KidWise Magazine - Christmas 2007

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A family magazine published by KICKS Ministries. KidWise is full of great family articles, recipes, activity ideas, crafts, stories, and much more!

Transcript of KidWise Magazine - Christmas 2007

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KidWiseraising faith-filled kids

God cares

about YOUR Christmas


Aaron,God’s Light

a KICKS story



Christmas 2007

family games, recipes, tips and more!

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Dear Readers,

We want to express our heart's desire that you have a Merry Family Christmas. With Jesus at the center of your family, Christmas will have your family's focus and your children will enjoy all the activities that Christmas has to offer. Christmas should be a fun time of experience with your children. This Christmas issue of KidWise is a special 7 Days of Christmas wrapped up in one magazine for your family to share during the week of Christmas. We hope you will enjoy this fun issue for you and your family. We have released it just before Christmas for your family holiday.

We hope you find this year’s Christmas magazine fun and exciting as you share it with your family. As we have put it out just before Christ-mas this year, it is our hope that you will glean a Christmas harvest and excitement to share with your children. May you as a family, and your children, experience all the great peace and joy found in Jesus Christ, the child of Christmas.

May this magazine be our Christmas gift to you and your family.

God's richest blessing,

Pastors Rick and Kim Robinson and all the KICKS Club Family

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Pastors Rick and Kim Robinson have been

involved in children’s ministry for over 20

years. They are dedicated to providing

materials for families to help them have

the blessed family life that God intends.

They are parents of four, three of whom

are adopted, ages 4, 3, and 2, and grand-

parents of two, ages 4 and 2. They live in

Ohio with their son, daughter-in-law, and

grandchildren. Their home-based office,

TV-studios, and recording-studio send out

the message of the gospel to children and

families all over the world.

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07 busy busy busy!

12 simple Christmas faith

13 Aaron, God’s Light a KICKS story

21 give your best

KidWise 6table of contents

Simple Christmas fun -KidWise KidTips pg. 9

Christmas recipes -KICKS Kitchen pgs. 17&18

KICKS-er-cise pg. 19

KICKS Kid Activitiespg. 20

Christmas fun with felt - KICKS Craftspg. 22

Movies On Review pg. 24

lesson learned!from Elmer -pg. 25

KICKS member spot - pg. 26

wanna’ know how you can watch KidWise on TV? see our show-times listed on pg. 28


For more great family articles, reviews, crafts, recipes, games, and resources, visit our website at

Have you been feeling extremely busy this month? It's so easy to do during the holidays. When 'busy' begins to take over, it often feels like the joy of Christmas and that special Christmas 'feeling' seems to be shoved to the wayside. Then you soon begin wondering, "Does it even feel like Christmas this year and was all this worth it?" That's when we forget about that 'Christmasy feeling' to find that we now spend the next year looking for-ward to the Christmasy feeling again. That's when we find ourselves starting the cycle over for the next year's celebration. Let's face it, Mom, have you ever spent so much time making those Christmas dinners to find yourself sitting down for three unwanted bites on your plate to ask, "How can I spend the whole day in the kitchen to be so dissatisfied?" So next year, you decide to order a Christmas ham and not cook, to find you’re cooking again. I think this has happened to all of us once or twice.

Did you know the Lord cares about your everyday life and all the things you as a mother have to do for your family, especially at Christmas time? In Mark 14 we find how Jesus directed the disciples in exactly what was needed to get the job done for the celebration of Passover that was just around the corner. Wouldn't it be great if your faith connected with the truth that Jesus cares about your holiday preparations? We may not be cele-brating the Passover just before the Son of God gives His life for the sins of the world but, around this busy holiday season, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb.

As I prayed this year about not just being busy with Christmas plans, but also about all that was happening for us in the ministry that was creating a very busy schedule, I found the Lord ministering to me how He cares about our celebrations and how He so much wants us to entrust our plans to Him, who is the creator of the universe. How amazing that the creator of this entire universe cares about our personal plans and to top that, He cares enough to make the plans for us and remove the burden of those plans from us if we listen and go by His direction as the disciples did in Mark 14. As you hear His word, your faith will connect and as you listen to His direction for your celebration, you will find you can enjoy the table He has set before you.

In Mark 14:16, we find that Jesus sent the disciples out with a plan for them to prepare. Yet, in that preparation, the Lord had already established the plan and the answer. This is the very same thing He has done for us to-day. Mark 14:16 says,

And the disciples set out and went to the city and found it just as He had told them, and they prepared the Passover.

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are also celebrating the One who was sent to set us free from the grips of frustration, confusion, sin, and even our very own attitudes and business. When you are so very busy trying to achieve the goals set for your family celebration, it is so easy to fall into those 'fleshy' attitudes, especially when the pressures are high. Have you ever noticed that at these high pressure times, you find that the level of frustration can come out at others, especially your children?

These are the times we are usually doing and doing for our 'family "fun" holiday' season, to be left asking the question, "What am I doing all this for? Is it worth making my family so miserable with all the 'strife' that seems to be going along with these high pressure issues, just to get the Christmas job done?" Isn't it in the word of

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God, when all of Heaven was celebrating the birth of Jesus that the angels came and spoke as they declared, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to men"? (Luke 2:14) It seems when these things happen, that's when there is the opportunity to be so busy that we put aside what could be defined as important. Yet, these very things remain important but are thrown to the side, while your family is counting on you. That brings the question, "How do you get the job done without the 'strife' and the overwhelming feelings that want you to buckle under the pressure that there is so much to do to make it hap-pen for your family, especially when they are counting on you?"

In Mark 14:10 we find that Judas was working out the deal with the chief priests to betray the Lord. It states that the chief priests were glad and once Judas had this meeting, "he sought an opportunity to betray Him." In the midst of this betrayal Jesus took the time to tell the disciples how, what, when, and where to go and do to begin the Passover celebration. Now that would be pressure. During this time, Jesus still remained and told the disciples exactly how to fulfill the celebration plans. Sometimes when you are so busy Mom or Dad, and you are experiencing the pressures of everyday life in the midst of a Christmas celebration, you can find the temp-tation to miss the point of Christmas and its celebration. When this is happening, your children aren't missing it at all.

Remind yourself that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are 'One' working on your behalf in your everyday lives and for you in your celebration just as Jesus showed us this in Mark 14 with the disciples. Your living is important to Him and He has 'all things' that pertain to Him, the Word, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Father, the shed blood of Jesus, the covenant, the Light of Him, His faithfulness and power, all working for your good, for His purpose to which you and your family are called. (Romans 8:28) You ask, 'How does that pertain to a Christmas celebration or my everyday jobs I have to do as a mother or father?"

Look again at Mark 14. In verses 12-17, we find that Jesus has a specific plan and He tells the disciples what to do and how to bring it together. It says,

And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they sacrificed the Passover lamb, his disciples said to him, "Where will you have us go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?" And he sent two of his disciples and said to them, "Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him, and wherever he enters, say to the master of the house,'The Teacher says, Where is my guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?' and he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready; there prepare for us." And the disciples set out and went to the city and found it just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover. And when it was evening, he came with the twelve.

I know the answer may sound too simple. But we can find it in these very few verses here in Mark 14:12-17. That is, the disciples asked Him what to do and how to make the celebration happen. Jesus gave them specific instructions and they followed them. If we could determine not to get into our own plans and ask Him what to do and how to make our Christmas celebration happen the way He has designed it for our family, it would make our lives so very much easier. Plugging into His design for our individual lives and celebrations is what makes them simple. Then, when we find ourselves busy doing what He has lead us to do, the burden is easy and the yoke is light. Matthew 11:28-30,

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

That's the simple way, 'Come unto Me' is what Jesus said, He will make it easy and simple. Just stay focused on what is the main thing (which is always Jesus), then the main thing will remain the main thing. As you do, you will find His power, and His ability getting the job done through and for you.

God bless you and your family's Christmas plans this year and remember, He cares about your celebration and has a plan He has designed especially for you. Don't let the business of the season take the opportunity to cause you to not do it the way He has lead you this year. Even if it may seem untraditional. Celebrate Jesus and enjoy Christmastime as He directs you and you move forward with your family plans. As your family counts on you, you will find that Jesus has lead you to be a blessing for your family and His has anointed you with His Spirit, His power, and His answers for your family celebration. Enjoy and relax throughout your holiday season and remember, as you follow His direction your holiday will be especially grand for you and your family.

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Day 1:Taking time for the simple things like, 'Christmas lights' that your neighborhood has worked so hard to show can be a really special time. My children and I go out almost every evening to

look at lights. Although this can be a huge commitment, it is worth the effort. But, how about for Day One of your 7 Days of

'simple' Christmas Fun, make Christmas lights a fun family event. Gather your children up in their pajama's, put on a Christmas CD,

and drive through the neighborhoods around your home. You will find you can sing together, laugh together, hear all their stories and ex-

citement and then come home and snuggle them up into bed. Maybe a fun Christmas Eve event just before your Christmas

celebration. What a great way to spend yourholiday by taking some time to look at lights and share

your children's excitement.

Day 2:Another simply fun thing to do with your children for your Christmas week is to sit down with your children and watch 'one' Christmas DVD. For younger children,

how about a KICKS Club Christmas DVD or anotherfavorite of ours is ‘Boz’ the big green bear and his 'Wow-

ieBOZowie' Christmas DVD. As you take just 30 minutes from your day and spend it with a Christmas special, sitting

with your children, share with them the excitement of simple Christmas faith.

Day 3:What about a very simple fun event for your children by taking some time to sit

down and have a special Christmas talk? Talk to your children about what they are looking forward to most about their Christmas day. Share other past Christmas family fun together and with each other. As you take about 30 min-utes of simply sharing your children's Christmas expectancy, it will bring an expectation for your upcoming Christmas celebration this year.

Day 4:How about reading a Christmas book together? Take one day to take one of

your children's favorite Christmas books and read it to them. As you do, have fun together by letting them help you tell the story.

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7 'Simple' Christmas Fun Events for your fami ly Chr i s tmas week

KidWise KidTips

Day 5:Choose your favorite scripture in the Christmas story from God's word and talk about it with your children. As you choose your scripture and have your children prac-tice learning it, go up to and watch some of the KICKS Club Christmas videos. Your children will love singing along with the songs while you share them and have fun together.

Day 6:How about a simple coloring page. We at KICKS Club offer you a Christmas coloring page with Elmer and hope you will go on line and download this page, print it out, and participate with your children as they color their page. Once you’re done, why not take the time to mail it to Elmer and have your children tell him to have a Merry Christmas, too!

Day 7:Why not end your simple fun Christmas week by taking some time with your children to sing a few Christmas songs. Try Jingle Bells, Away in a Manger, and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. As you sing with your children, it doesn't matter whether you can sing or not, have fun, and experience the joy of caroling together as a fam-ily. End your family Christmas caroling with some hot chocolate in the kitchen.

We would love for part of your family Christmas to include you sitting down and sharing this Kid-Wise magazine gift with each other. Take the time as a family to read the featured story, ‘Aaron, God’s Light’, and after doing so, talk about it. As you share Jesus this Christmas with each other and celebrate His birth, may your family be blessed by the 'simple' things the Lord has blessed us so abundantly with this Christmas.

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Simple Christmas Faith

Have you ever thought about the 'simple' faith of Mary? What a great thing to share with your children at Christmastime. We find her 'simple' faith which can be very much defined as 'great' faith in Luke 1:37-38. As the an-

gel Gabriel came and told Mary God's plan and His word to her, she asked him a simple question, "How can this be?" The angel returned to Mary a profound statement we should all receive found in verse 37 of Luke 1. That is, "For with God, nothing shall be impossible."

Have you ever thought about that scripture or taught your children the richness of God's word and character found here? Even as I think and ponder these things as Mary did in her heart, I know that the impact hasn't completely hit myself or my fam-

ily. God's word says, "Nothing shall be, is, or ever will be impossible with God." I know that being 'with' God and His plan, His word, and His ways, takes away and eradicates impossibilities. Teaching this concept and truth to your children will produce the same results that came to the life of a

'simple' young teenage girl. Your children will see the birth of all that Jesus has brought and purchased for us through His coming to us as a child. Jesus came and put Himself in the care of a young girl with faith that she would care for Him as He grew. He, the Son of God, God in flesh, entrusted His care to her and through that trust and through her diligence to hold God at His word, the entire world experienced the Light of God, Jesus the Christ.

What was the simple faith of Mary we can teach our children and live out ourselves? What was her simple faith answer to God's word that, "With God, nothing shall be impossible"? That simple faith answer was the ac-tion of her faith and it was her mustard seed faith in operation. That mustard seed faith was to speak what we find in Luke 1:38,

"And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."

Two things happened here in Luke 1:38. First, Mary agreed with the angel on who she was called to be, 'the handmaid of the Lord'. Her faith reached out and received God's identity of who He said she was, and who He had chosen her to be. Teaching your children, "They are who God has made them to be and called them to be, that they can do all that God has said they could do, and, they have all that God has said they have", is an important principle for them to act upon. Mary acted on who the angel said she was.

Secondly, Mary spoke a declaration of God's word. She stated, "be it unto me according to Thy word." Here we find that she knew the angel was speaking God's word and she was declaring that it would be done unto her. We also see she was declaring that what the angel was telling her that God had said was His word to her as well. Mary was open to receiving what God had said, and she was also open to receiving from who God had sent. Teaching your children to receive God's word the Bible, and all that He has said is very important. Teach them to speak what God has said and declare that it is done unto them just as Mary did. Also, teaching your children to receive from the messenger God has sent is just as important. You, as parents, are God's messen-gers of His word to your children. So are your pastors, and others in your children's lives. Respecting God's word and those who bring it is important to their faith operating.

This Christmas, bring your children the greatest gift of all. Teach them that "Nothing is impossible with God", and teach them to receive God at His word and those who bring it to their lives that they may have the faith of Mary when she said, "Be it done unto me!"

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The crisp wind blew

across the fields as if to say

something new was in the air.

The air snipped at the turned up

nose of Aaron as the wind whis-

tled through his deep auburn

hair. Aaron pulled the scarf

around his neck up towards his

chin. It seemed more than just a

few hours ago when his mother

gave him the scarf she had

made him for his birthday cele-

bration. As he watched the

sheep putter around the field,

he leaned his elbow on the

grassy stump below. "What a

way to spend a celebration.", he

thought. "After all, your thir-

teenth birthday only comes

once, and he had to come to out

to the fields and spend the night

with the sheep." He had been

waiting so long for his thir-

teenth celebration and it

seemed so unfair to spend it

away from home and his fam-


Aaron's father had to help his

uncle in his fields and he ex-

pected Aaron, to tend to the

flock that belonged to their

family. Aaron's mother had en-

couraged him to not be so

downcast about going and

spending the evening out in the

fields with all the other shep-

herds on his birthday. His cele-

bration would be there for him

again, even though it was de-

layed. She had encouraged him

that it would eventually come.

Aaron knew the importance of

being a shepherd and how a

shepherd cares for his sheep

before his own needs or wants.

He remembered his mother's

words as he looked to the star

studded sky, "Aaron my son,

your name means 'shining light,

high mountain, messenger'. You

need to go to the mountain with

our sheep and believe you will

be a messenger of the bright

and shining Light of Yahweh,

our Lord."

Aaron had looked at his mother

with such puzzlement. "Mother,

what could you even be talking

about? Today is my birthday

and you want me to go to the

mountain and be a message of

God's Light?"

Aaron's mother kissed him on

the top of his head as she

wrapped the scarf around his

neck, "Aaron, 'Howbeit the

Lord would not destroy the

house of David, because of the

covenant that he had made with

David, and as He promised to

give a 'light' to him and to his

sons for ever." (2 Chronicles

21:7) Aaron's brown eyes

peered upward towards her soft

KidWise 13

Aaron,God’s Light

a KICKS Family Christmas Story

face as she smiled down on him

as she quoted God's word to

him. Although puzzled about

what she had just said, Aaron

gazed upward as her brown

eyes danced over his head.

"Mother, how you speak faith

to me from Yahweh, the Lord.

How you so believe in me and

the light of God you think I will

witness." Aaron turned and

smiled brightly to his mother as

he left for the fields. "I will go,

Mother, and tend to our sheep

as you look for the light to

come for me to witness."

As Aaron watched the sheep

gathering and nestling into the

high grass, he felt the sensation

of something rising in the late

night sky. Aaron heard a

rustling on the hill above him.

The light was so bright its beam

rose to the top of the trees be-

fore him. He heard the other

shepherds shouting so loudly

that he ran up the hill with such

speed never tripping. Yet, once

he reached the top, his eyes

caught the angel above the fro-

zen statues once keeping their

sheep as the sheep gazed up to

see where the sound of such

glory was coming from.

The light became so bright, it

took Aaron to his knees as he

shook with awe. Suddenly he

heard an angel as it came forth

from above say, "Fear not: for,

behold, I bring you good tid-

ings of great joy, which shall be

to all people. For unto you is

born this day in the city of

David a Saviour, which is

Christ the Lord. And this shall

be a sign unto you; Ye shall

find the babe wrapped in swad-

dling clothes, lying in a man-

ger." (Luke 2:8-12)

At that moment the sky was

filled with a multitude of angels

praising God. Aaron's face

shone with such light that the

glory of God penetrated to the

very depths of his being and he

knew his birthday would never

be the same again. He couldn't

take his eyes off the brightened

sky and its horizon as he heard

the heavenly host saying,

"Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace, good will

toward men." (Luke 2:13-14)

As the angels lifted away, the

commotion began and the

shepherds began shouting and

telling one another. "Let us now

go even unto Bethlehem, and

see this thing which is come to

pass, which the Lord hath made

known unto us." (Luke 2:15-16)

Aaron shouted, "I'm going,

don't leave without me." He

picked up his staff and adjusted

his sandals and took off run-

ning, following behind the


The excitement rose in his

heart. He had always been

taught of the prophecy about a

King coming. That King being

the Son of God who would take

away the sins of the world. The

Son of God who would deliver

and heal. He knew that the Son

of God would be a Light as

prophesied and he remembered

the rumor of the priest

Zacharias, who was filled with

the Holy Ghost and just re-

cently prophesied at the birth of

his son John. Many were in

wonder and amazement at what

he was proclaiming when he

had said,

KidWise 14

"Blessed be the Lord God of

Israel; for he hath visited and

redeemed his people, And hath

raised up an horn of salvation

for us in the house of his ser-

vant David; As he spake by the

mouth of his holy prophets,

which have been since the

world began: That we should

be saved from our enemies, and

from the hand of all that hate

us; To perform the mercy

promised to our fathers, and to

remember his holy covenant;

The oath which he sware to our

father Abraham, That he would

grant unto us, that we being de-

livered out of the hand of our

enemies might serve him with-

out fear, In holiness and right-

eousness before him, all the

days of our life. And thou,

child, shalt be called the

prophet of the Highest: for thou

shalt go before the face of the

Lord to prepare his ways; To

give knowledge of salvation

unto his people by the remis-

sion of their sins, Through the

tender mercy of our God;

whereby the dayspring from on

high hath visited us, To give

light to them that sit in darkness

and in the shadow of death, to

guide our feet into the way of

peace." Luke 1:68-79

Many had wondered if John

was a forerunner to the Light

God was sending and today, it

seems the Light has come. All

Aaron knew now, was the Light

that was shinning, was so

brightly filled with glory that it

seemed to outshine everything

he had ever known or won-

dered. He somehow felt his an-

swers were found in this Light.

The Light seemed to be carry-

ing the shepherds to a manger

meant to be a feeding troth for

animals that would house a

King who was to be the Savior

of the world.

As the shepherds made it "with

haste, they found Mary, Joseph,

and the babe lying in a man-

ger." (Luke 2:16) As Aaron

looked to the babe Jesus in the

manger, his heart leaped and he

felt peace pour from heaven

onto him and through him. The

eyes of the child looked into his

face and were so filled with

glory that it pierced through

everything that seemed to be in

the way of that very glory

reaching into Aaron's heart. He

reached for the child as Mary

smiled at him and leaned to-

wards him. Aaron touched the

One who shared his birthday

and somehow he knew that this

was the reason he was born on

this crisp dewy morning. He

was to share his birthday with

the Light of the world.

As the shepherds saw and wor-

shiped the babe, they were in

wonder at what they had expe-

rienced and seen. They left to

share their story and make it,

"known abroad the saying

which was told them concern-

ing this child." (Luke 2:17)

Aaron trailed behind and

looked back as the tiny child

peered his way one last time.

Today he thought, "I've come to

understand the meaning of my

life.", as he pondered the words

of his mother, "Aaron my son,

your name means 'shining light,

high mountain, messenger'. You

need to go to the mountain with

our sheep and believe you will

be a messenger of the bright

and shining Light of Yaheweh,

our Lord." He was going to

share the message of the Christ,

KidWise 17

the shining Light of Yahweh,

and the first place he was going

to start was with his mother.

He knew many would, "wonder

at those things which were told

them by the shepherds." (Luke

2:18) His mother's excitement

would fill their home and he

was ecstatic to tell her. He ran

across the pastures as the sheep

looked as if they had been kept

by the Great Shepherd who

watched their flocks while they

met the Christ child. Not one

was missing, not one was lost.

"Mother", he shouted as he en-

tered their home, "The Lord

would not destroy the house of

David, because of the covenant

that he had made with David,

and as He promised to give a

'light' to him and to his sons for

ever." (2 Chronicles 21:7)

"Mother, Mother, tonight was

the night, His promised Light

has come, it has come Mother, I

have seen His Light, on the

mountain. I want to tell you all

about it."

Aaron's mother ran to him as

the door slammed against the

wall as he thrust it open. When

she saw him, she saw glory on

his face and she knew her son

Aaron had come face to face

with 'the shining light of God'

just as she had expected. For

his namesake, she knew he

would forever carry the mes-

sage of the Light of the world.

She gathered him into her arms

and wept with joy as Aaron told

her about his greatest birthday

present ever.

KidWise 16

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KICKS Family Life - KICKS Kitchen

Olive Cream Cheese Dip

This dip is great for the holi-

days with it’s pretty green

and red specks from the ol-

ives. Great on an appetizer

tray with cheese cubes, vari-

ous types of crackers or

bread, nuts, and additional

olives. It’s always been a hit

whenever we’ve served it.

Whether you serve it plain or

rolled in chopped nuts, it’s

very quick and easy to make.

Give it a try for your Christ-

mas party this year!What You’ll Need:

2, 8 ounce packages cream cheese, softened1, 7 ounce jar green oliveschopped nuts (optional)

Allow the cream cheese to come to room temperature (about an hour).

While you’re waiting: Prepare the olives by cutting them in half. Store in refrigerator until ready to mix.If you’re using nuts, place in a plastic sealable bag and use a spoon to pound and crush the nuts inside the bag. Set aside. Once the cream cheese is ready, make a dip in the center and add the olives. Mix well using a spoon or your hands. If desired, roll with nuts.

Chill in refrigerator until ready to serve.

For more KICKS Family Life KICKS Kitchen recipes visit

What You’ll Need:

In a large bowl combine all of the dry ingredients. In a small bowl, whisk together the molasses, oil, buttermilk, and egg. Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture and stir until mixed, but do not over stir. Lightly grease a griddle or pan over med-low heat. Using 1/4 cup measuring cup, pour patter onto hot griddle or pan and cook for about 3 minuets on each side.

Once complete, use different sized gingerbread men cookie cutters to cut through the pancakes. Deco-rate with mini-chocolate chips, cinnamon chips, powdered sugar or whipped cream or serve with but-ter and syrup just like normal pancakes.

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KICKS Family Life - KICKS Kitchen

Christmas Morning Gingerbread Men Pancakes

•1 cup flour•1 tbsp sugar•1 tsp baking powder•1 tsp ground ginger•1/2 tsp salt

•1/2 tsp baking soda•1/2 tsp cinnamon

•Sprinkle of ground cloves

•Sprinkle of nutmeg•2 tbsp molasses•1 tbsp olive oil

•1 cup buttermilk•1 egg, lightly beaten

Try making these pancakes earlier and throwing them

in the microwave or toaster for Christmas morning!

Bend and reach with your left arm to touch your right toe as you say “Jesus Christ is Lord today”

Then bend and reach with your right arm to touch your left toe as you say “He is Lord in every way”

Do two jumping-jacks as you say “He has died and set me free”

Then do two more jumping-jacks as you say “He is Lord eternally”

Repeat these steps with the remaining lines. Shout the final line, “where I go He goes with me, I am with Him eternally” as you do the jumping-jacks. Then stretch your arms up high and rejoice and thank Jesus for His lordship in your life!

Use this fun ‘cheer’ during this Christmas season to get some stretching in while remember the reason for the season, JESUS! Celebrate that He is Lord over your life and over your family. Celebrate all that He did for you through His birth and resurrection!

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K I C K S - E R - C I S E

How about your house smelling like Cinnamon on Christmas morning? Why not take the time this week and make some simple cinnamon ornaments with your children. They are as simple as cook-ies and make your house smell like Christmas cheer.

You Need:Applesauce (we used 1, 25 ounce jar)

Cinnamon (we used 18 ounces)Wax paper

Rolling pinCookie CuttersToothpicks or drinking strawsYarnCooling rack or window screen

Mix the applesauce and cinnamon. Us-ing a sheet of wax paper above and be-

neath, roll the dough with the rolling pin. Cut through dough with the cookie cutters.

Use a toothpick or drinking straw (depending on the size of your ornament) to poke a hole to-

wards the top of the ornament. Be sure to poke all the way through and make the hole far enough away from the edge that it won’t break. Remove and place on cooling rack or window screen to dry for at least 48 hours. Once dry, string yarn through the holes. Use for decorations as desired.

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We hope KidWise is helping you have some Christmas family fun! For more

family activities, visit our

KICKS Kid Activities

H o m e m a d e C i n n a m o n O r n a m e n t s

Give Your Best This Christmas

She placed Him in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes. Mary only had what was immediately available to

her, however she gave Him the best she had. Are you giving the Savior of the world your best? God wants us to be willing to give all of

ourselves to Him. So many times we place limitations on what we give. I’m not talking only about money. What about your time or

your willingness to be a blessing to someone else? There are so many ways we can give God our best. I challenge you this Christ-

mas to ask God to show you some special way you can

give. Whether it is time, money or something else. What's available to you to give? Nothing is to small or insignifi-cant.

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Merry CHRISTmas, Pastor Rick

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Supplies:•Cardboard•Felt (red, green, white)•Embroidery floss•Button

I LOVE mini books. Whether it be a scrapbook, journal, photo album, whatever. If it's small, it's cute. I also LOVE felt. It's not expensive, it's easy to work with, and it's soft and gives that cozy holiday feel. So, this Christmas I decided to make some-thing that combined my love for both of these things -- a mini book covered in felt. Now, my hand sewing ability is no where near advanced. And that is where my current love for the hand-made, rough-cut, see all the stitching (knots included!) look comes in handy. I think it's adorable, and shows that it really was hand-made with love, even if it is a little lumpy or not quite 'perfect'. All of that to say, give this a try. It is not

hard. Get some felt (it comes in all sorts of colors and prints) and embroidery floss (also comes in all sorts of colors) and make yourself one of these cute little books for the holidays. Here are some simple instructions on how I made mine.

There are many different uses for this mini book. Fill the inside with paper and use it as a journal to document your holiday activities. Make it into a mini scrapbook album by making pages small enough to hold inside. Print some photos to fit your mini book and use it as a photo album. Or simply use it as a place to stick some of your holiday 'keep sake' items such as the receipt from the skating rink or a copy of the cookie recipe you baked together. However you use it, we hope that you enjoy this craft and your holiday season!

1. Measure and cut the cardboard. I made my album 4.5 inches wide by 5 inches tall (which means that pre-fold, it measures 9 inches wide by 5 inches tall). Make yours what-ever size you would like.

2. Measure and cut the felt. I lined the inside with white felt and the outside with red. Be sure to in-clude enough to cover the edges on the piece you cut.

3. Prep to sew.I stitched the corners of the inside (white) to the cardboard with one simple x-stitch, just to hold them in place while I stitched the whole thing together. I also used separate little bits of double sided tape every so often on both the top and bottom

of both the front and back covers, to hold the outside felt (red) to the inside felt (white). It doesn't hold super tight, but enough to hold the felt in place as you're stitching.

4. Stitch it all together. I stitched through the cardboard. This is a little tough but once you do it a few times you get used to it. Using a thinner cardboard (like from a cereal box) will be easier to work with, as will using a thicker needle. I did a few x-stitches at the top and bottom of both the front and back covers, and then stitched the sides with a back-stitch. Use whichever stitch you like and are comfortable with. And remember, it doesn't have to be perfect.

5. Finally, add the button and flap. Measure and cut the felt to be whatever size you'd like (mine is 5 inches long by 1.5 inches tall). I made mine to wrap so that half is on the front and half is on the back. I used a backstitch to connect, on the back only as the front connects with the button. I sewed through the cardboard about 1/4 inch away from the outer edge and then again towards the middle, to give extra support. Sew through the card-board to connect the button to the front and snip a small hole in the felt where the button will go. This will be tight the first few times open-ing and closing, but the felt will stretch, so don't make your hole too large.

KICKS Family Life - KICKS Crafts

Christmas Time Mini Book

Check out the KICKS Club website for more fun crafts as well as craft video segments.

Visit Go to ‘Fun Stuff ’ or “Video On Demand’.

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KidWise 24

For more movie reviews and information about Movies On Review, visit

Movies On Review -A Christian PerspectiveThe Nativity StoryHIGHLY RECOMMENDED(not for children under the age of 7)"worth putting in your family library!"

"The Nativity Story” was a very pleasant surprise. Great for the Holiday Season and certainly one that can be used as a yearly Christmas event for you and your family. This movie was a moving experi-ence that brought before you the lives of Mary and Joseph and their courage to take on the responsibility of bringing forth Jesus the Messiah. It reflects the time period that they lived in and the call of

God for each of them to do His will in bringing forth His plan in the earth. As we see the courage of a couple destined by God for His purpose and plan, we walk through an experience with them as Je-sus is born and brought to this earth to die for our sins. To think that the Lord called such a young girl to hold the crea-tor of Heaven in her very life. She and Joseph were the first to preach the Gos-pel through living and experiencing it! We can draw from their lives and see that God has a plan for each of us to carry the Son of God and bring Him forth to a lost world that needs such a wonderful gift of Life.

The movie is well made, and expresses a message that you can experience not only at Christmas time, but all year long. It is movie worth watching and putting in your family library!

Genres: Drama and Politics/ReligionRunning Time: 1 hr. 40 min.Release Date: December 1st, 2006 (wide)MPAA Rating: PG for some violent content.Distributors: New Line Cinema


T h e R e a s o n F o r T h e S e a s o n from Elmer

One of my favorite things about Christmas is

looking at all the lights and decorations on houses. I love to sing Jingle Bells while I

play in the snow. My favorite thing to look for when we are out looking at lights are nativity scenes. I like to see them because that is what Christmas is all about, God sent the

greatest light of all to us. Jesus is the LIGHT of the world thats why I love

Christmas so much. I hope that you remember that Jesus is what Christmas is all about, too. Merry Christmas! Your friend, ELMER

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Hey kids! Check out my blog! There’s all kinds of cool stuff from me up there!

For more tipsfrom Elmer on

how to be awise kid, visit

KidWise 26

member Spot!KICKS Kids

Daisia, Age 6

Thanks for sending a photo of your puppies, Daisia!

Send us your letters, photos and drawings!

We would love to hear from YOU!

You can email your goodies to

subject: Fun Spot

Or you can mail your stuff toKidWise Magazine85 N. Columbus St.Sunbury OH, 43074

Thanks Brandon and Jezreel for your Member of the Week forms and picture of


We would like to say a special thank you to all of our sponsors!

For a full list of KICKS sponsors or more information on howyou can help, visit

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Magazine Credits:

Editors in Chief:Rick & Kim Robinson

Creative Director:Tony Robinson

Art Director:Candice Robinson

Cover photo:Tony Robinson

KICKS Craft &KICKS Kitchen:Kim RobinsonCandice RobinsonPhotos: Tony Robinson

All articles written by Kim Robinson Rick Robinson

Copy Editors:Kathy TaylorTrudi Merryman

KidWise Magazine is published by KICKS Ministries/Victory Harvest Church, Inc., a nonprofit organization, copyright 2007. All right reserved.

Make sure you check out the KICKS Club website. It’s full of fun stuff for you, your kids, and the entire family. Music videos, crafts, recipes, downloadable songs and coloring pages... the list goes on and on. Visit the website today,

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If you have questions or comments about KidWise Magazine, please

contact us:

KidWise Magazine85 N. Columbus St.Sunbury, OH 43074
