Le's talk about animals

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of Le's talk about animals


Living things

Animals are living things because they are born, they grow, they reproduce and they die.

Animals with feathersAnimals with feathers

Animals covered with furAnimals covered with fur

Animals with scalesAnimals with scales


These animals eat grass and other plants. They are herbivores


These animals eat other animals

Viviparous animalsViviparous animals

These animals are born From their mother’s womb.

Oviparous animalsOviparous animals

They are born from eggs.

Vertebrate animalsVertebrate animals

They have bones

Invertebrate animasInvertebrate animas

They don’t have bones.

Vertebrate animalsVertebrate animals

They are born from eggs.

They have fins to swim.

They breathe through gills.

Their body is covered by scales.


El galloThey are born from eggs.

Their body is covered by feathers.

They live on land but have wings to fly.

They breathe through lungs


They are born from eggs.

They live in water and on land.

They breathe through gills or lungs.

They are covered by scales.


They are born from their mother’s womb.

They are covered by fur.

They breathe through lungs.

They eat milk from their mother’s body.




They are born from eggs.

They are covered by scales or shells

They breathe through lungs.

They crawl or they walk.

They live on land. Reptiles