Keeping your new year stop smoking resolution

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Discover how to make a success of your new year stop smoking resolution. Make this the year you finally quit smoking.

Transcript of Keeping your new year stop smoking resolution

How to Keep Your New Year Stop Smoking Resolution



• At the beginning of the year, people make New Year resolutions but by the 2nd or 3rd month of the year, most resolutions evaporate into thin air. Studies by The Centers for Disease (CDC) show that about 70 percent of current smokers want to quit and that more than half of those smokers tried to quit last year without success. Why is it so? How can the ugly tide be stemmed?

You Can Succeed With Your New Year Resolution

• Quitting tobacco is one tough nut to crack but with information, advance preparation and support, it is still the best decision you can make to improve your overall health and well-being.

• A recent survey shows that some people actually succeed at New Year resolutions. 57% of those who make a goal to lose weight actually succeed while 36% of people who want to quit smoking succeed at that as well.

You Can Succeed With Your New Year Resolution(2)

• If you are not among the 36% that succeeded at quit smoking, here are a few tips that can help you finally succeed at keeping those resolutions.

Tip No 1

• 1. Believe in your heart of hearts that you can quit• Investigations of smokers who effectively

kicked the smoking habit reveal that one of the most significant qualities of a successful quitter is their belief that they can drop off cigarettes. Believing you can quit is so vital because it will guide everything you do on the way to actualizing your stop smoking resolution. The way you think; the research you do; the steps you take; the people you talk to; the assistance you seek– all these will be influenced by the belief you have in your ability to give up cigarettes.

Tip No 1(continued)

• If you don’t believe you can quit, nobody can help you. Henry Ford said, “if you think you can do a thing or think you can‘t do a thing, you’re right.”

• Can you believe what it would have been like if Abraham Lincoln did not believe he could be the president of the United States of America? He would have quit after a few trials. He stood for elections 8 times and lost but he persevered. Having a total and unshakeable belief in yourself is necessary to stop smoking. You must believe that you can drop off cigarettes, even if it takes 1,000 or more attempts.

Tip No 1(continued2)

• After imbibing a strong belief, visualize yourself as a non-smoker; visualize your home and car as smelling fresh and sweet; visualize yourself taking a vacation with the money you saved from dropping off cigarettes.

• While visualizing, affirm to yourself; “I’m a non-smoker”, “tobacco can no longer control me,” say it loud and mean it from the bottom of your heart.

• Start seeing cigarettes in a bad light because that’s what they really are. Taking this step is an aspect of reprogramming your mind for stop smoking success.

• At this stage, you have to be mentally fit for the quit smoking process and the above steps will help you achieve it.

Tip No 2• 2. Write down your personal reasons to quit smoking and carry it

everywhere• Without a cogent and strong reason to quit, you may not be able to quit

so, sit down, take your time to arrive at strong and highly motivational reasons to quit. Your reasons may differ from another person’s, that’s why we earlier called them ‘personal reasons’. Make sure they are reasons that appeal to you. They could range from health to family or financial, just make sure they are YOUR REASONS FOR QUITTING. That’s the only thing that will get you committed. If you stop smoking because of another person’s reasons, I bet you are going to relapse.

• But, please don’t just come up with personal reasons, also write them down and read them to yourself as many times as possible every day. This will strengthen your resolve and keep your resolution in the front burner.

Tip No 3

• 3. Increase your knowledge of the quit process• Like a sponge, soak up all the information you can find on

quit smoking. Read, listen and watch every media or news item that will help you understand what it means to quit smoking, the options available and the advantages and disadvantages of each option, the attendant withdrawal symptoms as well as how to fight them off. If you do this overtime, it will help you develop the confidence to quit. Smokers need to learn how to quit smoking before they pick a quit day. Learning how to overcome a cigarette and be answerable to others who have the same aspiration as you is a really potent course of action.

Tip No 4

• 4. Develop a quit plan• Once you have soaked in much information, develop a quit

smoking plan. Put down how you intend to cope with the withdrawal symptoms that will accompany your stop smoking decision. Be aware that the craving to smoke a cigarette will last 5 minutes or thereabout and will go by whether you light up or not. Withdrawal symptoms are really the signs of healing from addiction and will lessen within five days. You will be less tense when you give up smoking.

• Also detail exactly how you want to quit. Is it through cold turkey, nicotine patches, stop smoking pills, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, laser therapy or hypnosis?

Tip No 4(continued)

• For each of these stop smoking methods, find out the side effects and devise a plan to cope before the situation arises. Doing this keeps you in control of the stop smoking process.

• Also look out for your smoking triggers. What activates your smoking desires? Stress? Friends? An event? whatever. If it’s stress, try to avoid stressful situations, if it’s friends or an event, avoid such places and friends. If it’s drinking alcohol, avoid alcohol as much as you can. Just take care of all the smoking triggers which you fish out. If you don’t, they can cause you to relapse.

Tip No 4(continued2)

• Also find out what times you are likely to smoke and write down what you intend to do when the time comes to avoid smoking like drinking water, taking a deep breath, reading a book, playing the piano or discussing with a friend. All these activities will distract you and delay you from smoking.

• Also get rid of all stuff that reminds you of smoking like ashtrays, matches, cigarette boxes, etc. Don’t forget to clean your home and office.

Tip No 5

• 5. Pick a quit day• It’s now time to choose a quit day and tell all

who know you smoke that you want to quit smoking on that day. Please endeavor to choose a quit day that falls within a relatively low stress time. Don’t try to quit during a stressful time at work or during a relationship break-up or when a loved one is ill. Make sure it’s a time you can take things easy.

Tip No 6

• 6. Take action• I like Nike’s run-off line “just do it.” Once you have drawn

up your quit plan, just do it because nothing will happen until you take action on your quit smoking decision. On the day you set to quit, please stop smoking and celebrate the milestone with friends, especially those who are likely to offer you a cigarette in the near future.

• The world is created in such a way that nothing moves until you move, so, move to implement your plans, take action. That is the only way to make your New Year resolution work.

Tip No 7

• 7. Get support from family and friends• Research has shown that the help of family and

friends is invaluable to smokers intending to quit. Having a shoulder to lean on during the tough times will help many intending non-smokers pull through the various nicotine withdrawal symptoms they cannot but experience. Let your family and friends understand what you are trying to achieve and get them to support you.

Tip No 8

• 8. Renew your resolve daily• Your determination to quit smoking is

reinforced one day at a time. Just know that your stop smoking decision is a journey. Every smoke free day strengthens your resolve and when you deliberately take time to ponder on and celebrate what you’re doing, you’re working to fortify your will to make this the quit that lasts you a lifetime.

Tip No 9

• 9. Exercises can be beneficial• Exercises can help you combat stress. So, indulge in

exercises. The benefits of exercise to quit smoking include distracting your mind from smoking, improving your stamina, relieving stress and boosting lung function.

• To get into the exercise mood, please choose one or two activities that you enjoy. Common exercises include jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, basketball, tennis, running, etc.

Tip No 9(continued)

• Try to exercise 25-35 minutes at a time, three to four times every week. Initially, don’t exercise strenuously, take it slow and steady. Consult your doctor before commencing your exercise program.

• Alongside exercise, please eat well and drink a lot of water. Don’t forget that your tobacco addiction may have damaged certain organs in your body but taking a balanced diet can return your body to the path of good health and well-being. Drinking lots of water will flush the nicotine toxins out of your body.

Tip No 10

• 10. Have a lot of patience • Nicotine addiction is recognized as one of the toughest

addictions to break. Quitting smoking is an ongoing process. The fact that you have tried and failed doesn’t mean you should not try again. Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, people don’t quit smoking in a day either. Patiently endure your journey to stop smoking success. Get rid of old routines and substitute them with fresher, healthier choices. Each day you go smoke free brings you closer to lifelong freedom.


• Don’t give up on yourself. Even if you falter on your New Year resolution for a day or two, put the mistake behind you and return to your resolution afresh. You can pull it through!!!!

• Make this the year you did it! Shed the toga of nicotine dependence and take control of your life.

• You can! You definitely can because many people have successfully quit smoking before you!

Thank You for Reading!!!

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