Lesson 2 - Shelfari

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Lesson 2 - Shelfari

Independent Reading Project Requirement

About Shelfari

Shelfari is an online tool that introduces readers to a global community of book lovers and encourages them to share their literary ideas with peers, friends, and selected groups.

About Shelfari - Features

• Build a virtual bookshelf

• Discover books that are popular in trusted circles of friends

• Rate, discuss, and recommend books to peers

• Discover and learn from people with similar reading tastes

• Participate in online book groups to further explore literature and share ideas

Create Accountwww.shelfari.com

You can Log in with an existing Amazon account, or make a new account on Shelfari.

Once you are logged in, you may start making your profile. When you’re done, do a search for “English 11a” and change the category to “Groups.” Then press the search button. Locate our class, and click “join this group.”

Task #1

• Add 3 Books to the Group Shelf

– One that you plan to read in the future

– One that you have already read

– Your current independent reading book

You must add your independent reading book to the group shelf. Click the + sign to add a book, or search for it by title in the search bar at the top of the screen.

Task #2

• Begin a new discussion on the group discussion board. Pose a thoughtful, open-ended question that you think other students will be able to understand and respond to.

Click here to begin a new discussion thread

Task #3

• Make a reading goal for your current reading book. You should set a reading goal that is challenging, yet reasonable.

Task #4

• For your independent book, write the following on your Shelfari page:

– Description of the book

– Characters/People

– Setting

– 2-3 Significant Quotes

Task #4 – Directions(Click link to view video)

Screencast-o-matic: Using Your Shelfari Account

Shelfari Glossary

• You will create a personal Glossary for unknown words that you come across while reading your novel.

• Must have a minimum of 20 words

• 5 words must reflect prefix/suffix material that was learned in the previous lesson

Next Lesson

• The next lesson in our unit is about grammar. We will be discussing prefixes and suffixes, their literal meanings, and how they can help you understand a word.

• It is an interactive SmartBoard lesson that requires you to put together words that have been separated from their prefix or suffix.