Klias Wetland

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Transcript of Klias Wetland

Klias Wetland published by olombon on Fri, 06/25/2010 - 16:05

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A mere two hour drive down south of Kota Kinabalu, will bring one to the Klias Wetland. Located at the

south west corner of Sabah, Klias Wetland is surrounded by mangrove forests and is home to a variety of

wildlife that thrives in their natural habitat. A one and a half hour cruise along the Klias River will give

visitors a chance to encounter with monitor lizards, macaques, otters, crocodiles, water buffulos, and

birds. And not forgetting the highlight of the visit, the proboscis monkey. The best time to watch them is in

the late afternoon.

Proboscis monkeys are often spotted lounging at the branches high on trees, and it is not uncommon to

see them leaping through the air from tree to tree. Spotting the young proboscis monkeys in action will be

extra interesting. With dusk approaching, many visitors will also comment about the breathtaking sunset,

which brings a special comfort to one's heart. Most tour companies will provide a dinner at the end of the

river cruise in their rustic cafes.

Facts and Features of Proboscis Monkeys:

Found only on the island of Borneo,  proboscis monkey lives mostly along the banks and river

mouths of large rivers, the mangroves areas and also in swampy areas. The scientific name

for the Proboscis monkey is Nasalis Larvatus. It is estimated that there are only about 8,000

of these monkeys left in the Borneo forest. The Kinabatangan Floodplain, Labuk Bay

Proboscis Monkey Santuary and the Klias Peninsula are the main places to catch a glimspe

of these monkeys in Sabah.

Even from afar the large protruding nose of a male proboscis monkey can be seen, this earns

it the notorious nick name of “orang belanda” by the locals, who think the Dutch has the same

feature. The nose is large enough that some time it has to push the nose out of the way

before putting some food in its mouth. Another known fact is when the proboscis monkey

becomes angry or excited its nose will swell and turn red. Note: female proboscis monkey

has a small nose.

Another unique feature of proboscis monkey is it's pot belly. This is because its digestive

system is divided into several parts. During it's digestive process a lot of gas is being

released in the stomach, hence resulting in a “bloated” belly. A side-effect of this unique

digestive system is that it can't digest ripe fruit, unlike most other monkeys. Because of this,

the proboscis monkey has a completely different set of diet compared with other monkeys. Its

diet consists mainly of fruits, seeds, and leaves. As a guide line, what the proboscis monkey

eats, man should not eat, period. These foods can be poisonous to human.

Unlike the orangutan, proboscis monkey is a very good swimmer. It is often seen swimming

across streams and rivers. Even reports by fishermen who have picked them up a mile (3 km)

out at sea are not uncommon. This is also why the proboscis monkeys often settle down on

tree tops along the riverbanks in the evening. When attacked or invaded by predators at

night, they can just jump into the river and swim away to safety.

While wading on shallow waters, this monkey walks upright, with the females carrying infants

on their hips. It will continue to walk upright after emerging on land – the only non-human

mammal (with the exception of gibbons and giant Pangolins) known to walk this way for any

length of time.

Proboscis monkeys have grey, reddish brown and orange colours on their heads, while their

young ones have dark blue faces. Their long tails are always hanging vertically down when

the monkeys are sitting on the branches of the trees.

Males are much larger than females, reaching 72cm (28 inches) in length, with a tail up to 75

cm long, and weighing up to 24 kg (53 pounds). Females are up to 60 cm long, weighing up

to 12 kg (26 pounds).

Klias Wetland is also a birdwatchers' paradise. This area is home to a multitude of birds including the

colourful kingfishers, the ever present egrets, and the brave eagles.

After dinner and a full stomach, the time is just right to observe the interesting fireflies in the trees around

that areas. With luck sometimes visitors can see a whole tree lit up by fireflies that resembles a Christmas

tree. This is where the tour ends. Now visitors have two choices: one can choose to stay at the lodges

that run by the many tour companies which operate in Klias Wetland. Experience a night out at the

wilderness with the basic neccessity. Or one can take a two hour drive back to the busting and lively city

of Kota Kinabalu.

One of the tributary at Klias river


How to go there? One can drive down to the Klias peninsula from Kota Kinabalu. Just take the A2

highway, go south, and before reaching Beaufort turn in to A7,  there will be enough signboards to lead

one to the starting point at Klias. For the independent travellers, it is best to book a tour package with tour

agents, who will arrange the transport to and back from Kota Kinabalu. If you want to come to Klias by

yourself, there are buses going to this region from the bus station in KK opposite the court house.

Below are companies that provide tour packages and lodging at Klias Wetland:

Klias Wetland Adventures

tel: +6088 253 335

fax: +6088 232 214

email: kimanistvlsabah@yahoo.com

Borneo Starcruise S/B

tel: +6088 381 196

fax: +6088 380 196

email: borneo_starcruise@yahoo.com

website: www.borneostarcruise.com

Klias RiverBeaufortLocated on the Klias Peninsula is the Klias Wetland, a Mangrove Forest Reserve. With the bizarre-looking proboscis monkey gaining as much popularity with the tourists as the orang utan, the Klias Wetland with its large proboscis population is fast becoming the latest ecotourism destination in Sabah.

These tree-dwelling animals normally hunt for food in the evenings so many boat cruises depart the Kota Klias jetty at around 3.00pm.Other riverside residents that may be spotted are macaques, crocodiles, moniter lizards, tree snakes and birds such as the eagle.

Back on the jetty, enjoy a natural light show when hundreds of fireflies put on a glowing performance for your benefit.

Getting There

Located 110km south of Kota Kinabalu, Klias is about a 2-hour drive from Kota Kinabalu City. You may want to arrange your visit with a local tour operator.

More InformationTrans Borneo Rent A Car & Tours Sdn Bhd (KPL 5554)

Address :

Lot F-3-30, Tanjung Aru Plaza,Jalan Mat Salleh, 8810 Tanjung Aru,

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Phone : +6088 315666

Fax : +6088 315666 Email :


Website :


Klias WetlandsLocated on the Klias Peninsula is the Klias Wetland, a Mangrove Forest Reserve. The Klias River is one of the cleanest rivers in Sabah with abundant vegetation and wetland swamp wildlife.

A river cruise here will be rewarded with sightings of the bizarre-looking proboscis monkey, macaques, crocodiles, moniter lizards, tree snakes, birds and a spectacular fireflies display.

The tree-dwelling proboscis monkey normally hunt for food in the evenings. Crocodile are usually sighted at night. where you will see their eyes reflecting the light of your torch. Crocodiles in Klias are not known to be aggressive as there is plenty of fish the river. Usually regarded as the star attraction of Klias Wetlands, are the volume of fire flies at the Klias River. On a good day, you will be able to sight fire flies from 6.30 - 7.00 pm onwards. The best sightings are usually when it is not full moon.

River CruiseStrongly recommended that you take the night cruise which usually starts at 5.00 pm and ends at 7.30 pm, which will give you a good sighting of monkeys, birds, Borneon bats and fire flies. A typical visit starts at the Kota Klias jetty, which is built alongside a traditional Malay kampung where you can have an original feel of how the local folks live.

River fishing is also popular at Klias. You can rent or charter a boat from the Klias River and enjoy a day of good river fishing. Many city dwellers come to Klias for fishing during the holiday seasons.


If you plan to stay overnight after the Klias trip, you can stay at Tempurong Resort, which is just 20 minutes' drive from Klias. The resort, in traditional tropical architecture, has cozy, clean rooms with attached bathrooms and hot water showers. From the timber deck of the main building you enjoy a majestic view of the South China Sea.

Getting ThereLocated 110km south of Kota Kinabalu, Klias is about a 2-hour drive from Kota Kinabalu City. You may want to arrange your visit with a local tour operator.

Weston WetlandsOne of Sabah's hidden treasures, Weston Wetland is a eco retreat getaway for the nature-lovers.

A scenic river cruise here offers sightings of wildlife such as proboscis monkeys, macaques, monitor lizards, giant mudskippers, smooth skin otters, flying foxes and snakes. Along the way, you may even learn crab-catching the traditional way

A hike along the nature trail will lead you to many exotic pitcher plants growing wild. In the evening, enjoy a panoramic view of the wetlands. When the fireflies light up the trees, illuminating the stillness of the night.

There are also two highly different water villages here - two communities: the Bisayas' and the Bruneian Malays'. The first one is right in the thick of the vast wetland while the other at the waterfront of the Weston town.

AccommodationsThe lodge is an establishment built in the heart of Weston's swamp area, offering plenty to see and do. Lodging is basic and

dormitory-style; a wooden ‘longhouse' with double-decker bunks in 5 rooms with common bathrooms. All the rooms have mosquito netting and ceiling fans.

There is also a lounge built on stilts over water into the river front with a adjoining jetty. At night, when all the lights are off, the fireflies are clearly seen lighting up the surrounding trees. Inspired by local building materials, the Kingfisher Lounge is where you can have your beers while watching the amorous fireflies dancing their twinkling courtships.


Getting ThereWeston is at the mouth of Padas River, about 120km in the Southwest of Kota Kinabalu. You can also reach by 20 minute car journey from Beaufort.If you are going for whitewater rafting in the Padas River – just conveniently upstream of where Weston is – You will be glad to avoid the tiring journey back to Kota Kinabalu immediately after your joyful battles with the rapids; and enjoy, instead, whatever Weston has to offer.


Pulau Tiga

Pulau Tiga is an island situated in Pulau Tiga Park, located about 35 nautical miles southwest of Kota Kinabalu. Covering an area of 15,864 ha and was gazetted as a National Park, The Pulau Tiga Park consists of the main island of Pulau Tiga, Pulau

Kalampunian Damit or better known as “Snake Island” and Pulau Kalampunian Basar.

 The main unique features are its beaches, the mud volcano, the snakes on Snake Island, crab eating macaque monkeys, monitor lizards, and notable birds like the eagle, hornbill and the illusive

megapode. The Island became popular as the main location for the first ever series of the popular "Survivor" TV Programme.

Pulau Tiga is believed to have been formed by the eruption of several mud volcanoes, which, with the combination of subterranean gas

pressure and expelled muddy sediment could have built up the island to its present height of approx 100 m above sea level. Warm mud still continues to ooze from these geothermal vents on the island. Though

it's mostly a low-lying island, Pulau Tiga's highest peak is approximately 330 feet tall. The island is now about 2.8 miles long and

1 mile wide, with a total of eight square miles.

The island was initially developed as a marine research centre and has several species of

mammals, numerous birds a variety of reptiles and amphibians and insects. Recognising the richness

and importance of the island, Sabah Parks has stationed its Rangers on the island for the protection

of the island rainforests, reefs and all wildlife. The island is a sanctuary for the the very rare megapode

(Megapodus freycinet), a curious chicken-like creature that produces a cat-like meow sound.

There is a network of trails, marked at 50 meter intervals, that leads to various points of interest including the Pagong and Tagi beaches,

which were the actual site locations for the filming of Survivor. You can

also indulge in a mudbath. The oozing of warm volcanic mud on the island, which is packed with natural minerals, is said to have healing properties for the skin, and also provides overall rejuvenation for the

tired body and mind.

There are two more islands in the Pulau Tiga Park, approximately 20 minutes by boat to the north of the main island, Pulau Tiga. They are

very different -

Kalmpunian Besar This is a small sand cay built up from unconsolidated coral fragments,

and the shape of the island shifts and changes with the prevailing monsoon winds and currents.

Kalampunian Damit Also known as "Snake Island", is celebrated as a breeding ground for the amphibious sea snake Laticauda colubrina, which comes to the shores

to lay eggs. The snakes can usually be seen coiled in a tangled mass under boulders or among tree roots.

This type of sea snake, also known as the yellow-lipped sea krait, is twice as poisonous as the deadly King Cobra and is capable of killing a

human with its venom in five minutes.

Visitors should make prior arrangements so that a guide can be provided for the trip.

Although the thought of getting close to the amphibious snakes may be too close for

comfort for some, surprisingly these snakes are quite timid creatures that have the habit of

scampering away when approached.

Visits are possible any time of the year but the best time is during the relatively drier months of March to July.

Dives & Marine Life The resort offers PADI dive courses and many dive sites for the novice

and experienced divers including some unexplored dive locations.

Pulau Tiga is also becoming a popular spot among avid divers and underwater photographers who frequent the nine dive sites around the

island. The best time to dive is from March to October. The more popular sites include Dunlop Shoal, Larai-Larai and the Light House.

The average diving depth here is 10 metres while the maximum depth is 25 metres. Many who frequent the island will boast of regular

sightings of lobsters, stingrays as well as various species of soft whip corals in an array of

fascinating colours. A rich variety of marine life can be seen including nudibranchs, bamboo sharks, cuttlefish, marbled stingray and of

course, a visit to nearby “Snake Island” guarantees sightings of banded sea snakes. The surrounding reefs are shallow with healthy coral

and water visibility ranging from 6m to 20m where one could snorkel and scuba dive among a kaleidoscope of

colors. These beautiful reefs contain over132 species of fish representing 62 genera in 32 families.

AccommodationsThe island has two resorts, Pulau Tiga Resort and Borneo Survivor


Pulau Tiga ResortOffers Large deluxe chalets provide a comfortable stay for a family of four, while the twin-

sharing cabins are ideal for couples. For those on a budget, there are comfortable longhouses

Borneo Survivor Resort - 1 longhouse (6-8 sharing per room of 6 rooms with attached bathroom per room) / 3 chalet


NOTEFor day trippers, you will need to pre-arrange your food and beverages the resorts only service

in-house guests.Permits are required - Visits (permits and overnight accommodation) should be arranged

through the Sabah Parks office (Kota Kinabalu). A special permit is necessary to visit Pulau Kalampunian Damit. These will be arranged the resorts when bookings are confirmed.

Getting ThereLocated south of Kota Kinabalu Pulau Tiga Park is reached by driving the 140 km to Kuala Penyu, a small settlement on the tip of the Klias

Peninsula. From here it is another 18 km, or about 30 minutes, by boat. Another way of getting there is by chartering a speed boat from Kota

Kinabalu and cruise to Pulau Tiga, or fly to Labuan Island and charter a speed boat from Labuan.


Mantanani Island

Pulau Mantanani or Mantanani Islands is a group of three islands northwest of Kota Belud, or about 80 km north (an hours drive) from Kota Kinabalu.

 Isolated and until recently, relatively unknown, and surrounded by crystal clear blue waters lapping on white

sandy beaches, they offer excellent scuba diving adventures. The coral reefs surrounding the islands have plenty to offer for both novice and experienced divers as there are more than 20 dive sites, each ready to reveal

deep secrets of a world home to a host of exotic marine life.

The Mantanani ResortThe largest island houses the only dive resort, the Mantanani Resort, which is situated at the

western end on the edge of a white sandy bay.

Nestled amongst the tall coconut palms are beach cabins scattered around the main plantation styled resort. These large and comfortable cabins come with attached bathrooms

and air conditioning. The resort also offers activities like: Snorkelling, bird watching, kayaking, "kampung" walks, bottom fishing

The DugongsAmong the underwater attraction are the resident dugongs (sea cows) of whom Nicky’ the dugong is creating waves and making friends with all divers / snorkellers visiting Mantanani Island. The

resident dugong has been spotted almost daily by divers diving near the island.

This young male dugong is about 7 feet in length and gets his name from the small cut or "nick" in his left tail. All the guests were strongly urged by the trained divers of Scuba Paradise to keep their distance

from the playful dugong.

The Usukan Bay Wreck DivingJapanese merchant tankers Eikyo Maru and Nittetsu Maru and the merchant ore carrier

Taizen Maru were sunk in 1944 by two American submarines, the USS Darter and the USS

Dace off north Borneo which is now known as Usukan Bay. These war-relics, range from 15 m to 250m in length,

They are about 7 n.miles offshore from Usukan Bay that lies west of Kota Belud. The three wrecks, that lie within a kilometre of each other, appear to be Japanese from World War II.

They are called locally, the 'Rice Bowl Wreck', the 'Upside-down Wreck' and the "Usukan Bay Wreck'. The latter might as well have been called the "Lying on its port side wreck'. They call out for Nitrox since they all lie in the 26 - 40 metre range. If you dive on air, be prepared for decompression dives, and watch it on the second dive. All computers rack up deco. time at

an alarming rate on the second decompression dive of the day.

Three wrecks have been discovered which still hold plenty of secrets and are now home to a menagerie of

marine creatures such as Lionfish, Scorpionfish, octopus, glassfish and the coral reefs surrounding the islands have

plenty to offer, both the novice and experienced diver. Many species of rays can be found, Marbled stingray, Blue spotted ray and large schools of eagle rays. Over

180 species of nudibranchs, some still as yet un-identified species.

For macro photographers the “muck diving” is amazing, seahorses, imperial shrimps, pink-eye gobies, jawfish, blue-ringed octopus, ribbon eels and

many nudibranchs you want be able to find in the books!

 Average water temperature in the area ranges between 24 and 29C/ 75 to 84 F.

- Usukan Bay Wreck -Lying in 40 metres on its port side, this wreck is covered in soft corals, abundant black corals

and schools of fish. The rudder and propeller are in place as is a boiler and a large reciprocating steam engine amidships.

Nittetsu Maru - Resting position: portside / Length: approx.150m / Tonnage: approx.7000 / Surface to Deck: 30 meters / Surface to Bottom: 40 m

- Upside-down Wreck -This wreck is not quite upside-down but heavily canted over the vertical to port. The

shallowest part of the wreck was at 25m and the deepest sat in the sand at approximately 42m. there are bullets strewn along the lower deck, and a pleasant, longish swim through

amidships with quite some machinery hanging above you!

- The Rice Bowl Wreck -The 'upright' wreck! Well collapsed and broken near the bow that is twisted over to starboard. The propeller and rudder are in place

at about 37 metres. The stern is a bit confused, but moving forward, a large reciprocating steam engine can be seen. The

starboard side of the ship towards the bow has fallen down onto the sea-bed. There is a broken twist before the bow section. In the bow, that can be entered from the break or from the hatch near

the peak, the room with the rice bowls can be entered. These are heavily broken and cemented into the general hard coral. There

are the usual Japanese sake and beer bottles. The Eikyo Maru - Resting position: upright / Length: approx.150m / Tonnage:

approx.7000 / Surface to Deck: 28m / Surface to Bottom: 36m Marine life: Giant grouper, school of yellow-tail barracudas, school of red snappers, Skip jack tuna and a Fan- tail ray. This wreck is also densely covered with soft coral and Black

coral trees.