La Voz Hispana Magazine

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January 2012 English

Transcript of La Voz Hispana Magazine









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Greetings to my friends of La Voz Hispana. Like the

full of positive things, challenges, but most important is to start it with much positive energy and hoping al-ways for the best. Remember that depending on how our minds are set depends what we receive. !erefore, let’s think big and have a vision for a year full of joy, abundance, and blessings.

I would advise you to set yourselves new goals, but to be realistic, for example, if you want to lose weight, don’t set a goal which you know you will not reach and you’ll end up abandoning. Establish short term goals that let you get to where you want and in the end, you will see how easy it was to arrive to that desired weight. If you wish to learn the English (or Spanish) language, join a class, and learn little by little the basics and new words every day, and a"er a short period of time you will see how this new language becomes a part of you.

Set up goals and priorities and resolve on this new year for a year of suc-cess. Remember, he who has no goals, sinks and only lives to live, make of your life an interesting and positive one. May God bless you always and remember that the best is still to come.

>%?(@/%3'%6#$#0.%-.A3With consumer debt on the rise, ef-fectively controlling and managing our !nances in today’s economy has become ever more challenging. We hear almost daily from Americans of all ages who are struggling with debt or trying to avoid foreclosure.


5.#)32B%*(C($0DE(3$.//%#3%FG"ey say 40 is the new 30, so don’t be scared about hitting that milestone. Still, be aware of one truth that hasn’t changed.



“We should feel lucky for our diversity”



Do you want a more a#ordable rate that is also adequate coverage?


K66(0+#3('$%/<#66.+/%@"$(/2.-A man from California has been sen-tenced to three years in prison by a federal court, a$er he was convicted for conspiracy, impersonation of a federal o%cer, and attempted extor-tion of a federal o%cer.E+6-FL

LC.$3/D%M2()-N/%="(<(-.%;+'6@3/%M#))%O'+%M2#$0."e 10-year-old who committed sui-cide recently in a rural Illinois com-munity came home from school the day before in tears. It wasn’t the !rst time. E+6-FM

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For those who have ignorantly done this, meet with your agent and check your home insurance coverage again. Sub-tract the land’s value and use only the cost of your home and its contents.

!is means you will spend a lot less on home insurance. Because insur-ance is for valuables that can be lost or damaged, insuring the land which can neither get lost nor damaged isn’t a smart move.

It pays to purchase more than a policy from the same insurance company as this will attract massive savings. Insurance companies give discounts (multi-policy discounts) for insured who buy more one policy from them. Nevertheless, you might be better served by getting your policies from di"erent insurance compa-nies. Let’s say that you have a total of four insurance policies: Life, health, auto and home. Keeping this many policies with any insurer is sure to get you a remarkable discount.

your home against all kinds of peril. !e probability of certain perils in your loca-tion is too low to make purchasing cov-

say with con#dence that some perils are not possible in certain states going by their history.

It’s truly a sound #nancial advice to purchase coverage for any loss that has a good possibility of occurring. However, there is no reason for you to actually pur-chase coverage for a peril that hasn’t oc-

curred in a state for #ve decades. Choos-ing the right perils will make you pay for only coverage you need. !is will help you pay just the right amount you should.

!e more claims you make the higher the risk associated with insuring you. Making very many claims will result in your home being seen as a bigger risk

as a consequence of this higher risk im-pression.

Do NOT #le a claim if it’s an issue

keeping your home insurance rate more a"ordable that way. Considering that your main reason for purchasing homeowners insurance is to guarantee you’re properly protected from the risks of a home loss or damage, I’ll add this although it’s not a bene#t of a homeowner’s policy. Homes in $ood-prone locations can’t be said to be properly protected without a $ood insur-ance policy which costs up to $500 annu-ally.

Every mortgagor will insist that you get $ood insurance if your home is in a $ood-prone region. Making an adjust-ment in the locality you buy a home will make a huge di"erence on what you spend on insuring your house.

Checking your plumbing is an important step against water damages. Of all home insurance claims, water damage is the most predominant. Consequently, show-ing any insurer that your home has little or no risk of water damage will get you a good discount. Tell your agent if you’ve improved your plumbing.

Do you want a more a!ordable rate that is also adequate coverage? Do not insure your house along with the land it is standing on as this is more expen-sive but needless. A good number of folks pay much more than they should on home insurance due to this mistake. Insuring your home for the purchased price without deducting the value of the land it stands on is an expensive error.


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Oakland, CA: A man from California has been sentenced to three years in prison by a federal court, a!er he was convicted for conspiracy, impersonation of a federal o"-cer, and attempted extortion of a federal o"cer. Evidence showed that the 46-yearl-old man and his companions had sent extortion letters to six people. #e letters were made out to be sent from the immigration authorities, and demanded a total of $50,000 to straighten out is-sues regarding the receivers’ immigration status. If they didn’t pay, they risked jail or deportation, according to the extortion letters. #e people who received the letters contacted the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce-ment (ICE), which launched an investigation into the matter. Later the now-convicted man and his comrades contacted the would-be victims by phone, pretending to be immigration o"cers, still demanding the money. ICE arrested the 46-year-old as he attempted to pick up the money. When arrested, the man was wearing a clown suit and was riding on a children’s bicycle. In Baltimore, Ma, another man was sentenced to 30 months in prison for another immigration scam. #e 40-year-old man was convicted for identi$cation document fraud, as he provided fake birth certi$cates and social security num-bers to illegal immigrants. #e newly sentenced man was working for an engineering company that performed in-spections of construction sites. When the man discovered illegal workers at the worksite, he would present himself as an inspector, and o%er to provide the immigrants with genuine birth certi$cates and social security numbers. In reality the man forged the documents, charging at least nine people between $1,000 and $6,000 each.

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Child’s Suicide Prompts Call for Change Americans Need Fundamen-tal Attitude Adjustment. Author Says. !e 10-year-old who committed suicide recently in a rural Illinois community came home from school the day before in tears. It wasn’t the "rst time. Ashlynn Conner, a "#h-grader, had complained of bullying for two years. A#er the most recent episode, Ashlynn asked to be home-schooled and her mother promised to take her for a chat with the principal the following Monday. !e next night, her older sister found her hanging by a scarf in her bedroom closet. “It’s yet another example of the horri"c things happening in our society because people still judge other people for every-thing but how they behave,” says Shay Dawkins, author of !e Good News: How Revealing Delusions in Christianity Will Bring Peace to All (, an analysis of the Bible that compares contemporary Christian values with scripture. “We start forming biases at a very young age,” he notes. “Unfortunately, some people use even the Bible to justify judging others for circumstances those people didn’t choose. !ese biases are of-ten so ingrained, people aren’t aware they even have them. Change starts with each individual, Dawkins says. Become aware of your personal biases. We all have them. Children start picking them up from family mem-bers, TV and others in their environ-ment about the time they start walking. Studies have shown that as early as age 3, some toddlers are using words associ-ated with racial prejudice! As evidenced by Ashlynn Conner’s devastating expe-rience, by elementary school children may have acquired a grown-up set of bi-

ases that are manifest in taunts, jeers and other acts of bullying. See what biases you may have by taking the Hidden Bias Tests developed by psychologists at Har-vard, the University of Virginia and the University of Washington. Visit Hone your empathy skills. Peo-ple who can empathize well are good at putting themselves in another person’s shoes. !ey may not agree with that per-son’s feelings, but they can understand them – sometimes they can actually feel what another person feels. Empathy helps us relate to others and erodes biases by pushing us beyond baseless precon-ceived notions. Some of us have to work harder at being empathetic than others. To work on your skills, ask yourself how


your children, co-workers or spouse would describe you.

Be honest! Would your children say you yell a lot? Would your spouse say you spend more time complaining about what he or she doesn’t do than acknowledging what he does? Empathy also helps us meet that gold standard of rules: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you have a negative attitude, change it. If you tend to make negative comments or respond negatively when talk-ing about or to certain groups of people, practice turning them into positives, even if it means following your negative

should be only mildly confused at "rst.) Believe it or not, heart and mind o#en follow our spo-ken word and it’s a good way to

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And check us out on Facebook and Twitter, there’s always something going on!

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start changing your attitude. Dawkins says he wrote !e Good News a#er a long study of the Bible made him realize that many Americans taking stands on divisive contemporary issues erroneously base their views on “Chris-tian belief.” “!e message in the Bible, and probably other religions as well, is a positive one,” Dawkins says. “It doesn’t tell us to be cruel to people who are dif-ferent from us, it tells us to embrace them – all of them. “I’m not sure if peace on Earth is possible, but if everyone simply judged others on how they treat people – not on whether they’re gay, or Muslim, or black, or overweight, the world would be a happier place.”



!"234#2567-'829#2:$%$$;23#<#;2<5<<:!e time is always right to begin returning to good health. Regardless of whether your issues involve weight, exercise, diet, blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic pain, now is the time to begin taking action on your own be-half.

millions of people worldwide have various chronic complaints and illnesses. Some prob-lems are more serious than others, but every-one eventually wants to "nd a better way to manage their health problems. Eventually ev-eryone wants to actually begin to be healthier and feel better.

Of course, a healthy diet and regular vigor-ous exercise are the key elements in any pro-cess of returning to good health. People know this, but for the most part this knowledge alone does not do any good. !e deep truth is that feeling good and actually being healthy takes a lot of e#ort. It’s much easier to pick up dinner from a fast food restaurant than to spend precious time planning and shopping and preparing meals. It’s much easier to sit on your couch and watch people on TV trying to lose weight than to actually do the work of losing weight yourself.

We are all slaves to our habitual ways of thinking and habitual ways of living. A body at rest stays at rest and a body in motion stays in motion. We will do the same things we have always done, achieving the same results

we have always achieved, unless we make an active choice to engage in new thinking and new activities.

By the way, no one is going to make any last-ing changes in their lifestyle merely because someone told them they needed to do it. If you’re chronically overweight, your doctor has told you every year that you need to make changes. Every year at your annual physical she tells you to begin regular, vigorous exer-cise and adopt healthy eating habits. Do any of these admonitions ever make a lasting dif-ference? !ey don’t, not because it is bad ad-vice, but because they were not a match for your own world view. Real change, lasting change, has to come from within, from your own personal choice.

When a person is actually ready to choose to revamp her lifestyle with respect to achieving good health, there are many possible steps to take. Chiropractic care can be an important and critical component of an overall health improvement strategy. Achieving long-term health does not imply that you will never get sick. Achieving long-term health does not imply that you will never have a neck or back problem. Achieving long-term health does mean that you will get the most out of what you’ve got; you will be much healthier than otherwise; and you will feel better about yourself, have more energy, and get more out of life.

Chiropractic care is an essential component of achieving long-term health. Making sure you eat good food, drink plenty of water, and eat several portions of fresh fruits and veg-etables each day is a very good place to start. Adding a daily program of 30 minutes of regular, vigorous exercise is the next key piece in achieving good health. Chiropractic care is the important link that brings everything together, enabling your body to make the best use of your nutrition and exercise. Chiroprac-tic care helps ensure that the various parts of your body are working in harmony to achieve your long term goals in health and wellness.


Shari Porth605-334-4570

Cherish Fedders4101 S. Louise Ave

605-361-0313Susan Rotert

3000 S. Minnesota Ave605-334-7231

Tammy Jo Zingmark1900 S. Marion Rd

605-361-3442Amanda Ries3020 E. 10th St605-336-8947

Lindsay Van Meeteren1231 E. 57th St605-271-7171Emily Mergen2700 W. 10th St605-334-3321

With consumer debt on the rise, e!ectively controlling and managing our "nances in today’s economy has become ever more challenging. We hear almost daily from Americans of all ages who are struggling with debt or trying to avoid foreclosure.



While it may seem overwhelming, there are a number of resources available, such as home equity loans that can help you reduce, pay o! and control your debt and avoid foreclosure, o!ering you more "nancial freedom to save for your future. Talk to your lender, the sooner the better. It will be much easier to negotiate before you get too far behind. Many, but not all, lenders will work with you to set up a new payment plan that you can live with.

#ere are several state and nonpro"t programs that can help distressed homeowners make mort-gage payments more a!ordable. Two that are available nationally include the Making Home A!ordable Program and the Mortgage Modi"-cation Program. #e Making Home A!ordable Program allows eligible homeowners to re"nance. #is is designed for homeowners who are current on their mortgage, but can’t re"nance into a more a!ordable interest rate because the value of their home has dropped. Likewise, the Mortgage Modi-"cation Program is designed to help people at risk of foreclosure because of serious hardship, such as job loss, high health care costs or a signi"cant in-crease in mortgage payments. Contact your mort-gage company to see if you are eligible for either of these programs.

Sometimes, one easy phone call is all it takes to get the interest rate on a credit card lowered. In other cases, you may have to be far more persistent and make multiple calls over a period of time, and speak to multiple representatives to achieve what you want — whether it’s a lower rate, or having late fees or over-the-limit charges eliminated. Visit for help creating a game plan.

Consumer credit has typically been easy to ob-tain. A new law, however, now o!ers consumers a greater level of protection, making it more di$cult for banks and lenders to charge exorbitant fees. Un-derstanding the new rules, your credit card interest rate and fees, and the di!erent types of consumer debt can help you stay in control of your "nances. For more information, visit:

Avoid payday loans and rapid-refund-anticipation loans (RALs). #e reality is that these short-term loans can have extremely high interest rates (APRS over 400 percent) and can lead to a never-ending cy-cle of debt. A better strategy is to look into a home equity line of credit or another loan from your bank. Better yet, try to establish an emergency savings fund that you can turn to.











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- !e elbow is the stronger point on your body. If you are close enough a person that wants to assault you, like a thief, use it!

- If a robber ask for your wallet or your purse, don’t hang it to him, toss it away from you. Chances are that he is more interested in your wallet or purse than you, and he would go for it, and you, run fast you can to the other direction.

- If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out of the hole, and start waiving like crazy. !e driver won’t see you, but everyone else will. !is can saved lives.

- Women have a tendency to get into their cars a"er shopping, eating, working, doing their checkbook, or making a list. Don’t do this, the predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side and tell you where to go. At soon as you get into your car, lock the doors and leave.

- Always take the elevator, instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and perfect crime spot. Espe-cially at night.







What happens at 40?Most women in their 20s and 30s tackle college career and kids, or a combination of all three. “Our metabolism is cranked up,” say Bob-by Morrow, a spokesman for the American Council of Exercise.By 40, our muscles react to life’s slower pace with a “use it or lose it” response. “Our bodies are very e!cient. "ey start shutting things down if you’re at not using them, much like the father who walk through the house #ipping o$ all the light in empty rooms,” Mor-row says.In fact, according to ACE, adults lose four to six pounds of muscle tissue per decade. Strength training Experts recommend 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity most days


!ey say 40 is the new 30, so don’t be scared about hitting that milestone. Still, be aware of one truth that hasn’t changed. A"er 40, women lose muscle mass and their metabolism drops. !e good news is, simple strength training can reawaken a healthier, younger you.


of the week. “It’s really important a%er 40 to regain muscle mass. We do this by strength training,” Morrow says. Com-mon techniques include:- Weight li%ing - Resistance bands and exercise balls- Pushups, crunches and squats

Next, and this is where your smarts come in, Morrow en-courage women to limit strength training to twice a week, “As you get older, you need more time to recover”, he says.So, maybe for all the talk about life being “downhill a%er 40, we just need to get a resistance band and march right back up that hill. “"e good news is, we don’t really “lose muscle mass,” Morrow says. It just shrinks, and with some really good exercise you can bring it back”.



34!"/5*6&7!'*8.4%A newlywed farmer and his wife were visited by her mother, who immedi-ately demanded an inspection of the place. !e Farmer had genuinely tried to be friendly to his new mother-in-law, hoping that it could be a friendly, non-antagonistic relationship.

To no avail, she kept nagging them at every opportunity, demanding chang-es, o"ering unwanted advice and making life unbearable to the farmer and his new bride.

While they were walking through the barn, the farmer’s mule suddenly reared up and kicked the mother-in-law in the head, killing her instantly.

At the funeral service a few days later, the farmer stood near the casket and greeted folks as they walked by. !e pastor noticed that whenever a man would whisper something to the farmer, he would nod his head yes and say something. Whenever a man walked by and whispered to the farmer, how-ever, he would shake his head, no and mumble a reply.

Very curious as to this bizarre behavior, the pastor later asked the farmer what that was all about. !e farmer replied, “!e women would say, ‘What

would ask, ‘Can I borrow that mule?’ and I would shake my head and say, ‘Can’t. It’s all booked up for a year.’






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er 40 to regain muscle mass. We do this by strength training,” Morrow says. Com-

Next, and this is where your smarts come in, Morrow en-courage women to limit strength training to twice a week, “As you get older, you need more time to recover”, he says.

er 40, we just need to get a resistance band and march right back

e good news is, we don’t really “lose muscle mass,” Morrow says. It just shrinks, and with some really




What are the responsibilities of the United States Attorney`s O!ce in SD?Our o!ce has many responsibilities, one of the key is that we are responsi-ble for national security in South Da-kota. We also take care to prosecute cases of human tra!cking, drugs, fraud to property, etc..Do you have personal experience working with minority communities in SD?I have experience working with mi-norities in general. In fact, 4 years ago my wife and I adopted two chil-dren from Ethiopia, and I must say that bringing 2 kids to this commu-nity that don´t speak the language was a big challenge for us and we could experience "rsthand the pro-cess of adaptation of a minority in our state. I think we should let them see that they are a very important part of our community and make others understand that we should feel lucky to have them here.

How does your work impact the Latino community?#is community is very important to me. One of our obligations is to pursue illegal immigration, as well as defending civil rights. When there is a crime in their community, I want them to feel and know that this o!ce is here to help.



Brendan Johnson was nominated by the President as the 40th United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota and was con!rmed unanimously by the United States Senate on October 15, 2009. Brendan serves as South Dakota’s chief federal law enforcement o"cer and supervises the prosecution of all federal crimes and the litigation of civil matters in which the United States government has an interest.

Describe the role your o!ce plays when it comes to illegal im-migration.One of the ways we are involved with illegal immigration is, for example, when someone has previously been deported from USA. #e second time they are deported it is seen as a crimi-nal action, and that’s when our o!ce has to get involved.What are the biggest concerns that you have when it comes to protecting and serving the Latino community?My main concern is that they feel safe especially when reporting a crime. Do not feel constrained by the lan-guage. If anyone knows of an human tra!cking issue, or a violation of civil rights, those are issues that interest me. Be sure there is not discrimina-tion based on their origin or the skin color, make them feel part of the com-munity and make them sure that their rights are also protected.