LAT 1 Rac 4 Revision Summary Wug

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Transcript of LAT 1 Rac 4 Revision Summary Wug

John Hummel


LAT1 Languages and Communications: Research. RLAT Task 2:

December 18, 2011

Leadership, Innovation, Technology : Lessons learned from both the Japanese and

American armed forces, Victories and Defeats in the first year of World War II, to Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs is considered, by many to be one of the greatest business leaders of the last

100 years. His innovation using giant leaps of technology is now legionary. He was also know

for a fierce leadership style that too many seemed to be almost mesmerizing and yet to other

truly demonic. Just when things seemed darkest for him and his company Apple, he transformed

his genius to overwhelm his corporate enemies and shortly before his death earlier this year,

transform Apple into the most valuable company on earth.

"He was, indeed an example of what the mathematician Mark Kac called a Magician

Genius, someone whose insights come out of the blue and require intuition more than mere

mental processing power "(Isaacson, W. 2011, Steve Jobs, page 566).

There have been other " Magician Genius" if look back in recent history. Bill Gates,

President Kennedy, Henry Ford, Tomas Edison. Each seemed to be able to galvanize people

around them to do what many considered the impossible.

It is interesting to note that they all have common traits. They were all flawed as humans

beings. They were not nice but very crass and rude even bordering on abusive. They also all had

a perfectionist trait that drove themselves and those around them to higher and higher levels of


In examining two of these mesmerizing leaders to see what makes them so effective One

who clearly stood out during the worst of times to become one of the most beloved and

controversial figures of World War II, Pacific Theater. Who even now over 70 years still inspires

historic analysis much like Steve Jobs will command in the next 70 years.

Revision Summary :

As I researched further on the two leaders that are the focus of my essay, it became

clear that many famous leaders of the last 100 years share the same traits.

It also then required a revision of my thesis statement to better reflect the research

summary, especially on leadership traits.

In my thesis, these traits are using innovation, technology and leadership to change

moments of defeat, into victory. This is true in both national leaders such as Admiral Halsey

and in business leadership such as Steve Jobs.

My argument points around using innovation and technology needed to be better

highlighted between the very successful and the very unsuccessful in terms of adoption and


I have then highlighted the Japanese use of the Zero Airplane, The Type 93 Torpedo

and the use of night fighting to almost destroy the US Navy in the first year of W.W. II.

It then required more research into just how unsuccessful the US Navy's technology

and Leadership was in that same period of time.

My essay then could better focus on the successful leadership of Adm. Halsey, who's

forced innovation through faster adoption of technology and more forceful leadership.

This same process of reason would then highlight the early success of Steve Jobs, his

almost complete failure after leaving Apple and then his rise to the pinnacle of business

leaders through his own use of forceful leadership, forced innovation and technological


My research then needed to focus less on the effects of technology but more on the

traits of Leadership in terms of how to make change happen when those around you can not

see that same future.

My Essay now better reflect my thesis, main argument points and conclusion.