Le journal de parise 3 audio

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Le journal de parise 3 audio

  1. 1. the dolls picture Aino Finland Honza Czech Republic Phoebus Grece Ayse Turkey Zuzia Poland coucou
  2. 2. Monday, November 17, 2014 My name is Parise, I went to Poland with Romain, Brnice, Louise and Florian. On Monday morning, we were greeted at the school. The Polish pupils had prepared a show: they danced and sang the Polish National Anthem and the Ode to Joy. The songs and dances were varied and very well performed! The schoolmaster showed us around the school: it is huge! Trip to Poland - November 17-21, 2014
  3. 3. This school is great ! Then we looked at the countries presentations. And we chose the logo. It was a difficult choice. All the logos were beautiful. At least, I was introduced to others kids and dolls.
  4. 4. Tuesday, November 18, 2014 I forgot to tell you, yesterday, we started by playing the maths game: there was a wooden box in which there were cards with multiplications, additions and so on. There were also numbers on four benches, and we had to find the result of an addition or a multiplication. Today, we did a medieval market (from the Middle Ages). We had to dress up one of our group as a princess: we bought fabric and fruit & vegetables for the buffet, but we had to do all the calculations for the money. It was great ! And I got a pretty dress too. They thought I was wonderful. Then we went to the town hall, where the Mayor wished us a warm welcome to Warsaw; I had my picture taken with the other dolls and with Louise. In the evening, at the school, we played treasure hunt: there were plenty of clues to help us discover the word Warsaw. That night, with their families, the girls did rock climbing! Big kisses to all back home. the group in the town Hall
  5. 5. Cardsgames Medieval Market See how we look medieval
  6. 6. Wednesday, November 19, 2014 We set off on a coach for Warsaw. Then we started visiting: we went mermaid-hunting, then we walked along the castle walls. The castle is made of red bricks. When we visited the castle all the rooms were spacious and majestic. When we left the castle we walked past a bronze bell, then we went to a restaurant where we had a great meal. Then, we visited the Palace of Culture, which is 30 stories high, we even went all the way up and admired Warsaw; then we went back to the school. our first mermaid mermaid mermaid with my friend Aino Guess Who ?
  7. 7. Thursday, November 20, 2014. We visited the Copernicus Centre. There were plenty of activities such as for example we were in this round thing that spins, like for hamsters except bigger. There was an enormous reproduction of Foucault's pendulum. There were also things to make bubbles - square, rectangular, round We went back to visit a chapel right next to the School. It was really beautiful. It is made of wood with a terrace. We walked into the Church and the priest explained things about the chapel. Then we prayed, and went back to the school where a buffet was waiting. All the host families for all of the children from different countries were there, as well as the schoolmasters and mistresses. We were given presents, then we gave them our own. At the end of the evening, we were allowed to go to the buffet and we kids had a dance party. At the end of the party, our host families picked us up to go back home.
  8. 8. Copernic Center
  9. 9. Friday, November 21 The Polish School put on a theatre show for us, le Plastis, then we said our farewells to the school; the four children went back to their families and we ended up at the airport to fly back to Paris. The trip was uneventful: we arrived home in Paris, and on Monday, back to school at Massillon! Warsow Paris do widzenia Good bye all my friends, see you in Czech Republic dzikuj za wszystko