Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of K YLE R EID M EMORIAL C HALLENGER L EAGUE By: Mary Margaret Schumer.




Other then my swimming abilities I have never been very good at other types of athletic sports that require coordination. Because of this, I think it is essential for children with special needs to have the opportunity to play sports with other kids at their skill level. Everyone deserves to have those opportunities in their life, no matter their physical or mental disability. I chose this organization for my capstone because I think that further publicizing and supporting organizations that help children and families of this nature is such an important and rewarding thing to do. I have family members with autism and having something like a challenger league is finally a place where they fit in and where they can just have fun.



The main goals of this plan are to increase volunteers, donations, the number of participants and families and increase immediate and surrounding community awareness. In addition to this we want to partner with other organizations similar to the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League in the hopes of expanding and bettering the organization.

In order to achieve the main goals of the plans we are going to implement the use of Facebook, flyers distributed throughout the Hamburg, N.Y. area and surrounding Western New York area and brochures which will be distributed to potential donors. Also we will encourage sending out more e-mails and include press releases in the local newspapers and giving out surveys to current members.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Background on organization 5

Affiliation with the Challenger League 6 Background needed on the project 6

Situational Analysis 7-10 Main Competition 7 Trends in the Marketplace 8 Outside Factors 9 Status of the Organization 10

Primary Research 11-16 Secondary Research 17-19 Target Audience 20-22

Volunteer's 20 New Families and Participants 21 Potential Donors 22

Problems 23 Opportunities 23 Plan Goals 24 Marketing Tactics 25-36

Facebook 25-28 Flyer 29 Brochure 30-32 Press Release33-34 Survey 35 Distribution 36

Budget and Expenses 37-38 Expenses 37 Donations 37 Manpower and Time 38

Evaluation 39-40 Plan Goals 39 Marketing Tactics 39 Brand Awareness 40 Survey 40

Works Cited 41 Appendix 42-49



Named the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League after Kyle Reid who died in 1998 at the age of 13 from cancer.

Close family friends, Tim Hoelscher and Michael Kaney, formed the organization in 2000 after Kyle’s death in the hopes of keeping his love for baseball and sports alive for children with disabilities.

Kyle, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma when he was six years old, risked his life every day to go outside and play baseball and other sports and just to have some fun


League is part of the Hamburg Junior Baseball and Softball league

Cost is $20 per family

Open to all children and young adults ages 6 to 18 that have a physical or mental disability or challenge

Regular season is from late May through early August, and play games on Wednesday nights

Clinics are offered from February to the start of the regular season in May

Other activities include a pool party in August, a league dance in September, Halloween party in October, Christmas party in December and bowling gathering in February.

Contact person for the organization is Bill Nye

Information on the Organization



Although I have never been able to participate in being a helper for the league because of my work schedule and being away at college, my mother devotes many nights a year to this organization. She constantly comes home and says how thankful she is that my brother and myself are the way we are. Someday in the near future I hope to be able to attend one of their events. I am good friends with one of the founders of the organization and his wife. Over the years they have told me what this organization means to them and how it has changed their lives. The organization is based out of the town right next to mine where I spend most of my time and where I attended middle school and high school. Many of the children and families involved in the organization live either in my town or the next town over; I also went to high school with some of the participants.

Affiliation with the Organization

Background Needed on the Organization

The problem with this organization is it doesn’t get the amount of attention that it deserves and does not get publicized like it should be. Many people in the surround areas have never heard of the organization, and these may be people who would be willing to donate their time or money to the organization. Should you choose to implement my plan you will be able to help this organization be able to increase the number or members that are involved and it will also help to make the organization more well known in the immediate and surrounding community, therefore getting more money donated and more volunteers coming to help.



Brings in members based on interest and gardening skills

Publicity is showcased through their work done in the community

Donations come in from those who like the work that they do and former members

Their skill is what speaks to people and makes them remember the organization

Publicized through the entire school district

Benefits all of the students in the Hamburg School district

Well known fundraisers held each year

Offers babysitting for members who have children too young to stay home alone during meetings

Established organization

Main Competition There is no exact main competition for the organization, the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenge League is the only baseball league for the mentally and physically challenged to be found in the Southtowns of Buffalo, N.Y.

The main difference about the Kyle Reid Memorial League that they can use as a strength is the type of organization it is. They have the potential to capture the emotional side of volunteers and donors who by getting involved can help to better these children’s and their own lives.

Well known

Every town has one

Large fundraisers

Events have become somewhat of a town function

Need and demand for people in this organization, community not complete without a fire company

Parents who are involved pass down tradition to children

Loyalty – because you never know when you are going to need them

Volunteer Fire Co.

Hamburg Garden Club

Hamburg PTA



Examine if local businesses are giving more or less money to an organization like the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League at this time in the economy

Social Media

Traditional Media

Media Usage

If this is not implemented then they may risk losing potential people interested in the organization

Might become behind the curve in the future


Many small businesses in the surrounding area are doing well but some are not. This may hurt the number of them that are willing to donate and the amount of money they are willing to donate

Trends in the Market place

Outside Factors



Organization formed in 2000 Financially solvent at this point and time, however if

planning to expand more funds will be necessary. Also, the funds that they are receiving from the Kyle Reid Foundation will soon run out.

Income comes from: Members pay $20 per family to get a shirt with their name on

the back, a bat, team and individual candid photos, metal after the season, and pizza and pop after each game

Former founder Tim Hoelscher gives money from his tax work

Donor Jason Polisoto

Has a brother playing in the league Has raised over 14,000 over the past six years through the

Tour de Burg, a local pub crawl

Grant from the Kyle Reid Foundation Soon this fund is going to run out. August 2010 was the last year that the family decided to

have the memorial 5K run after 12 years, this was Kyle’s number on his basketball jersey

The run, a local golf tournament and post-race activities raised money for the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League as well as the Hamburg Junior Baseball League, Camp Good Days and Special Times and several other charities

Status of the Organization at this Time



Staffing/Volunteers Roughly 30 adults and 12 students with 20 of them attending

each event, in addition to this parents

Composed of parents, word of mouth volunteers, and members of the YES foundation

Organization Needs More publicizing throughout the community and surrounding


Keep their members informed with what is happening in the organization and what they can do to help better the organization

Keep families involved in organizing events

To get feedback on events and games from parents or guardians who have children participating and volunteers

This will help to make sure they feel involved in the organization and are satisfied with it, therefore passing on good information on about it to their family and friends who could be potential members.

Status of the Organization at this Time



Mary Beth Schumer – kindergarten teacher at Hamburg Central Schools

She has volunteered in the organization for the past three years and was questioned as to the problems with getting out information and what she thought would benefit the organization as far as traditional media and social media. Schumer expressed that it was difficult to get new volunteers because of lack of knowledge of the organization throughout the community. When questioned as to the impact of her decision to start volunteering she had nothing but wonderful things to say, and recommended that everyone spent some time with these children

Chi Chi Hoelscher – former elementary school aid in the Hamburg School district, has been involved from the start of the organization in 2000 and is the wife of the co-founder of the organization

Mrs. Hoelscher was questioned as to what types of donations that the organization currently obtains from the community. Also she gave some insight on the volunteers of the organization and how they go about recruiting new ones and maintaining the current ones. She is an avid user of Facebook and when questioned about creating one for the organization she thought it was a great idea and that the organization would benefit greatly.

Retired from leading the organization after the summer of 2010, but says that the impact has changed her life forever

When asked about recruitment she stressed that they do not publicize much past word of mouth and that they are always looking for new volunteers, more is always better

Personal Interviews



Owners of Ron’s Garage

One owner, Mark said that although he is already very informed about the organization because of his participation in softball in the town for many years, what they like to see when approached to give money or sponsor an organization are things such as…

When the organization was founded Why the organization was founded Who founded the organization What types of events that the organization sponsors Who is eligible to participate in the organization Cost of participating in the organization Contact information of those in charge of the organization Donation options within the organization Website for the organization What their donation money would be going towards Person presenting the information knows a lot about the

organization and is friendly

All of these questions are answered in the Situational Analysis and Background on the Organization

Personal Interviews

Generally they look for causes that are close to their heart

Both of the owners live in either Hamburg, N.Y. or North Boston, N.Y., which is the town right next to Hamburg

Their business is an auto-mechanic shop located in the Village of Hamburg, N.Y.



Magpie Cards & Gifts

Small card and gift shop located in the Village of Hamburg, N.Y.

Owners live in the town of Hamburg, N.Y.

Had similar thoughts about what they wanted when they considering donating some of their store money to an organization however the two owners differed from the owners of Ron’s Garage in saying that…

Wanted something that they could look at that was well organized and appealing to the eye in order for them to take home and discuss at a later time when they are not trying to run the store, the owners are husband and wife

Such as a brochure containing the information with pictures of participants

Like to keep their donations in the immediate community of Hamburg, N.Y. because that is where their business is located

Wanted to be informed about events so that they could come and see what their donation money was really doing

Their daughter is a teacher in the Hamburg School district and they both said that anything for a good cause and dealing with children they would be willing to donate at least a small amount towards

Personal Interviews



Bill Nye – Recreation Supervisor Village of Hamburg

Has been fully in charge of the organization, without the help of the founders for the past 2011 season

Gave more information about the specific number of volunteers and expressed a concern if expansion is to happen that they will need more

Currently reaching out to members already involved and new people to take more leadership roles in the organization

Concerned with maintaining the number of volunteers that the organization currently has

Interviews through E-mail

“While we want to continue to advance, promote, and attract special needs individuals to the League – realistically, we have sustained the League pretty well with simple advertising and/or word of mouth techniques.” – Bill Nye

Mr. Nye was questioned about:

How he was adapting to running the organization

How many volunteers the organization actually has for events, and how many come to each of the events

What he wants to do with the program as far as expanding it

How many more volunteers he is looking for

If he could give any marketing problems that the organization currently has



Christopher Reger – senior math education major at Edinboro University

He had to do community service throughout high school and even though he lived in the Hamburg area he never knew this organization was an option

Liked the idea for a separate Facebook page and stressed how many of his sports teams in high school used Facebook to contact students and were starting to use it for parents and thought that it would be very beneficial to the organization

Remembers soliciting many organizations for donations when he was younger for sporting teams and said that it was absolutely doable for this organization

Interviews through E-mail

Diane Alford – the Executive Director of the Miracle League, her family founded the Miracle League

Due to the similarity of the Miracle League with the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League, her insight was solicited on questions such as…

Marketing tactics of the organization

How they cater to children with special needs when doing the marketing for the organization

Why she is involved in the organization

How they publicize the organization

If part of the revenue from their online store goes towards the organization

If they reach out to the media or if they let the media come to them

Expressed that they try and bring as much normalcy to the organization and it’s members as possible but help them as much as they can



Sarah Skelton – senior nursing major at SUNY Brockport, does local volunteering and has cousin with special needs

Thought that marketing for the organization was very important and needs to be done more

Her aunt never even knew that there was a challenger league in the area for her cousin to participate in

Said that by telling local high schools, especially the private ones who generally require service hours, and the churches in the immediate area that the organization would be able to get many more young helpers, this would be a great option for student athletes especially

Karissa Richert – senior education major at Canisius College, has worked with children with special needs through her schooling

She has lived in the village of Hamburg her entire life and never knew that the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger league was ever an option for her to do community service with

Was only aware of the organization because she was a part of the Hamburg Softball League, never saw anything advertising it like the way that her league was advertized

Thought that by putting it more prevalently on Facebook that it would help the organization, “My parents use Facebook and love it, I’m sure other parents do too,” said Richert.

Phone Interviews

Skelton, Richert and Reger were interviewed in order to give insight to the baseline of the target market of volunteers.



Gained information such as…

The organization was formed in memorial of Kyle Reid

In addition to the donations from Tim Hoelscher, they also receive donations from the Kyle Reid Foundation and Jason Polisoto, totaling to over 14,000 over the past six years

Recruit new members through word of mouth

they do not do any real marketing for the organization other than word of mouth, the few news articles that have been written in local newspapers and their tab on the Hamburg Junior Baseball/Softball League’s website

Found another challenger league in Grand Island, N.Y.

About 35 minutes away from Hamburg, N.Y. where the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League is

Examined their website and found that they do a much better job of marketing themselves, this could be a model organization for the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League

They are utilizing Facebook, e-mail, the press and other forms of media to get information about their organization out to new members and donors

Sponsored through the Miracle League and utilizing their resources




Found that there are many other challenger leagues similar to the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League

There are also many that are not similar to the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League that could be used as models for the league to better themselves

Most of the bigger and better publicized and marketed ones are affiliated with the Miracle League and this seems to helping these particular leagues

Observed that more attention seems to be needed for all challenger leagues by the organizations and the general American public

Read many stories and articles written about the organization and its efforts

Found out that because of the fact that the family of Kyle Reid decided to end the annual 5k run, fundraiser and golf tournament the funds that partially fuel the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League and other organizations for children with special needs will soon run out and at this time there is nothing else in place to make up for the loss of these funds.

In reading the articles found that the story of Kyle Reid was a very touching one and this could be a big help with the marketing aspect of the organization when they are trying to market themselves to potential donors, play with the emotional side of donors




Examined many different brochures from various organizations and saw how they placed emphasis on their strength’s

Indicated what people are looking for in an organization’s brochure

Evaluated what the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League needed to include in it’s brochure in order to attract future donors to the organization

Putting select emphasis on the emotional factor of pulling the donors into the hearts of the members

Playing with the fact that the organization has done so much already over the past 12 years with very little marketing other then word of mouth and a small tab on the Hamburg Junior Baseball and Softball League’s website

Received a “starter kit” from Diane Alford, the Executive Director of the Miracle League Saw that this was a

potential option for the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League, to get affiliated with the Miracle League

In looking at the starter kit, it helped to explain further how the organization uses specific marketing techniques to market the different challenger leagues that it helps to start up Key to remember that

the Miracle League does not do the fundraising but rather facilitates it and gets the organization to stand on its own

Brochures Starter Kits









Need for more publicizing and use of marketing tools to build a better knowledge of the organization throughout the community and surrounding areas

Need for better communication between the organization and it’s current participants, their families and the volunteers coming from the YES organization and independent volunteers

Can be fixed by using more e-mailing, Facebook, and the organizations website

Need more volunteers to help with the current participants and families involved

Need for additional volunteers in order to expand the organization and its’ member base

Necessary for donors to be sought out for the organization in order for them to sustain themselves and especially if they plan to expand

Widened knowledge of the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenge League in the town of Hamburg, N.Y. and in surrounding areas of Western N.Y.

More satisfied current members and participants who are more informed about events happening within the organization and the ways in which they can help to better the organization

Gaining more volunteers who are willing to help the organization grow and work with the current and future participants and family members

Obtaining money and sponsorship for the organization to keep it going and help with the expansion of it

Expansion of the overall organization

Problems Opportunities


PLAN GOALS Increase volunteers by 20 people in the first year Increase donations by at least $1,000 in the first year Increase the number of participants by 20 in the first

year Increase immediate and surrounding community

awareness by 35% in the first year Partnership with other organizations like the Kyle Reid

Memorial Challenger League The challenger league located in Grand Island, N.Y. Tonawanda Challenger League Advertise these events as well as a strengthen the


Implement the use of: Facebook More e-mails Flyers distributed throughout the Hamburg, N.Y. area and

surrounding Western New York area Brochures to distribute to potential donors Press releases about the organization in local newspapers

such as the Buffalo News, the Hamburg Sun, the Orchard Park Bee, and the West Seneca Bee



Intended for all target audiences Volunteer's New Families and Participants Potential Donors

Flyer Intended mainly for the Volunteer’s and the New Families and

Participants Could also reach the potential donors because many or all of them

who will be sought out will be in the Hamburg, N.Y. area

Brochure Intended for the potential donor target audience and will only be

distributed to this group New volunteer’s could also come from this group as well

Press Release Intended to reach all of the target audiences

Volunteer's New Families and Participants Potential Donors

Also will reach out to current volunteer’s and families and participants

Survey Intended for current participants family members to gauge if

they are satisfied with the way that the organization is being run and how they are enjoying or not enjoying the changes in the organization



Currently the organization does not have their own personal Facebook group, they are just part of the Hamburg Junior Baseball and Softball League

It is imperative to the survival of the organization and for communication purposes with current and potential members, volunteers and donors that they make themselves prevalent in the social media community

A wall on the main page for posts (Appendix A) Include information about the organization (Appendix A)

Where they can sign up Who they can contact and their contact information The cost of participating in the organization Who is eligible to participate in the organization Volunteer opportunities within the organization and what the

organization can do for them Current donors of the organization, their information and

how to become one Quotes from the donors about why they chose to support

the organization or what it has done for their business Background information about why and how the organization

was founded Information about the current and upcoming events within

the organization and how the members and volunteers can become involved in them: location, extra cost (if any), time of event, attire for the occasion




Pictures (Appendix B) Important that all aspects of the organization are verbal as

well as visual because visual images are the things that really stick in your mind

Include pictures of various participants playing baseball and doing the other activities that the organization sponsors

Important to make sure that there are pictures taken from the home field of the organization in Hamburg, N.Y. and of participants playing baseball with other organizations similar to them like the Tonawanda Challenger League

Also make sure you can see the t-shirts of participants with the various sponsors/ donors on them

Include pictures of the various volunteers helping the participants and leading the activities

Make sure to get the YES volunteers and regular volunteers

Links (Appendix C) To the new Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League on the

Facebook page Easy access for current and potential members of the

organization Make everyone more apt to visit the website

To other challenger leagues in the surrounding areas Places that members can get challenger apparel Stories about the organization and what it has done since its





Past Events Section

(Appendix B) Make new members,

volunteers and donors see what the organization has done

Notes Section (Appendix C) About the organization Comments and letters from

those involved in the organization who have given positive feedback

Ways that other organizations work together

Rules of the game of baseball and how it is adapted for the members of the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League

Tips for running a successful challenger league

Tips for parents to give their children who are going to participate in the organization

Questions Section (Appendix D)

Place for current and potential participants and their family members, volunteers and donors to pose questions to those already in the organization and those in charge of the organization that they may have pertaining anything to do with the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League or the events that it sponsors

Forum Section (Appendix D) Place where current and

potential participants and their family members, volunteers and donors have the opportunity to discuss anything pertaining to the organization

Current or upcoming events

Thoughts about past events

How the organization can improve itself







Mission state of the organization

When the organization was founded

Why the organization was founded

Who founded the organization

Where the organization is based out of, what town or city

What types of events the the organization sponsors

Where the organization holds its baseball games and other events

Who is eligible to participate in the organization

Facebook page of the organization

Website for the organization

Contact information of those in charge of the organization

Cost of the organization for participants and their families

Donation options within the organization

What their donation money will go towards

Low cost for participants and families

Materials for the different events

Time on the baseball fields and renting other locations where the organization holds their events

Opportunity to travel to meet other organizations similar to the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League

(Appendix E and F)


o Possible information to include…



Pictures Participants doing the

different activities that the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League offers

Volunteers helping the participants and helping out with various events and activities

The location of the baseball games, the Hamburg High School Girls Softball field located at Hamburg High School, Hamburg, N.Y.

If any, other sponsors at the time of the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League

Important to make sure that you choose pictures that showcase the organization and have participants and volunteers enjoying themselves

Quotes Current family members

and participants explaining what the organization does for them

Current volunteers saying why this league is important to them and why they enjoy it so much

Leader of the organization saying how necessary current participation and volunteers are necessary and donations as well

Former leaders of the organization saying what the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League has left in their hearts and lives

(Appendix E and F)




Use a format laid out for you in a program such as Microsoft Publisher

This will ensure that the brochure looks organized and is easy to understand by virtually anyone that is looking to donate to your organization

Remember that less is more, you don’t want to clog their brain with facts that they are not going to remember

However, make sure that you are giving them enough information to convince them that the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League is a worthwhile organization to be giving their donation or sponsorship money to

Make sure that the brochure is aesthetically pleasing to the eye

Use eye catching graphics and phrases

Specific placement of quotes and information pertaining to the organization

Fonts, layout and color scheme that is appropriate to the organization

For example using a pink font would not be fitting to the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League

Stick to the three colors that the team jersey’s are in

Green Blue Red

(Appendix E and F)




Possible information to include…

Where new participants can sign up for the organization

Contact information of those in charge of the organization

Volunteer opportunities within the organization

Leadership opportunities within the organization

Donation options within the organization

Current donors of the organization

Cost of participating in the organization

What comes with the cost

Facebook page of the organization

Website for the organization

(Appendix G)

Press Release

When the organization was founded

Why the organization was founded

Who founded the organization

It is mainly a baseball organization that plays games on Wednesday nights during the months of May through August

They use tennis balls to avoid injury

They also hold other events and clinics over the entire year

They hold their baseball games at the Hamburg High School in Hamburg, N.Y. on the girls varsity softball field

Who is eligible to participate in the organization

Mission state of the organization



How the organization has changed since it’s formation

What the organization plans to do in the future as far as…

Increasing participants and family members

Increasing volunteers

Gaining more donations due to the fact that the Kyle Reid Memorial Fund is going to run out soon

Leadership opportunities within the organization other than the current leader, Bill Nye who runs the entire Hamburg Village Recreation Department

Expanding in general

Have quotes from current members, especially the current volunteers

Also include quotes from the former and current leaders of the organization

Include a picture of one of the participants playing baseball

Make sure that the content is enough to ensure that the reader understands what the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League is however do not make it so long that the reader does not continue to read

Starting off with the fact that the organization was founded because of Kyle Reid’s death and his love for sports will catch them from the beginning and keep them reading till the end

(Appendix G)

Press Release



Ask current members questions about… Background information about themselves Background information about their children or family member

who participates in the organization The years they have been involved in the organization Opinion on traveling to other locations to play with other

leagues Their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the organization Opinion on the past and current leadership of the league Opinion on the current volunteers of the league If they would be willing to donate money to the organization If they would be willing to donate more of their time to the

organization Opinion on the changes and expansion on the league If they have any suggestions for volunteers If they have any suggestions to improve the organization Any further comments that they would like to provide you with

Word questions in a way that they know you have their child’s best interest in mind and that this survey is worth their time

The shorter the better You want to get the information but you don’t want it to be a

hassle for them to give it to you

Survey for Current Members

(Appendix H)



Facebook page This will distribute itself by

being found on the internet and being featured in the other marketing tactics such as the flyer and brochure

Brochure Will be distributed by

current participants with their families, volunteers and Bill Nye in person to local business in the Western New York area

Press Release To be featured in the local

newspapers and on the websites of The Buffalo News, The Hamburg Sun, The Orchard Park Bee, and The West Seneca Bee

You will be able to get the newspaper editors to run the story because it is a non for profit organization

Will be sent to the newspapers by the Recreation Supervisor for the Village of Hamburg, Bill Nye

Survey for Current Members

Will be distributed to the current participants family members and collected by Bill Nye, the Recreation Supervisor for the Village of Hamburg, at the last game of the season in August

Flyer To be distributed

throughout the Village and Town of Hamburg, the Village and Town of Orchard Park, Town of North Boston and Town of West Seneca, N.Y.

It will be distributed by current members and volunteers depending on their home residence and their willingness to help the organization

It is intended that it will be placed in grocery stores, town halls, libraries and schools in the area




Evenhouse Printing, LLC 4783 Southwestern Blvd.

Hamburg N.Y. 14075 Offers 25 cent color

copies on Friday’s and 5 cent black and white copies

Printing of… Brochures (color copies)

100 = $25.00 Flyers (color copies)

200 = $50.00 Survey to current

members (black and white copies)

100 = $5.00

Currently charging members $20 per family

Donations for the organization will come from businesses, Tim Hoelscher, Jason Polisoto and the Kyle Reid Memorial Foundation

Renting the softball fields at Hamburg High School

Renting the facilities to hold other events throughout the year

Hats, shirts, bats, team and individual pictures, tennis balls, and pop and pizza for every participant at each game

Other expenses for various events

Decorations for the Halloween Dance etc.

Donations from the local newspapers will be needed, that they will print the press release for free

Expenses Donations



Manpower and time will be needed in order to…

The distribution of flyers to the various locations across the Western New York area

The distribution of brochures to different business throughout the Western New York area

To e-mail current family members of participants and volunteers about upcoming events and activities

Maintaining the organizations Facebook page so that members stay informed

Recruitment of new participants and volunteers

Organizing for baseball games and other events that the organization sponsors

Spreading the word about the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League

Manpower and Time



Evaluate the Plan Goals Did you...

Increase volunteers by 20 people in the first year

Increase donations by at least $1,000 in the first year

Increase the number of participants by 20 in the first year

Partner with other organizations like the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League such as…

The challenger league located in Grand Island, N.Y.

Tonawanda Challenger League

Advertise these events as well as a strength of the organization

o Facebooko How many people like

the pageo How many people have

posted comments and questions and started forums

o More e-mails o Have more members

been showing up to all of the events

o Flyers o How many tabs of

contact information were taken

o How many people joined the organization saying that they found out by a flyer

o Brochureso How many businesses

did you get to donate to the organization

o What did they think of your brochure

Plan Goals Marketing Tactics



What was the effect of: Implementing a

Facebook page

Flyers distributed throughout the Hamburg, N.Y. area and surrounding Western New York area

Brochures distributed to local businesses

News articles about the organization in the local newspapers

Did more people attend events or join the organization because of this increase of brand awareness

Did you increase the awareness of the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League in the immediate and surrounding community by 35% in the first year

Are current family members of participants satisfied with the organization at this time

Are they spreading good things about the organization

Did you find anyone interested in taking a more leadership role in the organization

Are people staying in the organization

Do they like the changes happening in the organization

How did they respond to traveling to other league’s fields

Did they have any suggestions for the volunteers or ways to better the organizations

Consider any further comments they provided you with

Brand Awareness Survey


WORKS CITED Brien, By Barbara. "Last Finish Line for Kyle Reid’s Run - City & Region -

The Buffalo News." The Buffalo News - Breaking Local News, Sports, Business, Entertainment, Weather and Multimedia. The Buffalo News, 21 Aug. 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. <http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article52968.ece>.

"Endless Possibilities." Evenhouse Printing. Digital and Conventional Printing. Evenhouse Printing, 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <http://www.evenhouseprinting.net/evenew/specials.html>.

HJBSL. "Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League." HJBSL Newsletter (2010). Hjbsl.com. 2010. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. <http://villagehamburg.com/vertical/Sites/%7B2EFBC174-DCFC-435F-8DF3-DF9386B1FE7B%7D/uploads/%7B915236F5-1D66-4492-9BEE-01296E859AC5%7D.PDF>.

HJBSL. "Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League." Home - Hamburg Junior Baseball & Softball League. HJBSL, 2011. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. <http://hjbsl.com/>.

Little League Challenger Division. "Little League Challenger Division - Non-Profit Organization - Williamsport, PA - Wall | Facebook." Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More. Facebook. Web. 11 Nov. 2011. <http://www.facebook.com/LittleLeagueChallenger?sk=wall>.

Miracle League of Western New York - Everyone Can Play Baseball! The Miracle League of Grand Island NY, 2011. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. <http://miracleleaguewny.org/>.

The Miracle League. The Miracle League, 2008. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. <http://www.miracleleague.com/findaleaguestartone.html>.

Petro, Michael J. "Challenger League: Baseball League Continues Providing Opportunities, Joy | Sports | Metrowny.com." Buffalo News, WNY News, WNY High School Sports, WNY Classifieds, Metro Group | | Metrowny.com. The Buffalo News, 31 Aug. 2011. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. <http://www.metrowny.com/news/529-Challenger_League_Baseball_league_continues_providing_opportunities,_joy.html>.

All photos for flyer and brochure taken with permission from Chi Chi Hoelscher

All interview content belongs to whom it is cited towards



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Press Release



1. What is your age?2. What is your child’s age?3. How many years have you been involved in the organization? 4. Would they recommend it to other families who have children

with special needs?5. Where do you live?6. How far do you travel to attend events? 7. Do you enjoy the events that the organization puts on? 8. Does you child enjoy themselves while at the events?9. Do you think that charging $20 for each family to participate in

the organization is adequate?10. Should the organization charge more per family? 11. Would you be willing to donate money to the organization? 12. Do you like the current volunteers that help with events?13. Do you think that there should be more volunteers available to

help?14. Would you be willing to take a bigger role in the organization?15. Do you think that traveling to play baseball or holding events

with other organizations like the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League would be beneficial to the children currently involved?

16. Do you have any advice for recruiting new participants?17. Do you have any ideas on how to get more people to come and

volunteer for the organization? 18. How do you feel that the leadership is within the organization?19. Any further comments on the organization or that you would

like to make leaders aware of?

Survey Questions for Current Members