Lecture february 2

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Transcript of Lecture february 2

Insights and opportunities in social media

February 2, 2011

Questions from Last Week?


Energizing (or “Rallying”)What does it mean?

Are all consumers created equal in terms of ROI and Value?

Three Basic Techniques:- Ratings and Reviews

- Community to Energize (????)- Advocate Activation

Energizing around communities(Groundswell e.g. – Business people)

Social TechnographicsHave you used them yet????

Some grounding


Find out what your brand stands for and track it

Understand how market perceptions shift

Understand how people use social technology

Find and cultivate influencers

Generate new product and service ideas



Engage people in social communities and networks where they are

Initiate and follow through with conversations

Reach out to brand activists

Plan to encourage and incent participation to get started




Harness and focus social momentum

Give people a sense that their

community is doing something

Share openly – the brand, each


Causes and Movements

“Modern brands have become movements within a cultural and social environment that doesn’t focus on selling. Rather, modern brands share their passion towards a bigger cause.”

The Conversation Agency, 2008


79% of consumers would switch brands to the one that is associated with a good cause (assuming product price and quality is the same)

People spent longer reading cause marketing related ads, and after being exposed to cause marketing ads sales went up anywhere from 5% to 74%

Brandweek, 2008

Starbucks Cheer Pass Campaign"I love this idea Starbucks came up with. I can't wait to see where my cheer card goes!”

BACKGROUNDStarbucks used CHEER as the concept behind their 2006 holiday PR campaign, and encouraged customer participation at the individual level, garnering momentum through WOM

STRATEGYBased on the ‘pay-it-forward’ idea using the Cheer Pass – a branded card that instructed its recipient to do something nice for another person and then transfer the pass to that person

EXECUTIONStarbucks distributed a half million passes in eight weeks (through print advertising and a series of nationwide events), each with a unique number that allowed people track their card’s progress online

THE WEBSITECheerpass.com, explored the idea of cheer, allowed people to share their stories, and encouraged visitors to download their own cheer passes, send a pass to a friend, or keep tabs on their existing pass's movements to see how long each "chain of cheer" could be sustained

THE RESULTSMore than 850 stories of spreading holiday cheer came in from around the nation, and more than 40,000 unique visitors were inspired by CheerPass.com. Helping to spread spirit of the Cheer Pass even further was media coverage in local and national outlets such as the Associated Press, Reuters, Advertising Age, and OK! Magazine


“Turning it into a game??”




Voluntary Participation

What I mean by games




Voluntary Participation

Create the largest chain of inspired photography

Use previous inspiration to inform photograph – use your photograph to inspire the next

Track the chain online

You don’t have to be a Cannon owner to play

Cannon Eos “Photochain”




Voluntary Participation

Create a wall of expressed desires for living spaces

Write in at the store or send online

Watch them paint your expression on the wall

You don’t have to have your ideal situation or be an Ikea loyal

Ikea Hong Kong “Love Where You Live”


Assignment 3: Presentation1. Background

• What is the brand, company, organization, etc. that you are creating this for? • What is the problem you need to solve for and why does it matter?• What is the overall objective in addressing this problem? Why?

2. Motivation• What motivation(s) are you tapping into? What is the consumer behavior/desire you want to

support/enrich/further/etc.?3. Opportunity

• What is your overall strategy? How will you capitalize on existing motivations?4. Listening

• What is the approach you will take for listening? Monitoring? Moderating? Don’t have to do both, but need to know why you would use.

• How will you use information you get from listening? (e.g. crisis management, insight development, influencer identification, etc.) Why?

5. Means of Connecting• What are 3 tactics you would employ and how they would work specifically for your strategy? (Develop

a Facebook page VS Develop a Facebook page that allows people to share fantasy football stats with their network and can pull directly from their fantasy football sites.) How do they work? Why would you use these?

• Who will you connect with? How will you identify and work with Influencers?• What does your internal social media process or logistics look like?

6. Rallying• What do you ultimately want your ‘community’ to do? Why?

7. Measuring Success• How will you measure success?