Komputasi awan (cloud computing) - Gadjah Mada...

Post on 18-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Komputasi awan (cloud computing) - Gadjah Mada...

a Geographic Information System (GIS) distributed across a computer

network to integrate, disseminate, and communicate geographic

information visually on the World Wide Web (Edward, 2000).

adalah aplikasi GIS atau pemetaan digital yang memanfaatkan

jaringan internet sebagai media komunikasi yang berfungsi

mendistribusikan, mempublikasikan, mengintegrasikan,

mengkomunikasikan dan menyediakan informasi dalam bentuk teks,

peta dijital serta menjalankan fungsi–fungsi analisis dan query yang

terkait dengan GIS melalui jaringan internet (Prahasta, 2007).

UMN MapServer (http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu) MapServer merupakan aplikasi pemetaan

online (web-mapping) yang cukup popular. Dikembangkan oleh Universitas Minnesota dan

didukung oleh NASA dan Departemen Sumber Daya Alam Minnesota (Minnesota

Department of Natural Resources).

MapGuide Open Source (http://mapguide.osgeo.org/). MapGuide Open Source merupakan

aplikasi pemetaan online (web-based mapping) dan dikembangkan dan didukung oleh

OSGEO Foundation. Mapguide dapat dikembangkan di Linux atau Windows dan dapat

didukung oleh Apache atau IIS, sedangkan bahasa pemrograman yang dapat dipergunakan

adalah ASP .NET, PHP, Java dan Javascript.

GeoServer (http://geoserver.sourceforge.net/). GeoServer merupakan aplikasi pemetaan

online (web-mapping) yang berbasiskan Java dan dibangun menggunakan library

GeoTools. GeoServer merupakan implementasi OpenGIS Consortium untuk Spesifikasi

Web Feature Server.

DeeGree (http://deegree.sourceforge.net/) DeeGree, sebelumnya dikenal dengan nama

jaGo, menyediakan beberapa fungsi SIG yang merupakan implementasi dari OpenGIS


efisiensi biaya, efisiensi beban kerja sumber daya manusia

untuk instalasi, pemeliharaan dan dukungan teknis,

pemangkasan kurva pembelajaran untuk pengguna akhir

dan keunggulan dalam hal integrasi data spatial dan data

non spatial menggunakan DBMS.

• Response time

o depends on network, interface, data design,and on Internet

connection and traffic

• Media size and resolution

o significantly limited compared to traditionalpaper maps

• Variety of (new) tools and technologies

o HTML, CSS, JavaScript, API, Database,PHP/ASP/CFML, and

web GIS software









Data sharing



Problems in GIS

◦ Data intensive. The size of GIS files tends to be large. A single file can be hundreds of MB or more.

◦ Computation intensive. Spatial analysis, such as buffer and network analysis, may take an extensive amount of time.

◦ GIS software is mostly expensive. Individual users and small organizations can not afford commercial GIS software.

• GIS in cloud systems

– Anything that needs a large storage space or high performance computing can be handled easily by cloud systems

– Users only pay a small amount of money for GIS services in cloud systems.

Google Maps

Powered by a cloud system, Google maps allow users to perform a list of tasks, such as exploring maps, finding places, getting directions and more. All these could be done with a web browser.


• ArcGIS Mobile– Extend ArcGIS to iPads and iPhones

– Access GIS data on mobile devices

– Collect and edit GIS data on using GPS in mobile devices



• Create and edit maps, layers and features (points, lines and


• Rich GIS symbology with customizable rules (expressions), thematic

map wizards and powerful label management

• Supports multiple vector and raster formats (.shp, .kml, .gpx, .tif, .sid,


• Edit spatial and non-spatial data


Map Authoring

• Upload and sync data (files, DB, API)

• Supporting multiple sources: vectors, rasters, WMS, ESRI ArcMap,

Basemaps (Google Maps, Bing), Mobile devices, MapBox,

PostgreSQL, Excel, CSV, …

• File and database manager

• Tabular and window pop-up for non-spatial data view with attribute

aliases, filtering and re-ordering

Data Sources & Management


• One-click map sharing with other GIS Cloud users

• Share with view or edit capabilities

• Share over permalink

• Per layer sharing permission settings



• Easily publish your maps through the embed code, WMS and Google


• Customize and integrate using the API

• Export maps to high resolution raster imager

• Export vector layers to spatial vector formats (.shp, .mif, .kml, …)

• Print

Publishing & Export


• Do hotspot, buffer, area & radius coverage analysis

• Write complex spatial selection expressions using spatial selection


• Create new layers from a selection

Spatial Queries & Analysis


1. Data distribution service: produce more standards-compliant GIS products for different types of user groups with multiple service protocols, such as KML, WMS (Web Map Service), WFS (Web Feature Service) and WCS (Web Coverage Service). It also includes the special service as virtual appliance for PolarGrid field crew who has limited computing resource and internet connection

2. Software as a Service: make complex GIS processing and analyses tools more accessible to Matlab and other software packages used in PolarGrid.

3. Infrastructure as a Service: provide system sustainability and reusability for related projects, such as 3D visualization service and other high-level data analysis projects.

1. Lebih murah, karena kita tidak perlu menyediakan infrastruktur &

SDM TI sendiri.

2. Lebih reliabel, karena data dan apikasi kita dijaga oleh layanan

tanpa henti 24x7.

3. Lebih efisien, karena kita bisa memilih layanan yang kita butuhkan

dan membayar sesuai dengan biaya layanan itu saja.

4. Lebih kompatibel, karena dapat diakses dimana saja asal ada

koneksi internet.

5. Lebih aman, karena seluruh data disimpan dalam sebuah server

terpusat yang memiliki fungsi backup.

6. Lebih sederhana, karena kita tidak memerlukan pemahaman

sistem TI.

Komputer akan menjadi lambat atau tidak bisa dipakai

sama sekali jika internet bermasalah atau kelebihan

beban. Dan juga perusahaan yang menyewa layanan dari

cloud computing tidak punya akses langsung ke sumber

daya. Jadi, semua tergantung dari kondisi

vendor/penyedia layanan cloud computing. Jika server

vendor rusak atau punya layanan backup yang buruk,

maka perusahaan akan mengalami kerugian besar.

Traditional GIS Open Source


Open Source

Cloud GIS

Managed Cloud


License Cost Yes No No No

Hardware Cost Yes Yes Paid Monthly

direct to Cloud



Included in

Monthly fee




Yes Yes Yes Included in

Monthly fee

Data Cost Yes Yes Yes Included in

Monthly fee



Yearly Yearly Yearly Included in

Monthly fee

• Traditional Web GIS – Total Costs 200K (2 Milyar Rp.), Development Cost 55K, 1 year Maintenance Cost 30K, License Cost 100K, Hardware Cost 20k, 1 Year COTS AMC 20K

• IAAS- Total Costs 150K. No Hardware Cost. Lower maintenance Cost balances monthly usage charges

• PAAS- Total Costs 100K. 80K development cost and 20K Maintenance over one year period.

Traditional GIS with

Commercial Software


IAAS with same

Commercial SW(Rs)

PAAS with Open Source


Hardware 1800000 0 0

Yearly Hardware AMC 360000 0 0

COST License 4500000 4500000 0

COST AMC 900000 900000 0

Development 2700000 2700000 3600000

Yearly Customized

Software Maintenance

540000 540000 0

Monthly Cloud Usage


0 45000 45000

Monthly IT costs 45000 0 0

Monthly Cloud SW


0 90000 90000

TCO for 3 years 16020000 16380000 8460000

RMSI Share 27% 46% 81%

Upfront Cost 56.17977528 43.95604396 42.55319149

Asset Management Company - AMC Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Risk Management Services, Inc.

TCO for Project X

• Bagaimana kita mengimplementasikan atau menggunakan

aplikasi tersebut.

Implementasi atau penerapan aplikasi open source bidang geo-

spasial perlu didasari beberapa pertimbangan, antara lain:


o Teknologi : Kecepatan dan efisiensi;

o Kebijakan

o Format data dan Standard data untuk interoperabilitas

(Spesifikasi OGC).