Lec#1, History and Gauges

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Transcript of Lec#1, History and Gauges

  • 8/3/2019 Lec#1, History and Gauges




  • 8/3/2019 Lec#1, History and Gauges



    Railway Engineering Elements of a track

    Types of gauges Type of rail sections

    Rail joints

    Creep & wear of rail, Fish plates, bearing plates

    and check rails

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    Railway Engineering

    Types of sleepers, their merits and

    demerits, sleeper densityStiffness of track

    Type of ballast, requirements for

    good ballast and Renewal of ballast,

    Formation of single and double trackformation failures

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    Railway Engineering Selection of site for a railway station

    Layout of station and yards Points and crossing

    Various layouts

    Signaling and interlocking Modern methods for construction of track

    Maintenance, tools and organization

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    Course Outline (contd)

    Runway Engineering Airport requirement Site selection

    Airport classification Aircraft characteristics Runway length and runway

    configuration Runway lighting Airport drainage system

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    Development of Railways

    Railways or railroad are a development ofthe Tramways and Plateways of theeighteenth century.

    The original tramways consisted of twolines of slabs of stones or baulks of timberlaid flush with an existing road surface to

    facilitate the haulage of heavy loads byhorses.

    The timber baulks were subsequentlycovered with iron straps or plates toreduce wear.

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    Development of Railways (contd)

    These plates were later replaced by angleirons with one edge vertical to keep thewheels on the track. These were known as


    In 1789, cast iron beams with supports at

    the ends were used by William Joseph inEngland and the present permanent wayor track gradually evolved.

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    Development of Railways (contd)

    The steam engine was developed after theintroduction of tramways.

    Nicolas Cugnot in France and William

    Murdock in Britian carried out experimentswith steam carriages since 1771

    The first locomotive to run on rails was

    built by Richard Trevithick and sufficientlyperfected by George Stephenson to givepractical results.

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    Development of Railways (contd)

    The first railways in England was

    the Stockton and Darlington in 1825

    In America, the Mohawk and Hudson in 1833

    In subcontinent (Indo- Pak) in 1853

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    History of Pakistan Railways

    The idea of first rail network was though in 1847 withKarachi being the sea port.

    Sin Henry Edward Frere sought permission from

    Lord Dalhousie to begin survey for Karachi seaportand a railway line in 1858.

    The proposed railway line was to connect Karachi (city) toKotri.

    Stream boat service on the Indus and Chenab river toconnect Kotri to Multan

    From Multan another railway line would be laid to Lahoreand beyond.

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    History of Pakistan Railways

    In January 1886, North Western State Railwayslater on named as (NWR) was formed whicheventually became Pakistan Railway in 1947 by

    merging four companies. The company names are

    Scinde (Sindh) Railway

    Indian Flotilla Company

    Punjab Railway

    Delhi Railway

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    History of Pakistan Railways

    May 13, 1861 first railway line was opened topublic between Karachi city and kotri (105 mileslong/ 169 km)

    June 16, 1889 railway line between Karachi city

    and Kemari was opened 1897, line from Kemeari to Kotri was doubled. 1898, Peshawar to Karachi railway line was


    During early 20 century, railway line was laidbetween Peshawar & Rawalpindi andRawalpindi & Lahore.

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    History of Pakistan Railways

    In 1947,3133 km of North WestrenRailway were transferred to India leaving8122 km to Pakistan.

    In 1961, Pakistani portion of NWR wasrenamed as Pakistan Railways

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    History of Pakistan Railways

    In 1954, railway line was extended tomardan and Charshadda

    In 1956, Jacobabad- Kashmore 2 ft 6 in(762 mm) was converted into BroadGauge.

    Kot Addu- Kashmore line was constructedbetween 1969 to 1973.

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    Pakistan Railways

    The Total length of the rail track inPakistan is 8163 km.

    Major Routes (Domestic)



    Lahore- Sialkot

    Lahore- Faisalabad

    Faisalabad- Khanewal

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    Pakistan Railways


    Karachi Gawadar

    Quetta Gwadar

    Bostan Zhob

    Rawalpindi - Sost

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    International Routes


    A broad gauge (BG) railway track runs fromZahedan to Quetta.

    There is a break -of- gauge between IslamicRepublic of Iran Railways (SG) and PakistanRailways (BG).

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    International Routes


    Thar Express to Karachi

    Samjhauta Express (Lahore to Amritsar

    (Attari) and Delhi, India


    There is no rail link with China

    Contract for feasibility study for rail linebetween Havelian via Khunjerab Pass toKashgar has been awarded

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    International Routes


    No rail link exist

    However, Pakistan has extended his helpto built Afghan Rail network in threephases

    Chaman to Spain Boldak

    Extend this line to Khandar

    Finally, to Herat

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    International Routes


    Istanbul Tehran Islamabad rail servicewas proposed recently.

    Turkmenistan via Afghanistan is alsoproposed.

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    Track Doubling

    Lodhran Multan Khanewal line (121km ) was dual tracked. (2003 2007)

    Khanewal Raiwind line is currently inprogress.

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    Track Doubling Proposed

    Shahdrabagh Lalamusa (126 km)

    Shahdrabagh Faisalabad (135 km)

    Lalamusa Chaklala (152 km) Golra Sharif Peshawar Cantt (160 km )

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    Track or Permanent Way

    The combination of rails, sleepers, fittings,ballast etc is known as a track or permanentway.

    In other words, railway locomotives, coaches orwagon need a path to run over it

    The name of permanent way is given to the trackto distinguish the final track constructed for the

    movement of trains from the temporary track laidfor the conveyance of earth for the building offormation of a railway.

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    Cross Section of Track

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    Track Components



    Fittings and fastening Ballast


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    Functions of Track Components


    Rails are the steel girders over which the trainmoves and transmit the wheel loads of the

    trains to the sleepers below.


    The sleepers hold the rails at exact distance

    or gauge throughout with the help of fittingsand fastening and transfer the load from therails to the ballast below.

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    Functions of Track Components


    Ballast holds the sleeper in position andprovides a uniform level surface.

    Ballast act as an elastic bed to absorb theblows and shocks of the moving train.

    They also provide drainage to the track and

    transfer the load to larger area of theformation below.

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    Functions of Track Components

    FITTINGS AND FASTENING They provide a grip between the rails and the


    The rails are fastened with the sleepers byfittings and fastening.

    FORMATION Formation is the foundation of the railway

    track made up of locally available earthernmaterial.

    It distribute the load over wider area of thenatural ground.

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    Requirement for an ideal track

    The gauge of the track should be uniform andcorrect.

    The alignment of the track should be correct. In straight reaches the rail level should be the

    same while on curves proper transition curvesshould be provided between straight and thecurves.

    The rails should have perfect cross level. On the

    curves the outer rail should have proper superelevations to take into account the centrifugalforces.

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    Requirement for an ideal track

    The gradient should be uniform and as gentle aspossible. Too steep gradient should be avoided.

    The drainage system of the track should be

    perfect. The friction between the wheels of the rolling

    stock and the rail should be minimum.

    The track should be designed in such a way thatthe load of the train should be uniformlydistributed over it.

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    Requirement for an ideal track

    Adequate provision of repair , replacement and renewalof the damaged portion should be provided.

    The track should possess high resistance to the damageat the time of derailment.

    Joints, points and crossing should be designed andmaintained properly.

    The track should possess antitheft and sabotagequalities.

    The structure of the track is less so that not only its initialcost as well as the maintenance cost should be low.

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    Capacity of railway Track

    Maximum number of trains that can runsafely on any given length of the track perhour.

    In actual practice it is somewhat less dueto safety considerations as speed of train,signaling and control system etc.

    Maximum number of the trains which canbe handled in a yard per day is known asterminal capacity.

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    Measures to Increase Track Capacity

    The track speed of all the trains should be keptsame. This can be achieved by providinguniform gauge and traction. The speed of trains

    can be achieved using diesel or electric traction. All sections should be made of equal length.

    To alert the driver regarding the position of thesection ahead, multi aspect signaling may beadopted.

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    Measures to Increase Track Capacity

    The speed of the trains can be increasedby making suitable modification in theexisting tracks and removing the speed

    restrictions. The length of the sections should be

    decreased by providing additional crossingsections.

    Reduction in stoppage time of the trainswill increase the track capacity.

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    Measures to Increase Track Capacity

    The length of the crossing loops should beincreased to enable the longer train to run.

    To meet the present requirements,existing yard facilities should be improved.

    The sections and yards which are notinterlocked should be interlocked.

    For quick shunting operations, additionaloperating facilities should be provided.