Lesson Plan Kelas VII

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Transcript of Lesson Plan Kelas VII


Name of School : SMP Negeri 2 BATUSubject : EnglishClass/Semester : VII/ITopic : “It’s My Birthday”Material : Name of the days, dates, months, year and timeTime Allocation : 6 meetings (12 JP)______________________________________________________________________________

A. Core Competence (KI)KI 1 ` : Understanding and respecting the value of belief KI 2 : Respecting and understanding proper attitude (honest, discipline, responsible,

tolerance, polite, confident) in order to interact with social and natural environment effectively.

KI 3 : Understanding factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge based on student interest about knowledge, technology, art and culture that related to real life.

KI 4 : Experimenting, processing, and providing individual learning related to concrete and abstract area based on theory in school and other resources.

B. Learning Objectives:Through observing, questioning, experimenting, analysing, and networking students are able to:

In first, second, third meetings: Students are enthusiastic in learning English. Students have to be serious during learning process. Students are able to mention names of the days, months, dates and times

confidently Students are able to ask and express about time politely. Students are able to finish assignment with responsibility and confidently. Students are able to identify the structure of names of the days, months, dates

and times. are able to find language features of names of the days, months,

dates and times. are able to conclude social function of names of the days, months,

dates and times. In fourth, fifth, sixth meetings: Students are able to ask about time in form of number in correct and effective way. Students are able to clarify about time in form of number in correct and effective way. Students are able to ask about daily activity in correct and effective way. Students are able to express about daily activity.

No Basic Competence (KD) Indicator of Competence (IPK)

1. 1.1 Expressing gratefulness in order to get chance learning English as international language and showing it in spirit of learning.

1.1.1 Students have spirit in learning English1.1.2 Students have to be serious during learning process

2. 2.2 Showing good attitude (polite, honest, discipline, responsible, tolerance, and confident) in doing transactional communication with teacher and friend. Students are able to mention names of the days, months, dates and times confidently Students are able to ask and express about time politely. Students are able to finish assignment with responsibility and confidently.

3. 3.3 Comprehending on social function, structure, language features in order to ask about names of the days, months, dates and times.

3.3.1 Students are able to identify the structure of names of the days, months, dates and times.

3.3.2 Students are able to find language features of names of the days, months, dates and times.

3.3.3 Students are able to conclude social function of names of the days, months, dates and times.

4. 4.3 Arranging spoken and written task simply in order to clarify and ask about names of the days, months, dates and times based on language features in correct way and related to the context.

4.3.1 Students are able to ask about time in form of number in correct and effective way.

4.3.2 Students are able to clarify about time in form of number

in correct and effective way.4.3.3 Students are able to ask about

daily activity schedule in correct and effective way.

4.3.4 Students are able to express about daily activity.

C. Material

Social function:

The importance to know about times, days, months, and years.

Structure of the text:

a. What time is it?

What time do we have English on Tuesday? one to thirty, half past eight, a quarter to

five, etc.

b. What are the days in the week?

c. What month is it?

d. When is your birthday?

e. When do we celebrate Independence day?

Language features:

(1) Using when/ what question

(2) Using pronoun it and article “the”

(3) Cardinal number and ordinal number

(4) Expression, intonation, spelling, and correct hand writing.

D. Teaching Method :Scientific approachProject Based Learning.

E. Teaching Media and Source:1. Media : Video and picture.2. Supporting Media : Laptop, LCD.

Teaching Source : Gunawan, Asep., Khatimah, Yuli R., Wachidah, Siti. Bahasa Inggris: When English Rings the Bell. 2014. Jakarta: Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif. http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/expressions-episodes3.htm, www.youtube.com. F. Teaching Procedures

First and second meetings:

No. Teaching Activity Time Allocation

1. Pre-Teaching Teacher prepares students physically and mentally to start the

lesson by greeting and praying together Teacher gives brainstorming and ask students about day. T: “What is the day today? When do you usually go jogging?” Teacher gives explanation about the goal of study or basic

competence that want to achieve, and explain about the material. T: “Well, today we are going to learn about days in a week.”

10 minutes

2. Whilst TeachingObservation

As prior knowledge, students will listen the song about days.

T: “Now, you are going to listen the song about days.” Questioning Teacher provides explanation about social function, structure, and

language features about days and dates. Then teacher gives student’s chance to ask question. T: “Do you have any difficulties about days? If you have question, raise your hand”

Collecting data Students are going to make big poster about daily routines. Students will make a group. One group consists of 5 students. Teacher will decide the group based on name of days. Students will draw picture and create simple sentences in big

paper. (This activity aims to collaborate student’s idea and to help students who have difficulty in learning English because they will support each other).

Teacher will give guiding question. Then students have to answer the question in paper.

65 minutes

Assosiating Students will compare information from each groups.Networking After students finish their poster, teacher gives chance to present

the work. T: “Well, It’s time for you to present your work. For the first group, please come forward.”

Students present their work in front of class. In the end of class, students will stick poster in classroom.

3. Post-Teaching Teacher gives feedback on student’s presentation and conclude the

lesson that they learn. T: “Thank you very much for your participation. You did a good job today, I’m very happy with your activity in the class. How about you, did you enjoy my class?”

5 minutes

Third, fourth, fifth meetings:No. Teaching Activity Time

Allocation1. Pre-Teaching

Teacher prepares students physically and mentally to start the lesson by greeting and praying together

Teacher gives brainstorming by asking review material.“Do you still remember what did you get in last meeting?”

10 minutes

2. Whilst TeachingObservation

As prior knowledge, students will read dialog about time and month in a year. Then students will observe video.

T: “Now, you are going to read dialog about time and month. After that, you will watch video.”

Questioning Teacher gives student’s chance to ask question about video.

T: “What do you think about the text? What is video talking about?”

Collecting data Students will play a game called “what’s the time”.

65 minutes

Teacher divides student’s group and they will play together. Students have to guest answer based on question in game (the game

has function to help students get more information about the topic.) A group who can answer more questions, they will get more points.

Assosiating Then, teacher ask students to look at picture in text book about time

and months. They will try to use some expressions how to ask about time and

months.“I want you to look up page 52. You’ll practice how to ask time with your friends and how to ask about birthday and national days?”

Networking Teacher gives task and ask students to answer it. Students will do task correction together. T: “Now, we will answer task together and you have to check your

friend’s work

3. Post-Teaching Teacher gives feedback and conclude the lesson that they learn.

T: “Thank you very much for your participation. You did a good job today, I’m very happy with your activity in the class. How about you, did you enjoy my class?”

5 minutes

Six meetings:No. Teaching Activity Time

Allocation1. Pre-Teaching

Teacher prepares students physically and mentally to start the lesson by greeting and praying together

Teacher gives brainstorming by asking students about review material.“Do you still remember what did you get in last meeting?”

10 minutes

2. Whilst TeachingCreating product

Students are going to make calendar. Students will make a group that consists of five or four students. Students are going to present their work in front of the class.

65 minutes

T: “Now, you will make project. You will make calendar. Each of group will make different calendar for one months. Then you have to present your work in front of the class.”

After students finish present their work, they will do the task that related with the topic.

3. Post-Teaching Teacher gives feedback on student’s presentation and conclude the

lesson that they learn. T: “Thank you very much for your participation. You did a good job today, I’m very happy with your activity in the class. How about you, did you enjoy my class?”

5 minutes

G. AssessmentAffective

Spiritual: This assessment is using observation and self-correction method.

No. Criteria Indicators Number of Instrument

1. Gratefulness Students are enthusiastic in learning English


Students have to be serious during learning process


Total 2

Observation sheet





Aspect: Spiritual (Gratefulness)

First Indicator: Students have spirit in learning English

Second Indicator: Students have to be serious during learning process

1: Never

2: Seldom

3: Often

4: Always

No. Name Affective Score Indicator

Spiritual (1-4)

Total Score Final Score Achieved/ not achieved

First Indicator

Second Indicator

Self- Correction Sheet






Aspect: Spiritual (Gratefulness)

No. Statement Score Total Score

Final Score

Achieved/ not achieved

1 2 3 4

1. I feel so excited when I join English class

2. I am serious in following the lesson


1: Never

2: Seldom

3: Often

4: Always

Social aspect

No. Criteria Indicators Number of Instrument

1. Confident Students are able to mention names of the days, months, dates and times confidently


2. Polite Students are able to ask and express about time politely.


3. Responsible Students are able to finish assignment with responsibility and confidently


Total 3

Observation sheet





Aspect: Social communication

Indicator: Students are able to mention names of the days, months, dates and times confidently.Students are able to ask and express about time politely.Students are able to finish assignment with responsibility.

No. Name Score Indicator

Social aspect

Total Score Final Score Achieved/ not achieved

1 2 3

1: Never

2: Seldom

3: Often

4: Always

Self- Correction Sheet






Aspect: Social Communication

No. Statement Score Total Score

Final Score

Achieved/ not achieved


1 2 3 4

1. I can write day, month, year, and time in correct structure

2. I can mention day, month, year, and time confidently

3. I can fulfil assignment on time.


1: Never

2: Seldom

3: Often

4: Always


This assessment is using written test. It is using multiple choice and essay.

No. Indicator Total Question

1. Scramble the words 7

2. Cross word 7

3. Fill in the blank 11

4. Matching 6

5. Drawing 11

6. Write Sentence 8

Total 50


Correct Answer/5 = …………………..


This assessment is using written test and spoken test.

Written test

No. Indicator Total Question Number of Question

1. Students are going to write simple paragraph

1 1

Spoken test

No. Indicator Total Question Number of Question

1. Students are going to present their final work in front of the class.

1 1

No Aspect Criteria Score

1 Grammar

Excellent 5

Good 4

Average 3Good enough 2Poor 1

2 Diction Excellent 5

Good 4

Average 3Good enough 2Poor 1

3 Fluency

Excellent 5Good 4Average 3Less fluency 2Poor 1

4 Accuracy

Excellent 5Good 4Average 3Less accuracy 2Poor 1

Scoring : Total Score/ Final Score * 4 =……………….

Batu, 28 August 2014

Advisor, English teacher,

(Yayuk Siti Muawanah, S.Pd.) ( Putri Rahmayanti )

NIP. 197007142010012001

Appendix I


Appendix II



Appendix III
