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    """Federation of American Scientists




    Keiko Ono is a graduate in Politics and Development Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London). Of Japanese-Papuan New Guinean descent, Keiko Ono is intimately familiar with the opportunities and challenges facing political, economic, social, and cultural relations within the Pacific Islands and beyond. Prior to joining the Pacific Islands Council, she was the Vice President of the Pacific Islands Society and served as the Co-President for Sports and Societies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Student Union.

    ABOUT THE PACIFIC YOUNG LEADERS IN DISARMAMENT PROGRAM In partnership with the Federation of American Scientists and Pacific Islands Society, the Emerging Science and Technology Policy Centre launched the “Pacific Young Leaders on Disarmament Project” in the spring of 2013. The Pacific Young Leaders program offers a unique opportunity for young leaders to discuss issues on counter-proliferation and disarmament, highlighting opportunities and challenges of the Conference on Disarmament (CD). The Young Leaders also produce a hypothetical statement to the Conference on Disarmament that advances their country’s national security interests against the CD Schedule. At the conclusion of the project, the statements are formally delivered to the Conference on Disarmament on behalf of the participants. "ABOUT THE PACIFIC ISLANDS SOCIETY INC. (PACSOC) The Pacific Islands Society is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting stronger people-people relations between the Pacific Island Countries and beyond. 
"ABOUT THE EMERGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY CENTRE The Emerging Science and Technology Policy Centre was established to promote international peace by strengthening the impact and credibility of scientists and technologists in national security policy debates involving emerging science and technologies. "ABOUT THE PACIFIC ISLANDS SOCIETY AT SOAS The Pacific Islands Society at SOAS is a registered society of the SOAS Student Union that aims to increase student and faculty awareness of the importance of Pacific affairs within the SOAS community and the broader U.K. higher-level education system. "ABOUT THE CENTER FOR AUSTRALIAN, NEW ZEALAND AND PACIFIC STUDIES
The Center for Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Studies is part of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. The Center was established in August 1995 with funding from the Governments of Australia and New Zealand and offers a wide program of courses, conferences and meetings taught by outstanding academics each semester. "ABOUT THE FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS
The Federation of American Scientists, is an independent, nonpartisan think tank dedicated to providing rigorous, objective, evidence-based analysis and practical policy recommendations on national and international security issues connected to applied science and technology.


    Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. It is an honour to have an

    opportunity to address the Committee. I’d also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the

    President on his appointment and to wish him and the seated delegates all the best as we push

    forward the work of the conference on disarmament.

    "Mr. President,

    "Papua New Guinea, which lies on one half of the largest island in the region, is also known to

    be one of most diverse countries in the world. With over 850 different languages, finding a

    unified voice amongst a group as varied as the representatives found within the CD assembly,

    resonates with the myriad of benefits and difficulties Papua New Guinea faces in successfully

    developing and pursuing a common agenda.

    "Mr. President,

    "As it stands, none of the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are members of the CD and for this

    reason have not been able to play an active role in the field of disarmament during the

    negotiations of the agenda and the main treaties in this field, including treaties that deal with

    non-proliferation and arms control. Despite not having any direct influence in its activities, the

    CD’s agenda to secure a safer future is evident in PNG’s ratification of ten of the fifteen main

    treaties within this field. Furthermore, PNG is joined by Fiji, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau,

    Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu as having

    also successfully ratified a number of these treaties. Thus, this is thus indicative of the region’s

    understanding of the need for a collective commitment to the work of the CD.


  • "

    Mr. President,

    "While Pacific Island Countries remain geographically distant from the workings of the CD, this

    group of remote and relatively small islands accounts for 30% of the world. As a diverse and distinct

    region of 20,0000 - 30,000 islands scattered over an area larger than Europe, we have in the decades

    since colonialism borne witness to the effects of war, particularly the nuclear disasters that have hit

    Japan and the United States nuclear tests which have since marred our waters and destroyed the lives

    of people in the Marshall Islands and Northern Polynesia. With six of the nine nuclear armed states

    situated in the Asia-Pacific region, we are no strangers to the perilous dangers of nuclear warfare, but

    we are indeed, too close for comfort. The growing military presence in the region alongside brewing

    tension in the East China Sea between emerging economies and declining empires, puts the Pacific

    Islands at the centre of a strategically antiquated tug of war, one which displaces the region’s ability

    to adequately focus and address the immediate dangers its people face, such as poverty and climate

    change. With 70% of the world’s natural disasters affecting the Asia-Pacific region, countries such as

    Kiribati and the Marshall Islands are literally faced with becoming extinct by fault of the

    carelessness and complacency to combat climate change by all states sooner. Likewise, it is not our

    desire to be a victim of a deliberate, accidental or sabotaged use of nuclear weapons or other WMDs

    in our region.

    "Indeed, nuclear military accidents remain a real possible threat. Between 1950 and 1990, there were

    some 56 nuclear military accidents which mostly involved the transportation of nuclear weapons.

    Given heightened military activity in the West Pacific and China Seas which involves transportation

    of military armaments, how can we deny the possible repetition of similar incidents? Despite

    tremendous developments in scientific military safety, we can never be certain.

  • "

    Mr. President,

    "Our commitment to disarmament is such that its prolonged paralysis under the CD is a direct

    source of regional instability. The stale mate that exists, despite the growing need for new treaties

    and agreements on nuclear disarmament; the prohibition of the production of fissile material for

    military purposes; and the prevention of an arms race in outer space amongst others, is effectively

    creating a hemorrhage of resources and time at the expense of our people and our planet. It calls

    both for a serious realignment of our perspectives of power and restraint on our competitive and

    misguided pursuit for it. Much of the justifications behind the reluctance to disarm and the

    continued proliferation lies in political misperceptions and a lack of confidence between states and

    other interest groups. In his 2009 keynote address as High Representative for Disarmament

    Affairs, Ambassador Sergio Duarte emphasised that ‘without real transparency, there can be no

    real accountability’ and as such, no lasting commitment to this agenda. The CD thus faces a

    deadlock that threatens the legitimacy and effectiveness of the multilateral disarmament

    machinery. It is for this reason that I would like put forward three suggestions focused on Agenda

    Item 7, Transparency in Armaments and the working procedures of the CD so as to improve

    measures on military constraint as well as the exchange, observation and verification of

    armaments between and within countries.

    "The recent progress with Iran’s agreement to halt further enrichment of its uranium is

    commendable, but greater transparency is urgent, now more than ever, if we are to even begin

    looking at the weapons that already exist. According to the 2012 SIPRI Yearbook, there are 19,000

    nuclear arsenal held by NWS, 95% of which remain concentrated between the United States and

    Russia. However justified its possession was in a bipolar era, there is clear consensus that since

    the Cold War, there has been a significant diffusion of power. Alongside the greater access to

    WMD as technology exceeds our ability to regulate its developments, this can only be met with a

  • "

    strict monitoring and limitation of arms transfers as well as its production. The renewed agreement

    between Russia and the United States in the New START treaty which entered into force in 2011

    is a reassuring promise of change to come. However, a greater indication of this could be found in

    the improvement of the records in the UN Register and Transparency in Armaments initiative as

    introduced in the UNGA Resolution 46/36 L. Though the voluntary nature of this register has

    successfully established the benchmark of a global norm, it is its consistent participation that

    would affirm its effectiveness. Since its introduction, the record of imports and exports of arms in

    seven categories has been erratic and incomplete amongst key countries and this, is the Achilles

    heel to the workings of the CD if its effectiveness as a mechanism to review progress is to be

    realized. "Mr. President,

    "There is a call for strong leadership to commit to these agreements. As it is, we have been

    fortunate to see in the past year various breakthroughs in disarmament - the adoption of the Arms

    Trade Treaty by the UN General Assembly in April; the successful inspection and process of

    destroying chemical weapons in Syria by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical

    Weapons (OPCW); the High Level Meeting at the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament in

    September and finally the adoption of resolution 2117 by the Security Council, that for the first

    time addressed the issue of Small Arms and Light Weapons.

    "In recent years Mr. President, it is more the changes to the strategic environment than the rhetoric

    for change that has prompted an increased political will in the CD to act. The gradual shift away

    from the perception of nuclear weapons as being central to attaining status and prestige in the

    international arena has primarily been attributed to a growing geopolitics based on mutually

    beneficial economic power as opposed to the divisive focus on the balance of military power.

  • "

    The increase in bilateral and particularly regional activities are indicative of this necessary shift.

    Examples of this can be seen in the talks which have finally begun in the Middle East to establish

    NWFZ as decided at the 2010 NPT review; the Mongolian initiative to likewise create a NWFZ in

    Northeast Asia; and the capacity building measures being supported in the Caribbean Community

    by the Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament and Development in Latin America (UN-

    LiREC). In order to strengthen transparency, similar regional efforts to develop further

    mechanisms such as an international auditing body to monitor trading activity could also be a

    valuable organ in achieving disarmament. As seen in the workings of the UN Monitoring,

    Verification and Inspection Committee in Iraq or the effectiveness of the OPCW and the IAEA in

    Syria and Iran respectively, we must capitalize on our collective imagination to create some

    process of verification and inspection to improve transparency.

    "Mr. President,

    There is also a clear role for NWS in upholding the legitimacy of non-proliferation by actively

    disarming. The two processes are mutually dependant. As suggested again by Secretary General

    Ban Ki-Moon in his 2008 five-point proposal for disarmament, we must reinforce access to

    records ‘about the size of [NWS] arsenals, stocks of fissile material, and specific disarmament

    achievements’. We would also emphasize as highlighted by the NAM in its address to the First

    Committee, the need to ban the NWS ‘…plans to modernize, upgrade, refurbish or extend the

    lives of nuclear weapons and related facilities’. We strongly recommend the introduction of a

    broader register and greater access to these records so the expression of political will is met with

    substantial action guided by public scrutiny. Only then can the CD legitimately boast of an

    effective mechanism for the review and improvement of its work.

  • "

    A greater realization of this logic is in the need to enhance transparency if we are indeed to

    actively hold states accountable to respecting international treaties. As such, Mr. President, finally

    I would like to propose a need for a broader, more inclusive membership in the discussion,

    development and delivery of policies related to disarmament so as to create a truly universal norm.

    Much of the working procedures of the CD that has constrained the progress and participation had

    been removed in other forums in the past year to include members of civil society, non-member

    states and survivors of nuclear disasters. The resounding success of meetings as seen in the

    International Conference on the Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons in Oslo as well as

    the inaugural meetings of the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) in Geneva, exemplified the

    potential strength institutional frameworks hold to mobilize momentum and create solutions when

    it included a broader cross section of populations and generations around the world, indeed to

    deny people the right to participate in the discussions affecting their future is detrimental to the

    process of disarmament.

    "Mr. President,

    "Papua New Guinea hopes to see the CD lead on the delegitimization of the production, exchange,

    accumulation and offensive or accidental use of weapons as being immoral and unethical,

    particularly to developing states in unstable regions. This is a universal vision shared by anyone

    wishing to safeguard a better future for the generations to come. A call for greater transparency,

    participation, collective innovation and leadership as outlined above are important if we are to

    sincerely honour the voices of hibakusha’s and the victims of the bombings in the Marshall Islands

    like Darlene Keju. We must come to realize that the continued pursuit of nuclear armaments,

    would be to ratify our own doom. South Africa’s uniquely voluntary abandonment of its nuclear

    weapons program and its consequent reduction in defense expenditure under the Presidency of the

    late Nelson Mandela, is one such benchmark in leadership we are called upon to meet. Difficult as

    it may seem, it is one that has been proven possible and thus made inevitable if we embrace this

    opportunity to overcome the divisive and destructive paradigms of the past.


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