each a little closer. Onlyone time will this next year be yours for the living. Do not waste it looking back withlonging or with regret. The wisdom of God admonishes you and shows you yourresponsibility. As the Apostle Paul so aptly stated it: "But one thing I do: Forgettingwhat is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to winthe prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ J esus" (Phil. 3:13,14).As your pastor, I am confident that the Lord has many good things in store for youthis year. May this letter serve as a reminder to you of the high calling that rests onyou as a child of God and the wonderful privilege you have to make the most of theupcoming year.Sincerely,Letters56 of 82NameNew Years (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Happy New Year! I trust that this letter finds you well and enjoying the holidays.Another Christmas has come and gone. Hopefully yours was spent with those dearestto your heart.As you contemplate the New Year before you, I would like to offersome insights that I feel are sure to help you reach your fullest potential in the comingyear.Think with me, if you will, of the number of times you have made a New Year'sresolution. Now turn your thoughts to the number of times that you have completedone. All too often we zealously begin projects, diets, books, Bible reading programs,etc. only to quit midstream, rarely completing that which we have originally set out todo. The problem lies not in the goals we set, but in our failure to follow through withour intentions and promises.This has been a dilemma for people all down through the ages, for in II Corinthians8:11 we read Paul admonishing the Corinthian believers with these words: "Now finishthe work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completionof it, according to your means."J esus, in another passage of scripture, seems to give us a key as to how we can moreeffectively accomplish what we begin. In the parable of the talents recorded inMatthew chapter twenty-five, the master praises two of his servants with the followingstatements: "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a fewthings; I will put you in charge of many things" (verse 21). Perhaps a secret ofsuccess for you this year is to focus on just one or two attainable goals at a time.Being faithful to complete a few things brings about the encouragement and disciplinenecessary to move on to more things.Let me leave you with this word of hope from Philippians 1:6: He who began agood work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ J esus." MayGod bless you as the New Year commences.Letters57 of 82Sincerely,NameNew Years (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received withthanksgiving," (I Timothy 4:4).What a great holiday is just around the corner! I love Thanksgiving, not just for thespecial family gatherings, the "fine dining" and the televised football games, but for thesimple reason that it gives honor to God in a unique way. No other holiday focusesattention on being thankful and recognizing the blessings one has received. ButChristians and Non-Christians alike fulfill scripture on that day, for Colossians 3:15specifically tells us to be thankful.Not only does Thanksgiving honor God, but God also honors the giving of thanks. InLuke 17 we read the account of the ten lepers who approached Jesus for healing. Likemany people, nine of the lepers received from the Lord but failed to take time to thankHim. However, J esus commended the one who returned to thank him for his healing.This year I encourage you to take the time to consider the magnitude of blessings youhave received. No matter what your circumstances, you have much for which to bethankful.Let me also take this opportunity to tell you that one of the things for which I amthankful this year is YOU. You are a vital part of the Body of Christ, a testimony ofthe power of God. I am thankful that the Lord has placed you within the First Churchcongregation. This year may your Thanksgiving holiday be a joyful time.Sincerely,NameLetters58 of 82Thanksgiving (1)DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,Your spouse's name and I want to wish you the happiest of Thanksgiving celebrationsthis year.You know, Thanksgiving is a very healthy holiday. I am not referring to the enormousmeals that are likely to be served on family tables nationwide; I am referring to thebenefits of a thankful heart. Proverbs 15:15 tells us that "the cheerful heart has acontinual feast." In chapter 17, verse 22, we are told that "a cheerful heart is goodmedicine," and Nehemiah 8:10 calls the joy of the Lord our strength. During the timesthat we are cheerful and thankful for all that the Lord has done we receive anadditional blessing of strength and bodily health.But that is not the motivation behind our giving of thanks. We give thanks because werecognize the immeasurable goodness of our God. That is what William Bradfordrecognized when he proposed to the Pilgrims of the newly established colony thatevery year, at the close of Fall, they set aside a day of feasting...not a feast of gluttons,but a feast of Thanksgiving...to honor God.As Thanksgiving rolls around this year, take time to "feast" at the table of a cheerfulheart. We can be truly grateful, for we have each tasted and seen that the Lord isindeed good!Sincerely,NameThanksgiving (2)Letters59 of 82DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,From the onset of the Virtuous Women ministry God has moved beautifully in ourmidst each time we, as ladies, have gathered together. Every month we haveexperienced times of refreshing in His presence, we have strengthened ourrelationships with one another and have gained new insights in the Word of God for usas women.As February approaches, we are looking forward to our fifth gathering as a ladiesgroup. We are planning a unique and exciting gathering that all will enjoy participatingin. Each lady attending the February 20th meeting will learn how to create a lovelyhome decoration-a fan that may be hung on the wall. Knowing the powerful influencewe can have on those around us, and realizing that through giving we are able to showthe love of J esus, our purpose behind this craft is to use it as a means of sharing theGospel. We are asking each of you to prayerfully consider the name of one lady thatyou can give your decoration to. Begin now to pray for her; ask the Lord to prepareher heart to receive this gift and to desire to know more about Christ. Through yourfriendship with her and your giving to her she might come to know the Lord.In order to cover the cost of supplies, each lady attending the February gathering willneed to pay $5.00. This must be paid to us no later than Sunday, February 14th togive us time to find all of the necessary materials. To make it more convenientprovided is an envelope that you may use when you pay. Simply include your $5.00and either mail your envelope or drop it into the church offering basket. If mailing,please assure that it is sent early enough to arrive before the February 14th deadline.Should any of you find yourselves economically unable to pay the $5.00 we ask thatyou speak with us in order to see what options might be available. We don't wantanyone to miss the meeting because of finances. On February 20th we will also besharing with you some creative ideas that you can use for sharing the Gospel withthose around you.We believe it will be a great time together. The gathering will begin with a breakfast at10:00 A.M. We hope that you will be attending.Sincerely,NameMinistry GatheringLetters60 of 82DateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,I would like to personally invite you on Thursday, September 5th, to be a part of"Meet the Candidates," a unique opportunity for you to express your views andopinions before the public, in an informal setting.We, at First Church, understand the incredible responsibility of electing to office thosepersons that will represent us. Representative Democracy is best expressed whenvoters make informed decisions at the polls. Therefore, in an effort to provide thecommunity at large with an opportunity to personally meet each candidate, we haveextended this invitation to every local official running for office.Your attendance to this all-important event will not go unnoticed. At a table locatednear the platform, a seat will be reserved with your name on it. During the course ofthe evening every candidate present will be given five minutes in order to speak fromthe platform. Additionally, each candidate will have equal time to give answers toquestions presented by the public themselves.I hope that you will make plans now to join us. Please RSVP to our office at (777)777-7777,no later than August 25th. Alex Morrison, coordinator of the event, will beexpecting your call.Sincerely,NamePolitical CandidateDateLetters61 of 82Name, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear City Council Member,As you may already know, Saturday the 14th of April at 11:00 A.M. First Church ishosting the "Egg-Stravaganza" in the city park located on Mercer road. It would beour privilege to have you as one of our honored guests at this great community event,as we plan to recognize the leaders who work with diligence to serve the residents ofthis city.When you arrive you will notice a stage set up, where an individual will be waiting togive you a name tag.We hope that you will be able to come and be a part. Should you know in advance ofyour plans to attend, please RSVP to us by contacting the person listed below. Thankyou.For more information contact Sandra Tullis at (777)777-7777.Sincerely,NameEgg-Stravaganza 2011 CoordinatorInvitation to VIPDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Pastor Name,Greetings on behalf of the First Church congregation. I hope that all is going well withLetters62 of 82the body of believers at Town Center Chapel.I am writing this letter of invitation to let you know that I would be honored to haveyou join us during our upcoming Fall Conference, November 18, 19 and 20th here atFirst Church.Several men and women of God from around the nation will be with us for a time ofrefreshing and challenge from the Word of God. I hope for you to be among them.Key speakers this year include Pastor Tom Jacobs of Freedom Tabernacle in Miami,Florida, Jessica Amber of New Life International Ministries out of Austin, Texas, andEvangelist Stuart Seago, founder of Hearts Aflame Ministries located in Denver,Colorado. Each of these ministers promises to bring a dynamic and challengingmessage from the heart of God.If you will be able to attend the conference, please call our office no later thanNovember12th and let our secretary, Allison, know. She will see to it that a seat is waiting foryou in the reserved section for pastors.Sincerely,NameInvitation to Attend ConferenceDateName, PastorChurch NameStreet AddressCity, State ZipDear Name,May the Lord's blessing be with you always.It is not often that fellow pastors get together for lunch and discuss what God is doingin their lives. Pressed by all of the demands