Kindergarten friendship lesson

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Kindergarten friendship lesson



I can show a number in two parts. I can represent and tell about each part.


NK.4 Represent the partitioning of whole numbers (1 to 10) concretely and pictorially.

You and a friend are at a birthday party.You and a friend have red and blue balloons. You and your friend have 5 balloons altogether.Draw a picture of you and your friend holding on to the balloons.

How many do you have? How many does your friend have?


Two Part Math Mat


Two Part Math Mat


NK.4 Represent the partitioning of whole numbers (1 to 10) concretely and pictorially.

You and a friend are at a birthday party.You and a friend have red and blue balloons. You and your friend have 5 balloons altogether.Draw a picture of you and your friend holding on to the balloons.

How many do you have? How many does your friend have?



Comments: NK.4 Represent the partitioning of whole numbers (1 to 10) concretely and pictorially.

You and a friend are at a birthday party.You and a friend have red and blue balloons. You and your friend have 5 balloons altogether.Draw a picture of you and your friend holding on to the balloons.

How many do you have? How many does your friend have?