Lady gaga questionnaire

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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A PowerPoint presentation analysing data about a lady gaga questionnaire

Transcript of Lady gaga questionnaire

Lady Gaga Questionnaire

Kate Hoyle

Assumptions of fans

I believe that the age group most into Lady Gaga is between the ages of 14 and 22.

I think that they would enjoy festivals and concerts

That they are outspoken people Perhaps ones who have suffered some

bad times (Bullying) Gay/Lesbian group I think they are the explorer type

Result analysis

I asked 10 questions on survey monkey, relating to my assumptions of Lady Gaga fans to either confirm or contrast to my predictions, I got 16 responses.

I uploaded the questionnaire link to the little monsters website which is a fan site for those who like Lady Gaga.

75% of my respondents were female.


As I predicted, the majority of the respondents were within the age category of 14-22. When I also compare the people who are in this age range and selected that lady gaga was there favourite artist, all this age range said she was.


All of my respondents said that they enjoyed going to gigs and festivals, again confirming another prediction about Lady Gaga fans.


I predicted that some fans may have experienced bullying or had a period of hard time, and from my results I can see that this is true as 12 out of 16 said that they had.


I also then asked what led people to listen to lady gaga. I got responses such as “she cheered me up when i was down”, “I started to listen to her music as it was about being yourself, it helped me to block out the bullies.” and “her music is fun”.

This backs up my presumption of people listening to her because of a bad experience etc.


I also predicted that she would appeal to people who lesbian or gay. From my results I can confirm this is true, all males who answered were Gay, and 75% of the women who responded were Lesbian.


Another assumption I made about Lady Gaga fans before I made the questionnaire was that they would be outspoken people. One way outspoken people try and represent this is by wearing bright controversial clothing, which 75% of my respondents said they do.


I asked people why/what they like about Lady Gaga to see if I could then link this to them being the explorer type.

One person responded saying “Her Great music, her inspirational attitude to life, her kindness and her incredible style.” by mentioning her inspirational attitude to life I would say this suggests that the respondent is exploring life and is inspired by Gaga to go about life in different ways.