Leadership 2010

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of Leadership 2010

ProblemGenerational Shift – Tolerance Shift

Socratic Method Pimping Method

Technological advancements


Sub Sub Sub Specialization

Information decayDynamic vs static, ageing,

Generational Shift


Why the problem? By 2020…

New technical information will doubles every 72 hours

50% of what you know in first year will be out of date by third year

5.6 billion Internet searches will be done every month

100 trillion bits per second will travel down one strand of optic fiber.

You have to engage with them

• By the End of a traditional Lecture the Students will remember:• 10% of the facts • 25% of the concepts

Mobile Technology

Information Delivery

The top 10 jobs in 2020 …didn’t exist in 2010.

Predictions by Forbes Magazine

• Gene Screener• Quarantine Enforcer• Drowned City Specialist• Teleport Specialist

The population of virtual worlds like Second Life…will be larger than that of Canada.

Information Decay

• 47 million laptops were sold worldwide last year

• 600,000 iPhone 4 were sold in 27 hours

• By 2025, a $1000 laptop will exceed the capabilities of the human brain

• By 2049, it will exceed the capability of the human race

Service Delivery

Clinic Creators

Department Heads



Leadership is like beauty…hard to define, but you know it when you see it


Hospitals Online

280 YouTube Channels

382 FaceBook Pages

470 Twitter Accounts

82 Blogs

Pitfalls in Social MedicineRedefine boundaries

Patients requesting to become friends

Inadvertent breach of confidentiality

You are what you tweet

Lying down on the job...

Understand the Risk to Minimise the risk



Tips and TricksEgosurf

Review your privacy settings

Define boundaries between social and professional medicine

Risk/benefit analysis

If you are an idiot OFFLINE, chances are you will be an idiot ONLINE

Manage your Social Medicine Garden

Manicure your online persona

My Advice Social media is here to stay (for now)

Take advantage of its great educational offerings Passive: Understand/watch/listen/observe Active: Tag/blog/like/stumble/annotate

Social bookmarking

Social and professional networking

Build your reputation Network

Start Early

Be responsible

Make use of the resources LinkedIn Facebook VisualCV


Mike Cadogan
