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Transcript of L D Fourth Sunday - redpenguinchurches.orgredpenguinchurches.org/stbernardwp/wp-content/... ·...

T C S . B 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606

www.stbernardswp.com January 31, 2016

R 914-949-2111



Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor &

Director of Rel. Ed.

Weekend Associates: Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J. Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell Rev. Hernan Paredes, S.J.

Verónica Meléndez

Rectory Office Manager

Jennifer Frías

Director The Little Disciple Learning Center

Brenda López Coordinator

of Religious Education

Parish Trustees: Elizardi Castro Millie Castro

S M / M


5:30 pm

Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am,

12:00pm (Spanish/Español),

Confessions Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Grant us, Lord our God, that we may honor you with all our mind, and love everyone in truth of heart. Amen.

Concédenos, Señor, nuestro Dios, que podamos honrarte con toda nuestra mente, y amar a todos de corazón. Amén

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Reflec ng on God’s Word

Prophets tend not to be very popular. They get thrown in jail, ridiculed, beaten up, or killed. The leaders of Jerusalem once

had Jeremiah thrown in a cistern, where he would have died if someone had not interceded for him with the king. Today we hear how the people of Nazareth would have killed Jesus if he had not given them the slip. In both cases, people did not want a message that God was sending them through the proph-ets. Jeremiah had to tell the leaders that their

me had run out because of their infidelity to the covenant. God was leaving them to their own devices, allowing Jerusalem to be de-stroyed by the Babylonians. Jesus confronts his own townspeople by admonishing them that they should be like that woman whom Elijah helped and that leper Elisha sent to wash in the Jordan. Both of these Gen les had faith they should imitate. But the villagers only wanted a God who would wreak vengeance on the Gen-

les, a God who only worked wonders for them and who was confined within the boundaries of Israel. Some mes we may want to keep God in a li le box of our own making, limi ng God to the boundaries of the church building or maybe even just the tabernacle. That way we go and visit God when we have me or need some-thing, but we hope that God will not bother us too much with any burdensome demands. The God of Israel was never sa sfied with confine-ment, even in something the size of the temple. And Jesus would not allow himself to be con-stricted in his own day concerning whom he as-sociated or ate with or even touched. Tight quarters wouldn’t do, not then but especially once he was raised from the tomb! —James A. Wallace, . . . Copyright © World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios

Los profetas enden a no ser muy populares. Se les encarcela, se les ridiculiza, se les maltrata y hasta los matan. Los líderes de Jerusalén una vez echaron a Jeremías a un pozo donde hubie-ra muerto de no haber sido por alguien que in-tercedió por él ante el rey. Hoy escucharemos que la gente de Nazaret hubiera matado a Jesús de no haber sido porque Jesús se les escapó. En ninguno de los dos casos la gente quería es-cuchar el mensaje que Dios les estaba enviando a través de los profetas. Jeremías le tuvo que decir a los líderes que el empo de ellos llegaba a su fin, por haber sido infieles a la alianza. Dios los abandonaba y permi ría que Jerusalén fuera destruida por los babilonios. Jesús confronta a sus propios coterráneos y los amonesta dicién-doles que deberían ser como la viuda que Elías ayudó y como el leproso que curó Eliseo al en-viarlo a las aguas del Jordán. Ambos paganos tenían la fe que ellos debían imitar. Pero este pueblo sólo quería a un Dios que se desquitara y se vengara de los paganos, un Dios que sólo hiciera prodigios en medio de ellos y confinado a los límites de Israel. Algunas veces nosotros queremos controlar a Dios y confinarlo a los lí-mites del edificio de la iglesia o aun del sagrario. De esa manera podemos ir a visitarlo cuando tengamos empo o cuando necesitamos algo, pero esperamos que Dios no nos moleste mu-cho con sus exigencias agobiantes. El Dios de Israel nunca estaba sa sfecho en confinamien-to, ni siquiera entre las paredes del templo. Y Jesús, en su propia época, no permi ó ser coar-tado respecto a con quién se asociaba, con quién comía, ni aún a quién tocaba. Esas opre-siones no las permi ó nunca, ¡pero especial-mente después de haber resucitado de entre los muertos! —James A. Wallace, . . . Derechos de autor © World Library Publica ons. Todos los derechos reservados

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Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time.


As Christians, we strive to be attuned to God’s calling in our lives. But what if God’s calling seems to take us in unexpected and even unwanted directions? Scripture offers many examples of this. Moses initially resists God’s invita-tion. Mary’s “yes” is preceded by perplexed astonishment. Jeremiah argues that he just isn’t capable of what God has in mind for him. These are under-standable reactions, ones we too may have felt in response to situations God seems to be calling us to. Walk with the saints and prophets today, reflecting on and celebrating God’s calling in your life.

In every society since the beginning of recorded history spiritual experts such as clergy and holy men and women were the go-to healers when some-one in the community was troubled and having difficulties coping. Religious men and women continue to play an important role in mental healthcare, typically as first responders. As we close the Year of Consecrated Life, it is good for us to remember the important work of our men and women in reli-gious life who are often active on the margins reaching out to the most vul-nerable and helping “cast out the demons” that keep good people from living full, productive lives.

The Presentation of the Lord, or Candlemas, marks the ritual presentation of Jesus in the Temple 40 days after his birth, as was the Jewish custom. On the day the infant Jesus was presented, Simeon, a devout and just man, couldn’t help but declare Christ’s glory at the sight of the child. “My eyes have seen your salvation!” Traditionally, Candlemas is marked by a blessing of and procession with candles, an act that signifies the light brought into the world by Christ. Simeon witnessed that light firsthand; today, why not be a walking celebration of Candlemas? Shine Christ’s light for the world to see!

Tradition has it that fourth-century Armenian bishop Blaise once saved the life of a boy who had a fish bone caught in his throat. Thus it came to be that for centuries, and still in many parishes today, Catholics honor this martyred saint by having their throats blessed on his feast day. Perhaps you will have the chance to participate in this age-old ritual today. But if not, you might pause and ask God to protect not only your throat but also your tongue

and the words that flow from it. Ask for the grace to work in tandem with God so that the words you speak will be marked by love and compassion.

The ministry of discipleship is one of healing that is as old as scripture and endures for all time. To that end, the church offers the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to all who are seriously ill or who face major surgery. Those par-taking of the sacrament are anointed with oil as they hear the words: “Through this holy anointing, may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit.” It is sacramental grace that assures you when you are ill and suffering that the One who suffered for all people will not leave you alone in your own dark time.

The World Health Organization estimates that 150 million girls under the age of 18 have experienced sexual violence. And U.S. studies estimate that one in four girls and one in six boys experience some form of sexual abuse before age 18. Further studies indicate that 93 percent of reported sexual assaults of juveniles in the United States are committed by someone known to the victim. Indifference to these tragic statistics, which the Centers for Disease Control warn have severe health and social consequences, is a sin of the gravest order. Ask for the intercession of Saint Agatha, patron of rape and torture victims, to spur action among all of us to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

For those who live in a 21st-century democracy, it is difficult to grasp that in some times and places, death has been the punishment for those who preach their Christian faith. Yet the cruelty of martyrdom is part of our history. In late 16th-century Japan, Jesuit brother Paul Miki was crucified along with other Jesuits, Franciscans, and laypeople for sharing the Good News. It is said that from the cross Miki reminded his followers to “ask Christ to help you to become happy.” That simple prayer, if asked and answered by each of us, will have a profound effect on our lives.

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Religious Educa on - Make Up Session Dear Parents of the Religious Educa on Program: There will be a Make Up Session for students who have missed 3 or more classes/Masses:

· Make-Up Session for grades 1st - 5th & RCIA level 1: Date: Saturday February 6th 2016 Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

· Make-Up Session for grades 6th - 8th, & RCIA Level 2: Date: Saturday February 13th 2016 Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

RCIA Level 2 Parents & Students (ONLY):

On Sunday February 7th at 10:30 AM, we will celebrate the Rite of Acceptance for all students in the RCIA Lev-el 2 classes. Your child and their Sponsor must be pre-sent for this Mass. A er the Mass, we ask all Sponsors and students to join us in the cafeteria for a special gathering.

Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults

On Sunday, February 7th, we will celebrate the RCIA Rite of Acceptance at the 10:30 am and 12:00 pm Masses. This ritual includes an acceptance of the Gospel by those who are preparing for full ini a on into the Catholic Church this Easter, as well as an affirma on

by the parish and sponsors of the candidates’ readiness. The Junior High School RCIA, High School RCIA, English Adult RCIA and Spanish Adult RCIA Candidates and Cate-chumens will par cipate in this rite.

Li le Disciple Learning Center Registra on

The Li le Disciple Learning Center will be collabora ng with the District of White Plains for the 2016-2017 school year to provide a free Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program to four-year-olds (children born in 2012) who reside in the City of White Plains. Applica ons must be submi ed to the Family Informa on Center at 500 North Street, White Plains NY 10605. More informa on will be available in March when the applica ons be-come available. Please con nue to monitor the White Plains school dis-trict website for more informa on.

Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament

This Friday, February 5th, is the First Friday of the Month. Please join the community at 7:00 pm for an hour of Prayer with Christ during the Exposi-

on of the Blessed Sacrament the Benedic on.

Catechist Forma on Class

The first course for Level One Catechist Cer fica on will be offered at our parish. If you are interested in a ending , please speak with Brenda Lopez, in the Religious Educa on office.

Course: Religion Teaching Skills Fridays: February 19th, 26th and March 4th Time: 6:30-8:30 pm *Registra on is required Upcoming Parish Mee ngs

♦ Señor de los Milagros, today, Sunday, January 31st at 1:30 pm in the Community Room.

♦ Our Lady of Guadalupe, Monday, February 1st at 8:00 pm in the Cafeteria.

♦ Divine Mercy, Sunday, February 7th at 1:30 pm in the main Church.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the great-est of these is love. — 1 Corinthians 13:13

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Ritual de Iniciación Cris ana para Adultos

El domingo, 7 de febrero, celebraremos el Ri-tual de Aceptación de RICA durante las misas de 10:30 am y 12:00 pm. Este ritual incluye la aceptación del Evangelio por parte de los que se están preparando para completar su inicia-ción en la Iglesia Católica durante la Pascua

Florida, así como la afirmación de la parroquia y de los padri-nos de que estos candidatos están preparados. Candidatos del RICA de escuela intermedia, Rica de secundaria, RICA en Ingles para Adultos, y RICA en Español para adultos par ciparán en este ritual. Después de las misas habrá una pequeña recep-ción en el Salón de Fá ma.

Educación Religiosa

Queridos Padres del Programa de Educación Religiosa:

Habrá una Sesión de Recuperación para estudiantes que enen 3 o mas ausencias de clase/Misa:

· Sesión de recuperación para grados 1º - 5º & RCIA Nivel 1: Día: sábado 6 de febrero, 2016 de 10 AM-1:00 PM

· Sesión de recuperación para grados 6º - 8º, & RCIA Nivel 2: Día: sábado 13 de febrero, 2016 de 10 AM-1:00 PM

Padres y Estudiantes del programa de RCIA Nivel 2 (UNICAMENTE):

El día domingo 7 de febrero a las 10:30 AM se celebra-rá la Misa de Aceptación para los estudiantes en las clases de RCIA Nivel 2. Su hijo(a) y su Sponsor deben estar presentes. Después de la Misa, se les pide a es-tudiantes y Sponsors que nos acompañen en la cafe-tería para una reunión especial.

Exposición del San simo

Este viernes, 5 de febrero es el primer viernes del mes. Les invitamos a todos a reunirse como co-munidad a las 7:00 pm en una hora de oración ante Nuestro Señor Jesucristo duran-te la Exposición del San simo.

Centro de Aprendizaje de los Pequeños Discípulos Inscripción

El Centro de Aprendizaje de los Pequeños Discípulos es-tará colaborando con el Distrito de White Plains para el año escolar 2016-2017 para proporcionar un Programa de Pre-Kindergarten universal gratuito para los niños de cuatro años (niños nacidos en 2012) y que residen en la Ciudad de White Plains . Las solicitudes deben presentar-se al Centro de Información de la Familia en 500 North Street, White Plains NY 10605. Ten-dremos más información disponible en marzo, cuando las aplicaciones estén disponibles. Para más infor-mación, por favor con núe monito-reando la página web del distrito escolar de White Plains.

Clase de Formación de Catequistas

El primer curso de Cer ficación de Catequista Nivel Uno, se ofrecerá en nuestra parroquia. Si usted es-tá interesado en asis r, por favor hable con Brenda López, en la oficina de Educación Religiosa. Curso: Formación para la enseñanza de Religión Viernes: 19 y 26 de febrero, y el 4 de marzo Hora: 6:30-8:30 pm * Se requiere inscribirse Próximas Reuniones Parroquiales

• Señor de los Milagros, hoy domingo, 31 de enero a la 1:30 pm en el Salón Comunitario.

• Virgen de Guadalupe, lunes, 1ro de febrero a las 8:00 pm en la cafetería.

• Divina Misericordia, domingo, 7 de febrero a la 1:30 pm en la iglesia principal.

Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

La fe, la esperanza y el amor siguen siendo, estos tres; pero el más importante de ellos es el amor. 1 Corin os 13:13

Mass Intentions for the Week

Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.

Elma Caprio Anthony Cardon

Marck Canoli

Prayers for the Sick

Saturday, January 30, 2016 5:30 Rosa María Calderón Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:00 Thressiamma Panicker 10:30 Bill Walsh 12:00 For the people Monday, February 1, 2016 9:00 Communion Service Tuesday, February 2, 2016 9:00 Communion Service Wednesday, February 3, 2016 9:00 Theresiamma Panicker Thursday, February 4, 2016 9:00 Theresiamma Panicker Friday, February 5, 2016 9:00 Gertrude Keogh Saturday, February 6, 2016 5:30 Sergio Ripari Sunday, February 7, 2016 9:00 For the people 10:30 Cornelius Barry 12:00 For the people

St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign Update

Total Amount Pledged: $643,442 Total Amount in Payments: $426,410 Average Pledge: $1,697.74

Last Sunday’s Collec on :

First Collec on 1/24/16: $2,673 Second Collec on 1/24/16: $889 First Collec on 1/17/16: $4,677 Second Collec on 1/17/16: $1,753

Today’s Second Collec on is for Snowplowing. Next week’s second collec on will be for Peter’s Pence. Thank you for your generous support of our parish.

La segunda Colecta de hoy es para la limpieza de nieve. La segunda colecta de la próxima semana será para los Centavos de Pedro. Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.

Bill Claroni Carlos Escobar Micky Stagg Hymns in Spanish - Cán cos en Español

Entrada #309 A levanto mis ojos Ofertorio #584 El amor nos unió Comunión #340 Señor, Tu eres el pan Salida #396 Aleluya, el Señor es nuestro Rey

Hymns in English 9:00 am Entrance - Hymnal #436 "Seek Ye First" Offertory - Missale e #133 "Immaculate Mary" Communion - Hymnal #357 “One Bread, One Body” Closing - Hymnal #601 “Alleluia No.1” 5:30 pm / 10:30 am Entrance - Hymnal #571 "Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven" Offertory - Hymnal #502 "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" Communion - Hymnal #543 “We Are the Light of the World” Closing - Hymnal #745 "All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

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Church name: St. Bernard Bulletin number: 911004 Date of publication: 1/31/2016 Number of pages transmitted: 8 Special instructions: Please call Veronica @ 914-949-2111