Jung and Conv

Post on 10-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Jung and Conv

Idealist Portrait of the Healer (INFP)

Healers present a calm and serene face to the world, and can seem shy, even distant around others. But inside they're anything but serene, having a capacity for personal caring rarely found in the other types. Healers care deeply about the inner life of a few special persons, or about a favorite cause in the world at large. And their great passion is to heal the conflicts that trouble individuals, or that divide groups, and thus to bring wholeness, or health, to themselves, their loved ones, and their community.

Healers have a profound sense of idealism that comes from a strong personal sense of right and wrong. They conceive of the world as an ethical, honorable place, full of wondrous possibilities and potential goods. In fact, to understand Healers, we must understand that their deep commitment to the positive and the good is almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. Set off from the rest of humanity by their privacy and scarcity (around one percent of the population), Healers can feel even more isolated in the purity of their idealism.

Also, Healers might well feel a sense of separation because of their often misunderstood childhood. Healers live a fantasy-filled childhood-they are the prince or princess of fairy tales-an attitude which, sadly, is frowned upon, or even punished, by many parents. With parents who want them to get their head out of the clouds, Healers begin to believe they are bad to be so fanciful, so dreamy, and can come to see themselves as ugly ducklings. In truth, they are quite OK just as they are, only different from most others-swans reared in a family of ducks.

At work, Healers are adaptable, welcome new ideas and new information, are patient with complicated situations, but impatient with routine details. Healers are keenly aware of people and their feelings, and relate well with most others. Because of their deep-seated reserve, however, they can work quite happily alone. When making decisions, Healers follow their heart not their head, which means they can make errors of fact, but seldom of feeling. They have a natural interest in scholarly activities and demonstrate, like the other Idealists, a remarkable facility with language. They have a gift for interpreting stories, as well as for creating them, and thus often write in lyric, poetic fashion. Frequently they hear a call to go forth into the world and help others, a call they seem ready to answer, even if they must sacrifice their own comfort.

Princess Diana, Richard Gere, Audrey Hephurn, Albert Schweiter, George Orwell, Karen Armstrong, Aldous Huxley, Mia Farrow", and Isabel Meyers are examples of a Healer Idealists.

The most sensitive of the Idealists is the Healer (INFP). While their list of jobs may echo that of other Idealists, they are more drawn to express their own unique vision of the world than all other types, so their work cannot help but be unique. They interpret their visions in the world of music, art, entertainment, or dance. As a professor or teacher, counselor or social worker, they often unlock the mysteries of life for those they encounter. In business they are drawn to organizational development and human resources careers. They may have a religious calling or seek work as a librarian. Their careers need to be in alignment with their personal values. Says Kay, "I chose health education so I could touch the lives of others to help them make better choices about their lives. I know I've done some good."

All Idealists seek to have a life of meaning, to help themselves and others grow to be the best that they can be. They do not want to be a copycat of someone else, but want to be seen as a unique and valuable individual.

[9/23/2009 7:13:44 PM] Rafi Palas says: mami[9/23/2009 7:13:55 PM] Maja says: (h)[9/23/2009 7:14:00 PM] Rafi Palas says: (h)[9/23/2009 7:14:01 PM] Maja says: mami shelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy[9/23/2009 7:14:09 PM] Maja says: i have a surprise for u[9/23/2009 7:14:14 PM] Maja says: ;)[9/23/2009 7:14:19 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok..[9/23/2009 7:14:24 PM] Rafi Palas says: yala im ready[9/23/2009 7:14:27 PM] Rafi Palas says: thank u[9/23/2009 7:14:37 PM] Maja says: sec love ok?[9/23/2009 7:14:43 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok motec[9/23/2009 7:15:34 PM] Maja sent file "Video20.wmv" to members of this chat

[9/23/2009 7:15:54 PM] Maja says: ok baby this will take awile....[9/23/2009 7:16:04 PM] Maja says: how did u sleep love?[9/23/2009 7:16:49 PM] Rafi Palas says: i slept fine mami yafa[9/23/2009 7:17:07 PM] Maja says: r u having that beautiful dreamy face of mine?[9/23/2009 7:17:14 PM] Rafi Palas says: yes[9/23/2009 7:17:20 PM] Maja says: (dance)[9/23/2009 7:17:23 PM] Maja says: juhuuuuuuuuuuu[9/23/2009 7:17:30 PM] Rafi Palas says: i think..i didnt see my face yet :)[9/23/2009 7:17:43 PM] Rafi Palas says: mami shely is happy[9/23/2009 7:18:10 PM] Rafi Palas says: my dancing zena[9/23/2009 7:18:45 PM] Maja says: yes mami shelha is very happy,sorry for attacking u with all this energy now and u have just woke upbaby u want to go to do ur things, or u will go later how will u organise this?[9/23/2009 7:19:06 PM] Maja says: wow mami wrote a whole book now[9/23/2009 7:19:44 PM] Rafi Palas says: i wait for video..and will do my things later...and i obviously miss to see my biggest love[9/23/2009 7:21:07 PM] Rafi Palas says: where r u mami?[9/23/2009 7:21:50 PM] Maja says: ok when u receive the video u sit and close ur eyes and if it is possible put the sound on your headphones cause that is better way to hear[9/23/2009 7:22:02 PM] Maja says: here baby i was writing another book[9/23/2009 7:22:03 PM] Maja says: :)[9/23/2009 7:22:11 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok funny mami[9/23/2009 7:22:21 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok i wil do as u say[9/23/2009 7:22:46 PM] Maja says: great !! i think u will like my surprise[9/23/2009 7:23:01 PM] Maja says: did u rested baby?[9/23/2009 7:23:01 PM] Rafi Palas says: i think also[9/23/2009 7:23:13 PM] Maja says: cause u didnt slept full 8 hours[9/23/2009 7:23:31 PM] Rafi Palas says: i didnt slept even 7 hours[9/23/2009 7:23:36 PM] Rafi Palas says: :P[9/23/2009 7:23:44 PM] Rafi Palas says: but its ok[9/23/2009 7:23:47 PM] Maja says: oh, i am sorry baby[9/23/2009 7:24:14 PM] Maja says: this thing with video will last maybe a minute or minute and something[9/23/2009 7:24:40 PM] Rafi Palas says: its about to finish download..[9/23/2009 7:24:53 PM] Maja says: yes just a little more....[9/23/2009 7:25:11 PM] Rafi Palas says: let me bring my headphones..[9/23/2009 7:25:14 PM] Maja says: ok[9/23/2009 7:25:25 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok[9/23/2009 7:25:35 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok[9/23/2009 7:25:42 PM] Maja says: ok baby it is finished downloading[9/23/2009 7:25:44 PM] Rafi Palas says: i will see that now[9/23/2009 7:25:51 PM] Maja says: u have it?[9/23/2009 7:25:55 PM] Rafi Palas says: yes[9/23/2009 7:26:05 PM] Maja says: ok i will leave u to listen[9/23/2009 7:26:12 PM] Rafi Palas says: thank u[9/23/2009 7:26:21 PM] Maja says: u let me know when u finish i want to know if u like ir[9/23/2009 7:26:23 PM] Maja says: it[9/23/2009 7:26:30 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok baby[9/23/2009 7:30:44 PM] Rafi Palas says: oh baby it is wonderfull[9/23/2009 7:30:47 PM] Rafi Palas says: thank u[9/23/2009 7:30:56 PM] Rafi Palas says: :*[9/23/2009 7:31:00 PM] Maja says: no, thank u baby :)[9/23/2009 7:31:10 PM] Maja says: this was ur idea in a way :)[9/23/2009 7:31:17 PM] Maja says: i hope u enjoyed[9/23/2009 7:31:26 PM] Rafi Palas says: yes but u put it here[9/23/2009 7:31:54 PM] Rafi Palas says: yes i enjoy my isha my sweetest isha[9/23/2009 7:32:06 PM] Rafi Palas says: i heard ur voice[9/23/2009 7:32:31 PM] Rafi Palas says: u read that in a beautifull way[9/23/2009 7:32:53 PM] Rafi Palas says: einsof ahava yes mami[9/23/2009 7:33:06 PM] Maja says: i love u neshama shely[9/23/2009 7:33:30 PM] Rafi Palas says: i love u neshama madhima shely[9/23/2009 7:33:55 PM] Maja says: toda,

go now do ur things i go to buy ciggis and will be back[9/23/2009 7:34:17 PM] Maja says: (inlove)(h)(inlove)(h)[9/23/2009 7:34:24 PM] Rafi Palas says: yes.. i will eat and drink and make shower and then back to u[9/23/2009 7:34:38 PM] Rafi Palas says: (inlove)(F)[9/23/2009 7:34:49 PM] Maja says: ok baby[9/23/2009 7:35:15 PM] Maja says: i willl wait for u when i come back from the store[9/23/2009 7:35:19 PM] Rafi Palas says: yala bye bye baby[9/23/2009 7:35:24 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok thank u[9/23/2009 8:47:54 PM] Rafi Palas says: maja[9/23/2009 8:48:01 PM] Rafi Palas says: ma kore?[9/23/2009 8:48:11 PM] Maja says: hey mami[9/23/2009 8:48:19 PM] Maja says: listening music[9/23/2009 8:48:29 PM] Rafi Palas says: what song?[9/23/2009 8:48:41 PM] Maja says: in the air tonight phill collins[9/23/2009 8:48:48 PM] Maja says: live version[9/23/2009 8:48:51 PM] Rafi Palas says: oh..moody..[9/23/2009 8:48:57 PM] Rafi Palas says: i see..[9/23/2009 8:49:00 PM] Maja says: nice[9/23/2009 8:49:09 PM] Rafi Palas says: romantic[9/23/2009 8:49:14 PM] Maja says: how is mami[9/23/2009 8:49:18 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok[9/23/2009 8:49:26 PM] Maja says: no this one is energetic pretty much[9/23/2009 8:49:49 PM] Rafi Palas says: i like the part when the drums enter[9/23/2009 8:49:54 PM] Rafi Palas says: in that song[9/23/2009 8:50:07 PM] Maja says: yes - :) everyone likes that part te best :)[9/23/2009 8:50:39 PM] Rafi Palas says: sec i will go to utibe .. u were open my appetite to listen to the song :mama[9/23/2009 8:50:52 PM] Maja says: oh great song[9/23/2009 8:50:59 PM] Rafi Palas says: genesis[9/23/2009 8:51:03 PM] Maja says: yes i know[9/23/2009 8:51:15 PM] Rafi Palas says: u want to hear also baby?[9/23/2009 8:51:31 PM] Maja says: yes[9/23/2009 8:51:39 PM] Maja says: wich one?[9/23/2009 8:51:49 PM] Rafi Palas says: yala..lets find it and hear[9/23/2009 8:51:50 PM] Maja says: there are many options[9/23/2009 8:51:59 PM] Rafi Palas says: mama by genesis[9/23/2009 8:52:05 PM] Rafi Palas says: sec i will see[9/23/2009 8:52:18 PM] Maja says: yes i suggest this one[9/23/2009 8:52:20 PM] Maja says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huXh3M7bCs4[9/23/2009 8:52:27 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok[9/23/2009 8:52:45 PM] Rafi Palas says: i lissten now[9/23/2009 8:52:54 PM] Rafi Palas says: enjoy also baby[9/23/2009 8:52:55 PM] Maja says: yes me too[9/23/2009 8:53:21 PM] Rafi Palas says: like the atmosphere of this song[9/23/2009 8:53:24 PM] Rafi Palas says: great[9/23/2009 8:53:33 PM] Maja says: yes absolutley[9/23/2009 8:53:43 PM] Maja says: i love this song[9/23/2009 8:53:57 PM] Rafi Palas says: r+m are enjoy[9/23/2009 8:54:13 PM] Maja says: (nod)[9/23/2009 8:54:20 PM] Maja says: (sun)[9/23/2009 8:54:29 PM] Rafi Palas says: :)(inlove)[9/23/2009 8:54:41 PM] Maja says: (inlove)(inlove)[9/23/2009 8:55:03 PM] Rafi Palas says: 8-)[9/23/2009 8:55:39 PM] Maja says: (makeup)[9/23/2009 8:55:54 PM] Maja says: (makeup)8-)[9/23/2009 8:55:55 PM] Rafi Palas says: haha yafe[9/23/2009 8:56:02 PM] Maja says: mami and mami[9/23/2009 8:56:09 PM] Rafi Palas says: its realy great song[9/23/2009 8:56:16 PM] Rafi Palas says: powerfull![9/23/2009 8:56:22 PM] Maja says: oh yes[9/23/2009 8:56:35 PM] Rafi Palas says: it develop in every beat....[9/23/2009 8:56:45 PM] Rafi Palas says: now listen to me mama[9/23/2009 8:56:56 PM] Rafi Palas says: can u feel my heart[9/23/2009 8:57:55 PM] Maja says: it has this constant rise[9/23/2009 8:58:12 PM] Rafi Palas says: yes i feel that[9/23/2009 8:58:18 PM] Maja says: that is driving us through the song[9/23/2009 8:58:22 PM] Maja says: yes[9/23/2009 8:59:35 PM] Rafi Palas says: hvala...this is an amazing version u choose neshama[9/23/2009 8:59:45 PM] Maja says: :)[9/23/2009 9:00:06 PM] Rafi Palas says: can i choose?[9/23/2009 9:00:14 PM] Maja says: yes dear[9/23/2009 9:00:42 PM] Rafi Palas says: against the odds also by phil collins[9/23/2009 9:00:44 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok?[9/23/2009 9:00:46 PM] Maja says: ok[9/23/2009 9:00:51 PM] Rafi Palas says: i love this song[9/23/2009 9:01:45 PM] Maja says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sd0W1RyMnE[9/23/2009 9:02:22 PM] Maja says: play?[9/23/2009 9:02:29 PM] Rafi Palas says: no[9/23/2009 9:02:31 PM] Rafi Palas says: sec[9/23/2009 9:02:34 PM] Maja says: ok[9/23/2009 9:03:48 PM] Rafi Palas says: fuck[9/23/2009 9:04:01 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok[9/23/2009 9:04:06 PM] Rafi Palas says: now its play[9/23/2009 9:04:17 PM] Maja says: is everything ok baby?[9/23/2009 9:04:26 PM] Rafi Palas says: u put play?[9/23/2009 9:04:35 PM] Maja says: no wait for u[9/23/2009 9:04:51 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok now its ok[9/23/2009 9:05:08 PM] Maja says: ok[9/23/2009 9:05:47 PM] Rafi Palas says: i go the drums with this song ok?[9/23/2009 9:05:55 PM] Maja says: ok[9/23/2009 9:05:56 PM] Rafi Palas says: i want to play this[9/23/2009 9:06:08 PM] Rafi Palas says: or u want that i will be here[9/23/2009 9:06:10 PM] Rafi Palas says: ?[9/23/2009 9:06:15 PM] Maja says: no go play[9/23/2009 9:06:22 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok thanks[9/23/2009 9:09:22 PM] Rafi Palas says: it was nice[9/23/2009 9:09:29 PM] Rafi Palas says: did u heard?[9/23/2009 9:09:31 PM] Maja says: :)[9/23/2009 9:09:38 PM] Maja says: yes love[9/23/2009 9:09:54 PM] Rafi Palas says: how r u baby?[9/23/2009 9:09:59 PM] Rafi Palas says: how do u feel?[9/23/2009 9:10:08 PM] Maja says: i am fine mami[9/23/2009 9:10:15 PM] Rafi Palas says: its good[9/23/2009 9:10:26 PM] Maja says: (F)[9/23/2009 9:10:36 PM] Rafi Palas says: (F)[9/23/2009 9:10:48 PM] Rafi Palas says: love u[9/23/2009 9:11:05 PM] Maja says: toda , love u 2[9/23/2009 9:11:29 PM] Rafi Palas says: what u want to do now?[9/23/2009 9:11:41 PM] Maja says: swim[9/23/2009 9:11:46 PM] Maja says: and u?[9/23/2009 9:12:16 PM] Rafi Palas says: yala go to karin. me? i want to hold u..this song make me emoy[9/23/2009 9:12:40 PM] Maja says: :) u got mad at me now[9/23/2009 9:13:11 PM] Rafi Palas says: why mad?[9/23/2009 9:13:26 PM] Maja says: yala go to karin.[9/23/2009 9:13:26 PM] Rafi Palas says: its ok[9/23/2009 9:13:41 PM] Rafi Palas says: cause u said u want to swim[9/23/2009 9:13:49 PM] Rafi Palas says: so karin is the place[9/23/2009 9:13:52 PM] Maja says: mami shely isha shelha ohevet otha meod meooooood[9/23/2009 9:13:56 PM] Rafi Palas says: i know baby[9/23/2009 9:14:19 PM] Rafi Palas says: i also love u meod meod meod[9/23/2009 9:14:31 PM] Maja says: we swim together than?[9/23/2009 9:15:13 PM] Rafi Palas says: we swim ..and when we dive into the water ..we will hear this song there..[9/23/2009 9:15:34 PM] Maja says: oh that is so beautiful baby[9/23/2009 9:15:50 PM] Rafi Palas says: and we will cry together..from happiness that we have each other[9/23/2009 9:16:19 PM] Maja says: but u know our tears will be in the water :)[9/23/2009 9:16:44 PM] Rafi Palas says: so we can cry on the beach.. :)[9/23/2009 9:17:10 PM] Maja says: yes mami shely[9/23/2009 9:17:26 PM] Maja says: i dont care where i only care to hold u[9/23/2009 9:17:37 PM] Rafi Palas says: i miss u very much right now[9/23/2009 9:18:04 PM] Rafi Palas says: this song is so good that is awefull :)[9/23/2009 9:18:47 PM] Maja says: i will take one part of me and send it to u now so that u dont miss me[9/23/2009 9:18:58 PM] Rafi Palas says: what part?[9/23/2009 9:19:06 PM] Rafi Palas says: ok[9/23/2009 9:19:15 PM] Rafi Palas says: send[9/23/2009 9:19:27 PM] Rafi Palas says: every part will be good now[9/23/2009 9:19:33 PM] Maja says: close ur eyes and catch me[9/23/2009 9:20:25 PM] Rafi Palas says: i dont close my eyes...and if someone else will catch that in the middle of the way :)[9/23/2009 9:20:31 PM] Rafi Palas says: kidding[9/23/2009 9:20:56 PM] Maja says: it can not cause it is especially for u[9/23/2009 9:21:09 PM] Maja says: no one else can receive this energy[9/23/2009 9:21:12 PM] Rafi Palas says: thanks i know[9/23/2009 9:21:32 PM] Rafi Palas says: u want to see me?[9/23/2009 9:21:41 PM] Rafi Palas says: or u want to write?[9/23/2009 9:21:41 PM] Maja says: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[9/23/2009 9:34:40 PM] Maja says: CONTRADICTIVE[9/23/2009 10:10:55 PM] Maja says: NO GAAT[9/23/2009 10:11:15 PM] Rafi Palas says: touching[9/23/2009 10:11:27 PM] Rafi Palas says: ani nogaat[9/23/2009 10:11:44 PM] Rafi Palas says: ani nogaat ba coos shely[9/23/2009 10:13:48 PM] Rafi Palas says: ani nogaat ba goof shelha[9/23/2009 10:14:35 PM] Rafi Palas says: ani nogaat ba goof shely[9/23/2009 10:16:38 PM] Rafi Palas says: ani nogaat ba zain shelha[9/23/2009 10:18:18 PM] Rafi Palas says: motseset[9/23/2009 10:18:26 PM] Rafi Palas says: mots.eset[9/23/2009 10:18:36 PM] Rafi Palas says: motsetset[9/23/2009 10:19:11 PM] Rafi Palas says: motse tset[9/23/2009 10:21:16 PM] Rafi Palas says: metsitsa[6:45:10 AM] Rafi Palas says: mami[6:45:17 AM] Rafi Palas says: isha shely[6:45:20 AM] Maja says: :)[6:45:29 AM] Maja says: boker tov[6:46:03 AM] Rafi Palas says: boker metsu ian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1[6:46:15 AM] Rafi Palas says: metsuian-excellant[6:46:28 AM] Maja says: oh, baby is happy :)[6:46:35 AM] Rafi Palas says: maja[6:46:44 AM] Maja says: yes rafi[6:46:59 AM] Rafi Palas says: how i miss u...u dont have an idea baby[6:47:04 AM] Rafi Palas says: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[6:47:09 AM] Rafi Palas says: like that...[6:47:20 AM] Maja says: oh neshama i love u very much[6:47:28 AM] Rafi Palas says: i steal that from u... :)[6:47:36 AM] Maja says: i am with u look in ur pocket[6:47:38 AM] Maja says: :)[6:48:03 AM] Maja says: yes good thing to represent the inner scream :)[6:48:26 AM] Rafi Palas says: sorry u r not there..my shirt is not on me...u jump from the shirt to my heart[6:48:39 AM] Rafi Palas says: and now u digging very deep baby[6:48:53 AM] Rafi Palas says: right on ur way to my soul[6:49:13 AM] Maja says: so mami u see[6:49:35 AM] Maja says: now u will miss me a little less it will be easier for u[6:50:19 AM] Maja says: but mami i miss u too[6:50:25 AM] Maja says: :([6:50:32 AM] Rafi Palas says: i want to miss u all the time and both to be with u all the time[6:50:41 AM] Rafi Palas says: i want u mami[6:51:14 AM] Maja says: :) i know what u mean

ani rotsa rafi[6:51:17 AM] Rafi Palas says: u miss me too?[6:51:35 AM] Rafi Palas says: ok[6:51:45 AM] Rafi Palas says: i want to see u now[6:51:57 AM] Maja says: baby i miss u every second of every day we go through[6:52:00 AM] Rafi Palas says: right now :)[6:52:13 AM] Maja says: even when we talk i miss u[6:52:24 AM] Maja says: ok[6:52:39 AM] Rafi Palas says: oh baby..i buy today 2 tickets to black sabbath[6:52:53 AM] Rafi Palas says: u know why...[6:53:13 AM] Maja says: yes so i can marry u[6:53:35 AM] Rafi Palas says: by the way.. its romantic if u will ask me to marry u[6:53:43 AM] Maja says: it is?[6:53:53 AM] Maja says: u would like that baby?[6:54:26 AM] Rafi Palas says: i will tell u a story about ritghes people...well u know what i mean..[6:54:40 AM] Rafi Palas says: i dont know how to write that.[6:54:48 AM] Maja says: refael palas.....[6:55:00 AM] Maja says: will u marry me?[6:55:30 AM] Rafi Palas says: yes i am maja! it will be my biggest honuor![6:56:02 AM] Maja says: i love u mami, toda ish shely,[6:56:48 AM] Maja says: but u have to say i will not i am cause if u r[6:56:49 AM] Rafi Palas says: sorry[6:56:56 AM] Rafi Palas says: phone call..[6:56:58 AM] Maja says: than u r already married[6:56:59 AM] Rafi Palas says: im here[6:57:04 AM] Rafi Palas says: thank u[6:57:13 AM] Rafi Palas says: so we are married now?[6:57:51 AM] Rafi Palas says: can i kiss the bride?[6:58:13 AM] Maja says: baby u r my man now, but this is not how i wish to marry you[6:58:22 AM] Rafi Palas says: i know[6:58:28 AM] Rafi Palas says: how u wish?[6:59:11 AM] Maja says: i wish to take u to some beautiful beach where we can be alone and naked baby[7:00:03 AM] Maja says: or i will take u somewhere where the nature is beautiful like incredibly beautiful i have some ideas but i will tell u not now[7:00:05 AM] Maja says: anyway[7:00:47 AM] Maja says: for example we are on the beach and we say this things to eachother[7:00:58 AM] Maja says: but things that we want to say u know[7:01:08 AM] Maja says: everyone speaks from the heart[7:01:15 AM] Rafi Palas says: yesss[7:01:46 AM] Rafi Palas says: the beach is an excellant choice and also the nature[7:01:50 AM] Rafi Palas says: like that[7:03:12 AM] Maja says: i will have a ring for mami and i will have[7:03:42 AM] Maja says: a little part of me that u will get in a little package that u will have to hide somwhere[7:04:19 AM] Rafi Palas says: mami i like ut way to see that things[7:04:42 AM] Rafi Palas says: my beautiful marry designer[7:05:45 AM] Maja says: hahahahha yes i have my own idea of these things, it can be a thing we can do between us no matter for anything else[7:06:21 AM] Rafi Palas says: i agree[7:06:25 AM] Maja says: and u know i will have ur name on my body[7:07:03 AM] Rafi Palas says: i just thought about that ..in this sec that u write that[7:07:05 AM] Rafi Palas says: fuck[7:07:14 AM] Rafi Palas says: i cant believe[7:07:23 AM] Maja says: u know a tatto, u will have my name tattoo in ur heart cause mami is not for external tattos we keep our mami clean[7:07:27 AM] Rafi Palas says: ..well i believe cause its us![7:07:57 AM] Maja says: oh baby yes i enjoy now it is no longer a question of beleif baby[7:07:59 AM] Maja says: for me[7:08:21 AM] Maja says: my beautiful man[7:08:24 AM] Rafi Palas says: neshama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![7:08:31 AM] Maja says: (h)[8:53:28 AM] Rafi Palas says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2T_vrS-bl8[8:56:08 AM] Rafi Palas says:

Goodnight kiss in your nightgownLavender in your bedSo innocent as you lie downSweet dreams that run through your head

Are you lonely without Mommy's love?I want you to know I'd die for that momentYou're just a poor girlAfraid of this cruel worldTaken away from it all

It's been 5 years to the day andMy tainted blood's still the sameI can't help acting this way andThose bastard doctors are gonna pay

I'm so lonely without baby's loveI want you to know I'd die for one more momentI'm just a poor girlAfraid of this cruel worldTaken away from it all[8:58:51 AM] Maja says: (h)

beautiful song - beautiful lyricsthank u for ur emotion i can feel it behind this i know it is for me, ur wish i mean....[8:59:09 AM] Maja says: ur emotion[9:00:05 AM] Rafi Palas says: enjoy yafa...u deservr this enjoy...and dont say no pls.. :)[9:03:31 AM] Maja says: :) i will not say no cause i am ejoying, i am feeling love and i am feeling you and u r takeing me somewhere beyond everything, ur love is all around me i suck this inside me so that i can carry u like this forever[9:04:20 AM] Maja says: btw i like this guitar in the end also very much as the one on the begining also[9:04:24 AM] Maja says: :)[9:05:18 AM] Rafi Palas says: u left me without words...its beautiful words what u were written now[9:05:28 AM] Rafi Palas says: yes the guitar is good[9:05:47 AM] Maja says: it is how i felt listening to this music and feeling u[9:05:58 AM] Rafi Palas says: he is consider as one of the best guitar player in the world[9:06:08 AM] Maja says: yes amazing[9:06:08 AM] Rafi Palas says: thank[9:06:19 AM] Rafi Palas says: so im happy that felt like this[9:06:28 AM] Maja says: (sun)[9:06:33 AM] Maja says: shely[9:06:40 AM] Maja says: shemesh shely[9:06:48 AM] Rafi Palas says: (sun)[9:07:00 AM] Rafi Palas says: another shemesh... :)[9:07:20 AM] Rafi Palas says: ok[9:07:32 AM] Rafi Palas says: can i call?[9:07:44 AM] Maja says: yes[9:13:41 AM] Maja says: (blush)