Lesson #4 Directional Prefixes Our focus this week is on the directional prefixes ambi- and amphi-

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Transcript of Lesson #4 Directional Prefixes Our focus this week is on the directional prefixes ambi- and amphi-

Lesson #4 Directional Prefixes

Our focus this week is on the directional prefixes

ambi- and amphi-

Ambi- is a Latin prefix

Amphi- is a Greek prefix

they both mean “around, on both sides”

An amphibian (like a frog) is an organism

that lives on land and in water. It lives “on both


Ambidextrous people use their right and left

hands equally well. They can write with

“both” hands.

With your partner, explain how each of these amphi- or ambi- words means

“around” or “on both sides.” The context will give you a clue.

An amphibious reptileAn amphibian airplane

An amphitheaterAn ambitious salesperson

An ambiguous remarkAn unambiguous remark

Find the amphi- or ambi- word that makes sense in the context.

amphibian amphitheater ambivalent

Many people feel ___________ about paying taxes.Can you explain why?

The ancient Romans watched plays in an outdoor __________ called the Colosseum.

Is a monkey an ___________? Explain why or why not?

1. amphibian

amphi + bi(o) = amphibian

Live, life

+An animal that lives on both land and water

=On both sides

A crocodile is one of the largest and oldest amphibians on Earth.

2. ambidextrous

ambi + dextr = ambidextrous

Right hand

+ Able to use both hands


On both sides

My cousin Jake is ambidextrous. He writes with his left hand, but bats with his right.

3. ambition

ambi + (i)t = ambition

go+To go around and work hard


Students need to have ambition if they want to graduate with honors.

4. ambivalent

ambi + val = ambivalent

Be strong

+To feel strongly about both sides of an issue.


Many people are ambivalent on the issue of paying taxes; they know they have to pay them no matter what.

On both sides

5. amphitheater

amphi + theater = amphitheater

Theater, watch

+To be able to watch a performance from both sides

=On both sides

We went to a concert at the amphitheater in Birmingham.

6. ambiguous

ambi + (i)gu = ambiguous

drive+To “drive” around and not get to the point.


The student gave an ambiguous answer to the question because he did not know the real answer.

7. amphibious

amphi + bi(o) = amphibious

Live, life

+Relating to or adapted for both land and water

=On both sides

I like to watch amphibious planes land on the water.

8. ambidexterity

ambi + dextr = ambidexterity

Right hand

+The quality of being able to use both hands

=On both sides

I wish I had the gift of ambidexterity when I broke my right hand.

9. ambience

ambi + (i)t = ambience

go +The feeling of what is going on around you


I did not like the ambience of the restaurant, so we left and went to eat somewhere else.

10. ambiguity

ambi + (i)gu = ambiguity

drive+The act of not getting to the point


It is important to avoid ambiguity when explaining a concept that can easily be confused with another.