Learning, Remembering, Believing: Enhancing Human Performance

Post on 11-Sep-2021

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Transcript of Learning, Remembering, Believing: Enhancing Human Performance


CMuniiK.', piudpil ccoiluiiou WEIC [enured pronioeul) in tin indii. ind mitwi ol uct repon ippcued in . niuolm of aujuioti u

a. to txunplt. U»g|M .up-

^ topic, in, iMve nart, be

>rrfft"l^^lTniniBB a often no. ta,U


Learning and Remembering

Transfer: Training for Perforn

oiler of icqiiiinini of«l.K,oM07 «,*«,.

., ch,u™ u« .yrnbolK reprtimtnkni of phptcU pra

in tip4in*k«i or iht inlveiv bu«l ™

On miftr 10 n» pnfttaru. ibe diicovny poup t.ciUol


«. Uu, ,„»«* nodtt 1»«>pta,. -ij p-rfo™» iD

ilnuif ot flight lub WKI iJb"!!!?™

niuilu from i ipucihip. Tie put-iuk minim pnm In »h

oik. SobjccijveeipnieKt cuiiJ»f.l|Pir°inbLi. (BJ^iB^fm1^

™ <nlr pnti ly qocifiu to

I). Subject, leaded »uuite

ID .upuu in it, lint phue ml Iheii milled Out Ihur lubjectivt nperi-tKt of dlBkuB, uu i poot buii In j»dp.g dimnilij to, abcn, could

llronctupd. TtaHbJKliv,

, . po.ii™ toHmi of tax-In* P«1* "nipt "> ™«r •xi dun UnpJ, id ji« up («.,.. R=k,, 1M7). TW, » «

41 lun It Cdiforu. Polyncl-

taclWWBl l>«

'of peictptul pc«™in, ,


Learning and Performing in Tea

.Vipritd.. IWi).

ibmd ilpUkul milji sffccu for Ac dyUic fmuu .cnns a» m


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Sttfi i*t MflxM lav

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Ui uilyili of dlfltKra txnwi «hlu«~



ie icuiti- A )l-pi«e bookbj Coopa enl.

The Performance andDevelopment of Teams

be sBngjta,, wrt cmrajU Dill liOICS |T

ud ShDif. IMfcStt). in



ly .*•< they krad b«t oo the Job iU» at***" .h>

i a tonal, tellUud («. Chine. J).

tefte quntity ™d ,uUiiy of M\, KhKvemnn. FInlDnu.ion. inner *il«j ". iwl) . KKOH'. f»

iSh^^^i^ *°d,s rr£ r^rrs" hiSL2"rt! iS2ESSHrs5FS^


paiuvt a Uffl.ldul

pen. Sociilu]


imd Emotional Stale

Self-Confidence and Perfor

aun £?iib!?!fc "M S«r SKI?.??"11 " T 'id

i UK poUtitt dilation. Sucl Illukni

, pnfominn tcompli*™™ ™ difficult atU. uikj .u

ibk Om|h inn effon (Dndun. 19861. The tarn of ptnuu.e

rteuxi dou not Ionian ita-ca,Maa directly: nihtr. ii dtpendi m

nil l«l>. mhua ponpOcu o( Klf-t

n pnitive pnfonntaa a.,

Altering States of Consciousness

bt «nfl3tn fmttnin at typaaic 10

4blt u iup.it Otir bypMic prfmrnuK, »hea ippnpriudy nralvKd In

- (LoMoo ud Fdn. 15*1 Jll>!

udy. by Coopn ud Tulb.ll (19)1). fluid no oljjKdw

c, u.im cluiiul wcboplyiicd KhuqiK. to

for hyponuVHluy ud <Xptt gf nyopt;

duiJ .U 'T^^1u'°Jfto i VJtIS1^ ZS'I

90; LoftiH ti a,, I9SS: Tvmkj ud Tu

•i u impotlKH pn ol ihtlr btvodmil ll.ei-

rue, ind flunTl it k.tl-TM pnXtd pt

Tnfoutilly iptrtt,. GriHon-i reiulu could be-tod. inb«i btvc

faiTof REST »

1MO) -fl pmrtJe, ibc m

lnfetopcd MBflcmi.,. amid,. On On welly « oalivily of > (1-™

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Un tnJnioj-miy tdum iht pa


« "nrilijbt- ,uw._tta priKipte r HKddiBfipeeiliBtya raraK^


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Socially Induced Affec


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i • diilitod ™«rtn npwiwm, m

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ni • vito«.[.d omsiy ™,«.

feiipi ud objoi numbl,' Tktu I«KI air lav, i»cn

litdyninr wa D""*"

b pcffomiii toil Diuin Duo mantel, of ibc -p«lii«- a.

hn»ih™, fo, it. t^p.

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Ud IK* iDvcHu.»dii^prewd UK, ,. An.,1,. it


Institutional Impediments nEffective Training

ad ™ify«i o Km » nut) iipecn ol i

ich "i po™ ™ itill (Of timplt »hj ll«

Mii.r. of IDd.' I»D« "fl tly K.D »l™ ffiwili

a unbolt^. UHwnliy of

I ibt '"xnir, o°'

ibc Uu.tnit, rf Crtforoii. [rvi». ud htld I viudig qr

Pi,cboloU«Cn«|i(-M(ll™Uiii-t™ty- SI

M. ftCDEK ii • prolu™ ol