Kobiyashi Maru

Post on 10-Dec-2015

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The Kobayashi Maru is a test in the fictional Star Trek universe.It is a Starfleet training exercise designed to test the character of cadets in the command track at Starfleet Academy. The Kobayashi Maru test was first depicted in the opening scene of the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and also appears in the 2009 film Star Trek. Screenwriter Jack B. Sowards is credited with inventing the test, naming it after a friend whose last name was Kobayashi.[1] The test's name is occasionally used among Star Trek fans or those familiar with the series to describe a no-win scenario, or a solution that involves redefining the problem and testing one's character.The notional primary goal of the exercise is to rescue the civilian vessel Kobayashi Maru in a simulated battle with the Klingons. The disabled ship is located in the Klingon Neutral Zone, and any Starfleet ship entering the zone would cause an interstellar incident. The approaching cadet crew must decide whether to attempt rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew – endangering their own ship and lives – or leave the Kobayashi Maru to certain destruction. If the cadet chooses to attempt rescue, the simulation is designed to guarantee that the ship is destroyed with the loss of all crew members.

Transcript of Kobiyashi Maru

Kobyashi Maruby Christopher Burt

Kobyashi Maru

Kobyashi Maruby Christopher Burt

Kobyashi Maruby Christopher Burt

never give up - never surrender

Kobyashi Maruby Christopher Burt

Kobyashi Maru

Kobyashi Maruby Christopher Burt

The Kobayashi Maru is a test in the fictional Star Trek universe.It is a Starfleet training exercise designed to test the character of cadets in the command track at Starfleet Academy. The Kobayashi Maru test was first depicted in the opening scene of the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and also appears in the 2009 film Star Trek. Screenwriter Jack B. Sowards is credited with inventing the test, naming it after a friend whose last name was Kobayashi.[1] The test's name is occasionally used among Star Trek fans or those familiar with the series to describe a no-win scenario, or a solution that involves redefining the problem and testing one's character.The notional primary goal of the exercise is to rescue the civilian vessel Kobayashi Maru in a simulated battle with the Klingons. The disabled ship is located in the Klingon Neutral Zone, and any Starfleet ship entering the zone would cause an interstellar incident. The approaching cadet crew must decide whether to attempt rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew – endangering their own ship and lives – or leave the Kobayashi Maru to certain destruction. If the cadet chooses to attempt rescue, the simulation is designed to guarantee that the ship is destroyed with the loss of all crew members.

Kobyashi Maru

homemade kimchi - crispy chilli - togarashi sprinkles


wild salmon sashimi - properly seasoned sushi rice - wasabi - pink ginger - cilantro - tamari


inside out Grade A yellow fin tuna sashimi - feru wakame chan - toasted nori - avocado - rolled in crispy chilli - wasabi - pink ginger - tamari

make ISO

Grade A yellowfin tuna futomaki - caviars - wild flowers - wasabi - pink ginger - tamari


tempura bits shrimp - compost kimchislaw - wasabi & toasted black sesame kewpie mayo - scallions


wok fired cavello nero - scallions - french bean - snow peas - Thai oyster sauce - nam pla - roasted peanuts

jon snow

just Japanese pickles


crispy tofu - harusame sauce - scallions

YO trinity!

edamame beans - nam prik - Thai sweet chilli


tempura cavello nero - Thai sweet chilli sauce

krispy squint

Korean BBQ pork - toasted sesame seeds

my ode to Ben Bechott

Korean roasted local chicken - ramen noodles - spicy miso dashi - My 62°c duck egg - pickled daikon - pink ginger - scallions - naruto fishcake


tofu & chickpea tobanjan ragout - parmesan & chiro miso buttered ramen noodles - pickled daikon - pink ginger - sriracha sauce - scallions

some like it hot

Korean chiro miso grilled wild salmon - ramen noodles - 62°c hens egg - toasted nori seaweed - naruto fishcake - shio dashi - scallions

umami bomb

Grade A yellow fin tuna sashimi - Moydens Ironbridge blue & chiro miso buttered ramen noodles - pickled daikon - naruto fishcake - feru wakame chan - sriracha

red hook

Korean BBQ Middle Farm British Lop pork belly - ramen noodles - tonkotsu dashi - My 62°c duck egg - pickled daikon - tempura togarashi diver scallops - naruto fishcake - scallions - pink ginger - compost kimchi

ando aka taishoken

two day old Jasmine rice - tofu - crispy chilli - Korean BBQ Middle Farm British Lop pork - scallions - peanuts - furakakke

#afrosamurai aka #number1headband

tempura togarashi tofu - compost kimchi - sriracha - scallions - Rob Swifts steamed hirata bun


miso buttered & grilled wild salmon - cucumber - kewpie - compost kimchi - Rob Swifts steamed hirata bun

da bomb

Korean BBQ Middle Farm British Lop pork belly - pickled cucumber - scallions - hoisin - Rob Swifts steamed hirata bun


Middle Farm british Lop pork & Chinese leaf fried dumplings with oyster bulgogi & toasted white sesame seeds


sweet potato fries - Thai sweet chilli


tempura togarashi diver scallops - Burmese spiced edamame hummus - #lovemunky dressing - hijiki


caramelized Middle Farm British Lop pork belly confit - cucumber, wakame & pink ginger salad - sour cherry hoisin - preserved kombu


bombay mix crusted diver scallop scampi - coronation slaw - petals & pistachios

up bombay

charsui roasted Middle Farm British Lop pork belly - cucumber, wakame & ginger salad - bulgogi vinegrette - scallions

sins of the father

warm properly seasoned sushi rice - tsukemono - tamagoyaki - crispy chilli - sriracha - toasted sesame seeds

the don

ramen noodles - parmesan miso butter - chicken skin powder - cracked black pepper

pepe la pue

korean roasted Middle Farm British Lop pork ribs - firecracker rice - sesame roasted peanuts


pork & vegetable dumpling shio soup

acceding takaosanguchi

Burmese edamame hummus - Thai shrimp crackers


togarashi tempura potato nuggets - kewpie mayo - frenchies mustard - bulldog - sriracha - katsuobushi


local chicken katsu - compost kimchi - bulldog

kiddos katsuit

udon noodles - crispy chilli miso butter - oyster sauce - compost kimchi - sesame roasted peanuts


wild salmon sashimi - wasabi tobbikko - trout caviar - Berrington Hall locally foraged wild herbs - pink ginger & wasabi - tamari

lilly the pink

sichaun cured Middle Farm British Lop pancetta - crispy chilli & sesame oil - harusame - pink ginger - Berrington Hall Locally foraged red orrach - coriander

piggy strips

pork dimsum - mussel & rice wine vinegar soy dashi - edamame - wakame - pink ginger - daikon - chilli oil - burnt black sesame seeds


seared Atcham venison tataki - raspberry hoisin - pink ginger - pickled daikon - scallions - coriander

bambi warhol

local chicken katsu - Chinese sausage & edamame firecracker rice - bulldog - coriander

monkey wrench

charsui confit Middle Farm British Lop pork belly - Chinese sausage crumb - edamame puree - roots & seasonals - seared diver scallops - Vietnamese spiced blood pudding -

52° north

bentoh box - nigiri - inari - ISO - futomaki - pink ginger - wasabi - wild flowers - caviars


Middle Farm british Lop pork & Chinese leaf steamed dumplings with oyster bulgogi & toasted white sesame seeds

paul the wine guy

Cornish crab & pickle maki - naruto & crispy chilli ISO with wild salmon & shiitake


Grade A wild salmon sashimi - yuzu harusame dashi - shibazuki - tofu - edamame - onions - crispy chilli

soup du jour

chiro miso butter roasted Middle Farm British Lop pork - pickles


mocha wafers - steamed firm tofu - pink ginger - chiro miso & mango dressing - Marou green tea chocolate crumb

coffee & tea ceremony

munkywrench - P - dustybin - giggles - bob - T - LJT - All Our fantastic suppliers

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